The multiverse is in mortal danger

Worlds are being destroyed left and right and can’t be stopped and now a regular human who has nothing to do with this has been sucked into the middle of it.

!Warning! Very old and very cringe, full-on wish fulfillment story

Chapters (19)

I don't have an editor so just a warning. Ember needs Spike but she won't tell him why until they meet a very large dragon. This Dragon is known as The Nameless Dragon. Nodragon knows his real name. The Nameless Dragon is looking for Arytiss. Ember has to trick Spike to find Arytiss and bring him to The Nameless Dragon. I don't own the cover art. Discord is also a main character.

Chapters (5)

Twenty years ago, an egg born to the most powerful of all dragons and his mate was laid. Fearing the hatchling's potential, an evil, power-hungry dragon led a campaign against the dragon king's stronghold. To protect their child, the king and queen sacrificed themselves to take down the villain while entrusting their child to their closest friend: the alicorn Princess of the Sun. Five years later, the egg hatched and the young dragon has since been living a peaceful, happy life among the ponies, especially the one who was responsible for his hatching, completely unaware of his past.

However, the evil dragon has returned and plans to led an army of dragons in the conquest of Equestria. To save the land and his friends, the young hatchling must learn his true destiny and discover the great power he has within.

Contains Sparity as the main pairing, with FlutterDash and FlashLight as secondary pairings.

Chapters (1)

The first of the Ponies stands on a cliff side with the first of 5 other races to meet with the Goddess who breathed life into them.

The Goddess has decided to bless each of them with 1 gift, at the cost of 1 consequence.

This is a one shot story that just sort of popped into my head, so I decided to write it. Please enjoy.

Chapters (1)

Sombra has been defeated yet again. Death has never put a crimp in his plans for total conquest though. However, this time he has been brought back not by a pony or a meddling Draconequus, but by a Dragon. A Dragon who had been planning to have his horn for dinner. Sombra finds to his horror that not only is he powerless, he is stuck alone with this cute aggravating Dragon for around 3 months. What will happen in that time?

A Sombra/Fizzle fic for the Crackship Contest: 2022. Takes place after Sombra's defeat in Season 9, but before Future Twilight at the very end of the season. AU, since it diverges from the canon ending.

Chapters (1)

Note: Takes place after Chapter 6 of MYM.

During his exploration of Equestria, the Mane 6 decide to take Comet to the Isle of Scaly. But Comet gets so scared of the dragons, he goes into hiding. Now it’s up to the Mane 6 and the dragons to find him.

Chapters (1)

What happens when a human boy is cursed to be a dragon and comes to the land of Equestria? Read and find out...

The Crossover is with How To Train Your Dragon

Note: This was Fan Requested by Dragon Whisper 243 and the story idea was his, but the story was written by me

Chapters (12)

Swearing and Blood
The Night Wind is a free ship, sailing the skies. It has endured many trials, but a dragon attack will push it to the fullest. It's survival now depends on its captain and crew.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Rise of Equestria: The War Begins

Spike is still being controlled by the evil Zoor, and with her newfound powers she absorbed from Melodia when she was still the Alicorn Amulet, the battle for Equestria's future is going to take a real group effort. Can Twilight and her friends stop this evil and save Equestria, or will Equestria fall at the hoof of Zoor?

Also has: Romance and Sci-Fi

Chapters (12)

The end of an era...

After a 980 year war of ponies and dragons comes to an end, Celestia finds herself the victor.

And yet, as Celestia pulls her sword from the head of the final dragon, she cries.

An entire species is extinct by her hooves. She ponders if she would ever forgive herself for her actions.

And yet, as she began to lower the sun on this war something catches her eyes...

Inspired by Winter Quill’s story “Sparkles and Scales; https://www.fimfiction.net/story/418748/sparkles-and-scales

Chapters (1)