An elite trained veteran ranger, served the NCR for 20 years, gave up and wandered the land of America. He saw Vegas liberated, he watched Los Angeles fall, he helped the messiah of Washington, he even irittated the Institute before going into hiding.

Though the wasteland never leaves him, this time however, they finally did, in a form of being transported to Equestria and trying to hide and find peace in his living. Will he receive his very needed wish?

This is a rewrite of A War Inside You, and is based on my Alternate Start Character in Fallout: New Vegas. His supposed gear will be stated in the story, however it’s no self-insert story, rather an OC story.

HEAVY WARNING: I will use mods in this story. As opposed to some vanilla stuff, don’t worry, nothing really complicated.

This is in no way inspired or taken on by Shadow Step's A Second Chance! I have not read that story (yet).

Chapters (1)

Edit: this is just a One off. Also Derpy's my current player character in a Modded run im doing of Fallout New Vegas currently.

Derpys past was a mystery to some. There were a few that thought she was a Ghoul from the prewar era. Others simply didnt want to cross her as she had been called a Spirit of Vengeance. She was a package delivery mare, but that didnt mean she didnt know how to handle herself when the time was right. She was the one mare that you never wanted to cross when she was determined.

You can just call her Courier Six.

Chapters (1)

The road to war is a slippery slope. When a group of zebra pirates hijack an Equestrian cargo vessel laden with gemstones and other goods, Princess Celestia sends in the Wonderbolts to rescue the hostages and deal with the situation.

Mistakes are made. Lives are lost. The newspapers report the incident but many of the details are never brought to light. Years later, over a pint of cider, the rest of the story is told.

A tale from the Great War era of Fallout: Equestria.

Edited by: EverFreePony and Light Shine
Cover Art by: Little Tigress (DeviantArt)

Chapters (4)

Set at various points in the Fallout: Equestria universe. Each chapter is intended to be a unique story unto itself. So many references, both ludicrously obscure and blatantly obvious. Even the title. No, not THAT. You will never figure them all out. All chapters tie into one another. Note: Should still be read in order. Comments are always welcomed

Chapters (57)

Blackjack, grappling with loneliness, finds it unbearable to spend more than six hours apart from you. She bombards you with continuous calls, desperate to maintain a connection while you're engrossed in time with your friends. In response to her longing for affection and companionship, you choose to visit Blackjack's mansion, offering her the solace she craves.

This Blackjack has no relation to the one in Project Horizons, this Blackjack is the realistic and complex version that I made of her that appears in Mona Lisa Overdrive
(I mean, she acts like a real-life person with some of her personality traits)
This is a Spin-off series that I came up with, where you will have dates with my characters and others.

Chapters (1)

Decadence - "decay in standards, morals, dignity, religious faith, honour, discipline, or skill at governing among the members of the elite of a very large social structure."

A Fallout: Equestria fanfic following the story of a Pegasus who, by a series of unfortunate events, founds himself exiled from the safety and warmth of his Stable and thrown into the harshness of the Equestrian Wasteland which seeks to corrupt him as it did so many others. Will he fight this corruption to achieve a greater good or will he give in, becoming yet another fallen hero in the sea of countless others?

The story is set some 50 years before the events of the Fallout: Equestria.

Chapters (2)

Jaded Jam, a bored mare from Meatlocker, meets a stallion looking for a type of jam. Jaded, unfortunately, doesn't have said jam, so the duo go on quite the adventure for the recipe of the jam.

A small wholesome story created for a Fallout Equestria competition...which I misread, so instead I'll be posting it here!

Chapters (5)

Everyone knows the tales of Littlepip and Blackjack, the storms they were and the storms they fought. Now, a whole new storm is blowing through.
This is the written adaptation of my Fallout Equestria tabletop game. It follows cannon up until the detonation of Maripony, but it stops following there as the time between that and the enclave stepping in- as well as the siege of Neighvarro- is extended greatly. There is much more that is different, but you'll have to read and follow along.
Credit will be given to the players as their characters are made relevant. The tabletop starts when the prologue ends.
Thanks to KKat for making an epic crossover, it was definitely an inspiration.
may also up the tag to mature if particularly gruesome or explicit content happens.

Chapters (3)

Brightside had always believed in the promise of the Stable. The idea of a safe, controlled environment where he could live out his life without the harsh realities of the Wasteland seemed like a dream come true. But that dream was shattered in an instant, leaving him alone and vulnerable.

Chapters (2)

Here is a collection of stories from all kinds of ponies and from all over the wasteland. Some are so old that they've become mythological tales, while some still remain fresh in the minds of the ponies that first witnessed them.

Chapters (3)