Nothing lasts forever, not even a planet. In the distant future, Equestria no longer exists, the land stripped of all its life and resources. As a final resort, the princesses who guarded their world put into motion the only plan that could save their people. Colony ships, each one led by a princess and sent to a different candidate planet, ensuring redundancy.

It was the best plan they had. But any plan needs to have room for adaptation. The planet of Eldyrea was not forgiving to Equestrians. To survive, those who landed had to accept a new change: the chimaera. They walk Eldyrea on two hooves, in the scales of dragons. They wear the manes of kirins and look through the sharp eyes of griffons. And for as long as they could remember, they were alone in the world.

When two young chimaeras, Nisus and August, find themselves face to face with the creatures of their legends, the secrets of how they grew from a seed of metal and magic will force them to question their identities as Eldyreans. United with their kind to face their new rivals, they will understand why they have been left alone under the light of a wild star.

Chapters (9)

In the castle of Canterlot, the princess and her personal ranger discuss what happened on his recent mission. The brave stallion goes on to tell her a story of tragedy, heroism, and overcoming prejudice. Will Equestria benefit or suffer because of his actions? Only time will truly tell.

Chapters (8)

Fairytales are wonderful stories that we tell ourselves when we're young. The witch, the mermaid, the knight. All these and more turn up again and again. Yet so full of whimsy and delight are they that we often forget their true purpose. They aren't entertainment. They're a warning.


My entry to 'The Sunset Shimmer x EG/MLP villains shippers group' latest competition, 'Bad Romance'.

A tad experimental on my part. More explained here, though i'd suggest reading the link after the story.

Canon to Mind Over Midnight. No need to read it to understand this story though.

Warnings -

Domestic Abuse, Death, Trauma.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to G5 Adventures in The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run

After realizing that since Allura had a star piece and could invade Equestria at any time, the Mane 6 decide to head back with their new dragon friends to warn the ponies and let them prepare for anything. But, as you'd expect, the Mane 6 didn't get too far when they are summoned on another Unity Quest.

When the Justice League goes missing and villains overrun Metropolis, there's only two teams that can solve this mystery: Scooby-Doo and the gang and the Mane 6! But wait, there's a new dog in town - Krypto - Superman's super-dog with superpowers.

The ponies and Mystery Inc. will need all the help it can get when phantoms menace the Justice League's headquarters. But will they succeed? What's the story with their new pony friend Tempest Nova? And has Lex Luthor finally gone straight? Or is he in cahoots with The Joker and Harley Quinn?

The DC supervillains may have clashed with Superman before, but now they're facing something new; a squad of ponies and a gang of meddling kids!

(S3E4 of G5 Adventures)

Chapters (11)

Thanos, The Mad Titan, Goku Black, Equestria's Divine God, Eric Von Shadow, The Reaper of The Cristal Empire, Death of the Four Horsemen, Ban The Demon of Equestria, Link, The Champion of Equestria, Shiva, The Howlite Howler, and finally Dr. Doom, all of these Displaced finally meet to compete against each other in a tournament that will change their lives forever. The prize of the tournament could shake their worlds, one tournament, one dream, one wish, and one Displaced who will come on out.

But in the shadows, someone is pulling the strings, someone who is very dangerous and could kill them all and end their tales right there.

How will they stop this evil? Will The_Chill_Author stop bugging me for TFS references? You're about to find out in The Displaced Tournament! Presented by Hetap...

Displaced Stories and ones who didn't make the cut.

A Forced Hero - By DisplacedWriter

Four Horsemen Come To Equestria - By Anomis

Howlite Howler - By Three Tails

Power Vessel - By Delta-Boio

The Shadow Of Equestria - By Screwball666

Equestria's Divine God - By Shirt Mechanic

DOOM of Griffonstone! - By ShadowStar_IMHP

Against All Odds - By The_Chill_Author (come on and go like it, he's almost at 100 likes!)

And those who didn't make the cut...

Ring eyed Shinobi - By Seeker of Knowledge

The Undying Angel - Show Stopper

Go and show support to all of these amazing authors!

Chapters (39)

Spike is a dragon. Or more of a dragon shaped pony. At least that is how he always felt of himself until two events in his life changed that: His Greed Growth and the teenage dragons from the migration. These events spiraled him into a deep depression and fear. Fear that his nature would one day overpower his upbringing and destroy everything he cares for...

But maybe, perhaps... what he thinks of dragons and what they really are different. If only his last remaining relative can get him to see the truth.

Chapters (87)

Follow the adventures of Leo Dragon a young man just trying to find a place to fit in. The only problem is he's trying to fit in at Canterlot High School. Here he will find what it means to be human. As he meets an old friend and some new ones where love will bloom. But if the darkness within him has its way this world and all others will fall to complete destruction. Let's hope Leo and his new friends can stop it or everything is lost.
I am not the Author of this story I am writing it by request of dragon whisper 243.

Chapters (2)

A spell miscalculated and the most unexpected results. Now thrust into a situation I find myself in a world seemingly bound for conflict. To control my future against various beings wanting to use me for their own purposes what will I be willing to do?

Chapters (3)
The dragons were thought to have died out. All the dragon riders were dead. It is said that dragons aren't real. Only two people remain that knew about the dragons. They keep it A closely guarded secret until one day on a very, very special day. Secrets are revealed and one young child shall start her destiny.

Hey if you guy have any questions or ideas either pm me or go to my Discord I'll do three link just in case it gets fulled. Okay, let me said this the link won´t work on here for whatever reason plz tell me why it does not work for discord work dang WORK :raritycry:.


Chapters (29)

Barb spends most of her time around boys. Because of this, she’s considered more of a tomboy than a lady. Some ponies don’t like this kind of behavior from her, which upsets the baby dragon. After seeing the majestic dragons in the dragon migration, Barb sets out on a question to see what it’s like to be a true dragoness. Little does she know, she getting more than she bargained for.

Chapters (1)