• Published 20th Jan 2024
  • 900 Views, 11 Comments

G5 Adventures in Scooby-Doo! and Krypto Too - ponydog127

Upon returning to Equestria with their new dragon allies and warning the ponies of Equestria about Allura potentially invading, the Mane 6 are reunited with Mystery Inc to solve a mystery with Krypto the Super-Dog in Metropolis.

  • ...

Splitting Up

Young Tempest Nova couldn’t believe what had just happened-- strangers that she had only met about half an hour ago and Krypto, the dog of the legendary Superman, asked her to join them in the kitchen of the Hall of Justice… and they weren’t just being nice. They wanted her to be there, and said she might be an asset to the team.

Maybe these strangers could be the family that she had been longing for since her mother had passed away. And maybe... they could help her find the lock for her key.

Suddenly, a voice caught her attention. “Tempest?”

Tempest squeaked and flinched a bit but relaxed when she saw Misty, who was with her at the back of the group as they walked. “Are you all right?”

“I…” Tempest stammered, “...I’m fine…”

Unfortunately, Misty could see there was something really bothering her. “No, you’re not. I know that something’s wrong…”

Misty gently touched Tempest's shoulder before her eyes suddenly went white and she saw a moment that Tempest had with Lex a half an hour or so earlier.


“Tempest… you do realize,” said Mr. Luthor as they walked down the hall, “that I took you in so you could gain experience as an assistant, and not to be frivolous, don’t you?”

“Yes, sir.”

“And, you’re supposed to be fearsome, correct? Isn’t that what your ancestor was?”

“...yes,” Tempest said softly. “My mom used to tell me that Tempest Shadow was the most feared unicorn warrior in all of Equestria. But… that’s the thing, I don’t want to be--”

“Feared?” Lex sneered. “Which do you like least… the fear of being feared or the fear of being fired and out on the street?”

Tempest’s breathing hitched at this. “F-Fired…?”

“That’s what I thought your answer would be. Now, come along. We have some calls to make.”


Misty retracted her hoof from Tempest's shoulder, shocked and horrified at what she just saw... and she was confused.

She never had that power before, but... it must have come with her superpowers.

And what she thought she saw must have been Tempest's memories.

After regaining her breath, she turned toward the young filly. “Lex… threatened to kick you out on the street for not wanting to be feared.”

Tempest’s eyes grew wide upon Misty saying this. “H-How did you…?”

“I… think I saw your memory,” Misty said in thought. “I saw Lex being cruel to you, and he wants people to fear you like they fear him or else... he'll throw you out without any other place to go.”

Tempest lowered her head unable to hold back her feelings and she started to cry and sob as tears came from her eyes. Misty lowered her ears and hugged Tempest tightly. “Tempest…?”

Misty looked up to see Sunny, Shaggy and the two dogs approaching. “Like, what happened?” Shaggy asked. “Somehow… I was able to see Tempest’s memories,” Misty said. “Lex threatened to throw her out on the street for not being fearsome like her ancestor… somepony named Tempest Shadow.”

“Tempest Shadow… I remember her from some of my dad’s stories,” Sunny said in thought as Scooby rubbed the top of Tempest’s head with his paw, making her flinch. “ She was the most powerful commander from the Storm King's army in Ancient Equestria. She joined after she lost her horn in a Uras Major attack and her friends became scared of her because of her uncontrollable magic which hardened her heart. She became very feared amongst others.”

“...but… I don’t wanna be like her,” Tempest sniffled. “I don't want that life…”

“But it doesn’t seem like Lex respects you or your feelings either,” Misty assumed. “He only cares about himself, doesn’t he? Threatening to kick you out if you don't do what he wants.”

Tempest sniffled and nodded before sobbing again. Sunny felt very sorry for the young filly, as did Misty.

Her relationship with Opaline was the same way. She used fear and intimidation to keep Misty under her hoof and threatened to leave her in the streets too if she didn't comply either.

Misty couldn't let Tempest go through the same thing with Lex any longer. She couldn't! She wouldn't let him! “Sunny, do you know what happened to Tempest Shadow that might shed a positive light on her?”

“Well… according to the stories from my dad's journal, after capturing Twilight Sparkle and the Storm King drained all four alicorn princesses of their magic,” Sunny recalled. “Tempest asked the Storm King to restore her horn as he promised but it was a fake promise. She was manipulated by the Storm King into doing his bidding. But Twilight showed her what real friends do for each other and Tempest saw her mistake in abandoning friendship. After the Storm King was defeated, she became friends with the Guardians of Harmony and left that life behind her, traveling Equestria and spreading word of the Storm King’s defeat.”

“R-Really?” Tempest sniffled. “She did all that…?”

“Hey, if Sunny says something’s true,” said Shaggy, “it’s true.”

“Without a doubt,” Scooby agreed with a wink. “Tempest....I know what you're going through. Being under the hoof of somepony who just wants to control you and is angry, but it doesn't have to be that way,” Misty said as a soft white light began to envelope her, but only Sunny, Shaggy, Scooby and Krypto noticed it right away. You have the power to take control of your own destiny. It's not defined by your lineage or your past. No one can say what you can or cannot do.”

Misty’s cutie mark then came to life as the white butterfly fluttered around Tempest, who seemed in awe at Misty's power before she wiped her eyes and hugged Misty again. “...thank you, Misty. I thought I was gonna be alone forever, but… now I know that I’m not.”

“No problem,” Misty said, ruffing her mane. “Let’s keep going… I have a feeling we’ll find some clues before long.”

After a while of walking, Scooby turned toward Krypto, wanting to ask the white dog an enticing question. “Faster than a speeding bullet?”

Krypto barked in response, as if he was saying yes. “More powerful than a locomotive?” Scooby asked, causing Krypto to bark, saying ‘yes’ again. “Vulnerable to kryptonite?”

At this statement, Krypto whined and barked sadly, as if he was sort of ashamed to admit it. “Wow…” Tempest said with wide, adoring eyes. “Just like Superman!”

“Hey, here it is! Kitchen!” Shaggy said, pointing to a sign that hung above some double doors. However, Krypto seemed a little worried, and tried to bark a warning to try and stop them from entering. “Now, trust us, Krypto,” Shaggy told him. “Clues can be hiding anywhere-- even inside a freshly-made Superhero Sandwich! Isn’t that right, Scoob?”

“Yeah yeah yeah yeah!” Scooby nodded enthusiastically before licking his chops. Sunny then pushed on the doors to open them, but to her dismay, they simply would not budge. “Uh oh… it’s locked!”

Shag and Scooby seemed to think about that for a moment before their eyes settled on Krypto… almost as if they were pleading with him silently to use his heat vision. Reluctantly, Krypto relented and used his heat vision to melt the lock on the doors, opening it and causing the others to smile. “We’re in!”

“Oh, man,” Shaggy smiled. “Oh, man, I hope it's the biggest, coolest super-sized kitchen ever!”

Acknowledged!” said a computerized voice that came out of nowhere, confusing Mindy and Scooby before they stepped inside the kitchen with their friends, where a white blinding glow caused them to shield their eyes. When the glow vanished, they were in a massively large kitchen, just as Shaggy was hoping there would be, and the entire group gasped at this. “Whoa…”

A huge island sat in the middle of the room, along with cabinets that held utensils and plates of different styles and countertops and appliances that stretched from one wall to the other.

When Shaggy opened one of the refrigerators to see all the fresh food inside, the other refrigerator doors opened automatically, revealing more food than even the girls, Shaggy and Scooby ever saw in one place. “Like…” Shaggy spoke after a few moments of shock, “...this… is… super!!

Without another minute of hesitation, Shaggy laughed and immediately gathered sandwich ingredients left and right. “I-I can't believe I'm saying this, but... this kitchen! I-It's got… everything!” Sunny cried out, looking at the blenders they had on hoof. “Well,” said Shaggy, tossing more sandwich ingredients to Scooby, “everything except for triple-cream salted-organic-truffle butter!”

Acknowledged!” said the same computerized voice before a flash of light spread throughout the room, and when it cleared, the triple-cream salted-organic-truffle butter appeared on another shelf. “Wait!” said Mindy. “There it is! I don't think anyone would mind if we just made ourselves a little snack before we get on with the clue search.”

So, after Shaggy and Scooby got the rest of their sandwich ingredients together, they began to make their meal. “You know, Scoob,” Shaggy said, “when we first got to Metropolis, I was worried.”

“Me too,” Scooby nodded at this statement. “There were supervillains everywhere!” Misty agreed before beginning to name off some villains that they saw earlier. “Giganta…”

Acknowledged!” said the computerized voice, followed by another flash of light. “Joker!” Shaggy went on with the list of names. “Harley Quinn!”

Acknowledged, acknowledged!” spoke the computer voice again, and two more flashes of white light soon followed, but Krypto seemed to be the only one who noticed for a while. “Even those Kryptonian exiles!” Shaggy spoke. “General Zod, Ursa and Non?” the computerized voice asked to see if those were who he was mentioning. “That’s right!” Sunny nodded before realizing who just spoke. “Huh?”

Suddenly, that same voice said 'acknowledged' three more times, followed by three more flashes of white light.

When Krypto and all three ponies looked over to the side, they let out barks and shrieks of surprise, for standing right in front of them was all the villains that they had mentioned previously, plus Solomon Grundy, smirking and chuckling wickedly…. almost as if the room they were in had somehow brought the villains in there with them. “Uh… you guys?” Tempest tried to get Shaggy and Scooby’s attention. “I think you might wanna look…”

“Like, not now, Tempest,” Shaggy told her before he and Scooby got back to making their sandwiches. “Where was I? Oh, yeah. It was really scary, and dangerous.”

Acknowledged!” the computer voice said once again, and after another flash, Misty and Tempest screamed in panic as Sunny unfurled her alicorn form and kept her friends behind her wings.

All the villains that Shaggy had summoned now welded dangerous weapons and powers, such as explosives, mallets, laser eyes and brute force that was not to be reckoned with.

But while the girls and Krypto tried to keep their distance from the villains, Scooby and Shaggy kept on making their sandwiches-- Scooby even mistook Solomon Grundy's growling as his stomach growling. “Oh dear… excuse me.”

“You’re excused,” Shaggy said politely before he and Scooby prepared to eat their sandwiches. “I have to say, I now feel as comfortable, safe and secure as--”

Suddenly, the Kryptonian exiles launched their heat vision right at the boys, causing their sandwiches to be burned to smoldering ash, and that heat beam hit the computer by the door, causing it to fry and the door to seal shut, as well as become practically unusable.

This caused Shaggy and Scooby to finally notice the villains standing behind them, screaming and running behind Krypto with the girls.

That's when Shaggy and Scooby got to wondering… could this get any worse?


At the same time, Izzy, Pipp Daphne and Fred had made it to the Justice League’s locker room, where Fred was still talking about Daphne’s supposed relationship with Jimmy Olsen, still not able to let it go. “It's just strange that you never mentioned him before,” he said to Daphne. “That's all.”

“I can’t believe you’re not letting this go,” Daphne told him in exasperation. “Seriously,” Fred spoke again, not taking the hint, “was it serious?”

“We’re ignoring you,” Pipp said, and turned the other way as she and Daphne inspected a locker for clues. “Is red hair your thing? Is that it?” Fred continued to ask, leading Daphne to scoff. “Well,” Fred frowned, thinking she was laughing at him, “I don’t see how laughing at me is gonna help.”

“Fred, nothing happened between me and Jimmy Olsen… even though he is a fiery red-haired risk-taker like me,” Daphne told him with a little smirk. “And he is one of Superman’s pals,” Izzy said teasingly. “You know, I have considered dyeing my hair,” Fred told them, trying to sound macho, leaving Daphne to chuckle. But when Fred turned, his eyes widened in shock at which superhero’s locker he was standing in front of. “Hold the phone!”

“Huh?” Mini and Nano chorused, confused until they saw Fred reaching into the locker and pulling something out. “Is that…?” Daphne began to ask as Fred pulled out what seemed to be a yellow belt. “A genuine Batman utility belt!”

“Fred, we know Batman,” Pipp reminded. “It's not like you haven't seen one up close.”

“Well, sure, but he'd never in a million years let me try it on!” Fred said challengingly, putting the belt on. “Freddy, put that back!” Izzy pleaded. “It's full of Bat-gadgets and who knows what else. It could be dangerous to somepony who doesn't know how to use it right!”

“So you’re saying… I’m taking a risk just by wearing it?” Fred asked before smiling. “I bet old Jimmy Olsen wouldn't do this! Official, dangerous Bat-gear! So, talk about a risk, eh, Daphne?”

Daphne merely chuckled at Fred’s imitation of Batman. “You are ridiculous.”

“Wouldn’t that be… dangerously ridiculous?” Fred asked, still doing his Batman imitation. “Would you stop?” Pipp giggled. “We have to look for clues.”

“Right. And there could be one right under our noses,” Izzy said. “At least… that’s what I’ve always heard.”

Suddenly, the three girls immediately froze when they saw the phantom materializing behind Fred, and while he was doing his little performance, Fred didn't even notice. “I’m vengeance!”

Pipp gulped nervously at the fact that the phantom was getting closer. “Uh, Freddy?”

“I am the night!”

Now, it was Izzy's turn to panic. “Freddy…?!”

“I am…”

Fred was just about to continue before he noticed the phantom behind him, which caused him to scream and leap into Daphne’s arms. “Heh…” Daphne rolled her eyes. “My hero.”

“Oh, come on!”

“Forget the Jimmy Olsen deal!” Pipp said, throwing a hairbrush at the phantom. “RUN!!”

The phantom snarled menacingly while Daphne and Fred ran away from it with Izzy and Pipp. Izzy fired her magic at the Phantom but it had no effect while Fred checked the utility belt for anything useful, "A calculator? Loose change?"

That's when Daphne saw a nearby laundry chute and got an idea. “Laundry chute! Come on!”

“Nice idea of unicycling our escape, Daphne!” Izzy said, holding the door open and allowing them to dive into it, screaming as they tumbled down the chute at top speed.


At the same time, Velma and Hitch and Zipp were already in the main control room long before Lex and Rex arrived, and when they did, Zipp and Hitch frowned at them expectantly. “And just where,” said Zipp, “have you two been?”

“I was trying to find a cell phone signal. No luck, by the way. This lockdown doesn't mess around. And, well…” Lex trailed off during the middle of his explanation. Luckily, Velma knew what really happened and interrupted before he could make up an excuse. “You got lost again.”

“No! I was temporarily under-routed,” Lex spoke in defense. “So… lost,” Hitch clarified, causing Rex to growl at him. That’s when Lex, as he muttered out of frustration, picked up a flash drive on the nearby table. “What are you doing with all this anyway?”

“I'm attempting to hack into the hall's computer system,” said Velma, taking the flash drive away from him, plugging it in and turning to the computer, “so we can review the logged security footage.”

“Oh, right. I meant to tell you this earlier… HA!!” Lex boasted as Velma continued to type on the computer. “You think you can just hack into Justice League computers? Sweetheart, if that were possible, don't you think by now, I, former President Lex Luthor, billionaire genius, would have…?”

“I’m in… sweetheart,” Velma shot Lex a smirk, showcasing that she had gotten logged into the computer before she focused on some security footage of the food truck woman, by the name of Helen, sneaking inside the building on multiple occasions. “Several incidents over the past month of Helen, the food truck lady, sneaking into the building. But she did say she likes the bathrooms here.”

“And that’s the valet that Freddy mentioned that we talked to earlier!” Zipp said, pointing to security footage that showed J.B throwing a greasy napkin from the burger he purchased into Lex’s limousine. “Hey! That's my limo!” cried Lex, just as Velma found more security footage that caught her attention. “Speaking of…”

The footage that Velma had found was of Mercy, Lex’s driver, walking through the halls and carrying a rather heavy bag on her shoulder, catching their attention immediately. “My driver?” Lex questioned out of confusion. “When was this?”

“This is actually live footage!” Zipp realized. “She’s in the building right now!”

“Mercy? She must have been locked in like the rest of us. And she has my bag. Thank goodness!” Lex smiled before turning to Rex and talking to him in baby talk. “Daddy just found Rexie's nom noms.”

Hitch gagged at this and turned to Zipp. “I like animals as much as the next pony, but that’s just… just sickening!”

Suddenly, there came a loud crash from somewhere else in the building. “What was that?” Lex asked. “I don’t need security footage to tell us that!” Zipp said. “Sounds like our friends are in trouble!”

With that, Zipp and Hitch grabbed their masks, turning into their superhero forms before leading the group out of the room.


At the same time, Izzy, Pipp, Daphne and Fred finally fell from the laundry chute and landed somewhere in the parking garage.

After they landed, Izzy groaned. “That made my brain go all twisty turny…”

“What happened?” Fred asked as they sat up from their fall, leaving Daphne to groan. “Locker room…” she spoke, “...laundry chute… terrible, loud screeching…”

“From the phantom?” Fred asked. “No… from you!” Pipp spoke with a frown. “The whole way down!”

“Oh, right… sorry,” Fred apologized sheepishly. “I think we landed in the parking garage. But on what?” Izzy wondered, just as Daphne looked down and gasped. “Girls, Freddy, don’t look!”

Fred looked down and immediately saw that they were standing on something, but it was completely hidden from sight, quickly standing up. “Oh, my gosh, Daphne! I might really be Batman!”

“Hey!” J.B shouted as he approached. “What're you doing on Wonder Woman's invisible tank?”

“Invisible tank? Ohhh… invisible tank,” Pipp smiled before realizing what she said. “Invisible tank?!”

“Yeah. Right between her Invisible Plane and her lesser-known Invisible Trolley,” J.B explained. “Now, if you were aiming for the laundry truck, I'm afraid I moved it to make room for your van.”

“How are we gonna get down?” Daphne wondered. “I’ll fly us all down one at a time,” Pipp said with a sigh. “I just hope the others are having better luck than us.”