• Published 20th Jan 2024
  • 900 Views, 11 Comments

G5 Adventures in Scooby-Doo! and Krypto Too - ponydog127

Upon returning to Equestria with their new dragon allies and warning the ponies of Equestria about Allura potentially invading, the Mane 6 are reunited with Mystery Inc to solve a mystery with Krypto the Super-Dog in Metropolis.

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A Job Well Done/Returning Home

Tempest Nova couldn’t believe what had just occured… they had just saved the world by bringing the Justice League back and defeating Lex Luthor and Mercy Graves.

And… she actually helped in their defeat.

It felt amazing to say that she had helped save the world, but… there was still one question lingering in her mind.

What was gonna happen now?

Since Lex and Mercy weren’t going to be her caretakers anymore, she was probably going to be sent back to the orphanage.

As she rubbed the necklace around her neck, she heard a voice come up from behind her. “That necklace really suits you.”

Tempest turned around and saw all of her new friends approaching, with Misty and Sunny at the lead. “We’re so proud of you, Tempest,” Sunny smiled. “We couldn’t have done this without you.”

“I-I don’t know,” Tempest responded bashfully. “You guys could have done okay without me.”

“But, thanks to you risking your strength so we could continue fighting, the Justice League is back where they belong,” Velma pointed out. “You’re as much a hero as we are.”

Pipp suddenly cleared her throat, seeing something behind them. “And speaking of which…”

The Mane 6, Sparky and Mystery Incorporated moved aside so Superman, Krypto and Wonder Woman could step through and speak with her. “So…” Superman smiled. “You’re the little filly who helped save us, yes?”

“Uh… y-y-y-y-yes, Mr. Superman, sir,” Tempest said, immediately bowing. “I-I have to tell you, i-i-it’s such an honor! Am I stuttering too much? Oh man… I’m so sorry, I-I just…”

“Please, there’s no need to fret,” Wonder Woman told the filly, making her stand upright. “We simply wanted to talk to you and offer you some things.”

“Offer me some things?” Tempest asked with wide eyes. “But… I don’t deserve anything that special.”

“We insist,” Superman said before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a card with her name and picture on it. “First… we would like to induct you into the Justice League as a trainee, so we can teach you all the things you need to know about protecting this city.”

Tempest gasped with wide eyes at this, and the others tried to contain their excitement until the offering was over. “And… the second thing?” Zipp asked. “Well,” said Superman, “I think Krypto wants to offer that himself.”

Krypto nodded and stepped forward, offering his paw to her with a bark, causing Misty to gasp. “Tempest… I think Krypto is extending his paw to you in friendship!”

“Y-You mean it?” Tempest asked. “You wanna be… my friend?”

Krypto nodded at this, but instead of taking his paw, Tempest wrapped him in a huge hug. “That would make me the happiest filly in the world… best friend.”

All the members of Mystery Incorporated cooed at the sight, but suddenly, a piercing white light coming from Tempest caused them to watch in shock as it lifted her into the air a good bit. “Whoa… hey!” Tempest cried. “What’s happening?!”

After a moment, the answer was given in the form of a cutie mark of a superhero mask with a fairy wing on each side appearing on her flank, causing Tempest to gasp in shock. “I can’t believe it! I finally got my cutie mark!”

“That just gives us even more reason to celebrate!” Izzy cheered. “Let’s go get our picture made with the rest of the Justice League!”

Tempest giggled at this. “Well, I guess I can handle that. Let’s go!”


Many more people, including the police, Jimmy, Lois and Stormquill arrived only a little while later, and once a lot of interviews had been over and done with, Jimmy took a picture with the Mane 6, Tempest, Superman, Krypto and Mystery Incorporated for the front cover of The Daily Planet. “Super-duper!”

“Well, everyone,” Fred smiled, “another mystery solved.”

“I gotta admit, you guys did some pretty amazing work,” Stormquill smiled, which caused Lois to nod. “You kids just took down former president and current dirtbag, Lex Luthor.”

“And, like, don't forget dirtbag-in-training, Mercy Graves!” Shaggy pointed to the two criminals being led away. “Ooh, ooh!” Pipp said, holding up her phone. “Can I get a quote?”

Lex growled and fought the urge to bite her head off. “It was the perfect plan. And I would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for these meddling kids!”

Krypto barked, as if trying to prove a point. “And the horses and dogs! Make sure to write that down,” Mercy told Lois as she and Lex were led away. That's when Daphne suddenly realized something. “Hey, what about Solomon Grundy? Wasn't he part of the Legion of Doom? Shouldn't he be handcuffed, too?”

“I don't think Grundy's part in all of this had anything to do with doom and destruction. He was just trying to make a new friend,” Sunny said, pointing off to the side. “Look!”

True to Sunny's word, Scooby was being roughly rubbed down by Solomon Grundy, who seemed very pleased and calm at the moment now that he had Scooby to cuddle with. “Solomon Grundy pet you on Monday, pet you on Tuesday, pet you on a Wednesday...”

“Shaggy, help!!” Scooby wailed. “SHAGGY!!!”

“Sorry, Scooby,” Helen apologized from the food truck. “Business is up, and Shaggy and I got an arrangement.”

“Like, we sure do. One for you, one for the ponies and two for me!” Shaggy gulped down two buckets of fries, causing Izzy to laugh, and Misty managed to use the fries that she was given to lure Solomon Grundy away from Scooby. “Phew...” Scooby sighed. “Thanks a bunch.”

“No problem, Scooby,” Misty rubbed his head, just as Jimmy went ahead and approached Daphne. “So, Daphne, now that this is all over...”

“Oh, Jimmy...” Daphne sighed. “I'm sorry... I only wanna be friends.”

Luckily, Jimmy smiled at this. “That's just what I was gonna say. Honestly, I feel like you've been holding me back.”

This immediately caused Daphne to stop in her tracks. “I've... wait, you're breaking up with me? We weren't even--”

“There there, Daphne,” Fred reassured her teasingly. “Let it out. Freddy's here.”

Zipp sighed and just patted Daphne on the shoulder. “I would just go with it, Daphne. It's clear he's not gonna let you live this down.”

“Hey... what does that portal mean?” Tempest asked curiously as a portal opened up nearby. “That's our ticket home,” Sunny explained. “We need to get going, but I promise, the next time we're in Metropolis, we'll come back and visit. But you have to promise that you'll do your best as the newest member of the Justice League.”

“...I promise. Thank you all for everything,” Tempest said, and everyone hugged the Mane 6 and waved as they ventured through the portal and out of sight.


A few hours later, after the ponies had returned to Equestria, they stood at the top of the Brighthouse, watching their new dragon friends making friends with all their pony friends, and this sight made Sunny smile. “I know we still have a long way to go to defeat Allura, but... I think that this is a fantastic start.”

“Yeah... dragons and ponies becoming friends?” Zipp agreed. “And all of us promising to take great care of our worlds?”

“Allura may have power and skill,” Sunny said as they watched the town below them, set perfectly in the background of the setting sun, “but... as long as we stick together, I'm sure everything will be all tight in the end. Just you wait and see.”

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