• Published 20th Jan 2024
  • 900 Views, 11 Comments

G5 Adventures in Scooby-Doo! and Krypto Too - ponydog127

Upon returning to Equestria with their new dragon allies and warning the ponies of Equestria about Allura potentially invading, the Mane 6 are reunited with Mystery Inc to solve a mystery with Krypto the Super-Dog in Metropolis.

  • ...

The Final Fight

The Unity Squad, now severely weakened by the power of Lex's electric device, stood beside their Mystery Incorporated friends while they faced Lex Luthor and Mercy Graves, the two villains still having the phantom zone projector that trapped the Justice League in the phantom zone.

After a few moments of silence, Daphne whispered to her friends about their next actions. “We have to get that projector away from Lex.”

“And,” said Sunny, “we have to get back our stolen strength and help Krypto and Tempest stop Rex!”

“That assistant of mine was always so useless,” Lex said as he tried to blast the group, only for them to separate. “Why must you be so persistent about her?”

“Because… SHE’S… NOT… USELESS!!” Misty said as she stood with all the strength she had. “Nopony should ever feel that way! And we’re going to make sure you never make anypony feel like she felt again!”

“We may not have the superpowers we had,” Zipp agreed as everyone stood, “but we’re going to defeat you one way or another… even if we have to attack you with our bare hooves!”

Suddenly, a robot barged its way through the wall, causing everypony to stagger to the floor while the robot picked up Lex and Mercy and carried them back outside.

The building seemed like it was about to collapse, causing Sunny to try and hold a dome over her friends to protect them. “We need to get out of here or figure out a plan! Fast!”

Fred glanced down at the utility belt and seemed to have gotten an idea. “Hitch, I'm gonna need your help!”

“Sure thing!” Hitch nodded before handing Sparky to Misty. “Promise me you'll keep him safe.”

Misty looked at Sparky, who babbled happily, causing her to nod. “You have my word.”

Hitch nodded with a smile before Fred took off the utility belt and gave Daphne the belt and a kiss before they turned and ran/galloped out of sight. Sunny grunted as she tried to keep the shield going, but was instantly confused when she saw her friends rush off. “Where’s Hitch and Freddy?”

“I don't know, but wherever they were going,” said Daphne, “Fred left the utility belt!”

“Really?” Izzy asked as she and Misty tried to help Sunny hold the shield. “I thought he was getting better at using that thing!”

Another robot suddenly burst through the wall, and as he was about to step on Shaggy and Scooby, Sunny lowered the shield, and the ponies guided their friends out of the collapsing building. “We need to split up in order to fight more effectively!” Sunny cried as they reached the middle of the battlefield. “Pipp and Zipp, stay with Velma and Daphne! Izzy, you and Misty and Sparky keep with the boys! I’ll see if I can strike a few of these things down!”

As the mares agreed to this plan, they could hear Lex laughing from the robot he and Mercy were standing on... just before Tempest swooped in and grabbed the projector from him, causing the filly to laugh. “I can't believe I got it!”

Suddenly, Tempest screamed as Rex pinned her down to the ground, prompting the projector to fly through the air and into Izzy’s magic aura. “Hurry, go!”

“Time to move, guys!” Misty urged her friends to run, and they did for a good distance... at least until one of the robots stomped furiously, causing the group to fly through the air and land on the robot's shoulders, and prompting Izzy to let go of the projector. “Izzy!” Zipp cried out as Daphne held onto the projector. “Misty!”

“Sparky! Shaggy! Scooby!” Velma cried out, right before Rex leapt and got the projector, and knocked Zipp aside before she had the chance to strike. Krypto pinned Rex on the ground, and just a few seconds later, Rex had grabbed Krypto by the cape and was flinging him all over the place.

That's when Krypto decided that he needed a new strategy.

He looked over at Tempest, who nodded and kicked Rex into the air a bit, and Krypto grabbed him and flew around with him before slamming him down on the ground, revealing a shiny silver body underneath that brown and black fur.

Suddenly... things began to take a turn for the worst.

Rex’s chest immediately glowed a bright green, causing Krypto to yelp, stumble back and let the projector fall to the ground. “Krypto!” Tempest cried out in shock. “Krypto, hang on!”

“Sweet sauce horseshoe toss!” Izzy cried out as she tried to keep her grip on the robot. “This isn't good!”

Scooby immediately realized what was going on with Rex and gasped in terror. “Oh no... Rex has a Kryptonite heart!”

And just like that, Krypto whimpered and lowered his head in pain.

Tempest growled in anger, flaring her wings just before she looked at her friends. “Help Krypto! I'm gonna take care of this once and for all!”

As she flew off, Daphne looked at the pegasus sisters and nodded.

Time for them to fight back the only way they knew how... together.

Zipp took her sister’s hooves, spun Pipp around and flung her into Rex, causing Pipp to kick the robot dog back a good distance. That’s when Daphne used the utility belt and some electrifying bat-a-rangs to zap Rex into powering down.

Velma and Zipp tended to Krypto for a few moments as the dog began to regain consciousness, and Velma looked up at Daphne, impressed beyond measure. “Wow, Daphne! You’d make a pretty good Wonder Woman.”

“Psh… I prefer Batman,” Daphne said with a smile. “You’re more of a Wonder Woman.”

“I wish…”

“Oh, come on, Velma,” Zipp nudged her friend playfully. “You’re a lot more courageous than you think.”

Suddenly, Mercy leapt down from her perch and tried to attack Zipp and Velma, only for Pipp to unleash her sonic song and push Mercy back a bit. “Come on!” Zipp cried, flapping her wings. “We’re gonna solve this from the air!”

Velma yelled in surprise as the pegasus sisters lifted her and Daphne off the ground and onto a higher perch of the Hall of Justice... at least for the time being.

But then, a robot tried to smash them and got the projector momentarily... at least until Fred drove up and Hitch striking the robot with a laser from the invisible tank. “It’s Hitch!” Zipp cried. “And Fred!”

“Is that an invisible tank?” Velma questioned in surprise. “If not,” Daphne said, “it’s got a lot of firepower for a trolley!”

Hitch laughed as he and Fred blasted the robots with everything they had. “I didn’t know play-fighting with Sunny’s toys as a colt would lead me to this moment! AND I LOVE IT!!”

Suddenly, as they were firing, another robot grabbed the projector and made an attempt to run off with it… until J.B, in Wonder Woman’s invisible jet, flew in and zapped it right from him, happily yelling so loud that it hurt Fred and Hitch’s ears. “Oh, hey!” Fred shouted. “Don’t yell into the invisible headset, J.B!”

“Sorry, sorry, sorry!” J.B apologized. “I just never knew I could love my job this much!”

“Me neither!”

“Helen?!” Hitch asked in surprise as he saw the food truck rumble by him. “Okay, now this battle is REALLY shaping up!”

Meanwhile, Misty, Izzy, Sparky, Shaggy and Scooby were trying their best to hold onto the robot’s shoulders as it walked, and Misty and Izzy managed to use their auras to try and pry the projector from it. At that moment, Helen’s food truck pulled up and tried to use steaming hot hot dogs as weapons… only for Sparky, Shaggy and Scooby to eat them.

Now it was time for a new strategy.

Helen used the ketchup and mustard bottles on the truck to spill condiments, which slipped up the robot, causing the unicorns, Sparky, Shaggy and Scooby to fall onto the safety of the truck, Izzy and Shaggy holding onto the projector. “Never ever let anybody say I don't protect my customers!” Helen shouted. “Way to go, Helen!” Misty cried. “We knew you had it in you!”

“Dude, this is one heck of a food truck!” Shaggy said as the food truck continued to blast robots with ketchup and mustard. “Say, Scoob, is that making you as hungry as it is me?”

“Not now, Shaggy!” Scooby cried before eating some hot dogs. “But yes.

Suddenly, the robot that Lex was standing on swiped the projector from Izzy's magic aura. “Wha…?! Hey!”

“Don’t worry, guys!” Tempest said as she flew past them. “I got this!”

The little filly used her fairy wings to fly up in front of Lex before sending a magic blast through her hooves to freeze the robot in its tracks. “Lex, please stop!” Tempest then begged. “I know that you and Superman have never had a good relationship, but destroying everything the Justice League’s created won’t do anyone any good!”

“Does it look like I care what other people think?” Lex sneered at the filly. “Maybe not on the outside,” Tempest spoke firmly, “but inside, I know there has to be some sort of heart in there. If you stop this attack now, maybe I can help you get onto a better path… like Sunny, Misty and all their friends did for me.”

“HA!! I don’t see how those miserable horses could have helped you,” Lex sneered. “You’re all alone, Tempest… and that’s all you EVER WILL BE!!”

The robot thrust a large hand at the filly, causing it to collide with her head on, and causing her to scream as she plummeted toward the ground.

Sunny saw this immediately and gasped. “Krypto, get ready to catch her!”

Krypto immediately nodded and managed to get up in order to fly beneath Tempest with Sunny, both of them catching the filly before carrying her down to the ground.

As Krypto nuzzled the filly with worry, Sunny growled and turned to Lex. “You’ll never understand true power, Lex! Because power isn’t about money or fame… friendship is the true superpower that unites us all… so nopony is EVER alone!”

“Ugh… Sunny!” Zipp strained as she and Pipp tried to keep robots away from Velma and Daphne. “We’re running out of stamina! We need more strength, otherwise we won’t have enough to fight these guys off!”

“Don’t give up!” Misty tried to encourage as she blasted a robot away. “As long as we have friendship, nothing can stop us!”

Suddenly, something in Tempest’s head clicked. “...friendship is the true power… of course!”

Slowly, Tempest began to stand before looking down at her necklace. “I know this will probably take a lot out of me… but I have no choice!”

With her wings unfolded and glowing, Tempest raised a hoof and stomped it onto the ground with a grunt, sending streams of power from the ground and into the ponies, the gang and even Krypto, much to their shock. “Wha… what is Tempest doing?” Hitch wondered as he suddenly felt stronger than before. “I think she sent some of her strength to us!” Sunny realized as she blasted a robot away from her, Krypto and Tempest. “So we can keep going during the fight!”

“The… the spell won’t last forever, Sunny!” Tempest told her friend with tired eyes. “You guys have to keep fighting!”

“Right!” Sunny nodded before turning to Krypto. “Stay with her… I’m gonna go blast more bots.”

Krypto nodded as Sunny flew off, and that’s when he barked to get Tempest to follow him back into the sky, landing on Lex’s robot again before Krypto and Lex started to tug for ownership of the projector. “I see you're still weak from the Kryptonite!” Lex told Krypto with a smirk. “So this will be much easier than expected!”

Taking the opportunity, Lex knocked Krypto and Tempest off the robot and onto the ground, causing Tempest to scream as they fell and causing her to groan in pain, since she was already weakened from giving her friends some of her strength. Seeing his friend in pain caused Krypto’s eyes to glow bright red, causing Lex to become nervous. “Uh-oh… I know that look.”

Krypto immediately used his heat vision on the projector, making it hot enough for Lex to lose grip on it and drop it to the ground. But before Tempest could get it, a robot was able to kick it away from them.

Another robot successfully caught the device, but the condiments spilling from the food truck caused it to fall and loose the device again. But, looking at it got Velma to think of an idea. “Zipp, can you fly me down to that robot?”

“Sure can!” Zipp offered, and Velma hopped on Zipp’s back before she flew down and dropped Velma off. That’s when Velma climbed into the cab of the robot and began operating it manually, fighting off the robots way more effectively.

Unfortunately, Lex got the same idea, leading to a robot fist fight that Velma's robot lost, sending her plummeting to the ground, and she would have been severely injured if Daphne had not swung in and grabbed her in the nick of time.

Lex's robot managed to grab the projector, but Pipp sonic screamed to bring it down, causing Sunny to swoop in and grab the projector before anymore robots grabbed it, just as several robots tried to surround the food truck and grab the unicorns, Sparky, Shaggy and Scooby. “These things just keep coming!”

Suddenly, as she was trying to blast the robots away from the food truck, Sunny was grabbed by one of the other robots around her, trying to use her light magic to break free, but it proved ineffective. “Here!” Fred cried, prompting Sunny to throw it down to him and Hitch. “Then,” said the earth pony sheriff, “we’ll just have to keep fighting!”

But suddenly, another robot flipped the invisible tank over, trapping Hitch and Fred inside while Mercy and Lex tried to get away with the phantom projector. Thankfully, Daphne was able to use a rope she had found in the utility belt to tie Mercy and Lex up, but the robots grabbed her, Velma and the other ponies and restrained them tightly.

Daphne desperately looked through the utility belt, worried for herself, her friends and how the battle would turn out. “I gotta have something in here that can help!”

“...we do,” Sunny pointed at the projector. “Tempest, it’s up to you and Krypto now.”

“...right,” Tempest nodded. “Let’s go fetch, boy!”

Krypto panted as he and Tempest managed to make their way toward the projector, but then, Rex popped up from the debris and tried to use his Kryptonite heart to give himself an advantage. “That’s it, Rexie!” Lex encouraged. “Fetch! Fetch for me!”

Tempest growled and used her glowing wings to try and provide a shield for her and Krypto as they tried to stagger toward the projector, all while their friends cheered them on.

“Go, Krypto!”

“Go, Tempest!”

“Go, Rex!” Mercy and Lex cried out. Tempest was getting tired, and she tried to hold the shield for Krypto, but when she saw him fall to the ground, exhausted, she gasped and disbanded the shield altogether, rushing to check on him. “Oh no!” Daphne cried. “Rex’s Kryptonite heart!”

“Ponies! You know what we have to do!” Sunny cried to her fellow ponies, causing them to nod and letting their cutie marks glow brightly as they chanted their elements to give Krypto one last boost of strength.







The glow from the Mane 6’s cutie marks swirled through the air and into Krypto as Tempest tried to get him to stand, and Krypto manage to grab Rex’s leg and pull him down. However, Rex’s entire back half detached and he kept going anyway!

Tempest grunted as she tried to lift Krypto to his feet, but Rex managed to reach the projector, turned it on and got ready to send both of them to the phantom zone…

…but he failed in this, because Krypto managed to knock the projector into the air, sending its beam to Rex instead and causing the projector to fall to the broken ground.

As everyone cheered for their friends’ success, Lex was baffled by how this could have happened. “What?! How?!”

“Maybe the only thing stronger than a Kryptonite heart… is a Kryptonian one,” Mercy said as they watched Krypto and Tempest fly across the sky, causing Lex to groan. “You’re fired.”

“Hey, Tempest!” Zipp cried. “To restore this place back to normal, you’re gonna need some help!”

So, the ponies raised their horns and wings and stomped their hooves, sending the strength Tempest sent to them back to Tempest herself. “Thanks, ponies!” Tempest smiled. “Now, Krypto… I think it’s time we turn the Hall of Justice back to the way it was!”

So, while Tempest used her new powers to fix the Hall of Justice, Krypto first used the projector to get rid of a few robots before flipping the invisible tank over, freeing Hitch and Fred. “Yeah, Krypto!” Fred cheered. “All right, Tempest!”

Then, Krypto used the projector to free the girl ponies, Daphne and Velma from their robotic binds. “Krypto!” Pipp hugged the white dog’s neck. “Aw, yes!”

“Way to go!” Zipp celebrated. “Who’s a good boy?” Daphne cooed. “Who’s a good boy?”

Krypto barked and proceeded to get rid of the rest of the robots, and everyone joined in front of the Hall of Justice, now fully repaired thanks to Tempest’s new powers.

Tempest sighed once all the robots were gone, turning to look at all her new friends. “Now, there’s only one thing left to do!”

Krypto barked and used the phantom projector one final time, letting the illusion of the phantoms appear before they seemed to shift into figures they all recognized as they stepped out from the vortex… the Justice League.

Superman stepped up to his loyal dog and rubbed his head. “Good boy.”

As Krypto spun around in celebration, the rest of the heroes cheered as well… just as Wonder Woman’s gaze turned to the captured Lex and Mercy. “Lex Luthor… what have you done now?”

Lex and Mercy tried to sneak away, but the Flash managed to get in front of them and hold onto them as Superman turned to the rest of the Justice League. “Well, League, it looks like we've got another villainous scheme on our hands.”

“Jinkies…” Wonder Woman muttered, causing Pipp to excitedly elbow Velma as the group smiled in pride.

But, there was still one thing left to do… wait for the police to arrive for Lex and Mercy, and then go celebrate their success at long last.