
A couple of weeks ago, an army of changelings invaded Canterlot. While the changelings lost, the city has been plagued by paranoia and uncertainty ever since. Changelings spies are being hunted down, tabloids are causing some serious hysteria, and the Elements of Harmony... well, they went home shortly after the Wedding.

I am from a group well outside of Canterlot, a group that might have a plan for turning this entire situation around. We even scored a meeting with some very powerful ponies. After a few nights of unproductive talks, however... this might be my last chance to prove that I can do this. One last meeting... one last chance to make my case.

You know... no pressure.

Chapters (1)

I suppose this is the bit where I tell you a bit about myself. Where I describe my feelings, my likes, my dislikes, perhaps some of what I've done.

Well, buck that. If you don't know who I am, then you're either too stupid to breathe, or been living on the moon for the last century. And as far as I know, my aunt is the only pony who can claim that as an excuse, so we all know into which category you fall.

My name is Prince Blueblood. Yes, that Prince Blueblood, and I'm sure you've all heard the tales. The stories. After all, I did save Equestria. And discover priceless lost treasures beyond imagining. And defeat the mighty Crack Shot in a duel. And, well, like I said, you've all heard the stories.

Hate to break it to you: they're just that. Stories.

But if there's one thing that I am good at, it's telling stories. So sit down, colts and fillies, for the tale of greatest lie ever told, about the greatest pony ever to live. And let me tell you; it's one heck of a ride.

Chapters (4)

it can get downright lonely living on a farm, something Big Macintosh has long known about. After a little prompting from Applejack, he finally does something about it. How was he to know that A little romance with Rarity could cause so many complications? Oh and by the way, Prince Blueblood likes Applejack.

Chapters (14)

Blueblood fled Tirek's initial attack, but his escort was caught in the middle of the Everfree Forest; he barely managed to escape into the woods where he was discovered by the local inhabitant, Zecora. As the days turn into weeks and with no sign of normalcy manifesting, the prince begins questioning his new routine, and that of the zebra in his life.

Can something more than magic thrive in their little corner of the Everfree Forest, or will both of their secrets be the cause of their downfall?

For the May Pairings 2022 Contest.

Commissioned the cover art from the talented Scope, and it looks lovely! You can find him on: Twitter, and Deviant Art

Chapters (3)

As Time Turner prepares to celebrate the Ponyville summer sun celebration with his stalker/marefriend, Lucky Catch, he's cut short by a visit from Prince Blueblood, the second most powerful pony in Equestria.

The Prince is haunted by a spectral panther: the creature responsible for the death of one of his predecessors over a thousand years ago. When the Captain of the Royal Guard refuses to waste resources investigating a ghost story, Prince Blueblood takes his aunt's advice: to hire the Discordian Detective to discover why the panther has returned after so long.

Chapters (12)

Trapped in stone, Discord recruits former enemies of the Mane Six to free him, but Trixie takes it upon herself to stop the God of Chaos and his band from within.

Fanfiction.net link
Equestria Daily... someday
Tropes Page... eventually.

Chapters (7)

It has been many years since the war started...

Chrysalis and her armies rolled over our defenses, overwhelming our forces with sheer numbers. We fought a fighting retreat, always on the run from the swarm. We thought it would be over, that this would be the end of Equestria, and the end of Harmony...

But it was not so. We gathered our strength and held our ground, at last. Desperately our soldiers fought on and held the swarm off. Ponies took up arms to bolster our ranks or grabbed a tool to aid the war industry.

And now, after all these years, we remain in a stalemate. The Changelings adopted their own variant of total warfare. They launch raids on defensive positions at night, send bomber squadrons to destroy civilian centers all across Equestria and sink civilian cruisers out on the sea.

The war drags on, and my ponies grow tired of grieving the loss of their homes and loved ones. It is time for Equestria to commit to this war and leave behind our outdated principles of pacifism and harmony.

This war has brought upon us a new age. And with it, a new Equestria must rise!

This story takes place in the 'Equestria at War' universe. Further knowledge of this universe is not required, but it's good to know. Link to the official EaW group can be found here.

Chapters (5)

Luna has had enough of Celestia's games, and has found the perfect means of revenge. Using a long-forbidden spell, she transforms her sister into little more than a small filly, all so she could pull the greatest prank ever. Unfortunately, she soon learns that before you fool around with dangerous magic, you really need to read the fine print...

A sequel can be found here.

Chapters (18)

How can this be true? When the sun was later in rising than it should have been, Princess Luna became concerned for her older sister. No pony had seen her since Princess Cadance and Shining Armor's reception had ended late the night before. However when Luna went to urge the moon down hoping to nudge Celestia into completing the cycle, her magic brushed against an aura she had hoped and prayed to never glimpse again.

Had her inability to protect the ponies she cares so deeply for, driven Princess Celestia to do... The unthinkable?

Chapters (10)

Pokémon Crossover

After the princesses experience a strange vision of even stranger beings entering their world, the Crystal Empire is visited by those beings. When word of the powers they possess spread, things rapidly become complicated, both for the ponies and the otherworldly visitors...

Spoilers for Pokémon X/Y.
This will not follow game/anime logic, and be more akin to Pokémon Adventures.

Other character tags will be added as/if they appear.

Chapters (15)