Flash Sentry and Twilight Sparkle have hit it off great. They've gone out to countless places, hung out with each other's friends, and never seem to have a problem. They've hit it off so well in fact, that Twilight thinks he might be her 'special somepony', and feels like it's time he was properly introduced to her family. Will all of his training as a soldier help him survive for a few hours with her dad and brother?

Chapters (1)

Wanting to dress pretty and wear makeup does NOT make you gay. Period. Flash, or Felicity, just wants to find some company in a nice, wholesome girl who loves traps. Surprisingly, her problem might be that she's looking at the wrong school.

Written for ShortSkirtsAndExplosions

Part of the B_25 vs Flutterpriest 24 Hour Writeoff

Chapters (1)

In a few desperate days of worldwide crisis and catastrophe, Twilight might have to betray her first and truest love.

To save the world, it might be worth it.

Content Warning: Alternate universe follows somewhat different laws of physics, alternate universe astronomy.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to It's A Screwed Up Life

This is a story about the Sunset from the Wasteland Timeline in It's A Screwed Up Life.

Reading the other story isn't necessarily, well necessary, but will give context, specifically the chapter Tying Up Loose Ends.

Plans can change rapidly, with no time to counter.

Sunset Shimmer learned this the hard way.

She had gone through the mirror and spent her time in that world plotting to take over Equestria, to prove to Princess Celestia that she was indeed worthy of being a princess herself, that Celestia was wrong to expel her as her personal student.

However, those plans are now dead, along with Equestria itself.

If not for a strange filly who could defy the concept of reality itself, she'd have been trapped in a dead Equestria, all on her own, destined to die alone.

Now, she is stuck in the world beyond the mirror... and must face up to all she's done there in her years at CHS, as well as figure out how to move on to a future she never could've foreseen.

Will she be able to pick up the pieces and forge some kind of life for herself in a world that was never her own? Or will she fall into despair, with nothing to live for now that all she knew is gone? And why is there a child who seems to grasp Sunset's pain?

Sex tag is because human world, so duh, and high school, so, obviously talking about it will come up eventually.

Romance is obviously for Flash Sentry since, with this story taking place BEFORE the events of the first movie would've happened, Sunset had yet to break up with Flash prior to entering the portal and unknowingly being trapped on the other side.

If anyone to point me to the owner of the artwork, PM me.

Huh. In Popular Stories 10/08/2020. That is something I needed to brighten my mood after today.

Chapters (4)

Flash Sentry visits Twilight while on vacation in Ponyville for a week. Will Twilight take chance on Flash or will she let him go?

Chapters (43)

Fluttershy's come out of her shell a lot since she reunited with her friends during sophomore year—from savior of the world to a member of a band. That being said, she still can't stand parties.

Fortunately for her, Flash Sentry can't stand them either. Maybe there's still a way to salvage what had originally been an awful night.

Written for the May Pairings 2024 contest.

Chapters (1)

That's how long it's been since Flash Sentry went MIA during a mission up north. Twilight has been waiting for him to come back, believing he is still alive. However, others are in need of the Princess more than they need a good guard. Twilight is uncertain how she feels around Flash and waits for him to get an answer to her feelings, but when he's been missing for seven months... one might think something has happened.

Chapters (1)

Always follow mandated Equestrian Family Values

CWs: Homophobia, Implied Violence, Blood

Written for the Thousand Words Contest III in the Horror Category

Edited by EileenSaysHi

Preread by The Sleepless Beholder, Dewdrops on the Grass, and Aklinstar

Chapters (1)

I know I told Fluttershy that I'd be good, but it's just been SO boooriiing ever since I "reformed" Oh sure, a whoopee cushion or two on Celestia's throne helps pass the time, but I need a REAL diversion or else I'm going to go MAD...
-er... madder than usual that is.

Wait, WHAT was stolen? And she escaped through a Mirror? No one knows where it leads or what to expect?

and you think I'm going to sit still through this? Not a chance. Twilight! Stand back and let ME handle this. No no, don't thank me, it'll be my pleasure. Don't be silly, the fate of the world hangs in the balance, what does trust have to do with this? It's not like you can work the elements to stop me anyway, but I'll meet you halfway and bring Spike along. Toodles!

Chapters (2)

Ever since their trip to camp Everfree, Sunset Shimmer and Flash Sentry has rekindled their friendship. All seems well and good but when the two begin to realize something about themselves. The two will work on the issues from their past and also in the present. You know what they say, there's always room for second chances.

This takes place after the Equestria Girls: Legend of Camp Everfree.

Chapters (11)