Jon is a mafia hit-man that loved his job with all his heart, but when a strange man sends him to a new world with a evil purpose what will he do?

He'll do more then evil, oh yes. A bone lord can do a lot of evil things.

Written in the world that was made by Rust and expanded by Blackwing.

Chapters (12)

Dragons are terrifying for none can hear the words inside the roars. Fluttershy, the only pony to understand them, is silent and terrified for a different reason. The girls are attacked by a foul group, but are saved by a silent, purple dragon.

Canterlot has sent a witchhunt for dragons in the surrounding area. There are knocks at the door. Fluttershy answers to find her saviour—bleeding, quiet, and on the run. Saving him means more than stopping the bleeding.

The guards are still looking. Friends harbour pains and prejudice against all of his kind. Mobs gather in fear of the unknown. And Fluttershy, deeply knowing dragons, fears them for a different reason. Yet she's the only one that will be able to understand what this kind dragon has to say.

Will she be able to save him? Will this one be different from the rest? How did Fluttershy acquire this ability? Why does Twilight regard all dragons with scorn?

The clock is ticking; the witch hunt is on.

[Cover by Fidzfox]

Editing by Zaid ValRoa.

Chapters (2)

The world was crumbling around me. I was the only one still alive, all the rest had been killed by...
Well, you know who he is.
I was going to take him down, stand on his corpse or die trying, that was what I'd been waiting for. I'd trained for it, I was ready.
And THAT, was exactly the time when the universe screwed me over, and I turned up HERE of all places.

Book 1 of the Spreading Darkness Trilogy
(If I ever finish this one, that is...)

Chapters (25)

When Rarity finds out her shower no longer works,
and that the spa is down for maintenance,
she goes out to get clean elsewhere.
It doesn't go well...

Author's Shower SHOWER SHOWER!: Title and concept based off one of my favorite episodes of my favorite show.
I'm...uh, pretty sure you can guess which show I'm talking about...
Also, this takes place before Twilight's tree house was blown to pieces...too soon?

Chapters (1)

Ash, Prince of a Kingdom has been transported to world very different from his... will he find what here what he didn't from before?

Chapters (10)

Fluttershy is a young biological researcher trying to find out why a population of rabbits near Dogder City is fading away.  A fellow researcher comes to her with a solution to the problem.  Gamma Radiation.  Unwilling to test on the rabbits Fluttershy tests the experiment in herself first.  The results are catastrophic.  Years later the timid pegasus is on the run and searching for a cure.  Can she find a way out before General Hurricane finds her?

Co-written with Spideremblembrony

Cover Art by Kenichi Shinigami

Chapters (16)

The villains of Equestria are tired, tired of losing. So Discord in all of his brilliance set a fail safe, if he were to lose a clone of him was to find the being closest to him in terms of chaos, and give that being his powers, memories and good looks. To create Chaos and recruit allies. He found me.

Original posted 10/9/2014

Popular List 10/9/2014

Feature Box

Set after the Season 2 premiere.
Note; Discord looks like the Discord from the show, while everything else is anthro.

Chapters (3)

Description: Two years after the camps opened up, the Western Territories of the USA are nearly vacant. It is once more a frontier, ripe for exploration and settlement. On bequest of Princess Celestia, Twilight Sparkle is to experience the human world by joining a family of Pony Settlers on their journey out West. It's Dangerous to go alone however, so in an act of good will, the US government is sending someone to make sure no harm befalls the ponies.

Chapters (10)

(Featured on 10/11/2019, thanks!)






Suddenly it’s colder and damper, and the smells are all different.  And suddenly she can wonder ‘Why?’

This is inspired by Lauren Faust’s recounting of her private story for Zecora’s origin at the Stories and Experiences Panel at Bronycon 2019, August 3rd. It was commissioned and edited by Dragon Turtle.

Over-thinking mundane objects ensue. This isn’t meant to suggest that there are no zebras native to Equestria’s world, but in this fic, Zecora isn’t one of them.

This commission is on hiatus unless the commissioner is able to continue it. If you want to commission extra chapters published as an alternate story, that might be possible though when I'm open for commissions.

Chapters (1)

All I want to have is a nice boring, normal day at the library, but I couldn't do that anymore when I got hit by a car. However, as I felt my world around me fade away and as I was staring at the light at the end of the tunnel... I made a wish; To live more of life. I was then spoken to from a being called Karma and he offered me my wish, another chance at life. Of course I accepted, thinking I was getting a second chance to live, which I did, but I wasn't expecting my second chance at life was to wake up in a body made of cold steel and iron.

This is my story of how my life went from ordinary to just plain downright weird very quickly.
Opening song that fits this story
Credit for the awesome cover art goes to DreamActualizer, and I have this is surely awesome for his first time on something this big.

Story is set in the 'Chess Game of the Gods' universe created by Rust and Blackwing, with only a mild amount of gore, but will change the rating if needed.

Given the seal of approval by Troutking.

Edit: Holy Moly! This story reached the feature box on 12/2/12, thank you all that are reading this story, you just made one very happy author.

Chapters (9)