• Published 5th May 2013
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The Adventures of Fragment - A Dark Reminder

Fragment, a changeling with amnesia, is brought to Canterlot after the failed invasion. What will the princesses do with him, and what about the life he has unknowingly left behind?

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Chapter 10: Socializing

The three of us watched from the window as two of the cockatrice attacked part of the forcefield while the third flew over the city. "And what do we do about that?" I asked as the Cockatrice shrieked.

"'We' don't do anything. Both of you are staying here while me and Princess Celestia deal with this." Shining Armor said as me and Striker looked at him and asked "What?!" like whining foals. "Striker, if you leave I'm demoting you. Fragment, if you leave I'll tell Princess Celestia lock you in your room." Shining Armor said as he teleported away.

"Why can't I help?! Isn't this why they were training me?" I asked as I put on a pouty face.

"Well I don't think they expected a giant Cockatrice. I think one that big could beat a Dragon. And besides, you still need that break." Striker said as he walked towards one of the targets; the one he was looking at had cracked almost it's full length from top right to bottom left.

"But― I― they― it's just... urgle!" I was so agitated I couldn't even form a sentence to describe how agitated I was. This was the whole point of them training me with combat magic, wasn't it? And now I'm still just going to sit around in the castle?! "So what am I supposed to do now? Go to my room and read more books? If I can't help I at least want something less boring to do." I said as Striker sighed and walked back up to me and put one of his hooves on my right shoulder as he spoke.

"You need to wait. I'd think that you'd see by now that if you did stupid stuff like charging into battle with a broken leg and being new to magic you'd probably get killed. Waiting to help is you best bet right now. Now come on, let's try to find something to do."

"I'd learn that teleportation spell if there was somepony to teach me. Obviously Princess Celestia and Shining Armor are occupied, so I can't have them teach me at the moment. Hey, what about Princess Luna? I haven't seen her the whole time I've been here." I said as I wondered why I haven't seen her since she was in my dream.

"I'm not entirely sure, but from what I've heard she's basically nocturnal because she raises the moon and she's part of the night court like how Princess Celestia is part of the day court." Striker said as he shrugged.

"So in other words, there's still nothing I can do but wait. Great, that's really great."

"Oh stop whining, it's not like it helps you or anything." Striker said as I sighed. "Maybe if you behave Captain Shining Armor will tell you all about the fight." He said condescendingly.

"Fuck you, Striker." I said as Striker laughed a little. "But really, what am I going to do while I wait?"

"Well, have you thought about what you're going to do when you get out of here yet?" Striker asked as we left the room.

"I have, but you might think I'm joking." I said as Striker chuckled and replied.

"I've heard some crazy things before. Come on, let's hear it."

"I was thinking of being a Treasure Hunter, kind of like Daring Do." I said as I waited for him to laugh at the thought, but it didn't happen. In fact he seemed to think it wasn't that bad of an idea, based on his expression.

"Yeah, I've definitely heard crazier things before. I think that wouldn't be half bad; having magic and wings would make treasure hunting much easier, that and you seem like the kind who'd want to go out into the world anyway."

"Why do you ask anyway?"

"'Cause you're going to need social skills of some degree, so why not train you in that?" Striker asked as we reached the courtyard where we stopped walking.

"Social skills? Why would I need those?" I asked as Striker rolled his eyes.

"Gee, I don't know, maybe to make friends or something. You know, since you need love to survive and all that? If you can't socialize, you can't make friends, and if you―"

"Yeah, yeah, I get it; if I can't socialize and make friends, I'm dead. But how do you think you can 'train' me to socialize? Just go around trying to have small talk with random ponies?" I asked as I sat down by the doors back into the castle.

"Actually yes. Minus the random part. And not just some ponies, I was thinking everypony."

"That's your master plan? Just go around talking to the castle's staff saying things like 'nice weather we're having' while in the distance you can plainly see Canterlot being attacked and me not doing a damn thing to help?" I said having no faith in this so-called plan.

"Again with the not helping thing? I don't think they'll expect you to be helping a whole lot with a broken leg. It's starting to seem like you forgot about that detail."

"It's been broken for so long I kind of do forget. But either way, it seems like a stupid idea to do this while Canterlot is under attack."

"And what do you suggest we do until your training resumes? If you have any ideas, I'm listening." Striker said as he walked around the courtyard aimlessly.

"Well, we could go for a walk through the garden." I said still having no idea how to pass the time.

"Really? That's what you― You know what? Fine, since you're going to be so stubborn about socializing. There is a maze in the garden, so maybe that could help us burn some time." Striker said as he sighed and I got up.

"So which way do we go?"

"Follow me." He said as he lead me. The walk to the garden was pretty short and when we got there it looked as boring as the idea, but I still thought this would be a better way to spend time than socializing with ponies in the castle. But that quickly changed as we entered the maze, got bored, and walked back out. We literally smelled the roses, and I don't see what the big deal is. Our screwing around ended after a boring as death game of hide and seek. We lost in total about twenty minutes of our lives before I gave in. "Fuck it! Let's try socializing." I said as I limped back towards the castle.

"Finally! Something useful we can do!" Striker cheered as he caught up to me and we went back inside.

"So what are the details of this plan?" I asked still thinking this was stupid and a waste of time, though it seemed less wasteful than what we were doing before.

"Trust me, socializing is easy. See that maid over there?" Striker asked as he pointed down the hallway to a maid who seemed to be taking a break or something. She was a Unicorn with a green coat and a dark gray and blue mane and tail with a cutie mark of a feather duster. "Go talk to her."

"I may not be an expert on socializing like you pretend to be, but I'm pretty sure it's more complicated than that. What am I supposed to say?"

"Ask her how her day's going."

"Do you actually think she'll talk to me? I'm a Changeling, which alone may not be a good reason, but having fangs and a generally creepy look might have some kind of negative influence."

"Hey, if she's worth talking to she won't judge a Changeling by it's shell."

"You couldn't pass that one up, could you?" I asked as I rolled my eyes and Striker continued.

"Though it is more of an exoskeleton than a shell..." He said as he tapped his chin.

"Can we please get back on subject?" I said, getting annoyed.

"It's not that hard, Fragment. Just go up to her and ask 'how's it going?' or something."

"Are you sure it'll seem like socializing and not like trying to get a date?"

"Of course... I have absolute confidence..."

"You don't do you?"

"Well not anymore. I thought it was fine 'til you brought it up." Striker said as he groaned to himself a little.

"Just because you didn't think it was a problem, doesn't mean it wasn't. Do you have any other brilliant ideas I should be warned of?" I said as Striker gave me a short glare.

"You want my help or not?"

"I want your help to be helpful." I said getting another glare out of Striker.

"Very funny. That's all I have on short notice."

"You know what just occurred to me? I'm getting social advice from the guy who told me himself he doesn't have any friends in the guard. What a great idea this was." I said as I began limping towards the maid. Striker may have over looked some details but this was still the best way I had to spend time until somepony was around to teach me teleportation. As I walked up to the maid she looked toward me and watched me suspiciously which made me a little nervous, but I pushed on anyway. "Hello." I said as she narrowed her eyes a little. "I'm Fragment. What's your name?" I asked as I put on the friendliest face I could, which isn't a very good one when you have fangs and sharp teeth making your smile seem more menacing than friendly. But she wasn't scared of me, just suspicious. But I'm not sure if that made it any easier.

"Why do you want to know?" She asked with an unpleasant look on her face.

"Because there's nothing else to do." I said with a shrug as my smile vanished and was replaced with an annoyed frown.

"Then go find one." She said as she turned around and pulled a sandwich out of a bag.

"Been there. Done that. There's nothing to do here." The maid nodded when I said that.

"Got that right. I don't get why Rightmen loves it here so much. I can barely stand the place." She said as she bit into her sandwich.

"Maybe he's just used to it. He's been here longer than anypony else."

"When you say 'it' do you mean the castle or the boredom?"

"I guess both. But I don't know how anyone could get used to boredom."

"Princess Celestia has her ways of keeping things interesting." A voice said from behind me causing me to jump a little. I turned around to see Rightmen standing right behind where I was.

"Uh, hello, Rightmen." I said a little nervous about how he'd respond to what we said.

"Good evening, Fragment. Keeping out of trouble?"

"I'm trying to keep out of boredom. So what are you doing?" I asked as he walked around me and spoke.

"I'm informing miss Dex here that her services are required in the ballroom."

"I'm on it." She said as she ate the half a sandwich she had left in one bite. "Oh, and Fragment."

"Yeah?" I asked surprised that she had something to say to me.

"It's nice to see I'm not the only one who thinks this place is dull." She said and then immediately left.

"The castle is only boring when the Princesses aren't around. Princess Celestia has ways of making things interesting from time to time." Rightmen said as he began walking away. "It shouldn't take too long to take care of the Cockatrice." He said as he walked away and somepony's hoof was put on my shoulder.

"I think that went well." Striker said as he walked up to me.

"It went better than I thought it would, that's for sure. So what do we do now? Find another member of the castle's staff to talk to?" I asked as we heard a very loud shriek that caused us to cover our ears. We looked out the nearest window and saw the three Cockatrice fleeing from Canterlot. I could vaguely see Princess Celestia flying over Canterlot after them.

"Well it looks like your training will resume shortly." Striker said as we began walking back to the training room. At this point I was confident that I could find my way back to both the training room and my room on my own. When we got back to the training room rather than finding Shining Armor waiting for us, we found some other guard pony.

"Are you Fragment?" He asked the stupidest question I'd heard in a while, so I had to call him out on it.

"Nope. I'm Striker and he's Fragment. We're trying to confuse everyone." I said as Striker chuckled and the other guard narrowed his eyes at me.

"Captain Armor said to tell you that training will not resume today due to the issues Canterlot is facing."

"WHAT?!" I shouted in both surprise and annoyance.

"He'll see if there's anypony who can fill in for him, but for now your training is over." He said as he turned around and left.

"Daaaaammit..." I groaned as I let myself just drop to the floor. That's how irritated I was. "Well... what do we do now?"

"Well, we could try socializing again." Striker said with a shrug.

"What if I don't want to?" I said as I began limping back to my room with Striker following.

"What if there's nothing else to do? Which we both know there isn't." He had me there, but I still wanted to do something more interesting than that.

"What about you?" I asked.

"What?" Striker asked with a risen brow.

"Would you say we're friends, Striker?"

"Yeah." He said as we got back to my room.

"Well other than your name, what you do for a living, and who your marefriend is, I don't know anything about you."

"So, you want me to just tell you about my life or something?"

"If it wouldn't be a big deal. I don't think I need to highlight the fact that we still don't have anything better to do, and it's not like I can tell you about myself, since I don't remember it." I said as I got on my bed and was instantly comfortable.

"There's not much to tell. I was an only foal, I grew up in Ponyville, my mother was a traveling Salesmare and my father worked for the weather team."

"Your father was a Pegasus?"

"Yeah. Anyways, I was an average student, made a few friends here and there, including Lightheart of course, and life was pretty normal. When I was seven I got my cutie mark, when I was fifteen I got the courage to ask Lightheart out, and when I turned eighteen I joined the guard."

"What is your cutie mark anyway?"

"Two crossed spears over a heart." He said as he looked at his armored flank. "It stands for protecting what I care about."

"What did you do to earn it?"

"One time at school Lightheart was being picked on for having braces, and these two stallions wouldn't leave her alone, so I told them to back off and they just laughed at me and one of them took my family's locket..." Striker paused for a moment seemingly remembering that incident. I took in the smell of his emotions and he was sad about something. Something about the locket? I wondered as Striker continued with a sigh.

"He threw it down the hall while the other one started picking on Lightheart again, after that I turned around and bucked the one who was picking on Lightheart in the face. I broke his nose." Striker said with a chuckle. "After that I got my cutie mark, my locket, detention, and they never picked on either of us again." Striker ended with a proud smile.

"What was so special about that locket?" I asked as his smile lost some strength and his emotions changed to bittersweet.

"It had an old picture of my parents in it." Striker said as he looked out a window. "When I was five my mother was mugged and murdered in Los Pegasus. It's why I became a guard pony; I didn't want anypony to feel what it's like to lose somepony you love and not see justice done."

"What happened to your locket? You said you got it back, but I haven't seen you wearing it."

"After that incident with those bullies the locket was pretty damaged but it wasn't broken so I keep it safe at my house."

"At least those bullies got what they deserved."

"Yeah." Striker said with a short laugh. For a while after that we talked about what he had done while in the guard, which wasn't much that was very exciting, then we talked about the Daring Do books for a little while when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said hoping it was somepony to teach me teleportation, but much to my disappointment it was just a maid.

"Mister Rightmen sent me to tell you that dinner is ready."

"We'll be there in a bit." I said as I slowly got off the bed.

"Where's Blast shield? He's supposed take his shift around dinner time." Striker said as he got up.

"I don't know, but Rightmen might. You should talk to him about it."

"Thanks." Striker said in a slightly annoyed tone as the maid left. "Well let's not let our food get cold."

"Right behind you." I said as he headed out the door. When we got to the dinning room there were only two spots set at the table and Rightmen was waiting for us. As we took our seats and began to eat, Rightmen spoke.

"Princess Celestia has told me to inform both of you as well as the castle staff that she along with Shining armor will be too busy dealing with whatever forces attack Canterlot, so until the Secretariat Comet has passed I will be over seeing the castle and it's staff." He explained.

"So who's going to teach me the teleportation spell?" I asked as Striker added: "And when is Blast Shield going to take his shift?" To which Rightmen replied.

"I am unsure who will teach you that spell or when they will, but I'm sure that Princess Celestia will think of something for you. As for Blast Shield, Shining Armor has called him to Canterlot's walls with many of the other guards to better defend the city." Rightmen said as me and Striker shared an annoyed groan. "So until further notice, Striker, you're staying on duty to night. And your training, Fragment, is on hold. Now, I must attend to other matters of the castle." He said as he left. Once he was gone I let out the biggest groan of annoyance in my life as I facetabled.

"Just give it time, Fragment. If you're lucky you'll learn how to teleport by this time next week." Striker said as I smacked him in the back of his head, which he simply shrugged off as he began eating his food. Once again, our meal was quiet and uneventful and within a few minutes we had finished eating and were on our way back to my room.

"So what are you going to do now?" Striker asked as we walk down the hallway.

"I guess I'll read a book until I get tired and then get some sleep. But I'm still hungry, and not for food." I said feeling what power Princess Celestia had given me had worn off. Most of it had really worn off while in training, I had just been ignoring it, but now it had gotten pretty bad.

"So feed off me. I don't mind." Striker said simply. I wasted no time on that offer and began feeding. To put it in terms of food, the amount I fed off Striker was about the equivalent of another small lunch, and Striker just kept walking like nothing had happened.

"Thanks." I said savoring the slight high from feeding as we made it back to my room.

"Any time." He said as we walked in side. "I guess I'll just read too." We both got a book off the bookshelf, me a book called 'Creatures of the Wild' which is basically an encyclopedia of wild animals, and Striker got a Daring Do book which he told me he had already read and was rereading. For awhile we just sat quietly reading to ourselves, faintly hearing some kind of battling going on in the distance as it slowly got darker when there was a knock on the door again.

"Uh, come in." I said being caught by surprise by having somepony knock on my door this late. As the door opened I looked at the clock and saw it was eight twenty-three P.M. I looked at the door and got quite a surprise. I saw what at first glance looked like a pony, but the glowing yellow cat-like eyes changed that belief quickly. It had bat-like wings folded to its sides, one of which was also holding a dark purple helmet. It wore dark purple armor, the center of which had a gem that resembled an eye, it had gray fur, and a black mane and tail.

"Princess Luna summons you." He spoke in a rather deep voice. "Follow me." He said as he turned around and began walking away. Me and Striker were confused but quickly moved to catch-up to him. I still had no idea what this thing was, but Striker didn't seem to bothered by it. As we caught up to it I spoke.

"Who are you? And why did Princess Luna summon me?" I asked as we headed for what I believed was the training room.

"I am Sinistar." He said simply as we walked. I was starting to get uncomfortable, he didn't answer my other question, and he seemed to have no interest in me or Striker whatsoever. But I figured I should play friendly for now.

"Nice to meet you, Sinistar. I'm―"

"I know who you are, Fragment." Sinistar said cutting me off. I took a small sniff of his emotions and found he had no positive feelings towards either me or Striker. In fact, it seemed like the last time he was happy was about five or more years ago. That's how unhappy Sinistar was.

"Okay... So, why did Princess Luna summon me?" I asked again.

"Princess Luna volunteered to teach you teleportation." Those words excited me almost as much as when I first used levitation, all of my minor suspicion was gone as I hopped up next to Sinistar.

"Really?! She's going to teach me teleportation?!" I asked with a huge grin on my face.

"Noooo. This is a very complex prank to get you excited for nothing." Striker said as he probably rolled his eyes.

"Yes, Princess Luna will teach you how to teleport." Sinistar said as we walked.

"Awesome!" I shouted as the training room came into sight. Without waiting or even knocking, Sinistar pushed the doors open with his forehooves. As the doors opened and we walked in, we saw Princess Luna standing in the middle of the room apparently examining a target.

"Your majesty." Sinistar said as we all bowed. She turned around to see us and smiled lightly.

"Thank you, Sinistar, you all may rise." Princess Luna said as she walked toward us and we stood back up. "Hello, Fragment. It's about time we meet face-to-face." She said as I walked up to her and Striker and Sinistar toke posts by the doors.

"It's an honor to meet you, Princess Luna. And I can't tell you how happy I am to finally learn that spell." I said as she smiled a little more.

"Then let us not waste any time. As Princess of the night it is my job to protect Canterlot while my sister rests." She told me as we walked to the center of the room. "Now, teleportation is a very difficult spell and costs a lot of power to use because it allows you to move through space. We'll start with short distance teleporting and as you progress we'll try further distances." She told me as she moved the targets and dummies aside.

"Teleportation can be very dangerous, deadly even, because there is almost always the chance of teleporting into a wall or another pony. The safest way to teleport is to directly see where you're going to go. I want you to teleport from here to four feet forward. As with most spells teleporting relies on your thought. You must, in a sense, mentally transport yourself to the location you're trying to reach." She explained as I began to focus and then let it go as something occurred to me.

"Wait, the Magic Bolt spell literally blew up in my face when I didn't do it right, what will happen if I mess this spell up?" I asked.

"That is hard to determine. All magic carries with it the risk of harming those who use it, but if you wish to use it at all, then you must try despite the risk." Princess Luna said as I nodded. I began gathering power and focusing my mind on the spot Princess Luna directed me to. I heard the static of my magic as I focused on the spell. There was a moment of magical buildup, then a very strange sensation came over me, a numbness throughout my body and I felt a little nauseous and lightheaded with a small headache. I tried to shake the feeling as I heard Princess Luna spoke. "Well done, Fragment." She said as I looked up. I looked at where I was and turned around and saw that I wasn't in the same spot as before.

"Did... did I really just teleport? On the first try?!" I asked, getting excited at the achievement. Princess simply nodded with a small smile to my question, which made me smile widely.

"I must say, I was kind of looking forward to seeing you blowup." Striker said as he chuckled and Princess Luna gave a short glare to Striker, until she heard what I said.

"Don't let that hope die too quickly, Striker. I'm sure we're going to be doing this for awhile." We practiced teleportation for almost an hour before it was decided that Princess Luna had to start overseeing Canterlot and it's protection and that I should get some sleep. As I got in bed I could see the Secretariat Comet's yellow trail in the night sky through the forcefield around Canterlot. "I hope nothing major happens out there..." I said as I closed the curtains, got comfortable and began to sleep...

Author's Note:

I've been working on this story all the time since I posted it, after every chapter was done, I started working on the next chapter, and so on like that. Why? Because this story is my child and Fragment is a Changeling version of me. But I'm going to take a break. With this chapter done I'll finish chapter eleven which will be known as "Onslaught," which will probably take all week like most of the other chapters to complete, then when it's done I'm not going to post it but instead spend some time with friends and in Skyrim. By next Sunday chapter eleven will most likely be done, and by the Sunday after that I'll post it. So I'll see you all two weeks from now. Thanks.

P.S Pack your battle song for Onslaught.

~A Dark Reminder