• Published 5th May 2013
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The Adventures of Fragment - A Dark Reminder

Fragment, a changeling with amnesia, is brought to Canterlot after the failed invasion. What will the princesses do with him, and what about the life he has unknowingly left behind?

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Chapter 18: Complications

"Explain to me exactly what the doctor said." I said to Blast Shield as we ran through the hallway to the infirmary. Striker being poisoned by Gezähnt's bite was a revelation I really wasn't happy with, but nothing's going to change it now.

"He told me that a few minutes after they cleaned and bandaged Striker's neck, he started freaking out, screaming something about burning skies, the Gates of Tartarus, and some other things until they sedated him." Blast Shield explained as we passed a few guards and the dinning room. "He was obviously hallucinating, but the doctor is worried about the possibility of death."

"How could Striker die from hallucinations?" I asked as we came to a checkpoint guarded by five guards. I guess Shining Armor decided checkpoints at the exits wasn't good enough.

"Because it might not just be a hallucinogen, the doctor thinks it could be a neurotoxin, something that doesn't just make you hallucinate, but can cause brain damage and even death. They're running tests now to try to determine what we're dealing with." Blast Shield said as a Unicorn guard scanned him with what I'd guess was the identification spell. After the scan was complete, the guards stepped aside and we continued to run towards the infirmary.

"So what do we do if the poison is lethal and we don't know a cure?"

"Do I look like a doctor or something to you? We'll just have to see what Doctor Harness says, but either way there probably won't be much we can do. The only reason I'm bringing you to Striker is because the Doctor told me that since the two of you are friends, you'd probably want to know if he's dying or not. That, and he wants to talk to you, most likely about the poison but I have no idea what exactly he could want." Blast Shield said as we did our best not to trip on anything as we ran full speed through the castle. After a few more minutes of running, because teleporting wasn't something I could think of, we made it to the infirmary front desk, where a light grey pegasus with a blue and silver mane and tail worked.

"We're here to see Doctor Harness about Striker."

Blast Shield said as a pale red unicorn stallion, with a yellow mane and tail wearing a white lab coat and glasses stepped into the room from a door past the desk.

"Well you certainly took long enough to get here." He said in very unhappy fashion. "You must be Fragment. Please, both of you follow me." We followed him through the door to a part of the infirmary I was not familiar with.

"Striker's condition isn't getting any better, not that we expected it to, but we are preparing to transfer him to the Canterlot Hospital where there are more trained professionals who can try to help him. He'll be in transit to the hospital in about ten minutes and actually be there in about twenty-five minutes. We are running tests on Striker's blood to see if the toxin coursing through him is anything we've encountered before, which I doubt." He explained as we came to Striker's room. Striker had some bandages around his neck and seemed to be shaking a little, but otherwise appeared fine. "We're keeping him sedated for his own safety."

"What exactly is it doing to him?" I asked as Doctor Harness went to Striker's bed and pulled the bandages down some showing the bite on Striker's neck. The area around the mark had turned dark purple. I smelled Striker's emotions to see what I would get, and all I smelled was fear. And when I thought about what Blast Shield said Striker seemed to be seeing, I couldn't imagine what else he could be seeing.

"All I know for sure is that it creates extreme hallucinations with minor pain. We don't have the proper equipment to tell what else it's doing, but that is all beside the point of why I wanted you here."

"So what's this really about then?"

"The venom. If we have a sample of it, we might be able to crate an antivenom, and I think we can extract some venom from you and work with that."

"How are you going to get the venom? I don't think you can milk it the same way as a snake since my fangs don't work that way."

"Well, we could just use a syringe to extract it directly from your venom glands."

"Let's do it then."

"It's not that simple. I don't know where a changeling's venom glands are, but I could examine the dead changeling and find them with him. His body is already being transported to me for an autopsy, so it will be some time before I locate the venom glands and then be able to extract it from you."

"So what do I do in the meantime?"

"Whatever you want for all I care. Why don't you keep looking for the loose changelings? Maybe try getting what they know about changeling venom while you're at it? It'd be absurd if changelings didn't know how their own venom worked. Just stay some place where it will be easy to reach you when it's time to extract your venom." Doctor Harness explained as me and Blast Shield began to leave. Once me and Blast Shield were out of the infirmary and back in the hallway, Blast Shield spoke up.

"So what exactly is our plan now?"

"Now, I'm going to find Gezähnt or Hofnarr, get them to tell me about the poison, then bring them to the guards."

"And how do you intend to do that? Most of the guards have been told to guard specific areas rather than search for them." Blast Shield said as we came to the training room. As we walked inside, I instantly noticed that Jäger's body was gone but there was a large amount of dried blood where his body used to be.

"Well, I know that Gezähnt is a psychopath, but at the same time is pretty smart. Hofnarr, however, seems like he's just doing whatever he's told, so if we find him I'm sure we can get him to talk with some intimidation. Shining Armor and Sinistar weren't very rough with him in interrogation, but I bet we can get it out of him when he sees I'm in no mood for his endless blabbering."

"You're attitude's certainly gone through a scary transformation since Striker's been bitten." I then noticed Blast Shield's facial expression match is words in concern and uncertainty.

"How am I supposed to act when a friend of mine could be dying? I can't stop thinking about the very real possibility of this venom if it's lethal. Even if they can make an antivenom, which alone could take days, what if the venom works too fast? What if he--" Blast Shield placed his hoof on my shoulder, causing me to stop talking and look at him.

"Don't think like that. Let's find those changelings, lock them back up, and get back to helping Striker in whatever way we can." Blast shield said with a very confident and serious look and tone of voice. "Now let's start looking for those huge cockroaches you were talking about." Blast Shield said as he resumed walking down the hallway with me quickly following suit. We walked rather slowly through the castle as we looked for any signs of Gezähnt or Hofnarr, but after about ten minutes of finding nothing that even suggested they were near, Blast Shield spoke up again as we left the dinning room. "So... have any strategy to help us find them?"

"Not really. Since they can both fly and walk on walls, there are a lot of places where they can hide. I don't know how easy or hard finding Hofnarr will be, but finding Gezähnt will probably be ridiculously difficult." I said as I looked up the walls to the ceiling high above us. "I guess it'd be smart to look in dark corners and other places where they'd blend in. Keep your eyes open." I said as I looked into the corners of the ceiling in this part of the hallway.

We passed two patrols as we walked through the castle's hallway, and as we came to an area near the Dungeon I saw something in the corner at the other end of the hallway move behind one of the pillars. I silently motioned to Blast shield and walked down the hallway. I knew if it was Gezähnt we'd have a real fight on our hooves and possibly another guard getting poisoned, but we weren't going to let who ever this was slip away. Once we came to the pillar, I quietly went around the right side and Blast Shield the left. After a few careful steps, I saw part a changeling's hoof against the pillar, so with one swift move I came around the pillar with my right forehoof in full swing, nailing Hofnarr in the face and slamming his head into the pillar. He let out a low groan as he slid down the pillar and me and Blast Shield dragged him out into the hallway.

"I think... you broke my face..." Hofnarr said as he slowly wiped some blood from his nose. I pressed his shoulders to the floor, pinning him and causing him to look at me as I brought my face just an inch away from his. "Heheh, so what's up?"

"Where's Gezähnt?" I said as pressed him against the floor harder, causing Hofnarr to struggle a little.

"Where's Gezähnt? Where are you? Where are any of us in li--" I don't know what he was going to say but I knew it wasn't going to answer my question, so I punched the left side of his jaw as hard as I could, then I made him look at me.

"Where. Is. Gezähnt?" I made it very clear that I was not playing games with him.

"I-I don't know! We split up after that crazy pegasus killed Jäger." Hofnarr said as he tried to get out from under me.

"What crazy pegasus?" I asked as there was a loud 'thud' from behind me, and as I turned to look I was punched in the face by a black colored hoof, knocking me off of Hofnarr.

"Me." A voice said as I shook my head and tried to get back up. I heard the sound of hooves against the marble floor, and by the time me and Blast Shield were on our hooves again, all we saw was a black coated pegasus flying after a changeling.

"Who in Tartarus is that?" Blast Shield asked as we started running down the hallway after them.

"I have no idea, but Sinistar found a black feather when we found Jäger, so this is probably the same Pegasus." I replied as Hofnarr and the pegasus turned a corner ahead of us.

"But if he killed one changeling, what's he going to do to the others?"

"I don't know, and that bothers me." As we came to the corner they went down, we saw Hofnarr and Gezähnt fighting the pegasus. This pegasus had a black coat and feathers, a blue-green mane and tail with a dark grey strip through both. He wore brown leather armor. His cutie mark was hidden by his armor.

"Who... who do we fight?" Blast shield asked as he charged a spell.

"I'm obligated to think we should fight the escapees." I said as I charged and fired a Magic Bolt at Gezähnt, hitting him in the side while the pegasus swung his hoof at Gezähnt and Hofnarr tackled the pegasus. Blast Shield shot a Fire Ball at Hofnarr, which he barely avoided.

"Hofnarr, get out of here!" Gezähnt Shouted as I shot a Magic Bolt at him and hit his left side.


"NOW!" Gezähnt didn't give Hofnarr the time to argue as Gezähnt punched the pegasus again and I shot a Magic Bolt at Gezähnt again.

"If you think you can deal with these two then I'll go after Hofnarr." Blast Shield said as he charged another Fire Ball.

"Get more guards. It would be better to get these two than just Hofnarr." With that, Blast Shield shot the Fire Ball, hitting Gezähnt and skimming the pegasus as he ran down the hallway.

I charged and fired another Magic Bolt at Gezähnt, but this time he grabbed the pegasus and used him as a meat-shield, the pegasus then punched Gezähnt and turned to face me. I saw his eyes were light green and he wore a steel bracer with four pipes on his right foreleg. I began to charge another Magic Bolt, but the pegasus brought his bracer to his lips and blew into it. Before I could react there was a small dart in my neck which I quickly removed, then I felt numbness spreading through my body. The pegasus turned back around and blew another dart out of the bracer into Gezähnt's neck. I fired my charged Magic bolt at the pegasus, but missed by a lot as I fell to the floor.

I can't move! What did he do to me?! I could barely breath as I was completely unable to move. I saw the pegasus walk over to Gezähnt and put what looked like cuffs on Gezähnt's forelegs, then he turned back to and started walking towards me with a creepy smile on his face.

"Fragment, the changeling that saved a random mare and her son from a cockatrice. A very admirable thing you did. Surely something that makes you look like the good guy, right? I don't really care. Since I know you're wondering what I did to you, paralysis dart. Did it to this big pain in the ass as well." He said, motioning towards Gezähnt. "And you know what I love about this poison? The fact that you can't move, but can still feel." He said as he pulled out a small knife from a belt he wore.

"And no matter how hard you try, you can't scream for help." With the knife he quickly made a circular cut around my left ear, and I could feel blood start to flow down my head. "But, unfortunately for me, I have a job to do." He said with a sigh as he put his knife away.

"But who knows, maybe we'll get to play some day? Time will tell." With that he turned around, and then was knocked to the floor with a grunt. I saw Sinistar standing over the pegasus, wearing the same bladed bracers that he had during the cockatrice attack, and Sinistar quickly brought the blade to the pegasus' neck.

"Make one move and it will be your last, Cyclone." Sinistar warned as Cyclone chuckled a little.

"Now aren't you feeling violent this evening? But I guess it's to be expected when you have a name like Sinistar to be sinful by nature. How is Storm doing these days?" Sinistar's ears flattened when he heard the last part.

"How do yo―" Cyclone quickly moved Sinistar's foreleg, punched him in the face then shoved him off. Sinistar snarled and lunged at Cyclone, but Cyclone rolled out of the way and threw a knife from his belt at Sinistar, which Sinistar deflected with his bracer, then Sinistar charged and slashed Cyclone across his chest, drawing some blood.

Cyclone brought his bracer to his lips and attempted to shoot another dart, but Sinistar quickly picked up the knife the Cyclone had thrown and threw it back at him. Cyclone ducked to avoid the knife and the threw another knife, but it looked as if it came straight out of his wing, Sinistar blocked it regardless and then flew at Cyclone, and when Cyclone attempted to roll out of the way again, Sinistar swerved into Cyclone's path and slashed his left foreleg, then Sinistar spun around and kicked Cyclone's chest with his right hind leg. When Sinistar turned back around Cyclone pulled out a small black glass looking ball and threw it at Sinistar's hooves, causing it to shatter in a cloud of blackish dust.

"My eyes!" I heard Sinistar yell as he then flapped his wings, clearing the dust and revealing that Cyclone and Gezähnt were gone.

"Run, coward." Sinistar said as he turned and walked over to me. "Let's get you somewhere more dignifying than the floor." He said as he picked me up with his forelegs and began flying to I'd guess the infirmary.

After Sinistar brought me to the infirmary Doctor Harness examined me and said that the poison would wear off in less than half an hour, he also got my ear stitched and told me, because he knew I was fully aware of what was going on, to just be patient, and after about ten minutes I began to regain feeling. After about fifteen minutes Blast Shield showed up and told me he was sorry for not being there to help and that there was no sign of Gezähnt, Hofnarr, or Cyclone. At around twenty minutes I was able to move again.

"Remind me never to get paralyzed again." I said as I steadily sat up in my bed.

"So what happened after I left? Sinistar didn't tell me much, he seemed to be in a hurry to speak with the Princess about something." Blast Shield said as I placed my hooves on the floor one at a time to make sure I wasn't going to fall or anything.

"Gezähnt got paralyzed like me, then Cyclone cut around my ear, then Sinistar fought him and Cyclone used some kind of smoke ball to get away. And speaking of him, where's Sinistar now? I want to talk to him about―" The door to the room we were in opened and Doctor Harness walked in.

"Now that you're less of an inanimate object, I would like to inform you that my autopsy of the other changeling is complete and I now know where your venom glands are. So if you'll just sign this, I can extract some of your venom and send it to Canterlot Hospital where they can begin crating an antivenom." Doctor Harness said as he levitated his clipboard, inkwell, and quill to me. I signed the paper and gave it back to him, then he picked up two syringes from a stand next to my bed and took the covers off of them.

"Open your mouth." He said as I cooperated, opening my mouth as much as I could. "You're going to feel a slight pinch..."

Doctor Harness said as he used his magic to slowly pushed the needle into the roof of my mouth about two inches behind my right fang, then I felt the pressure increase, which was a very strange feeling, and after about two seconds, the syringe was pulled out. As the syringe floated back to Doctor Harness I saw that it was filled with pitch black fluid.

"Now the other gland." He said as he repeated the process. "Now then, take this cloth and keep it against where the syringe was, to make sure that no venom leaks or anything." In response, I simply turned to Blast Shield and inhaled, feeding off some of his emotions.

"Feeding off of emotions heals me, so that won't be necessary." Doctor Harness just shrugged and put the syringes in some kind of case.

"Then you're free to go. Striker is at Canterlot Hospital now, which is where these syringes will be sent to."

"How long will it take to create the antivenom?" I asked as the three of us walked out of the room.

"That's hard to say, but it'll take a few weeks at least."

"A few weeks?! But Striker could be dying!"

"Keep in mind the fact that we didn't even know that changelings had venom. Most didn't even believe changelings existed until Canterlot was attacked. We don't know how the venom works or what we can do to slow its progression due to our sheer inexperience." Doctor Harness said as I let out a frustrated sigh.

"Thank you for your help." I said to Doctor Harness as me and Blast Shield began to leave. "So what do we do now?" I asked as we walked into the hallway.

"Didn't you say you wanted to talk to Sinistar about something?" Blast Shield said as I nodded.

"Where is he now?"

"I think he said something about talking to Princess Celestia." Blast Shield said as he began leading me to Sinistar. After a short walk we came to the throne room, which had four guards at the doors. They opened the doors and stepped aside so we could enter. When we walked in, we saw Sinistar was talking to Princesses Celestia, Luna, and Cadence, as well as Shining Armor. The doors closed behind us as Sinistar spoke.

"I don't know exactly what he's been hired to do, but we need to be very careful and ready to fight him if we see him again." Sinistar said as me and Blast Shield walked along the wall, trying not to be distracting.

"And you're sure that whatever he's here for it has nothing to do with us?" Princess Cadence asked.

"He may not have been sent to kill you but I am certain he will if you get in his way. It seems that whoever hired him wants the changelings. The condition his employer wants them in is unclear, since he killed one of them but appears to have captured the other."

"How could he have gotten in here with my forcefield active? It would take hours to get break through the forcefield alone and you can't teleport through it." Shining Armor said.

"He was most likely inside the castle before the forcefield was up. Remember that Recoil said he was hit in his face, and based on the distance he was from the cell when the other guards found him, it is impossible for one of the changelings to have done that. How Cyclone was able to get a hit like that without being seen is beyond me, but that's aside the point."

"You're sure that this is Cyclone Shade?" Princess Celestia said with a very serious expression on her face.

"There is no doubt in my mind, your Highness."

"Shining Armor, you know what to do." Princess Celestia said to Shining Armor as he gave a quick bow.

"Who's Cyclone Shade?" I asked as me and Blast Shield stepped forth and got everypony's attention.

"Cyclone Shade is the self proclaimed World's Best Assassin." Sinistar explained. "He's a heartless killer who's only in it for the fun and profit. He'd kill his own client if the target paid better." As Sinistar finished his sentence, the doors to the throne room swung open again and a guard ran in.

"Captain Shining Armor!" The guard said as he stopped to catch his breath.

"What is it now?" Shining Armor said with a half groan in his voice.

"One of the escaped changelings has just turned himself into the guards."

"What?!" We all said is surprise. "Why would any of them do that?" Princess Cadence asked.

"I don't know, but he just kept saying 'please don't kill me.'"

Author's Note:

You're welcome, Beerforce. :derpytongue2:

At 2:37 this morning I woke up, feeling like I was going to puke, so I made my way to the bathroom in my half-sleep discomfort and there I sat, with my head leaned other the toilet and waited... Ten minutes later, I went back to bed after not puking, then woke up again at 8 ish and felt fine. :ajbemused:

In other news, I have been going over my plans for this story and have tried to come up with an estimation for how many chapters there will be, and I think it's safe to say this: Buckle up people, we're looking at 45 chapters at least!

~A Dark Reminder