• Published 5th May 2013
  • 5,847 Views, 1,485 Comments

The Adventures of Fragment - A Dark Reminder

Fragment, a changeling with amnesia, is brought to Canterlot after the failed invasion. What will the princesses do with him, and what about the life he has unknowingly left behind?

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Chapter 6: The Scene of the Crime

I was awoken the next morning by sunlight through the window, though it's an unpleasant way to wakeup, it is effective. I let out an annoyed groan as I sat up. I rubbed my eyes with my right hoof, I then heard a familiar and slightly annoying sound. I looked to the right of the bed and sure enough, Striker was dead asleep and snoring away in his chair. I looked at the clock and saw it was eight eleven AM. I wonder if I'll be heading to Canterlot today. I thought as Striker's snoring continued, which gave me a fun idea. I lifted the spell book with my magic and began to look through it until I came to the spell I was looking for. With a smile on my face, I charged the spell hoping the static sound of my magic wouldn't wake him. at least not until I used the spell that is.

With one last thought, I cast the spell, causing a dark green flash of light just under his nose. I grinned widely at my work, happy that it both worked and he didn't wake up from it. And now I wait. I thought as I did exactly that; wait. About ten minutes later a Nurse brought me and the still sleeping Striker our breakfast, it didn't seem like the Nurse saw what I did to Striker, she did see me smiling stupidly, but she left all the same and I ate my breakfast while I patiently waited for my master plan to come together. Just like the day before, by the time Striker woke up, his breakfast was cold and I had finished mine. But I still wore a stupid smile which Striker noticed. "Good morning, Striker." I said sweetly.

"... What happened?" He asked with an annoyed look on his face.

"Nothing. Why?" I replied trying in vain to fight my smile .

"You're happy for some reason, so I assume you did something last night while I was out."

"I didn't do anything last night other than read the rest of the first Daring Do book and some of the second." All of what I said was true, but I was still smiling and he still didn't believe me.

"What. Did. You. Do?" Striker asked with his eyes narrowing on me.

"Go look in a mirror." I said trying not to laugh. After a moment of glaring, he sighed and left to find a mirror. He walked outside the room and looked into his reflection in a window, he then walked back into the room glaring at me more as I began to laugh.

"What? Do you not like your mustache?" I asked as I laughed harder.

"Not. One. Bit. A mustache is one thing, but a pink mustache is another. Now get rid of it."

"Are you sure?" I said as my laughing began to die down.

"I am."

"Fine." I said with a sigh as I charged another spell to get rid of the mustache, a dark green flash of light later it was gone.

"Thank you." He said with a roll of his eyes as he sat down to eat his cold food. As he did, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said as Doctor Hoofman opened the door and came in.

"The last of the tests came back late last night and as we thought, the majority of your injuries have healed enough so that you can be discharged." Doctor Hoofman told me.

"So, I can just leave whenever I want? What about paying you? And when can I take these bandages off my head?"

"Princess Celestia sent compensation when she sent the letter instructing us to take care of you, so you don't need to worry about it. As for the bandages, you can remove them in three or four days. So whenever you're ready, sign these papers and you'll be free to leave." He said as he placed a clipboard on the bed, then left.

"Hey, Striker, mind doing something for me?" I asked as I looked over the papers.

"What?" Striker said still sounding a little annoyed about the mustache incident.

"Could you tell Twilight that we're leaving and to bring me something like a cloak to cover me?"

"I guess." He said with a sigh as he got up.

"Please and thank you." I said just before the door closed. I signed the papers I was brought and waited. I waited ten minutes before Striker came back with Twilight and a Nurse. "Are you ready?" Twilight asked as the Nurse began helping me out of bed.

"No, I had Striker get you so we could gossip for an hour." I said as my hooves touched the floor and the nurse untied the gown. The floor is colder than I remember. "Did you bring me a cloak or something?" I asked as the nurse grabbed the papers.

"No, but Rarity did; she's outside with the others." Twilight told me as she grabbed the books and put them in her saddlebag with her magic and began leading the way.

"How many of the others are coming with us?" I asked as we walked through the hospital, or limp in my case, and on top of that, just about everypony in the hospital was staring at me as we walked through.

"Everypony is; Princess Celestia wanted all of us to come with you to Canterlot."

"I'm sure Applejack and Rainbow Dash are nothing but thrilled about that." I said knowing I was less popular with them than with the others.

"They won't bother you if you don't bother them." Twilight said as we reached the front door.

"But still, I'm sure this is just going to be a long awkward and silent trip to Canterlot." I said as Twilight opened the door, and just like she said, all the others were there, including spike.

"Hello, everypony." I said as we stepped out of the hospital.

"Hi, Fragment!" Pinkie Pie said.

"Hello, Fragment." Rarity said.

"Hi, Fragment." Fluttershy said, though the others remained silent.

"Twilight told me you requested a cloak, so I brought you this one." She said as she brought a cloak out from her back with her magic; it was solid black with dark green trim at the edges.

"Thanks. It looks very nice." I said as I looked it over.

"Well try it on, it's yours to keep if you like." She told me as I lifted the cloak with my magic. I carefully took it from her and gently put it on with the hood down. It had a tie around the neck that I tied in a simple bowtie.

"Do you like it?" She asked as she admired her work.

"It's long enough to hide most of my legs without being so long that I'd step on it as I walked," I said as I raised the hood. "the hood is big enough to hide my horn and most of my face, so I'd have to say I like it a lot." I said smiling.

"Thank you, Fragment." Rarity said returning the smile.

"So how are we getting to Canterlot anyway?" I asked as Twilight began leading the group.

"Princess Celestia sent all of us tickets so we can use the train to get to Canterlot."

"And we get to use our own private car!" Pinkie Pie added happily.

"And how long will it take to get from here to there by train?"

"About an hour." Twilight said, in response to which me and Striker moaned in annoyance.

"Didn't you know that, Striker?" Twilight asked.

"No, The Princess had me use the royal chariot to get here because it was faster."

"Well, seems you don't have much choice this time." I said.

We walked, or bounced in Pinkie's case, for a few minutes to the train station, and as I had hoped, the cloak did what I wanted it to do; stop anypony from seeing that I'm a changeling and therefore stop them from staring at me. The walk to the train station wasn't quiet, but I was, I didn't listen to anything that they were talking about due to the fact that it wasn't any of my business, I just walked quietly behind the rest of the group thinking to myself when I suddenly felt something bump into my right hind leg, and then another something, and then another something, almost causing me to fall over since I wasn't using my left foreleg. As tried to stop myself from falling I heard giggling from behind me, then I heard somepony speak from behind me.

"Excuse us." A filly's voice said as two others continued to giggle. I didn't face them so they wouldn't know I was a Changeling.

"Uh, it's no trouble." I said as I resumed walking, seeing that the others were getting ahead of me I tried to pickup the pace, which isn't easy when you're limping rather then walking.

"Are you new here? I don't think I've seen you around before." The filly asked as I heard the sound of hooves following me.

"I guess you could say that." I asked hoping they wouldn't find out I was a Changeling and make a scene.

"How long have you been in Ponyville?" A different filly asked.

"Three or four days." That I was conscious for

"Ya don't know?" A third filly on my left asked.

"Well, uh, it's hard to keep track when I've, uh, been having so much fun." I said starting to get nervous of this interrogation.

"Oh really? Where have you been having so much fun?" A filly on my right asked. They were surrounding me and I wasn't that close to the others, I'm surprised they haven't noticed my absence yet. Guess that's what I get for being so quiet...

"I've spent most of my time at Sugarcube Corner."

"Ah'm guessin' you've met Pinkie Pie then." One of the fillies on my left said. Sounds like a younger Applejack.

"I have, She's nice."

"Hey, why are you limping?" The other filly on my left asked.

"I, uh kind of... crashed." Or at least, that's we believe to have happened.

"How'd you crash?" The filly on my right asked.

"I uh, wasn't feeling well."

"Why not?" One of the fillies on my left asked

"I, uh, because, uh, I... had too many cupcakes." That makes sense; I said I spent most of my time at Sugarcube Corner.

"You shouldn't eat so... much..." The filly trailed off for some reason, which made me nervous. "Hey... Where did you get that cloak?"

"I uh, got it from somepony named Rarity."


"Uh, today."

"Well that's weird, because The Carousel Boutique is closed for repairs." She said increasing my nervousness.

"Well I didn't say I got it from The Boutique, now did I?" I said as I was finally catching up to the others.

"So Rarity just gave you that cloak?" She said obviously not buying it, even though Rarity really did just give it to me.

"Y-yeah. Like giving potential costumers samples of your product; this cloak is a sample of what she can make."

"Okay, well tell me this... why do you have holes in your hooves?" At that point, I knew I was caught, but I didn't want to admit it when I was just a few feet away from the others, so what did I do? I may have done something along the lines of panic.

"Oh hey look over there, what's that? It's a tree! You should check it out, it seems suspicious." Before I knew it, the three fillies ran in front of me and faced me, thus stopping me from completely rejoining the group, when they saw my face their faces went from looks of determination to ones of fear. One of them was an orange Pegasus with a purple mane, tail and eyes, the second was a yellow earth pony with a red mane and tail, orange eyes and a pink bow in her mane. The last filly was the one I had seen in The Carousel Boutique, this was Rarity's sister, and it looked like she remembered me as well.

"Uh... I have a train to catch." I said as I quickly moved around the fillies and tried my best to reach the others, who had no idea what just happened. As I drew closer, I heard the fillies running up to me again.

"You're a Changeling." The orange one said. as they got in front of me without blocking my path.

"So I've been told. Now why don't you find something less me related to do." I said annoyed that they weren't done with me.

"You're the one who was in the Boutique a few days ago." The white Unicorn said.

"I know, I was there and everything, and I remember you, you were a lot more afraid of me then compared to now." I said as the others looked at her.

"I wasn't afraid! I was just, uh, spying on you." She said defensively.

"You were afraid." I said staring at her with an unamused look as I walked.

"Was not!" She shouted.

"Was too." I replayed.

"Was not!" She shouted again.

"Was too." I said again.

"WAS NOT!" She shouted again and louder, it was surprising we still hadn't drawn attention to ourselves.

"Was too!" I shouted back as I at last reached the others. Am I really having this argument?

"WAS NO--"

"Sweetie Belle? What are-- Oh dear." Rarity said as she looked at us, which got the others' attention.

"I wasn't afraid of him in the Boutique but he says I was." 'Sweetie Belle' said getting a little angry as she walked up to Rarity.

"What's going on anyway?" The orange one asked.

"I left a note explaining this to Sweetie Belle, but Princess Celestia has requested that we come with Fragment to Canterlot."

"His name is Fragment?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"He's going to meet the Princess?" The orange one asked.

"What kinda name is Fragment?" The yellow one asked.

"He decided to call himself Fragment, yes." Rarity said to Sweetie Belle.

"I don't know why, but he is." Rainbow Dash said to the orange one.

"It's the amnesic Changeling's kind of name." I said to the yellow one.

"We shouldn't be gone for too long. I'll see you when we get back." Rarity said.

"All aboard!" Somepony on the train yelled.

"That's our cue." Twilight said as she boarded the train and gave our tickets to the pony at the train's door.

"Try not to get into too much trouble while we're gone." Rarity said as she boarded the train with me and Striker in tow.

Striker got on first and as I got on the train I turned around and looked at the fillies. "One last thing." I said getting their attention. "You was too afraid!" I shouted. "WAS NOT!" Sweetie Belle shouted back just as the doors closed, with that I turned around and saw the ticket collector who jumped back about a foot taken by surprise from the sudden Changeling.

"W-w-what is--" The ticket collector stuttered as Striker cut him off.

"I have orders from Princess Celestia to bring this Changeling to Canterlot." Striker explained.

"Uh, okay then..." He said as he looked at me uncomfortably before leaving to a different part of the train.

"Well that could have been worse." I said as I took my seat and lowered my hood.

"There isn't much to do on this train, is there?" Striker asked as he also took a seat.

"Nothing but whatever you brought with you." Rainbow Dash said with an annoyed sigh.

"Which is why I brought us all some books." Twilight said as she Levitated books out of her saddlebag and distributed them between everypony, the only book that I saw the name of was the Daring Do book Twilight brought me. As I took the book with my own magic, I noticed something annoyingly common with me and books, mad at my own stupidity, I hit myself in the face with the book twice before I opened it.

"Something wrong, Fragment?" Twilight asked with a raised brow.

"Do you remember those bookmarks you let me use? I forgot to use them, again." I said as I began trying to find my place in the book using my hoof to turn pages rather than my magic.

Just like our walk to the train station, I was completely silent, but this time I had a book to keep myself occupied rather than my thoughts. Eventually I found my place in the book and resumed reading, and just like before I couldn't stop reading I was so drawn into the book, every word, every trap, every danger, she overcame all of them. I don't know why, but something about the book had me hypnotized, and I wanted more of that kind of action; going into ancient temples and such to get to the treasure that waits for those with the skill to get it.

When I finished the book, I was still thinking over what I had read, and what ideas it put in my head. I don't know if it's just me or what, but reading this book makes me want to just go out into the world and find these kinds of temples and artifacts. Now that I think about the idea of it, that might not be a bad idea if I can learn how to fly and use magic, I could just fly past obstacles, and I could use magic for combat and other spells like teleportation and invisibility for tactical support, I think that if I can learn how to do all of that, then treasure hunting might be a good occupation. However, I still need to hear what Princess Celestia has to say, but I think I have something that I can roughly call a plan.

With that settled, I decided to practice magic to pass the time. What exactly did I do? Levitated the Daring Do book, and when my horn lit up with my magic, I could feel that I had just gained everypony's attention. The dark green glow of my magic surrounded the book as it began to lift into the air.

"Shouldn't you be saving your strength so you can recover?" Rarity asked as the book rose higher into the air.

"According to Doctor Hoofman, fe--" I stopped myself mid sentence. Twilight and Rarity freaked out when they heard I fed off of Pinkie, I don't think I want to know how Rainbow Dash and Applejack will react. "Uh, do they know?" I asked motioning to Rainbow Dash and Applejack as I set the book down.

"Know what?" Twilight asked.

"That, uh... The thing I did that freaked you and Rarity out." I said knowing there was no easy way to keep this a secret.

"You mean feeding?" Rarity asked. "If that's what you mean then yes, we told them yesterday." She said as I looked at them, nether of them looked too happy, but they weren't mad either.

"Did they react the same way you two did?" I asked as I turned back to Rarity.

"Yes, but we explained everything to them and they calmed down." Rarity told me.

"Seems explaining fixes everything. But to get back to what I was saying; Doctor Hoofman told me that feeding was directly healing me, so I think I can use magic without my healing actually being affected by it, unless it will reopen my wounds, which I doubt, and so I decided to practice magic now that I've read the book."

"So after reading a book, you play with it?" Rainbow Dash asked. Amazing that she's talking to me.

"I'm not playing, I'm practicing, there's a difference." I said as I resumed playing with the book, lifting it back into the air with that dark green glow around my horn and the book, I noticed that the spell seemed to getting easier to use, I don't know the exact reason, maybe because I was using the spell more so I was getting used to it, or something else, but the bottom line was it was easier.

As the train made it's way to Canterlot I just played around with the levitation trying to master it, I began moving the book back and forth rather than just holding it, but I decided to be a bit more creative than that and I started rotating and spinning the book, getting more complex as a way to test myself, I had the book begin to orbit me. I shut my eyes and just tried to imagine myself with the book orbiting me closely. I did this for a few minutes before I began to get a headache, so I stopped and just waited to reach Canterlot while the others talked.

About ten minutes later, Canterlot came into view from the train, and it was just like how it looked in my dream, expect it's in much better detail when you're awake. "We're almost there." Twilight said as everypony came to the left side of the train, which was the side I was on, and stared out the window to the city.

As I stared at Canterlot, I felt pain in my head, and I heard sounds in the back of my head. It was hard to tell what the sounds were other than that they sounded like buzzing and hissing, then I faintly began to hear voices, again, I couldn't tell what it was other than it was talking, though it sounded more like muffled shouting, like if you were to hear arguing in the house next door. These noises only served to further the pain. Then, as if hearing voices in your head isn't enough to trouble you, now throw in the fact that I was starting to see things, small blurry black dots in the sky above Canterlot. Great. Now I'm going crazy. I thought as we got closer to Canterlot.

A few minutes later the train began to slowdown and the Canterlot train station came into view. "Everypony ready?" Twilight asked as she gathered the books. Everypony either nodded or said yes, except me, I just stared out the window and I could still hear those sounds in my head, but at least I stopped seeing things. "Fragment, are you ready?" Twilight asked as the train stopped.

"I guess." I sighed as I brought the hood of the cloak back up over my head. I got out of my chair as the train's doors opened. Unlike in Ponyville, I took center position of the group to make sure I didn't have anymore unwanted run-ins with anypony. Twilight and Striker took the lead with Spike on Twilight's back, Applejack was on my right and Pinkie Pie on my left, and Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Fluttershy were behind us as we made our way trough Canterlot.

We walked relatively slowly through Canterlot, and as I looked around, the pain and sounds and hallucinations came back, I saw Changelings fighting guard ponies, and Changelings divebombing the city with dark green energy around them, as some of the divebomber Changeling hallucinations faded, I saw the craters they left behind still in need of repair, and the more hallucinations I saw and noises I heard, the more the pain grew, and the more the pain grew, the harder it was to walk trough Canterlot, everywhere I looked I saw something that was either a hallucination of the battle, or the remnants of the battle, but no matter which it was, the sight of it brought more pain, and it got to the point where I struggled to not groan in pain, and I wasn't sure if we'd make it to the castle before I had a complete breakdown, but my suffering didn't go unnoticed as Applejack proved. "Ya alright there, Fragment?" Applejack asked giving me a concerned look.

"No. I'm having painful flashbacks." I said as the groups attention was on me as we walked.

"You're having flashbacks?" Twilight asked.

"I think so, but it's not just remembering, I'm seeing and hearing things too. It's like I'm watching a movie, only it hurts. A lot." I said as I shook my head in an attempt to lessen the pain. Too bad it didn't help.

"What do you see?" Twilight asked.

"I... I think it's the attack. I can see the Changelings fighting guard ponies, and-- AH!" I yelled as I fell to the ground clutching in pain. The pain was too much now. Everything was too much; the sounds were deafining, I could still see the hallucinations with my eyes shut, and the pain was unbearable.

I could faintly hear my name being called through all my yelling and the sounds in my head, but I couldn't do anything with all the pain. Then my hallucinations shifted from me just watching the battle to me being a part of it, an example of which is I saw myself flying over a guard pony Unicorn and me shooting magic bolts at him. I faintly heard the static of magic, then I felt some kind of magic hit me, everything stopped, the pain, the sounds, and the hallucinations were gone, leave me lying on the ground weakly groaning in the remaining pain.

"Are you okay, Fragment?" Fluttershy asked as I opened my eyes and felt Applejack and Fluttershy helping me up.

"I... I don't know... What happened, other than me screaming?" I asked as I tried to shake the lingering pain away.

"I used a calming spell to try and stop whatever was happening, and it looks like it worked." Twilight explained as I saw that my breakdown had drawn a lot of attention from other ponies, thankfully the cloak stopped them from seeing that I was Changeling.

"I'm fine. Everything's fine. Please resume your daily lives." I said as the ponies slowly found other things to do. "Let's just try to get to the castle before that happens again. And thanks for using that spell." I said trying to get moving again.

With a nod, Twilight continued leading the way, as we walked I kept my gaze to the ground so I wouldn't see anything that would trigger more flashbacks, and the sounds had faded as well. A few minutes later Twilight spoke.

"We're here." She said causing me to look up from the ground to see two guards at the entrance to the castle's courtyard, and they could plainly see I was a Changeling thanks to the sun's position in the sky, though they didn't try to stop us, so I could only assume that it was because they had been informed ahead of time.

We walked up to two large doors that the guards in front of them opened and we began walking trough the castle. The castle's interior was amazing; the paintings, the stained windows, the stonework that made up the castle itself, though, I wonder if you could call it 'stonework' when it's made out of marble, but the point is that the castle was very nice.

Eventually, we came to two more large doors with two more guards, to which Striker simply nodded and the guards opened them and we stepped inside, and as the doors closed behind us, I looked up to see two thrones, one with a symbol of a crescent moon and the other with a symbol of the sun, and below that symbol, was Princess Celestia; a pure white coat and wings, gold horseshoes, crown, and necklace, magenta eyes and a colorful mane and tail that flowed in some kind of 'Princess Luna and Celestia only' wind, who was writing on some paper.

My evaluation of the Princess was interrupted when Twilight spoke as everypony, but me, bowed. "Princess Celestia." Quickly catching on, I hastily bowed, I tried to anyway, my haste was too much to really follow through with, so rather then bowing, I just fell forward, and if that wasn't bad enough, I'll let you guess which of my legs took most of the fall.

"Grrrraaahhh..." I groaned as I tried to get into a bowing position. We're off to a good start... I thought as the Princess rose from her throne and began to approach us.

"You may rise." She spoke as the others got up, I however stayed on the floor unsure if I was included. "You must be Fragment." She said as she stopped three feet away from us.

"I am, your Highness." I said as I looked up at her, to my surprise, she was smiling.

"I said 'you may rise'." She said as she brought her head down to my level. "So why didn't you?" She asked with a small frown.

"I, uh... wasn't sure if I was included, your Highness." I said as I steadily rose.

"And why wouldn't you be?" She asked as we both stood at our normal heights.

"Uh, because I'm... a... Changeling...?" I said unsure of myself.

"What race you are means little to me, Fragment. What does matter, is what you remember about who you are. Who you really are." She told me as I tried to relax a little. "Tell me, Fragment, what do you know about yourself?" She asked in a soothing voice. Taking a deep breath to both calm myself and to get a sense of her emotions, which seemed to be curiosity, I began to talk.

"Leaving the obvious aside, I know that love isn't the only thing Changelings can feed off of, I know that feeding heals me, and I know that there's a Changeling queen named Chrysalis. But those are all things that I've leaned over the past four days, anything that's happened to me before then I swear to you, I can't remember. Though, I have been having flashbacks while we were walking here, none of it was very enlightening, but if those flashbacks were really my memories, then I cannot deny that I was at the least a soldier in the attack." I said awaiting an overdramatic reaction to the fact that I've fed in the time that they've been helping me, and that I was a part of the attack, but that never came. She wasn't the least bit surprised by these developments, why that is I do not know. She simply nodded as a response to this as she thought for a moment.

"If you were a part of the attack, that makes you an enemy of Equestria, did you know this?" She asked to which I merely nodded in response. "Then why did you tell me?"

"I guess I don't have a reason to lie; If I tell you the truth and I'm your enemy, then I'm at your mercy, but if I had lied about knowing I was part of the attack and you found out later, then I'm still at your mercy only it would most likely be worse on me because I lied. I want you and everypony else to know that I can be trusted, I really don't remember anything, and I don't think lying will help me." I explained. She smiled lightly and began walking back to her throne.

"Is there anything else you should mention?" She asked as she sat back down.

"Um... Oh yeah, Princess Luna came to me in a flashback dream I had two nights ago." Everypony but Princess Celestia looked at me with a surprised look.

"Luna told me you were worried about what would happen to you when you met me, so allow me to put ease to your thoughts. I believe you are being honest with me, I believe you don't mean to cause anymore trouble, and, I believe we might be able to bring your memories back." That last part received all of my attention.

"You... You can?" I asked fairly well shocked.

"We might, be able. Twilight, do you remember the memory spell you used on your friends when Discord escaped?" The Princess asked as Twilight walked a little closer to Celestia.

"You want me to use it on Fragment?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, it won't be the same as when you used it on your friends because Discord had repressed their memories, but amnesia is why Fragment doesn't remember." Princess Celestia said as I got closer to them.

"Are you sure I can do it?" Twilight asked smelling a little nervous.

"It isn't a question of if you can do it, Twilight, it's a question of if the spell would work on brain damage." Princess Celestia said with a reassuring smile.

"Are there any risks I should know about?" I asked worried that the spell had a chance of melting my brain or something.

"Just the possibility of some pain. Nothing that you really need to be worried about." Princess Celestia said confidently.

"I have bad experience with pain, but I'm guessing that you'll stop if I start screaming in pain." I said as Twilight began charging the spell.

"Hold still." Twilight said as she touched her horn to my forehead. The feeling of magic pushing it's way through your head is a very uncomfortable feeling, like if there was a worm moving around in your skull, but wherever it was it created a tingling sensation.

I kept my eyes closed as she used her spell, but it didn't seem like it was affecting me, because I wasn't getting any flashbacks or hearing any sounds other than Twilight's magic, and then the pain hit me causing me shout in pain as I fell to the floor and clutch my head, it was the strongest pain I had ever felt, like someone was pulling apart the part of my head where the crack was open. Even though Twilight's spell had stopped, I was still in pain and my eyes were clenched shut, but after a moment or two the pain was gone and I opened my eyes to see everypony, from Rainbow Dash to the Princess, was around me with concerned looks on their faces.

"Are you okay Fragment? I don't know what happened; I was just using the spell and th--"

"I'm fine, I'm fine." I said as I got back up. "Let's not do that again." I said as I shook my head a little. "So, we've established that my memories are likely not coming back with the force of magic, so what do we do now?" I asked as I stood once again.

"Now I'm going to do what I can to help you." Princess Celestia said as she began walking toward a hallway to the right of the throne and she motioned for us to follow. "Because you have amnesia, you don't know how to do anything that you could do before, but I can help you relearn, and there is a lot that we don't know about Changelings; like how exactly you feed or the exact reason why you need to, and I believe if we can answer those questions and many others, it could benefit Changelings and ponies alike. If we can understand each other, then maybe there can be peace." She explained as we walked through the hallway, passing several rooms and other hallways until we came to another set of doors, but these were unguarded and the doors were much smaller than the ones that lead to the throne. "This is where you'll be staying while you're here." She said as the light gold aura of her magic opened the doors.

The room was pretty much what you'd expect from a castle; everything met five star standards of the finest hotels, and then some. A queen sized bed, which had five purple pillows, a white sheet, a yellow comforter, and a large purple blanket, there was a large window on both sides of the bed that overlooked the city, a large walk-in closet and a very fancy looking bathroom. "We'll begin your magic training tomorrow, until then, feel free to explore the castle with Striker's supervision. Any questions?" She asked as she turned to leave.

"Just one." I said as she stopped. "Is that bed as comfy as it looks?"