• Published 6th Aug 2013
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Hive Alive - BlackWater

Twilight saved Chrysalis from a bitter end, thus changing her own fate and that of the Elements of Harmony. As she learns the power of redemption, Twilight gains power never before recorded in history. Equestria itself will never be the same.

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20 - Reality is Zealous

The hivemind world had taken on more and more character over time. The space was so much more vivid now with deep greens and rich soil along the bed of the tiny stream. A gentle air came by now and then to rustle the plants and freshen the smell of the grove-like area. Each step left an imprint in the grass or soil and the trickling sound of the stream was crystal clear. Though, in all fairness, that may have been due to the silence that came and then went back out all the same.

“A word, Pinkie!” Queen Twilight nearly panicked. This time it was herself to approach the pony rather than pull the subject closer via her hivemind powers.

“I love words!” Pinkie blurted out and criss-crossed her eyes as she gave a raspberry and a giggle. Something was seriously going haywire behind her eyes.

Chrysalis inched closer while the guards sat back patiently. Rainbow Dash pressed her lips and then steeled herself to walk over to Fluttershy. She experimented with the strange happenings in her mind by attempting to project her thoughts directly to Fluttershy's conscious, which seemed to work. Fluttershy replied in kind.

Rainbow bent down to where the shy mare was settled below the tree and joined by her side. She started apologizing both vocally and via the invisible hivemind conscious. But Fluttershy matched her apologies and both had to give up on trying to be the one more sorry.

“We both didn't know,” Rainbow finally decided to conclude it all with. “But thanks for continuing to be my friend.”

“Thank you,” Fluttershy nuzzled her blue friend. “I'm proud to have you as my friend, Dashie.”

“Except I'm going to have to tell you that Twi is my territory,” Rainbow kidded, which made the other purse her lips indignantly. It made the sporty mare laugh.

“I got here first,” Fluttershy pouted.

“I guess I could share,” the blue pegasus winked and they shared a smile, both content that things would be okay from now on. Fluttershy knew now that Twilight and Rainbow Dash really knew her and cared about her. Moreover, she knew she was loved. The same was true from Rainbow's perspective and it put her at peace to know that things were okay between her and her long-time friend from Cloudsdale.

Meanwhile, Twilight was struggling for nuclear containment.

“Oh oh oh!” Pinkie Pie shuttered in place so fast that she looked ready to take off for the moon. “Let's go dimension hopping!”

“For the love of Celestia,” Twilight cried as she wrapped her pink friend in a magical hivemind grip. “No. No dimension hopping. And no dividing by zero either!”

“But I want my mechanical wings now!” Pinkie threw a fit.

“Please, stop looking into the future!”

“Yes,” Chrysalis smirked as she came up behind. “It's not very sporting.”

Twilight stole a glance to her changeling. “Some help here would be nice.”

Indeed Chrysalis could tell Twilight's hold on Pinkie was slipping in terms of hivemind restriction. She could very well do what her queen wanted but she also doubted she would really be of much help and, besides, she had waited long enough. She thought she had been rather patient for all that had been going on. Now she wanted something more tangible to fuel her changeling hunger.

“Wha-” Twilight gasped as Chrysalis suddenly and without warning grabbed her around her midsection and drew her into a full body embrace. Her concentration snapped, releasing Pinkie's hivemind torrent.

“So soft, my queen,” Chrysalis buzzed happily as she buried her face in Twilight's coat.

Something hurt. It hurt for her and every other member of the hivemind she had made. It originated from Pinkie Pie, who exploded into a light of supernova proportions. But the pain was quick and over like a needle from a doctor's visit. Nothing else could have been surmised from what happened because all seven members of Twilight's hive awoke into the real world in that very instant.

“Gah,” Twilight held her head. It was her real head. The real real one in the non-hivemind world. She wasn't as tired anymore and the pain went away quickly, but she was still drowsy and generally not in the mood for doing anything intensive. What time was it now?

“Woohoo,” shrilled the voice that could only have been Pinkie Pie. So she did not explode into non-existence. Well, that was good. But she was zipping about Twilight's clod-shelled hive bedroom in the most disturbing manner. What should have been a pink color streak trailing behind her lightspeed movement was instead multicolored. The same multicolor that Rainbow Dash emitted behind her when going at top speed.

“I think my cider got spiked,” Rainbow groaned as she rolled off of the pony pile that they had all remained in during their sleep. “Next time we do this, I call dibs on the spot beside Twi. Dogpiles aren't good for my back.”

“Well said,” Fluttershy whispered with meek agreement as she too crawled from the mess of limbs.

Chrysalis rolled her eyes and carried Twilight to a better spot. She resumed her clutching from the hivemind world and would not let go even when her queen motioned for it. The two guards were not there, of course, since they were back at the guard hut, but they were likely awake now as well.


The purple pony stiffened in horror. It was as if somepony had just spoken inside her mind and she wasn't in the hivemind right now.

Don't you know my voice, silly?

Twilight snapped her attention to Pinkie Pie, who was looking straight at her from across the room, bearing a massive and toothy smile.

Why didn't you do this before with Chrysy?

Something suddenly hurt again like a bee sting in Twilight's mind.

Oh, looks like you've got it now. You're welcome!

Wait. Pinkie, what did you do?

Now it was really getting confusing. Twilight was talking to Pinkie Pie through mental thought while not in the sleep ring hivemind and it was near impossible to determine who was saying what when. No lip movements and not even a unique tone of voice in each thought to indicate anything at all. Chrysalis, who was still holding her, smiled in a way that bore her two front fangs. It made her look far more goofy than it did scary, though.

I like cupcakes!

That was obviously Pinkie Pie but it also as obviously did not answer the question.

I appreciate your help but our queen can't carry on like this.

Who was that?

Focus, my queen. We are each still unique. You can know us if you try.

There was something that gave Twilight the idea that the one speaking was the one that had finally put her down and was now toying playfully with the ends of her mane. In other words, the one full of holes.

Imagine the thoughts are real and not just thoughts. Your heart knows your hive.

I like cupcakes!

Yes, we know.

The queen alicorn gave the changeling beside her a skeptical look but gave her the benefit of the doubt. She tried to collect herself again in spite of the others around her now who would easily derail her.

“You okay, Twi?” Rainbow Dash asked in worry. Twilight had a face that made it look like she just popped a fresh lemon into her mouth.

“Urgh,” she croaked and then her horn sparked.

“Twi?” Fluttershy started towards her with as much concern as Rainbow.

“Ah!” Twilight's face suddenly cleared up and she lit with glee.

I knew that wouldn't take long, Chrysalis said. Only she didn't really say it. Both of the pegasi looked on in fright, having clearly heard the words but also having clearly seen Chrysalis' mouth not move an inch. Either the changeling was a ventriloquist or something very weird just happened.

“This will make things much easier,” Twilight pranced in place as she did every time she came across what she believed to be the perfect solution. The pegasi, who had not heard the previous exchange between the other three, were lost.

“What's going on?” Rainbow asked with honest intent. So much of this was hard to understand and she thought she had been doing pretty well to handle it all since she had fallen asleep in Twilight's hivemind.

“Elementary, my dear ponies,” Twilight tutted merrily. She was so ecstatic that she even slung a hoof around Chrysalis subconsciously, much to the changeling's delight. “Pinkie Pie – or I might say Pinkie's mind – has started making sense of things.”

Rainbow Dash deadpanned her expression. “Yeah, sure,” she dripped with sarcasm.

“Oh,” Twilight giggled. “I don't mean like that. Pinkie still doesn't make much sense-”

Hey, Pinkie cut in with her thought. Again, it was in the mouthless language. I totally make sense. Like, I even brought cupcakes for your Get Well party. I left them downstairs in the kitchen. Anypony want some?

Chrysalis was the only one to raise a hoof. It was deathly silent otherwise and she quickly brought it back down to resume hugging her queen. Pinkie zipped out of the room with the same rainbow streak from earlier. Rainbow Dash felt concern. Great concern.

“Anyways,” Twilight got back on track. “I didn't know this before but apparently Pinkie Pie's Pinkie Sense is omnipotent to a degree. It has potential beyond mere vague and immediate events. Merged with my own analysis magic that I use for indexing books, I've inadvertently used it as a sort of life hack.”

“Omni-what now?” Rainbow quirked a brow, lost on a previous word.

“Omnipotent. It means it has potentially unlimited power,” the royal answered for clarity.

“We've always known that,” Fluttershy added in a whisper, which Twilight effortlessly caught. She was gradually getting better at hearing the quiet mare than she ever had been capable of in the past.

“Yes, but now I can use it,” Twilight concluded.

“What?!” the two pegasi shouted, Fluttershy's being more of a breathy gasp.

The alicorn, however, was still calm and might even be described as increasing in levels of tranquility. “It seems to be related to her actual persona or the soul of her cutie mark rather than a physical intuition,” she proceeded once again into her technical speak. Quite cheerfully it might be said. “Each of us has something similar in terms of where our true destinies lie. Although we may not share all the same physical attributes, the hivemind that Chrysalis introduced me to has far closer immaterial bonding than I originally anticipated.”

Pinkie Pie zoomed back into the room and handed Chrysalis a double-accented purple cupcake, much alike the tones in Twilight's mane and tail. The changeling gave her thanks and started nibbling on it. She then looked between the cupcake and the mare she was still half-hugging and grinned with a thought, her cheeks puffed out by the cupcake in her mouth.

Twilight paused her practical lecture and stared straight at her changeling. I heard that thought, she declared.

Chrysalis just grinned more and swallowed the treat. Judging by the blushes on everypony else's faces, they had heard it too. Funny, Chrysalis thought out publicly. I could have sworn I had some kind of privacy filter in my old hive.

Twilight kept her serious look and then dropped it for a softer one. I'll have to come up with something too. This might get a little messy.

Messy? Pinkie Pie snorted along with the thought-talk. I love messy!

“Messy is an understatement,” Rainbow frowned. “I still don't get half the things buzzing around in my head and I just caught something I need to know more about right now.”

Twilight's glee was taken down a peg. Was there something Rainbow just realized in one of their memories that was really hurtful?

“What's this stuff about maybe being immortal?”

Ah, that again. I don't know either, Twilight responded sincerely through the new conversational part of her hivemind. I hadn't even considered it until recently and I haven't contacted the Princess about it yet.

“Okay, I'm calling it,” Rainbow frowned. “This talking without the mouth-moving is just creepy.”

I love creepy!

All eyes turned to Pinkie Pie in a disturbed manner.

Totally, the pink mare extended her hooves wide in gesture. Like when you get a friend to go into a rockyard late at night and then come around a boulder suddenly and scare them into hiccuping! It's hilarious! Can't do it without the creepy part first, though.

Twilight shook her head while Fluttershy took a step back from Pinkie and towards her queen.

“Well, that's enough of that,” the purple alicorn decided. “We can talk normal so long as we're here with each other. Does this mental talk work over long distances?”

Chrysalis seemed to have picked up on the fact that the question was directed to her. She shrugged. “It does with changelings. I don't know if it will for ponies.”

“Right,” Twilight sighed. “Let's assume for now. I'm still tired – what time is it?”

Before anypony even opened their mouths, Twilight knew. Pinkie Pie had gone down stairs and had a glimpse of one of the windows that hadn't had the curtains drawn yet. It was dark outside but not yet full night, which meant late sundown. Twilight began to wonder if she ever would get the hang of this mental conveyance and, further, if a large number of connections might even imply a low-level of omniscience.

“Oh, I don't know about that,” Pinkie Pie spoke verbally this time. She bounced around the room happily, as if she had some reason to be. Really she was just being her usual cheery self. “There are limits and downsides to everything.”

“That's an odd thing for you to say, Pinkie,” Rainbow furrowed her brows in skepticism.

“Is it?” the mare whipped out some smart-looking glasses out of nowhere and equipped them on her face. “The transference of pure thought and memory eliminates the necessity for verbal communication to the highest degree when it is of continual and active effect. This indicates a complete breakdown of the social aspect of relational conference in the event of positive interpersonal statuses. Furthermore, it might even suggest a reduction in individuality and an emphasis on objective operational needs, which further reduces emotional bonding in preference of survival. Perhaps even to the point of disdain for those not of the mental connection, who may exhibit an inefficiency in such things.”

Fluttershy rubbed her eyes. Did Pinkie Pie just say all of that? It sounded like a Twilight lecture but it was definitely Pinkie's voice.

“Or something like that!” Pinkie gave a raspberry and continued her bouncing, glasses still equipped. Rainbow Dash squinted as she tried working out things in her head in an attempt to use this hivemind to get the answers. It did not come as easy for her, though.

“Where are you going?” Chrysalis asked Twilight, who was walking lazily out of the ring and bedroom.

“I need to get a letter off to the Princess,” she explained. “And I might as well do some reading as well. I need to be up for a few hours if I'm going to get my sleep schedule back in order. I don't necessarily want to turn into a night owl. At least not if there's no research to be done.”

Fluttershy wasn't about to be left behind. She pushed as much of Pinkie out of her head as was possible, which was getting more difficult to do. She trotted up to her purple friend. “Don't you always have something to research, though?” she inquired in her normally quiet tone.

Twilight laughed lightly as she made her way down the stairs. “Just about. These days more than ever,” she said. “But I have to draw a line somewhere.”

“The Twilight I know always had a hard time drawing that line,” Fluttershy mentioned while trying to sound as gentle and respectful as possible. She loathed the idea of somehow insulting her queen.

“Hm,” the alicorn hummed and finally reached the ground floor of the treehouse library. “I suppose I did have some moments. But all those years in the-”

“What is it?” Chrysalis voiced from behind the alicorn and pegasus. She had followed them in turn and didn't like the way Twilight stopped so suddenly mid-sentence. She still wasn't getting reliable hivemind connections.

The pony queen walked more slowly up to her desk. “I...was going to say 'Academy' as in the Royal Guard Academy. But that wasn't me,” she said as her eyes wandered around suspiciously. “That was Direway.”

“Typical,” Chrysalis stated to nopony in particular.

“Are our memories going to keep getting mixed up like this? And where's Spike?” the queen asked her changeling as she levitated the proper scroll, ink, and quill in place before her. She would normally have Spike write the letter for her.

“It happens to hatchlings the most,” the changeling answered as she came up to sit next to Twilight. Fluttershy would have done likewise, not wanting to be outmatched by the shape-shifter, but she instead walked over to Owlowiscious' perch to ask him about the baby dragon's whereabouts. “You won't have the problem for long. It'll probably disappear entirely after you've handled all of your connections.”

“You mean I haven't handled them already?” Twilight asked another question as she started writing.

“Hardly,” Chrysalis balked. “You wouldn't be asking all these questions if you did. You'd already know the answers.”

“Speaking of that,” Twilight still didn't look away from the scroll she was etching upon. “I haven't had a very comprehensive connection with you. I thought I knew everything you did after that first time but I've started to feel like something's missing.”

Chrysalis peered around to see the words her queen was making out to what she considered to be a much lesser pony. “No,” she agreed. “And I honestly have no idea what might happen if you do. Pinkie Pie is already causing enough commotion as it is.”

“What do you mea-”

“He's with Rarity and should be back before too long,” Fluttershy reported back as she pranced back to her queen's side. Talking to the owl was easier for her than breathing.

The Element of Magic was going to respond but was cut off again, this time by another pony. Rainbow Dash tumbled out of her ink pot with the highest degree of unpredictability. As she rolled off the desk and onto the floor, the rainbow mare was so spotted with the writing liquid that she more resembled a frozen cow than her normal self. Thankfully no ink spilled onto the letter Twilight had been attempting to write.

That is what I mean,” Chrysalis deadpanned.

“Dashie!” Twilight leaned back in shock and stammered. “What? How?”

“Ugh,” the sporty fem groaned. “Pinkie Pie...”

“You called?!” blurted the pony of question, who leaped out of the same ink pot with far more grace than the last traveler. She landed right beside Rainbow Dash and was not at all covered in ink like her friend. The pegasus still had her eyes rolling in their sockets in a confused daze.

“No roughhousing in the library,” Twilight huffed in conclusion and crossed her hooves. Before Pinkie could speak again, she added, “No transdimensional ink pot teleportation either.”

“Aw,” Pinkie pouted.

“You have the answer now,” Chrysalis spoke calmly to her queen, which made Twilight whip a “huh” in response. “You asked Rainbow how she went through the pot. You got the answer a second later. The hivemind is continuing to work outside of the ring.”

Twilight couldn't have missed the elation in her changeling's tone or the fact that she clopped her holey hooves together in excitement. “But it feels like my mind is getting shoved against a lemon juicer,” the queen retorted with far less enthusiasm than her friend. “Or maybe that's just a little bit of leftover exhaustion. Now who's going to fix this mess?”

Chrysalis opened her mouth to speak but her queen whipped back around to Fluttershy before she could.

“Get Dashie cleaned up,” she ordered and then, as the shy mare was helping the now slightly less confused Rainbow to her hooves, she changed her mind. “No wait. I'll do it. You go help Pinkie make some muffins in the kitchen so she doesn't try a Sonic Pinkboom.”

“Hey,” Pinkie whined. “How'd you know-”

“Let's get going, Pinkie,” Fluttershy rushed to the Earth pony and started driving her to the kitchen. It seemed she was just as worried as Twilight about the prospects. Given the cupcakes that Pinkie had brought, it was quite obvious the muffins were just a last second excuse for busy work.

“Useful,” Twilight noted to herself and then regarded her changeling again. “You seem to know more than you're letting on about what's been happening. I expect an answer and I'll get it if I have to force another connection on top of the last one.”

“But we're already-”

Twilight cut Chrysalis off again but did so intentionally this time. “No. I know you've held back somehow because there was never a flash between us like there was with the others. And I'm certain now that I don't know everything you know, which means we haven't fully connected. We'll talk more later,” the queen ended what was becoming too long of a conversation.

Chrysalis was wise enough to keep her mouth shut this time as her queen trotted over to the ink stained Rainbow Dash and assisted the poor mare to the library's bathroom. The changeling had no choice but to consider all that had happened and how she was going to deal with Twilight forcing another full mental link with her. She had many worries about that, which was why she had kept from it so far. The Spinner knew she wanted nothing more than absolute connection with her queen, but she couldn't bear to put her through any more than she already had.

Twilight shut the door behind her as she continued assisting Rainbow to the tub. At multiple points the black and blue pegasus had tried removing herself from Twilight's half-hold. She didn't like the idea of being some badly injured pony who needed somepony else to support her just because she had tripped through space and time and popped out of an ink pot. It was all Pinkie's fault anyways. Dumb Pinkie anti-physics getting shoved into her brain.

“Stop fighting me, Dashie,” Twilight tried putting forth as much patience as she could muster. “Have you already forgotten who I am?”

It would have been either a strange or incredibly egotistical question if Rainbow had heard it before the incident in the bedroom. Now, it was just plain fact. “No,” she sighed.

“And who am I to you?” Twilight proceeded logically as they came up to the edge of the tub. Her purple magic began organizing all of the necessary things such as soap and towels, ordering them in neat rows and groups worthy of her Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Rainbow said something quietly. So quietly, in fact, that Twilight had to wonder if Fluttershy's mind had melded with hers.

“Say it louder,” the queen encouraged also with Fluttershy's voice, particularly the one she used to get her animal friends to cheer up.

“My queen,” Rainbow finally voiced loud enough to be audible but low enough so that it was absolutely impossible for the sound to have escaped the room. It was also half-mumbled but Twilight would allow that since she could see her friend was blushing in the most ripe hue of tomato.

Rainbow stepped into the tub and was surprised to see Twilight do the same. “I'd have told you to clean yourself up if I wasn't going to help,” the queen explained.

“Hey,” Rainbow came back with her stubborn ego. “I can clean myself off just fine, you know.”

Twilight didn't even say anything to that. She just cocked her brow in that way that said “really.” The pegasus got the hint that if her queen set her mind to wanting to do something then it was simply her decision to do so.

“Honestly,” Twilight said, “this would be much easier if you were just your true self. Washing her would be easier than washing you.”

“You mean...”

“I know old habits die hard but I could use the gentle Dashie right now,” the alicorn smiled warmly in an attempt to get her friend to relax. The curtain was drawn and the water started pouring without any warning or fanfare. The initial cold spray made her yelp in surprise but, humorously, it also made Rainbow do the same.

“It never warms up fast enough for me,” Twilight remarked and shivered as the water moved into the lukewarm stage. She used her magic aura to do everything as usual which included grabbing the soap and washcloth. They would only get the loose ink off and then she'd have to use a stronger cleaner to get the stain out.

Please don't take too long, Twi, Fluttershy communicated through the hivemind from the kitchen. Pinkie Pie is really hard to take care of.

Hey, Pinkie called out as well.

Fluttershy must not have remembered her thoughts might have been public. Oh dear, was all she had left to comment.

“Those two,” Rainbow shook her head as she angled her body one way and another under the water to get the ink off. Twilight began applying soap and scrubbing at some spots.

“Are both ponies that I trust as much as I do you,” the purple mare finished as a matter of fact. “Though maybe Pinkie Pie a little less,” she immediately backpedaled. “How'd you copy Pinkie like that anyway?”

“The ink pot?” Rainbow deadpanned. “I didn't do it on purpose, I swear. I was just stepping out of that weird ring thing in your bedroom and then I was walking out of the ink pot instead. I think Pinkie's whatever is messing with me.”

Twilight narrowed her eyes as she focused on scrubbing one spot of her friend's flank that she knew darn well she could clean more out of. Her tongue even stuck out a bit in concentration as she started seeing some of the cutie mark get revealed from beneath the ink. “It's messing with all of us. Just try to stay calm.”

“Calm?” Rainbow blurted and whirled around to face her queen directly. It moved the spot Twilight was focusing on out of sight, which made her frown in annoyance. “I'm having other ponies' heads in my head now. That changeling is getting in too!”

Twilight's frown came back. “Chrysalis,” she corrected sternly. “And I understand some of the things you'll see inside your mind might be a little disturbing, but we all have gone through disturbing things in our lives.”

“Disturbing doesn't even begin to cover it,” Rainbow insisted, looking far less like her usual self with the way her mane, tail, and feathers drooped under the spray of now-warm water. The ink stains didn't help the image's familiarity either. “What the heck is with this? I didn't want to know why she attacked Canterlot. I don't care, but it's worming its way into my head anyways. I hate it.”

Twilight's frown turned sad. She had indeed seen and understood many things she had not been privy to since the whole hivemind business started in the first place. But it had, more than anything else, merely convinced her that she had never had as much compassion in her life as she thought even though she egotistically believed otherwise in the past. There were times she even wondered if things would have gone differently if she had been more concerned with helping those in trouble rather than being consumed with herself in one way or another. Books, research, reports...

“Twi?” Rainbow finally turned concerned.

“Dashie,” the queen lifted her gaze and met eyes straight on with her friend. “Never say that. Never say that you hate understanding somepony else.”

The pegasus was taken back by the seriousness of it. She never liked feeling scorned and even the hint of it coming from Twilight, her new queen, was devastating. More so were the implications of it considering what Twilight had gone through to understand her. “I...didn't mean...”

“Let's get you cleaned up,” Twilight reiterated to end it. She grabbed a special coat cleaning solution from under the bathroom sink using her purple aura. It floated to the tub, around the curtains, and over beside her.

Rainbow Dash just stood there under the pelting water.

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