• Published 6th Aug 2013
  • 20,775 Views, 1,217 Comments

Hive Alive - BlackWater

Twilight saved Chrysalis from a bitter end, thus changing her own fate and that of the Elements of Harmony. As she learns the power of redemption, Twilight gains power never before recorded in history. Equestria itself will never be the same.

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37 - Synchronization is Serendipitous

Where do I even start?” Shining Armor's growl simmered just below complete hostility.

Chrysalis looked one way and another to find Discord, hoping he might be willing to continue backing her up. He was, however, nowhere to be found. Thankfully, Cadance was less gung ho than her husband. Her expression was critical, but her words were cautious.

“Wait a moment, Shiny,” the pink alicorn put a forehoof to the stallion's shoulder. “Maybe this wasn't something Chrysalis did on purpose.”

Shining softened a little when speaking to his wife, but he remained stubborn about the situation. “How so? She's ruining Twilight's life the way she almost ruined ours.”

“Stop it,” came the tired voice of Twilight. Both Shining Armor and Cadance returned their full attention to the purple mare, their faces dropping every hint of anger. “Chrysy did nothing wrong. I...I wasn't as strong as I thought I was.”

Cadance reached out to hold one of Twilight's forehooves. “That's not true, Twilight. You're the strongest mare I know.”

The queen shook her head. “Discord bailed me out. I don't deserve any praise.”

“Speaking of Discord,” Shining narrowed his eyes in suspicion. "Why was he so dedicated about this? I don't want to sound ungrateful, but he's definitely the type to have ulterior motives.”

“I wouldn't worry about him,” Twilight declined the thought. She didn't say anything more, but she had her own curiosities on the subject. Anyways, the new Discord cared too much about Fluttershy and friendship in general to do anything nasty.

“I'll only let it slide on your account,” Shining Armor conceded. “Chrysalis is another matter.”

Cadance felt as if she were in an impossible situation. It wasn't that she was lacking in compassion, but her heart still wrestled with the events of her wedding. She didn't want to point a hoof at Chrysalis, and yet she was hesitant to offer defense.

Her husband whirled back towards the changeling and stomped over to her bedside. There was simply no way to get out of a serious discussion with the shape-shifter. It had been hard enough when they learned Twilight had saved the changeling. What had transpired since then had only complicated matters drastically.

“What if Discord hadn't been able or wasn't willing to do this?” he drilled Chrysalis. “You're the changeling. You should be very aware of how changeling hiveminds work. How could you not have anticipated this problem?”

“Shining,” Twilight called out to her brother again to intervene. He ignored her this time.

“How can I walk away from here certain that you won't jeopardize her life?” he glared at Chrysalis.

Of all the ponies present, the most unexpected one placed a forehoof on Shining's shoulder. He looked to his side to find Fluttershy peeping out from beneath her pink locks, which covered most of her face. In spite of the nervous wobble in her hoof, her words were firm.

“Chrysalis means us no harm,” she meekly said. “We all trust her, and Discord told us it won't happen again.”

“Why should I trust him any more than her?” Shining responded with less accusation than he had towards Chrysalis. He knew from his wife and Twilight that Fluttershy was a sensitive pony.

Applejack answered before the pegasus could, causing her to back away from Shining Armor. “'Cause this here Chrysalis is hooked up right one way or another to Twilight, ain't that so?”

Fluttershy nodded her agreement to the Earth pony. She had told Applejack about the hivemind situation while Twilight and the others had been unconscious. Actually, she had been forced to spill that information even before that point due to the unexpected mental effects of Twilight's temporary absence from Ponyville.

“You can trust her, Shiny,” Cadance added in when she came up on his other side.

“Why are you so certain?” Shining furrowed his brows at his wife. “Don't you remember-?”

“Forgiveness is a big part of love,” she said in a serious tone. Her eyes glanced to a surprised Chrysalis before going back to the stallion. The changeling must have been shocked that she would speak in her defense. “I know when two ponies really love each other. I can sense it even when one of them isn't a pony.”

Shining Armor's next question remained unspoken. Instead, his vision whipped over to Chrysalis. She had a hopeful look about her that was practically begging. Then he looked to Twilight, who still looked fatigued. There was something else there, however. It was a scared look that revealed her uncertainty and desperate desire to be accepted.

“No way,” was all the stallion wound up breathing out in a whisper.

Cadance kept the two other relationships to herself. She knew her husband would have enough to consider with possible feelings existing between his little sister and the former queen of the changeling hive. He didn't need to think about what was going on with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy as well. Cadance could feel the love-centered emotions coming from them just as strongly as from Chrysalis.

In a way, the Princess of Love was proud of her sister-in-law. She had always known it was only a matter of time until some relationship blossomed between her and another. Though other ponies would be suspicious and condescending of multiple loves, Cadance took the possibility with the openness her cutie mark had given her. Twilight's hivemind entered a whole new mix of relational dynamics into the mare's life. Cadance understood and accepted that even though the hivemind itself was a difficult concept for her to grasp. She had no envy for Twilight when it came to the complications.

“Might I say something?” Rarity chimed in from where she laid on her recovery bed. Spike had gone over to stand next to it. “It is quite possible for us to have debates on end until the nurses remove your visitation rights. What matters is not arguing levels of trust. As part of Twilight's increasingly splendid hivemind, I believe I have the pleasure of informing you that we are all capable of understanding and trusting each other on a level deeper than you could possibly be capable of understanding or appreciating.”

“Put like a pro, Rarity,” Rainbow Dash verbalized her approval.

“No disrespect, your highness,” Rarity added in regards to Shining's political status. “It is simply a matter of accepting what we already know to be a fact. I admit that I was skeptical at first, much like yourself. However, after connecting with Twilight's hivemind, there is not a single doubt in my head or heart regarding Chrysalis' content of character. You may trust her as much as you trust Cadance.”

Shining Armor had to take in all the words and wrestle with them. He cast more glances about the room. Some to Chrysalis, some to Twilight, and some to his wife. When he looked to Spike, who he still wasn't used to seeing so large, he saw an honest fire in the dragon's eyes. It burned with a brilliance that Shining never knew he would see from the baby dragon that his little sister had raised.

“I see,” was all Shining could say at last. It was true that he had much to think over even before this latest incident. The evolution of Twilight's hivemind complicated much. He had to come to terms with the fact that Twilight was a grown mare and wielded power greater than he was capable of.

“Your majesty? Princess Cadance?” a female nurse came up to Cadance. “Princess Celestia requests your immediate presence.”

Cadance tilted her head in wonderment, but began to follow the pony out of the room. “I'll be back soon, I hope.”

When Shining followed as well, the nurse stopped. “My apologies, your highness,” she held up a hoof. “Princess Celestia requested Princess Cadance's exclusive presence.”

Shining gave his wife a concerned look, which she returned for an entirely different reason. Princess Celestia had caught on to her plan. The trip outside of Equestria. Her husband's possible ascension to immortality could now be jeopardized. Cadance tried not to let the flash of panic show on her face.

“I'm sure it's nothing,” she lied.

There were many things for a queen of a pony hive to do. So many questions and errands. So many ponies to talk to. Some of them weren't ponies at all.

Twilight Sparkle had chosen to satisfy her curiosity sooner rather than later based on the recent implication that Discord might later be unreachable. It wasn't simple to maintain her presence in the hospital room while materializing inside a secondary dimensional space. She had to cheat on that part. The mare everypony thought was resting on her hospital bed was actually nothing more than a temporary illusion spell. Her hive members knew better, but they weren't the ones she needed to fool. In any case, it only had to hold for a short while.

“What happened?” Twilight asked as soon as she materialized within Discord's interdimensional space. She instantly recognized it as being very much alike Celestia's dimension that she had been sucked into when she had acquired her alicorn wings. There was little doubt as to who stole the magic from who.

Not surprisingly, Discord's magical space was filled with odd knickknacks and things that were probably floating upside down. It was hard to tell. The creature of chaos was in a bathtub, scrubbing his back with a long-handled brush, and humming some peculiar tune. He feigned shock and embarrassment when he noticed Twilight was standing there not ten hooves away.

“Oh my!” he dropped the brush and crossed his arms to cover his chest. Did he even have chest? His body was somewhat like a snake's. “Dear me. Haven't you ever heard of knocking?”

“On a dimension?” Twilight raised a brow but remained neutral.

“How'd you get in here?” Discord snapped his fingers and the tub disappeared along with him. He rematerialized a second later in a bath robe that was printed with pointy-looking versions of Twilight and her friends.

The pony queen didn't miss a beat. “You infused Pinkie's mysterious Physics ability with cross-dimensional magic theory. She's connected to me through my hivemind. Did you think I wouldn't find out? Or did you not think I'd be able to use it by proxy?”

One of Discord's eyes twitched. “I forgot about that.”

Twilight called out his lie. “No, I don't think you did. You wanted me to have access to this magic, including the odds and ends of your chaos spells.”

Never content to just stand around, Discord began hovering sideways as he stroked his chin. He formed a lazy orbital pattern around her. “Now why, I do wonder, would somepony like me ever want to do that? Chaos is my calling card. I can't just go giving it away.”

“That's what bothers me,” Twilight remained calm and neutral. She continued standing in her spot, not minding the fact that the colorless floor beneath her warped into a familiar grassy hill. “Fluttershy's connection has given me some interesting insight concerning you. The amount of dedication you've put into reformation is too much. Something more than Fluttershy's friendship made you realize how important it is to care for others.”

It had been weird from day one to be in Discord's company and not consider him a villain. Even after his initial reformation, he retained his jovial spirit and only recently betrayed some hint of having more serious emotions. This was, however, the first time Twilight recalled seeing him uncomfortable.

Discord stopped hovering around her and his bath robe popped out of existence. They stood facing eye-to-eye and the male's mouth hesitated after opening for a response. Perhaps Twilight's approach had caught him without a reactionary response.

“I'm sure you understand what crossing different spells can do,” he began. “Especially when it comes to the high-level magic alicorns use. I was intrigued when Celestia gave you wings.”

“This observation dimension...?” Twilight glanced around before locking eyes with Discord again. She tapped into the power of her hivemind to put the pieces together. “Your chaos magic warped the observation screens when you tried creating your own space.”

Discord heard her words and knew it was only a half-second before she would let that revelation sink in.

“You saw other worlds? Other dimensions? What did you see?!” Twilight's heart quickened as she understood the possibilities that chaos might introduce to Celestia's magic.

“Better still,” he tried to smile, but his happy mood failed to return so soon. His words felt almost sad. “Other realities. What ifs. Lives that would have been if our decisions had been different.”

The fact that his seriousness had held this long made Twilight nervous. She had subconsciously come to depend on his light nature. Perhaps his recent kindness towards her had given her some form of compassion towards him. She had only been skeptical of his honesty before.

“The changelings-?” Twilight started to ask.

“Me,” Discord interrupted with a blunt tone. “I saw it all, Twilight. I saw what would happen if I wasn't a good friend. I saw what would happen if I betrayed your trust. I lost everything, Twilight. Not just my friendships. Not just my magic. I lost every drop of happiness I might ever have in life.”

Twilight's voice softened. She could tell this had affected him on a level she didn't even know existed. This might have been the first time she had ever seen Discord as a creature with real emotions rather than some shallow jester.

“I...” the queen faltered and then resolved herself on what she was going to say. She moved forward and hugged the draconequus, who didn't pull away or try some humorous stunt. “I didn't know. But I want you to know that it'll never happen. You've been a better friend than me.”

Before Twilight said anything more, Discord returned the hug and added a question that made the pony giggle. “Why are we hugging?”

“Because I knew you needed it, you goofball,” she couldn't help but smile. “I know what it's like to suffer and feel alone. Chrysalis' past showed me that with more intensity than I was able to handle. She'll always have me around, but I don't get to see you too often.”

Discord gently pushed her out of the hug. “You might not be seeing me at all for quite some time.”

“I've wanted to know about that,” Twilight returned to the question she had asked previously in the hospital. “Where are you going? And why can't I just see you like I am now inside of this dimensional space?”

As if it had been a timed cue all along, the chaos master adorned himself in a professor's humble outfit. Glasses appeared on his snout and a tired old voice creaked out his words. “The answer to those questions,” Discord explained, “are best left to the principal and her sidekick.”

“Who?” Twilight cocked her head but kept her smile.

Tia and Lulu.”

Cadance stood beside Celestia's medical bed, looking very much ashamed of herself. Nopony else was in the room besides her and Celestia. Not even Luna or Shining Armor, her husband, were present. Her aunt had wanted to speak privately and Cadance knew exactly what the talk would be about.

“You came back early,” was all Celestia said. She didn't say it in anger, but she didn't say it in happiness either. It was neutral.

“Shining and I were headed off on a vacation when we heard the news about Canterlot. Word of the castle's collapse spread faster than a wildfire, even past Equestria's borders.”

The taller mare may have been under the covers and still tired, but she had an authority to her even then. “It wasn't going to be a vacation,” she countered calmly. “Not if you were going to the Temple of the Vine.”

Cadance paled. It was one thing to suspect she had been caught. It was another to actually hear the words point blank.

“Well?” Celestia prompted, as if waiting for an excuse. She was not disappointed.

“Please!” Cadance draped herself half over the bed. She grabbed one of her aunt's shoeless forehooves. “Shiny is everything to me. I can't be stuck like this while I watch him age and pass away. I won't do it!”

All the Sun Princess wanted was honesty from her niece. They had spent so many years together because of what Celestia had done to her in the past by altering her lifespan. Though Cadance's immortality had been a relief for Celestia, it had eventually become a burden for the pink mare. After all, she had her own needs.

Celestia's face regained its brilliant but serene smile as she moved her forehoof up to the side of Cadance's face. Her neutral tone transformed to that of a kind mother. “I wouldn't ask you to. I'm just glad you came back before the deed was done. You may not feel like you can talk to me about these things, but I want you to know right now that you can. You're family to me, Cadance, and I'll never stop caring about you.”

It was obvious that the pink alicorn relaxed with the words. Her whole body had been tense and now it melted against the bed. Nothing was said for a time after that. One was emotionally drained and the other was physically exhausted. Besides, nothing more needed to be said.

Time drifted along with the breeze coming through one of the massive room's open windows. Birds were chirping outside. They were audible now because there was enough silence in the room to allow it. The atmosphere would have been comfortable if not for the slightly chilly air. For that reason, Celestia's magic closed the window.

“You care too much.”

“Hm?” Celestia asked, looking down to meet her niece's gaze once more.

Cadance sighed to let the rest of her built up anxiety release. “You treat both me and Twilight as if we were blood relatives.”

“And you don't feel as strongly about me?”

The pink pony's look said what she didn't.

Celestia's smile remained. “I won't deny it. Both you and Twilight mean the world to me. That will never change. I want to see you happy and I know that will happen if the Vine grants your wish.”

Cadance's eyes went wide. “You're blessing my quest?”

“Eloquently put,” Celestia giggled quietly. “But yes. I am. Why should I not? Shining Armor's immortality will ensure the emotional stability of both you and Twilight. Oh, I know you can survive without him, but the joy in life is not found in survival. It's found in the relationships you have with others. Why do you think I sent Twilight to Ponyville in the first place?”

“I already knew the answer to that,” Cadance continued to lighten the mood by sticking out her tongue. “Don't forget what my cutie mark is for.”

“How could I?” Celestia joked in return and folded her forehooves before her.

The Princess of Love laid her head against the hooves of the Sun. “Everytime I worry that you'll disapprove, you surprise me.”

“Wisdom does not always come with the years, but I do try to to use the lessons I've learned,” Celestia brushed her niece's mane with one of her hooves. “I may not have a husband, but I do have somepony I care for more than any other in the whole world.”

“Luna?” Cadance guessed lazily. “You two are like peanut butter and jelly.”

That caused Celestia to let out another mature giggle. “I prefer jam, but your point is taken.”

“Aren't you worried what will happen if too many ponies become immortal?” Cadance asked offhoof. It was simply a random thought.

Celestia gently shook her head. “If a problem comes up, it will be a welcome break from the monotony of my years.”

What she didn't go on to say was that the “monotony” had already been broken up. The journey she was still intending to take with Luna and Discord would be anything but boring. In all seriousness, it could end up being a life-and-death quest. One she might not come back from. Cadance and Twilight would be better off never knowing.

“And that's how I met your mother,” Pinkie finished explaining to a fake foal doll.

Twilight's now massive group of ponies had finished checking themselves into a special hotel room that catered to large groups. It was a five-star establishment compliments of Princess Celestia, who assured the hotel staff that their building would not end up in rubble like Canterlot Castle's guest wing had.

The place was practically as ornate as the castle had been, but it was far less foreign. Unlike the destroyed bedroom from before, this room was designed with Equestrian residents in mind. There were no foreign elements to it.

Several large beds had been moved in, as was possible with the dimensions of the place. Many had complained that even the enormous beds would limit them to a few ponies per. Twilight would be sleeping with only a couple others on her bed. All others had to choose separate mattresses.

With Discord's magic healing them so completely, the hospital had been happy to have them released. The doctors were actually quite energetic about getting them out. A few had muttered things about “making a mockery of medicine.” Twilight was thankful to be walking on her own, in any case.

Shortly after they had left the hospital, they had met a variety of family members who had rushed over upon the news of their recovery. Twilight's parents had come to see her, which had ended in a more emotional reunion than she had anticipated it being. Various family members of the others met them along the way as well. Even Rarity's parents had shown up.

With all that had been going on, Twilight hardly had the time to address the darkest parts of her recent revelations. Chrysalis' past was like lead in her heart, pushing her desire to comfort her changeling even more than before. There were just too many things to be done, even with her pony hive settling into their hotel room.

“What are you doing?” Rarity decided that she might as well be the one to ask the necessary question to Pinkie.

“Practicing, of course!” the party pony replied enthusiastically. She somehow managed to store the doll in her mane. Nopony ever breached the subject of the infinite storage space in her poofy pink locks. It was a taboo thing to inquire about. “Do you have any idea how many foals I'm going to have to nanny?!”

“I'll pretend I didn't hear that,” Rarity grimaced and shifted her attention to Spike.

The relatively large dragon was preparing the beds for sleeping when a hearty knock sounded across the room. It had come from the proportionally large double doors, which opened. The guards outside, a fully recovered Midnight Strike and Direway, had apparently let the newcomers in. Spike actually smiled when he saw who they were.

“Finally,” he remarked. His new slightly older voice was familiar enough to still be Spike and yet different enough to instill a sense of awe from those that didn't know him. “I can take a break.”

“Mistress!” shouted Midi Soleil. She was at the forefront of the four identical banner mares that had dedicated themselves entirely as Twilight's maids.

Twilight wasn't able to prepare herself before the white mare collided with her, squeezing her in a tight embrace. It was near Pinkie-grade pressure. “Which one?” the queen wheezed out.

“I'm Midi, my mistress,” the tearfully joyful mare let her queen go but didn't loose her enthusiasm. “None love you more than I!”

Twilight's eye twitched.

“Please forgive my sister,” another blond-maned mare came up to the queen. This one's tone of voice was steady and calm, as if it were a mountain stream in comparison to Midi's white water rapids. “She means no offense to you or those that have stronger relationships with you. Merely, we are all relieved beyond words that you and your friends have recovered so well and so quickly.”

A third of the maid ponies came up to Midi's other side. “Don't be so reserved, Soir,” she said and then turned her attention to Twilight. “Minuit, your highness. Soir won't say it, so I'll say it for her. She loves you as much as Midi does.”

“Thank you all for thinking about me,” Twilight softened and expressed her appreciation. Her gaze was spread to each of the three mares and then the fourth one that squeezed between Soir and Midi. “Please forgive me for having a hard time telling you apart. Identical quadruplets are not exactly common.”

“Yes, but do not feel the need to speak to us formally,” Soir answered in her serene tone. “We are merely your servants.”

“Even my guards are my friends,” Twilight shook her head with a smile. “I wouldn't treat you any less. Midi and Soir, I'll have to talk to each of you privately. Later, though. Pinkie's been hounding me for some assistance.”

As the talk had been going on, the other occupants of the room had been exchanging their own conversations. A few of them were overhearing the talk between Twilight and her maids. Notably Fluttershy, who nervously approached the maids after Twilight ducked away to attend to Pinkie. The party pony had been calling for Twilight over and over through the hivemind, which was now permanently active.

Chrysalis was laying on one of the beds with Pinkie, and they had an interesting contraption between them. The mechanical oddity that Pinkie had been laboring away on had developed into a more mature stage. Structural supports and magical current circuits were mishmashed throughout the “wings” construction. The design had much more prominent changeling roots than it had before.

“So this is what the hivemind can do,” Twilight concluded for herself.

“What do you think?” Pinkie grinned. “Chrysy's been helping me with the parts I don't get yet.”

“You not getting something?” Twilight doubted. “Impossible.”

Chrysalis stretched out one of her long forelegs and brushed at her queen's mane. “You should be resting in your bed.”

“If that's the case, then you shouldn't be using your magic to help build Pinkie's contraption. I'm fine,” Twilight assured and leaned forward to nuzzle her changeling. “Though my schedule is a bit full.”

“The maids?” Chrysalis asked but already knew.

“Harmless but helpful, I'm sure.”

Rainbow Dash's voice came over the queen's active hivemind. Is it really going to take Centurion two more days to heal?

Yes, Twilight replied without any delay. Discord apparently used most of Luna's magic healing us. He used what he had left to help Centurion along, but now Luna's source is drained as well. I'm not sure how fast her source regenerates, but he told me he returned it to her already.

I'll never get your crazy magic stuff, Rainbow replied. In the physical world, the mare was laying on her bed and flipping through a HouseMare magazine.

I'd say you know quite a bit now with our connection, Twilight remarked and then refocused on the changeling in front of her. “Just needs some energy, right?” she spoke verbally.

Chrysalis nodded, indicating that she wanted her queen to do the deed.

Twilight took a deep breath and focused herself. The lightning in her eyes danced to a new intensity as she used her hivemind connection with Chrysalis to build her changeling magic charge. This was still new to her and what happened at the castle made her nervous. Only Discord's previous conversation with her gave her the confidence and drive to try it at all.

Little green sparks erupted from her purple horn for a split second. A single bolt of green lightning then shot from the horn's tip and snapped against the mechanical wings that Pinkie had made with Chrysalis' assistance. The magical circuits lit with a faint green glow accompanied by an equally faint hum. Pinkie squealed with delight while Chrysalis smiled at her queen.

“So our link is stable,” the changeling confirmed for herself. “Discord truly is a powerful if slightly mysterious creature.”

Slightly don't begin to cover it,” Applejack put in upon walking up to them. “Sorry for bringin' it up again, Twi, but...uh...what's all this mud n' hay with changeling power again?”

“Discord called it Hive Power,” Twilight began and got up onto the bed with Chrysalis so she could rest her hooves. “Since he corrected my internal mental links, I've began using our interconnected minds to decipher what he meant. So far, I've found some clarity that I was missing before – mostly via Chrysy's knowledge of changeling magic. The unintentional side effects of using a hivemind on sentients with innate cutie mark talents has led to a cross-matrix involving latent-”

“Whoa there, Ms. Smartypants,” Applejack chuckled. “Think you lost me good a few words in. Might want to give me the bottom shelf.”

Twilight's brows flattened with her deadpan tone. A huff escaped her lips as she relented to the simple version. “We have access to each other's cutie mark abilities.”

That seemed to get through to the Earth pony. Her expression steadily grew in relation to the implications. “Land sakes! Ya'll got each other's talents?! Like that mixup-?”

“Not like that,” Twilight interjected. “And the real answer, as I was attempting to convey, is not so straightforward. For example, as I am now, I can't just fly off and create a Sonic Rainboom.”

“Not without my training you won't,” Rainbow remarked from across the room without looking up from the magazine she was leafing through.

Twilight ignored the comment. “Though I might be able to utilize the special parameters of her talent in more reasonable measures. For example, her subconscious understanding of speed optimization could be applied to Rarity's dress making abilities.”

“I'll need it too,” Rarity added in. She was talking to one of the banner maids, only temporarily looking their way to speak to Twilight. She would have used the hivemind if not for Applejack's non-inclusion. “I have too many designs prepared in my head. All thanks to the insight I acquired from this lovely hivemind.”

Spike sighed beside her, thinking of all the work he likely had cut out for him. Indeed, cutting was only one of the things he'd be assisting Rarity with. The thought of snack rewards offset the possible monotony.

“Sounds like a lifetime went by while I was at the farm,” Applejack frowned.

“In a way, it did,” Twilight's expression sobered. “I saw what felt like a thousand lives through Chrysy's mind. There are a lot of questions I need to ask, but also a lot of answers I need to share. I'd like to fill you in more and I believe there's only one really good way to do that.”

“I don't need to guess,” Applejack threw out her signature grin. “If ya'll can take it, I don't see why I should be worried. 'Sides, I'd never hear the end of it from RD if I bailed out 'cause of fear.”

“You sure wouldn't, partner,” Rainbow imitated the farm pony's accent. She still hadn't looked up from the magazine she was reading.

Applejack rolled her eyes.

“Please be careful,” Chrysalis buzzed next to Twilight.

“It won't be an issue. Not this time,” the purple alicorn nodded to her changeling. She faced Applejack again. “Let's go over to my bed. There's more room and it's easier if you're laying down when this happens.”

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