• Published 6th Aug 2013
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Hive Alive - BlackWater

Twilight saved Chrysalis from a bitter end, thus changing her own fate and that of the Elements of Harmony. As she learns the power of redemption, Twilight gains power never before recorded in history. Equestria itself will never be the same.

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39 - Time is Precious

The maids had gone off to their own room some time ago. The mattresses had been arranged per order on the floor, though an outsider would hardly understand why. Twilight's hive was far happier with the situation, though. It made for less bickering over sleeping position, after all.

Pinkie Pie and Chrysalis were outside the hotel doing something or other with that crazy invention. Spike and Rarity were out at some restaurant. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Applejack were all present in the room and caught up in their own musings. Though it was possible for them to communicate seamlessly over the hivemind, most preferred using actual words over mere thought when the audience was immediately present. It was a point Twilight had made before.

All members currently connected through the hivemind had heard what Celestia had said. They knew what the near future held for Twilight, but the pony queen forced the subject into a dormant state. She didn't want to think about it for a thousand reasons, the most obvious being that it was actually quite late into the night and she was too tired for another explosion of stress. This blocking of the topic led the hive members to continue their own thoughts in the meantime.

“You don't need to pretend when everypony already knows and accepts you for who you are,” Fluttershy answered Rainbow Dash's worry. They were laying beside each other near the center of the multi-mattress spread.

The blue pegasus gripped the pillow between her forehooves. “I know that. You all keep saying it,” she said with a slantwise expression. “But I just...”

Fluttershy was, perhaps, a pony more sensitive than most when it came to empathy. She moved over on the sheets and wrapped Rainbow in her hooves. “Won't you at least be yourself around me?”

“I'm not sure who I really am,” Rainbow remarked with a touch of depression. She nuzzled her friend as a sign of gratitude, however.

“Consarnit,” AJ breathed out in frustration. She had been trying to use magic by applying what she had access to through their hivemind. The small orb of energy she had been trying to form in her hoof winked out of existence every time her breath touched it. “We're connected, you know. Got the same as Spike did, so why can't you get past it?”

Rainbow's default reaction would have been a snarky response, but the emotions Applejack conveyed to her over the hivemind were far more sensitive and caring than her words sounded. What the Earth pony had really said was that Rainbow's insecurity over her identity was similar to the issue Spike had over his new body.

“Spike only had his image with us to think of,” Rainbow's voice was nearly a mumble. “We all knew that he mostly cared about Twilight and Rarity's opinions. That was it. But I've got tons of ponies that expect me to be a certain way. The town, the Wonderbolts, even those weird fans...”

Fluttershy rubbed Rainbow's back with a yellow wing. “I think Applejack meant that the decision is still the same. Spike may have had the benefit of having all of us accept him, but he still had to choose to let go of what he had been before.”

“What's important to me, huh?” Rainbow's head lowered while she stared listlessly into the sheets. “Me or my reputation.”

“Ain't a matter of reputation,” Applejack added in as she focused on creating the orb in her hoof again. “I'd respect you more for bein' yourself in spite of the pressure rather than give in and have a split personality your whole life.”

Goodness me, Rarity chimed in over their hivemind. I think that may be the most sophisticated thing I've ever heard come out of your mouth.

No peepin' into other conversations, Rarity! AJ retorted.

“Thanks,” Rainbow Dash answered. “Really. I'd like to think about it some more, though. Maybe talk to Twi again.”

Fluttershy giggled. “Well, Dashie, she does happen to be our special pony.”

“The trick is to focus,” Rarity explained in her typical tone of refinement.

The white unicorn and her accompanying dragon were seated at a high-class restaurant themed primarily after some distant foreign culture. Spike didn't recognize the origin of the white and blue flags outside. Neither did he remember tasting such perfect garlic rolls before. The straw basket in the center of the circular glass table was nearly empty of them now, though he had carefully articulated his consumption so as to not embarrass Rarity.

It may have been a cool damp night outdoors, but it was comfortably warm and clean in the bright restaurant. The décor was heavy in white and light hues of blue and green. Newer lighting devices put forth a decidedly non-yellow and entirely pure luminescence. Meanwhile, the waiters and waitresses carried themselves about with a markedly different style of posh. It spoke of personal contentment rather than the classical “I'm better than you” attitude of the city.

By far, the most important aspect of their very late evening was the fact that they were the only customers present. Few Canterlot ponies were visiting restaurants at such a mature hour and this particular establishment was the only one still open that Rarity wanted to go to. Spike picked up on this effortlessly through their hivemind. Everything seemed so easy now with it.

Spike swallowed the final bit of his last garlic roll just as the music took a new turn. Being the only customers, he and Rarity were seated at the prime table right in front of a low-level stage occupied by a single gray mare. Whoever she was, she was incredibly talented. Her use of the cello created an incredible sound of exotic tranquility. Not a single note sounded as tired as the poor musician looked. It was entirely probable that she had been playing all day for the restaurant.

“I think I'll just focus on you right now,” the dragon smiled, attempting to keep his larger teeth from poking out of his mouth the way they often did with Chrysalis. “This is kind of like our first date.”

“Do not be silly, Spikey,” Rarity blushed but didn't shy away. She held his gaze. “It is hardly fitting to call this a date when our positions and intentions have already been explicitly revealed through our hivemind.”

“Sounds like something Twilight would say,” the dragon chuckled lightly.

“We have all been affected by her mind – and each other's for that matter. It is impossible not to be influenced now that our connection is always present.”

Spike saw their orange-coated waitress approaching with their order in a magical levitation aura. “Just promise me you'll always be Rarity.”

“I would not change so much,” the Element of Generosity assured him. “Though I might give it some thought if you had any specific requests.”

Their hivemind was completely unnecessary for him to pick up on the mare's flirtatious suggestion. With a careful but light-hearted grace, the waitress placed their dishes before them and quietly left so that they might enjoy the food and the music. Both of them, however, were more interested in each other.

Spike poured his attention back into the purple-maned mare on the other side of the table. “I fell in love with you because of who you are, not because of who I wanted you to be. You're already everything that I want, Rarity.”

The unicorn tried to keep the water in her eyes from showing and only her practice in etiquette allowed her to half succeed. “Such a smooth talker. You would have us forget our meals and banter the night away.”

Spike grinned, shrugged, and took to his plate. Being as late as it was, they had both ordered light appetizers. His was a crumbly cake that was more air than substance. Hers looked to be little more than a berry with a tuft of creme on top of it.

“Don't eat it all in one bite,” Spike joked.

At one point in her life, Rarity might have scolded him for the comment. She had indeed changed, though. Using her magic, she controlled her fork and knife to cut the piece of fruit into even smaller pieces. She did this with her signature form of daintiness.

“Life is much like this Righnoli berry, Spikey. It is small and meant to be savored.”

The dragon swallowed a forkful of his miniature cake. “As much as possible,” he agreed with a hint of sadness creeping into his happy exterior.

Whether it was from the inflection in his voice or the hivemind, Rarity caught his meaning. He was immortal and she was not. Some facts could be looked at in a positive light, but others seemed cold and hard. This was one of the cold and hard ones.

Rarity swallowed the small bit of berry she had carefully picked with her fork. Her voice fell nearly below the volume of the calm cello-based music. “When we get back to our room,” she said, “I would like it very much if you would hold me while we sleep.”

Spike took his turn keeping the water from his eyes. It felt like he had been given everything he ever wanted in life only to be given a stopwatch as well. He had limited time and the seconds were ticking away even now.

“Every night,” he answered, trying not to choke on the words.

“It's not as different as you worry that it is,” Celestia assured her former pupil. “You've taken some foalsitting lessons from Cadance when you were a bit younger. Holding court in Canterlot can be done using little more than those lessons. Just don't be afraid to give some spankings when they're called for.”

Princess Luna nearly bust a gut laughing at her sister's remark. Twilight, on the other hoof, was still too bothered to let the humor get to her.

“Rule Equestria?!” she repeated her disbelief. “How could I? I've never even assisted in holding a session of court before. The legal classes necessary to-”

“Twilight,” the Sun Princess interrupted the shocked alicorn. “I distinctly remember teaching you personally about the political and legal ideology of Equestria. What I have already taught you is completely sufficient. In fact, it might be a good thing that I have not had you assisting me in court before. You will not be able to relax in that routine when you take my place. Equestria will need a much firmer leadership.”

Twilight's panic turned to deep thought and she settled back into the silky sheets. “What do you mean?”

Luna spoke up. “She means that even her past rule of this land and public declaration of replacement will not be enough weight to ensure your position in our absence. With us temporarily gone, there will be groups even here in Canterlot that will question your right to rule. Maintaining Equestria's sovereignty will require you to impose a form of leadership we haven't had need of in over a thousand years.”

The small purple alicorn gulped. Being far from stupid, it wasn't hard to pick up on Luna's implication. Celestia tried to continue but Discord had the next word in. He had let Luna free from his arms earlier and had started braiding her mane instead.

“Ponies these days,” he clicked his tongue. “They have no idea what it was like thousands of years ago. They'll soon find out if they don't respect their queen.”

Luna tried swatting away his paw and claw but failed to keep him back.

“Don't worry about being harsh, Twilight,” Celestia got the alicorn's attention back. “Remember this moment when I gave you all of the explicit permission you might need in the future. The only way Equestria will ever fall is if you are too afraid to use the power given to you. I would never worry about you abusing it because I know you, Twilight. I also know your friends would hold you accountable.”

Twilight was relieved at the approach Celestia had taken, but the weight of responsibility had hardly lightened through the Sun Alicorn's encouraging words. Twilight's hivemind had taken the information with much speculation and a wealth of mixed feeling. It was hard to imagine what it would all mean in the end. Were their lives going to keep changing without any period of rest? She decided to put the topic on hold until she could sort it out with the others.

“What now?”

“Hm?” Celestia questioned as she turned beneath the covers.

Luna was only half paying attention as she fussed with Discord.

“What do I do now?” Twilight clarified. “You want to put me in your place after you leave, my friends will want to go back to Ponyville, I need to address Chrysalis' past with her, we need to see the Tree of Harmony...not to mention figuring out the relation between this Hive Power and the Elements of Harmony!”

Celestia considered the younger mare's words. It was nice for some peculiar reason to hear a hint of characteristic obsession still in Twilight's tone. “The Elements never belonged to me,” she settled the fact. “I couldn't begin to explain how they might interact magically with the power you've discovered through Chrysalis. I suspect, as you likely already have, that it's a matter of relational magic. The Elements are based on that magical foundation the same way changeling magic is. Perhaps you should focus on going back to Ponyville first. From there, you can visit the Tree and then return here for your public ascension.”

A hum sounded in the quiet room while Twilight thought.

“Would you stop that,” Luna huffed as a statement to the draconequus.

Discord's tail wrapped around a small mirror on the bedside table and hung it in front of Luna's face. “But it suits you so well!”

Seeing her mane partly braided did give her a sense of style. Perhaps it wouldn't look so bad if it was finished. But no. She was too stubborn to admit such a thing and thus kept her forelegs crossed and her cheeks puffed.

“Luna,” Twilight called for the mare's attention.

“Yes, what?” the Princess of the Night rolled her eyes at the male beside her. She waved the mirror away from her face.

Twilight was straight to the point. “What do you think?”

Luna was very aware of the fact that Discord and her sister were looking to her just as intense as Twilight was. She sighed. “Follow my sister's advice. Go to the Tree and listen to it closely. It does not speak in the way most creatures do, so you must open your mind to its magic. Your hivemind should give you a sense of how to do that.”

“Pay close attention to the tonality,” Discord added. “I strongly suspect you will hear two voices rather than one. The Tree has connections to the other origins. The Vine especially.”

“The one that granted my immortality,” Twilight remembered.

“And the one with a personal interest in your future. Take its words with a grain of salt,” Discord warned. “I don't trust it.”

Celestia's smile had waned. “We don't know its motives. Granting immortality might only be a primer in its plan. We may be grateful to it, but the Origins are mysterious powers that have existed long before recorded history. Countless empires have risen and fallen around them.”

“The Vine expressed little interest in modern crises when we last visited it,” Luna helped emphasize the point. “The fact that it's interested in an individual pony is as mysterious as its power.”

“I'll be careful,” Twilight assured while her eyes crackled with a faint green spark. “I've got a hive to take care of, after all.”

Discord groaned, though it apparently had nothing to do with the conversation. “I hate having no magic to use. No props, no costumes, not even the most simplistic gag to pull out of thin air. It's no fun at all. Where do you keep the trick cards, Tia?”

“How'd it go?” Applejack asked the moment Twilight walked back into their hotel room.

It was especially late into the night and, though the stars had looked beautiful outside, Twilight found herself incredibly tired. Besides her magically-forced physical recovery, too many things had changed with her recently. Her mind and body needed time to recover. Certainly Chrysalis would be willing to accommodate the needs of her queen by helping to get the others settled down for sleep.

“Chrysy,” Twilight yawned. “Get comfortable because I'm about to crash.”

Their hotel room had a cozy atmosphere to it with the carefully controlled temperature and the sleepover-style arrangement of mattresses and sheets. All of the hive, save the two guards stationed outside, were present. The maids and two off-duty guards were already asleep, though Centurion was still technically in the hospital. Twilight's servants were two groups she'd rather not have to worry about at the moment.

“It went exactly as well as you already know,” Twilight finally answered Applejack.

The Earth pony had been listening in over the hivemind, but she still felt the need to ask. It seemed the polite and honest thing to do anyhow. She could only hope it helped convey the feelings of support she tried sending to her queen.

“I'm here for you all the way, sugarcube,” AJ added voice to her thoughts. “Even if that means...haystacks, I don't even know how we're goin' to do this.”

She was referring to how they were going to be in Ponyville while Twilight needed to handle Equestria from Canterlot. Taking a small part of Twilight's obsession with details, AJ had already begun nervously shuffling her hooves. She wasn't normally prone to doing it, which caused the others to take notice.

Don't bother our queen with worry, Chrysalis told Applejack. We're all tired and we'll have plenty of time to think on the train back to Ponyville.

Taking the lead, Chrysalis? Rainbow yawned. She was obviously as tired as the others were.

Even Pinkie Pie, currently laying on her back on the soft sheets, was staring at the ceiling in a listless daze. Spike was nearly asleep already with Rarity laying snug against his curled up body. Fluttershy motioned to her queen to lay down with her.

Twilight sighed for the last time that day while she got beneath the sheets at the center of their sleeping area, accompanied by Fluttershy and a few others. The hive got the hint that there was little reason to keep up conversation. Only one thought struck the queen as they settled into the world fabricated in their hivemind.

The future was dark, as if hidden behind cold rain clouds.

Perhaps that thought had been a premonition of the next day. Their hivemind world was sunny and cheery, providing a ground for restful conversation and play. The real world that they returned to the next morning was less so. Dark clouds had been moved in over Canterlot skies and sprinkled the ground in a light but cool drizzle.

Twilight had carefully organized her saddlepack with replacement items that Celestia had sent to her due to the materials she had lost in the castle's collapse. Scrolls, an ink pot, a brush. Everyday items for the most part. One item that had thankfully been recovered was the black book that Luna had given to her in regards to Spike's dreams. The hardcover was a tad beaten and scratched, but the pages inside were intact.

“All done, mistress,” Midi Soleil happily reported upon tidying up their room.

The purple queen smiled and thanked her maid. “Don't forget to meet me at the station,” she reminded.

“Of course not, mistress,” the white mare practically swooned over her superior. “I couldn't forget a word of your lovely voice.”

In spite of Midi's flattery, the Element of Magic was more concerned with pending issues. One of the topics of their recent hivemind sleep had to do with Twilight's absence from Ponyville. Apparently, Applejack had found Fluttershy in a terrible condition only a day after Twilight left. The hivemind hadn't matured to a continuously active state at that time and some aspect of it had caused the normally timid pegasus to experience intense levels of fear and anxiety. Fluttershy hadn't been able to sleep.

The idea that her connected individuals would never be able to leave her presence for long made Twilight concerned. Was it akin to taking away her friends' very freedom? They weren't exactly aware of this fact when they connected. Was it fair? Her hivemind helped put her at ease when the others assured her they accepted the reality of their situation.

With the moral dilemma aside for the moment, Twilight and her hive were now making their way out of the hotel. One of the maids had taken care of the bill, the other three also having taken care of fixing the mattresses and sheets in their room. There was much to do today, but first thing on Twilight's agenda was to see her brother and her sister-in-law.

“Everypony,” Twilight addressed her party of individuals as they walked out of the hotel lobby and entered the Canterlot streets. “Feel free to do what you want. We meet at the train station in two hours.”

All gave their agreements, though Chrysalis looked a bit uncomfortable at being away from Twilight even if it wasn't far or for very long. Fluttershy encouraged the changeling by inviting her along for a walk. As each went their own way to spend the necessary time, Spike gave his mother some parting words.

“Careful what you ask,” he said in a serious tone. “I've got a queasy feeling about this.”

“You're just hungry, Spike,” Twilight giggled in return. “Go grab some breakfast and keep Rarity out of the rain. I don't want to hear her complain later about how her mane was ruined.”

“I have an umbrella,” Rarity deadpanned.

Indeed, now that they were outside, they all had proper covering from the rain. Most, like Rarity, wielded generic umbrellas provided from the hotel. Doubtless, Rarity would want to beautify her drab gray equipment. Applejack was the only one without an umbrella because she had managed to grab a heavy poncho at some point.

Nopony believes me when I say y'all regret not havin' it when it rains, the orange mare grinned in gratification.

Twilight ignored the ensuing conversation between AJ and RD. Instead, she focused on getting down to the nearby inner-city park where she had promised to meet up with her brother and his wife. It was a park she knew well from her childhood, which meant she didn't need to think to find her way there. The buildings and paved walkways were irrelevant to her hooves that could traverse the path all on their own.

Perhaps the light drizzle of rain made their outdoor meeting less desirable, but there were covered tables at the park. Beneath her umbrella, Twilight was seized in a moment of nostalgia the moment she stepped past the open gates of the tree-lined park walkway. Even the gloomy skies couldn't keep a smile from her face.

The damp cobblestone beneath her hooves felt the same as it had over a decade ago. Familiarity was what everything was bathed in, rather than the cool damp water from the sky. She felt good coming back here until the path wound around the play area with the swings and seesaws. Perhaps it was only a memory, but she could see a young version of herself playing there with Cadance. They were having the time of their lives without a worry in the world.

As Twilight kept treading down the damp cobblestone path, she couldn't help feeling a sense of loss. What would it be like to turn back the clock and live forever in that time of happiness? No cares or worries. Not a hundred thousand troubles draining her very life...

“Twily!” called out the unmistakable voice of her brother.

The purple pony snapped out of her dark thoughts. Where had they come from? She wasn't sad or depressed was she? How could she be when she had her hive? It was that same hive that even now flooded her with love and strength.

“Good morning, Shining,” she greeted back and stepped beneath the roof of the covered table area. Cadance and her brother had gotten up from their seats to meet her and it took only a second for Twilight to snap her wet umbrella closed. She hooked it onto the side of the saddlepacks on her back.

“Twilight,” Cadance gave her sister-in-law an indicative look as they stepped up to each other. That was enough for the younger mare to forget her prior musings.

“Sunshine, sunshine,” Twilight beamed.

“Ladybugs awake,” Cadance answered.

“Clap your hooves and do a little shake,” they both ended with a bout of giggling.

Shining Armor shook his head but smiled all the same. “Some things will never change,” he commented.

“I hope not,” Twilight stated and hugged them both. “But it seems to be getting harder and harder to keep up with you two.”

The party of three got to their seats on the table centered beneath the large roof. A calm pitter-patter of rain drummed on, though it was easily overpowered by their conversation. Shining sat on one side with his wife while Twilight took the opposing end of the park table.

“Well,” Cadance stretched out the word, “a lot has happened. I take it that Celestia has already told you about the trip?”

“Yes,” Twilight confirmed a bit sadly.

“But not about ours?” Shining cocked his head. He must have picked up on the curious look in his little sister's eyes because he passed it on to Cadance.

“Twilight,” the pink princess bit her bottom lip. “Shining and I will be leaving soon. We actually had started out when we got the news of what happened here in Canterlot. There's something very serious that we need to look into for the sake of the Crystal Empire. We were going to leave the council in charge of governance in our absence, but it would be far better if someone stood in our place.”

“We talked to Spike when you were still unconscious,” Shining Armor continued. “Both me and Cadance think he's done a lot of growing up. Not just physically,” he quickly added. “I mean, this whole hivemind thing seems to have given him a greater sense of responsibility. The Empire already considers him a figure. Would it be possible to have Spike step in for us?”

The slow and gentle rain kept on even as Twilight's hivemind stopped cold.

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