• Published 7th May 2013
  • 3,439 Views, 315 Comments

Bionicle: The Darkness Within - FenrisianBrony

The Toa Metru team, led by Toa Vakama, pursue the Makuta to Equestria.

  • ...

Waking Up

Spike was right. Waking Rainbow up was impossible at the best of times. Factoring in the earlier time just made it even harder, if that was even possible.

"Spike. What did you say I had to be up for?" Rainbow Dash asked, rubbing her eyes as she lazily flew behind the baby dragon.

"Ugh. I told you. Princess Luna saw something in the sky, so Princess Celestia told her to investigate with us, so we need to be ready when she gets here." Spike said exasperatedly.

"And when was is she supposed to be here?" Rainbow yawned.

"About ten minutes ago, maybe more. If you'd just got up when I first tried we'd already be their."

Lapsing into silence, the pair rushed through Ponyville, the newly risen sun casting long shadows across the ground. Eventually, the pair came into sight of a group of ponies standing outside the town hall. In one cluster were the rest of her friends, while in the other cluster stood Luna, surrounded by ten imposing bat-ponies, each wearing some strange version of the normal Lunar guard armour.

"Ah. Rainbow Dash. You're here then." Luna smiled, catching sight of the Pegasus and the dragon as they ran up to the group. "And you to spike. I'm glad you both finally arrived."

"I take it Rainbow was as difficult to get up as I expected?" Twilight smiled.

"I don't know. Did you expect it to take almost half an hour?" Spike asked sarcastically.

"Well I thought it would take closer to forty minutes myself." Rarity smiled.

"Does this mean I win?" Pinkie asked excitedly.

"Actually. I believe I won this bet you speak of." Luna laughed.

"Wait, which bet?" Rainbow asked, scratching her head in confusion.

"Oh nothin' RD." applejack said, putting her hoof round Rainbow. "We just had a bet on how long it would take Spike to get you up."

Grumbling, Pinkie, Rarity and a few of the lunar guards got out a few bits each. A magical aura surrounded the bits as Luna grabbed them with her magic.

"Now that that's out of the way, let us get down to business." Luna smiled, putting the bits in a small drawstring bag. "Almost an hour ago I observed a flash of light in my night sky, one not scheduled by me to happen. This light seemed to emanate from above the Everfree Forest. As an unknown entity, I have been sent to investigate what caused this. My sister asked me to take you girls as well, but I believe this to be unnecessary. Never the less, I have brought the elements of harmony, and would appreciate it if you would wear them while we investigate."

As she mentioned the Elements of Harmony, two of the guards walked towards a chest, opening it to reveal all six of the Elements of Harmony. As one, the six bearers walked forward and donned their respective elements.

"OK girls. Lets roll." Twilight said, beginning to stride off in the direction of the Everfree Forest.

"Alright. The seven of us going on an adventure together." Spike smiled from his position on Twilight's back.

"Whoa Spike. Where do you think your going?" Twilight asked, stopping and taking Spike off of her back. "The Everfree forest is no place for a baby. Even a dragon baby."

"Oh come on." Spike said in indignation. "You guys never let me come with you. Just this once. Please?"

"No Spike. Go back to sleep. I'll wake you when I get back." Twilight said, with an air of finality.

"Ugh. Fine. I still think I should be allowed to come." Grumbled Spike as he trudged back to the library.

"Now that that's done." Luna said, setting off towards the Everfree, her guards following closely behind.


"Ugh." Groaned Nuju, sitting up from where he had been flung. Gazing across the clearing that they had landed in, Nuju sighed.

Once again, the ship that they had traveled on was in pieces on its back. Parts of its wreckage were littering the ground around the main body of their past vessel.

Struggling to his feet, Nuju walked over to a pile of rubble which had a green foot sticking out of it. With a smile, Nuju stopped by it.

"Need a hand Matau?" He laughed

"Not funny." Came the muffled reply from the green Toa.

With another chuckle, Nujus' mask began to glow. With a thought, Nuju simply moved the pile of wreckage off of his fallen brother, setting it down a few meters away, before offering a hand to the now prone form of Matau.

"Here's the hand I offered." He smiled as Matau grabbed hold and hauled himself up.

The pair of Toa stood together, surveying the wreckage, Nujus' red eye occasionally zooming in on a piece of rubble as he scanned for the other four Toa.

"Another graceful landing eh Matau?" Came the voice of Whenua from behind the pair. The black Toa was followed by Onewa and Nokama, the group emerging from behind a pile of ruined ship.

"You can't blame me this time." Matau said indignantly. "Nakama was the one who gave the order."

"Speaking of our fearless leader, where is he?" Onewa asked, looking around.

"Boo." Came a lazy voice from the center of the group.

The five Toa looked around, scanning for the source of the voice, before the red Toa revealed himself, his form slowly becoming visible again.

"Oh ha ha." Matau said, crossing his arms.

"You always say I should lighten up Matau. I thought I could just take your advice."

"Well, I guess we're not going to be going back home on this thing are we?" Whenua asked, kicking a piece of wreckage across the clearing. "Anyone got any idea where we are?"

"None. We didn't know where we were before we entered the energized protodermis, let alone now." Nokama said.

"Spread out. Find anything that may be of use. Then we begin looking for the Matoran, and Makuta." Vakama said, striding towards the main body of their ship.

As one, the six Toa spread out, scanning the wreckage for anything that could be useful. After ten minutes of searching, they returned to the center of the clearing. Their search had been fairly unfruitful, turning up a few light stones along with a stack of Kanoka Disks found by Vakama.

"Still carrying those things around smelt-head?" Matau asked as Vakama dropped the disks in a pile in front of him.

"You never know when we may need then for something other than ammo." Vakama smiled, drawing his weapon and inspecting it for damage.

Taking this as a prompt, the other five Toa drew their own weapons, some inspecting them, while other, namely Matau, just admired them.

"Have you ever seen anything as handsome as this face?" He asked as he looked at his reflection in the blade.

"Yeah. I think it was a beetle." Whenua laughed, clapping Matau on the back and sending him sprawling on the ground. Getting up, he launched himself at Whenua, knocking him to the ground. The pair rolled around on the floor, Whenua laughing at Matau's attempt at intimidation.

"Are you two quite finished?" Nokama asked, shearing her own weapons.

"Fine." Whenua relented, allowing Matau to get up from where he was pinned.

"So. Vakama. Game plan?" Onewa asked.

"Well. We have no idea where we are, or where the Matoran will be, so I suggest that we find any signs of life and try to find out anything we can. Agreed?"

"Agreed." Replied the other Toa.

The six Toa gathered up their belongings, shearing their weapons and placing the light stones on their persons. Vakama grabbed the Kanoka Disks, placing them on his back, along with his disk launcher. Leading the way, Vakama led the Toa out of the clearing, following the position of the newly rising sun he could see off in the distance.


The group of ponies walked deeper into the Everfree Forest, Celestia's rising sun shining on their backs. From the front of the group came the voice of the guard commander, Castelian, if Twilight remembered correctly.

"How far in are we planning on going your highness?"

"Until we find evidence of something that caused the flash." Luna replied simply.

"And if we don't find anything?" Twilight asked.

Luna didn't reply, gazing off into the distance. After waiting for a reply which never came, Twilight walked up next to Castelian.

"So, Castelian. What's it like being..." Twilight began.

"In the Lunar guard?"

"I was going to say a 'bat...pony?" She asked hesitantly.

"You mean a Equos Lunar? Well other than being seen as a monster by most ponies, its not that bad. Think of us as a cross between Pegasus and Earth Ponies. The majority of us are stronger than your average Pegasi, and we're faster and more agile than most Earth ponies." He explained.

"So your like...the forth breed of ponies? How come noponies ever documented you?"

"We live away from other ponies for a reason. We only started to integrate back into pony society when Nightmare Moon returned."

"You mean Luna? Why?"

"She was the one who originally molded our species. Legend has it that Celestia created Equestria, and created the Earth Ponies, Pegasi and Unicorns. Luna however, created her own race. She created just one, a race she believed to be perfect. The result was the Equos Lunar."

"So how many of your kind are there? There can't be that many or ponies would have seen you more often."

"There were lots of us. One thousand years ago. Now there's only a few thousand of us." He said, matter-of-factly

"Sooo... You fought with Nightmare Moon then? Against Celestia?"

"Not me, and not my ancestors. Most our kind followed her blindly, but a few stayed loyal to the Solar goddess. If it wasn't for that...well. I don't think she would have allowed us to reintegrate back into society."

"So who do you serve now? Celestia or Luna?"

"Officially we are Lunas personal guard, but I prefer to think of myself as serving Equestria as a whole."

"But you lead them? The rest of the Equos Lunar?"

"And the Moonlight Wardens."

"The what?"

"The Moonlight Wardens. The elite within the Lunar guard. The best of the best."

"And that's you guys?" Twilight asked, gesturing at the other guards. "The best of the Lunar Guard."

"Affirmative. And I'm proud to call each one of them my brothers and sisters in arms."

With that, Castelian dropped back to one of the other guards and began a hushed conversation with the mare in question.

"What was that all about Twi?" Asked Applejack.

"I just found out more about a rare species." She smiled gleefully, skipping ahead of the group.

The group continued to walk towards the source of the light flash, while six pairs of eyes watched their movements.




The six Toa continued walking through the forest they had found the self in. Half of the Toa, Matau, Onewa and Nuju, had drawn their weapons, cutting through the dense undergrowth in their path.

"So, fire-spitter. Any stroke of genius as to what we're going to find when we get to this mysterious settlement you think we're going to find?" Matau asked from the front of the group.

"Heh. As long as we don't find any Le-Metru there, I'm sure we'll be fine." Whenua laughed.

"Whatever. You’d be lucky to meet any of my friends here.” Matau said.

The group lapsed back into silence, and began to think about what they were going to do. It seemed like only a few weeks ago the six Toa were actually Matoran from the different villages around Metru Nui.

That had all changed when Toa Lhikan had paid each of them a visit. The old Toa of fire, and leader of the Toa Mangai team before them, had presented them each with a Toa Stone.

That single act had led them to where they were today. From Matoran to Toa, the team had combated the Makuta, a being created by the great spirit himself. Unfortunately, the Makuta fell from the light, and attempted to shroud the land in shadows, casting a great slumber over the land, he imprisoned the Matoran in an endless slumber.

Standing together, the six Toa had defeated the Makuta, sealing him in protodermis. In the wake if the victory, the Toa had continued to look for the remaining Matoran.

Unfortunately, the Makuta had escaped, which is why the Toa were now searching for him, and to retrieve the final stolen Matoran.

"Vakama." Came the hushed voice of Nuju from the front of the group. "We have a situation."

The group of Toa stopped, drawing their weapons in anticipation for whatever the 'situation' was.

"What is it Nuju?" Vakama asked, moving up beside his brother.

"Look there." Nuju said, pointing through the undergrowth.

Peering through the dim light from the sun, Vakama looked through the plants at the path they had carefully avoided lay walking alone. Vakama caught sight of some shadows advancing up the pathway, but couldn't make out what was casting them.

Crouching down, and signalling the other Toa to do the same.

"Vakama? What is it?" Nokama asked, moving closer to her brother.

"I don't know. There's movement ahead of us."

"What kind of movement?" Whenua asked, spinning his own weapons nervously.

"The kind that moves slowthink." Laughed Matau

"You know what I mean." Whenua whispered exasperatedly. "You remember what happened last time we ran into something we didn't know we got..." He began

"Don't say it." Matau said quickly. "I don't like thinking about it. I mean, being that hideous? That was just horrifying."

"I still can't see the difference brother." Smiled Onewa.

"Why you..." Matau began, before being silenced by Nuju.

"Quite. We still don't know what's out there." He chastised.

"Good. Nokama, ideas?" Vakama asked.

"Wait and see what they are? They probably don't even know we are here." She answered slowly.

Lying down and crawling closer to the road, Vakama's mask began to glow, shrouding his body in a shimmering field, before causing him to vanish from sight.

Time ticked by, and the shadows grew larger still, until the Toa finally saw something move.

"What. Is that?" Nuju asked, staring at the path way.

"I don't know." Whispered Nokama

"Just going out on a limb here." Onewa started, "you haven't got anything like that in archives have you Whenua?"

"No." He said simply, his mouth hanging open.

"Didn't you say you had specimens of every creature in there?" Nokama asked worriedly.

"Exactly." Whenua shuddered. "Going on on a limb here, but I don't think we're anywhere near Metru Nui, are we?"

The five visible Toa stared out onto the path, as a plethora of creatures walked into sight. What was immediately clear to the Toa was how strange they looked. Instead of being bio-mechanical like the Toa were, they looked almost...sleek, organic.

There were seventeen of the creatures in all, one of whom towered above the rest of the group. Another thing that Nokama noticed instantly was the subtle differences between them. Other than the colours differentiating between them, some of them had different physical features. Over half of the group had what looked like wings, while other ones had horns on their heads. The only exception to these two groups were two of the creatures, who seemed to not have either, and the large one, who seemed to have both.

"Vakama, what do we do?" Nokama asked in a hushed voice.

The Toa of fire re-materialized next to his sister and sighed.

"I don't know. What are they for one?" He asked

"Why don't we attempt communication?" Suggested Nuju.

"And if that turns out as well as the last time we tried to just walk into a situation without think-talking?" Matau asked.

"Then we handle it like we did then. Don't worry Matau, I'm sure they wont be able to turn you into uglier than you are now anyway" Onewa said joked.

"Alright. So we wait until an opportunity presents itself and attempt to make contact. Everyone agree?" Asked Nakama.

The six Toa nodded in agreement, slowly getting to their feet, and silently following the creatures, making sure to stay out of sight.


"G-guys." Fluttershy whispered. "I think we're being watched."

"Ah come on now Fluttershy. Y'all know better than any of us about the critters that live in the forest. It's probably just one of them." Applejack replied, smiling at her friend.

"No. It didn't feel like their eyes do." Fluttershy said.

"I agree with Fluttershy here." Luna boomed. "I do not recognize the feeling of the presence."

"Do you know who they are?" Rarity asked.

"No. I can't find the source of the feeling. Twilight can you feel anything?"

"Nothing. It's like there's a cloud preventing me from seeing in the astral plane." Twilight replied

"Should we continue princess?" Castelian asked, trotting up next to Luna.

"Oh course. We need to find out what caused the light."

"And how long are we going to keep searching?" Castelian asked.

"Commander!" Came the shout from one of the Moonlight Wardens, "You may want to take a look at this."

Running over to the guard in question, Castelian looked at where the pony was pointing and gasped.

"Your majesty. I believe we've found what caused the disturbance."

Quickly, the group of ponies ran up to where the two guards were now standing, and looked out at the clearing infront of them. Covering the ground around the group was a huge amount of strange, metal-like, debris, just lying around. Slowly, the group walked into the clearing, carefully avoiding any of the wreckage.

"What is it?" Twilight asked, inspecting a smaller piece of the wreckage.

"I don't know." Luna said softly, taking in the scene around her. "Castelian, spread yourself and the rest of the Moonlight Wardens out around the wreckage. Check to see if there is anything else of note around."

"Would an extremely handsome Toa hero class as something of note?" Came a voice from behind the group.

Whirling around, the group searched for the source of the voice, settling their eyes upon a dark grey bat-pony stallion. His cutie mark was a strange looking mask type thing, which even now was glowing as a dull white glow surrounded him, revealing an extremely strange looking bipedal creature.

"Especially an extremely handsome Toa hero like me." The creature asked, as three horns and a host of blades were pointed at him.


"Looks like they found the result of your driving Matau." Whenua laughed quietly.

"Stop it." Nokama ordered.

"How should we go about this?" Vakama asked.

"Well luckily for us, one of our mask powers is actually worth the weight." Matau laughed.

Concentrating hard, the Toa of Air's mask began to glow, shrouding the Toa in a corona of dull white light. Once it had cleared, the tall green figure had disappeared, being replaced by another one of the strange ponies.

"Matau? How can you..." Vakama began, before trailing off.

"Don't look at me. I didn't think it was going to work." The grey pony laughed, before striding out into the clearing, just as the large winged and horned pony spoke again.

"I don't know." It said softly, taking in the scene around it. "Castelian, spread yourself and the rest of the Moonlight Wardens out around the wreckage. Check to see if there is anything else of note around."

"Would an extremely handsome Toa hero class as something of note?" Matau said, causing the remainder of Toa to sigh in exasperation.

Once again, the white light surrounded Matau, burning off to once again reveal the green Toa, striking a pose in the middle of the group of ponies.

"Especially an extremely handsome Toa hero like me." Matau grinned, as three horns and a host of blades were pointed at him.

Author's Note:

Ok. So now the groups have actually met, now for a bit of interaction. Also, there will be more description about the Toa in either this chapter or the one after that.