• Published 7th May 2013
  • 3,443 Views, 315 Comments

Bionicle: The Darkness Within - FenrisianBrony

The Toa Metru team, led by Toa Vakama, pursue the Makuta to Equestria.

  • ...

A Universal Impossibility

"So now that we have all agreed that the Toa are a non-hostile force, what would our next step be princess?" Castelian asked, turning to Celestia.

"Yes. Searching for the Makuta must be our prerogative, but without the assistance you can provide, I fear that we would not even know where to begin." Nokama agreed.

"A valid point." Celestia mused, thinking for a moment. "Luna, your personal appraisal?"

"I believe that before we make our decision, we must know how long the Toa expect this mission to take. If it will be a quick in and out grab, then there is no need to alarm the general population with the knowledge of their presence." Luna mused.

"And if it will take a long time?" Vakama asked.

"Then I believe it would be best if you could operate in the way you are most comfortable with, without having to worry about interference from civilians." Celestia replied.

"Speak your mind sister." Luna urged.

"I am assuming by your question Vakama, that you are expecting your mission to take longer than, say, a standard seven day week?" Celestia asked.

"I believe so. When we first faced the Makuta, we knew where he hid, and where we could retreat to when we found and rescued the remaining Matoran. When we returned to our home, we had Norik to assist us. Now, as then, we need assistance to provide us with local knowledge." Nuju cut in.

"Then it is settled. We must inform the population of the arrival of the Toa. Once we have spoken to the major of both here and Canterlot, we can arrange to move the Toa to our palace until we can arrange for the press to meet them, on our terms." Celestia decreed.

"How long will this take? We don't have time for nice making." Matau grumbled from the corner in which he was standing. "We should be out there searching for the missing Matoran, not think talking."

"Then perhaps you could enlighten us as to where they are brother." Whenua laughed.

When Matau remained silent, Whenua scoffed, before turning back to the two princesses and gesturing for them to continue.

"Vakama, Toa of fire. You lead your brothers and sister gallantly. Will you speak on their behalf?" Celestia asked.

"I will speak with them your highness, with them standing by my side. I hold myself above none of them. That path has already been trodden." Vakama said wistfully.

"You speak as though you have known betrayal." Luna said, walking over to Vakama with a quizzical look on her face.

"A story for another time." Vakama replied, firmly enough to assure her that the case was closed, but not so far as to make it sound uncivil.

Nodding slowly, Luna retreated, drawing a glacé from Celestia. Neither pressed the matter however, as they knew the sting of betrayal, especially if it came at the price of a broken brotherhood.

"So are we doing this thing or what?" Matau asked impatiently.

"I thought you didn't want to do this Matau." Nokama said with a smirk.

"I don't, but if it has to be done, at least the ponies can see something good looking." Matau laughed.

"Yeah, I guess having me on stage would make them feel more at ease about the aliens." Rainbow mused.

"You?" Matau asked, turning to the Rainbow coloured pony. "I was talking about me, ya know, the best looking Le-Matoran and Toa hero ever."

"You? I'm way cooler than you could ever be." Rainbow said, flapping her wings and getting level with Mataus eyes.

"So you defeated the Visorak horde and stopped Makuta then? How about becoming a Toa?" Matau asked, his mask beginning to glow.

"Did you defeat a living embodiment of chaos and an avatar of eternal night?" Rainbow shot back, gaining her a glare from Luna.

The other assembled ponies and Toa watched the two bicker, exchanging reasons why they were more awesome back and forth.

"It's like there's two of them." Applejack said in a mix of amazement and fear.

"It's like Canterlot all over again." Rarity agreed.

Suddenly, the room was filled with light, which slowly faded to reveal the form of Rainbow Dash and Matau, or in this case, Rainbow Dash and Rainbow Dash.

"Oh now that's creepy." Pinkie said, watching the pair.

Why did Matau change into Rainbow Dash?" Twilight whispered to Vakama, "Isn't that just detrimental to his entire argument?"

"Yes, but Matau has never been the smartest of us." Vakama reasoned, just as Rainbow picked up on this fact.

"Heh, looks like I am the best. You’re so jealous your turning into me." Rainbow jeered.

"Hey...but...no I..." Matau stammered, realising that it probably wasn't that good a move, and now he was soundly beaten.

"It takes a certain type of pony to be out smarted by Rainbow Dash." Sniggered Applejack.

"Heh!" Shouted both ponies simultaneously.

Eventually, the Rainbow Dash that was Matau began to glow, before turning back into the green form of the Le-Toa.

"You done Matau?" Onewa asked lazily, pushing himself off the wall he was leaning against.

Matau didn't reply, merely grumbling to himself as he went to sit down in a corner.

"Now those two have finished posturing." Castelian began, leading the conversation away from the now, and looking forward to the future. "I believe we should begin making preparations to move to Canterlot. I believe we have space in the Lunar Guard barracks until we can make the needed preparations."

"Your offer is accepted Lord Castelian." Celestia said, nodding her head in respect to the guard. "As for preparations, please gather round. All of you if you would please. Luna, lend a hoof?"

Nodding, Luna walked over to her sister, placing her horn against her sisters. Quickly moving into action, the others gathered around the two Alicorn sisters. As soon as they were all in position, the two connected horns began to glow, casting a twofold light of gold and silver across the room. A strong wing emanated from the horns, blowing the few loose pieces of paper around the room, before all those present vanished.


They reappeared in a large, spacious room, adorned with symbols of the moon, and other objects of the night.

"Luna, I had no idea the Lunar Guard were so, loyal." Celestia said in awe.

"Why should they not be? Is it not their right to revere the night as I do?" She asked.

"You know that is not what I meant sister. Ponies are free to do as they wish in this regard. I was merely asking a question."

"The Solar Guard do not decorate their barracks with pictures of the sun?" Castelian asked in confusion.

"They aren't prohibited from doing it." Celestia said uncertainly, "But they have never expressed any desire to portray me as anything more than what I am."

"Neither do we. We simply revere the one who caused our creation, as we should" Castelian said, turning to face Celestia.

"Luna did not create you. That is a myth from the ancient times. How many times must your kind be told this?" Celestia asked, the irritation clearly rising in her voice.

"For the last time!" Castelian shouted, "Luna is our creator! History tells us irrefutably that when you appeared, and refuse to rule might I add, there were only three types of ponies and you. The first documented report of Luna was just before the fall of Discord, accompanied by a new species. What is this if not proof of our creation?"

"Do not raise your voice at me Lord Commander!" Celestia boomed, emphasising his rank, as if to prove his insignificance next to her.

"ENOUGH!!!" Luna screamed, her horn flaring and pushing the two apart. "Castelian, you will take the wardens and prepare the Toas accommodation. And you! Sister! I need to speak to you. In private."

Shocked at the sudden outburst, everyone in the room was deathly silent, before Castelian finally broke the tension.

"As you wish your highness." He said calmly, bowing deeply, before gesturing for the other guards to follow him.

"I am...sorry sister. I will await you in the Onyx tower." Celestia said, nodding to her sister before vanishing into a soft golden light.

"What was that all about princess?" Twilight asked, walking over to the Alicorn.

"An argument that I thought had fizzled out long ago." She smiled back. "There are certain members of the bat-ponies who believe one thing, and my sister attempts to convince them otherwise."

"But he said..." Twilight began, before being cut off by Luna.

"Twilight. I understand your insatiable thirst for knowledge and learning, but I would appreciate if you did not follow this topic up. Some things are not to be known."

"But...I..." She stammered, before relenting. "Oh course princess."

"Thank you Twilight. As a fellow scholar, I understand the difficulty of letting go of this. Perhaps one day it will be the right time for me to tell you. Now, if you and your friends would kindly follow the wardens, I am sure they will accommodating"

"Yes Princess." Twilight said, leading the other five Elements of Harmony out of the room.

"So now we're alone eh?" Matau smirked. "I knew you liked me Luna."

"Matau. Shut up." Nokama laughed.

"Agreed." Vakama nodded, before turning to Luna. I assume we are going to be concealed until you can inform the general population about us?" Vakama asked.

"Yes. I will see to the preparation of better quarters in due course. For now, I will leave you six."

With that, Luna exited the room and shut the door behind her. The audible sound of the door locking was accompanied by a glow around the edge of the door. As it faded, there was nothing to show that there had ever been a door.

The Toa slowly looked around the room, exploring every inch of it, before congregating back in the middle of the room.

"Any exits?" Onewa asked.

"It would appear that these ponies do not trust us completely." Nuju agreed.

"So. No windows. No doors. No other ways to get out of this room." Whenua asked.

"It does look like it." Nokama said, sitting down on the floor and crossing her legs. "We may as well make ourselves comfortable."

The other Toa began to split off, moving about the room and beginning to do their own thing.

Vakama himself walked over towards one of the corners, sitting down and drawing out one of the disks from his back, and his smelting stick in the other hand. Activating the smelter, Vakama placed it against the disk, and began to shape it into something new, even to him.


"What was that?!" Luna shouted, teleporting into the interior of the Onyx tower, where Celestia was waiting.

"I...am sorry sister. The past...is difficult to talk about." Celestia admitted.

"I know." Luna said, relenting slightly and walking over to a pair of large cushions and sitting down, bidding Celestia to sit next to her. "It is difficult for me as well."

"Something that has not escaped my notice." Celestia said, nuzzling her sisters neck softly. "The Toa. What do you make of them? Speak your mind."

"I do not know. There are uncomfortable connotations with their story. Especially this Makuta character."

"Agreed." Celestia nodded. "We should go and organise the press meeting."

"Why don't you let me handle this one sister?"

"I don't know. Are you sure about this? You never showed much love for the press." Celestia said doubtfully.

"Don't worry your little head Celestia." She smiled, patting her sister on her head, "You just sit back and let your auntie Luna organise everything."

With that, Luna walked out of the room, leaving Celestia on her own.

"But I'm 400 years older than you." She said in confusion.

1 day later

The next morning, the Toa were woken from the uneasy sleep they had found themselves in by the same glow around the area of the wall that had housed the door the day before.

Quickly, the six Toa were on their feet, assembling in front of the door. Vakama was the last to stand up, slipping the disk back onto his back, although it was finally taking shape of something other than a simple disk.

"Toa. I trust you slept well?" Luna asked from the doorway, flanked by two lunar guard.

"As well as you can when locked into a room, yes." Vakama nodded.

"I apologise, but it was as much for your safety as your containment." Luna explained. "While we took great pains to keep you hidden from the public, we did. Not want to take the risk of causing a panic. The spell that sealed you in can only be reversed by the one who cast it, me."

"Makes sense I guess." Onewa nodded.

"We going then?" Matau asked, stretching his arms wide and sighing.

"Yes. The press conference is set for one hour. My sister has asked you to join us for breakfast before we do this."

"Breakfast?" Whenua asked, scratching the top of his mask.

"Yes. You know, breakfast? The morning meal?. Luna said in confusion.

"What's a meal?" Vakama asked.

Luna looked between the Toa, her confused gaze falling on each of them, before asking uncertainly, "Does your species require sustenance?"

"Not that I know of." Whenua admitted. "There are so many differences between our species. Just imagine how much I could add to the archive."

"You are beginning to sound like Twilight." Luna smiled, before standing aside for the Toa. "Come then. Perhaps you will find the proceedings educational, rather than essential."


The six Toa followed behind the imposing form of Luna as they approached the massive doors that lead to the great hall. Without a word, the two royal guards that stood to the side of the door moved to open it.

Sweeping inside, the Toa were greeted by a strange sight. The massive room was occupied by an equally massive table, one that spanned the entire length of the room. Set on the table were a multitude of round, flat metal objects, laden with various other pieces of metal, or steaming pieces of some sort of green organic substance.

Walking up the room, Vakama spied eight familiar ponies, as well as three who were unknown to him. At the head of the table sat Celestia. To her right, sat Twilight, Rarity and Fluttershy, while to the left, past another large, throne like chair, were Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. Behind the two thrones, were the forms of six guards, three in golden armour, and three in purple armour, one of which was the form of Castelian. Further down the table, three more ponies, two males and a female.

"Introducing the Toa Metru team, Vakama, Nokama, Matau, Nuju, Onewa and Whenua." Called one of the golden armour clad guards.

"More commoners?" Came the voice of one of the ponies. "I should not be forced to eat my meal with such, distasteful creatures."

"Blueblood." Cautioned Celestia, as Luna took her seat by her sisters side.

Slowly, The Toa walked around the table, taking six seats that were obviously set out for them.

"These savages are allowed to sit at our table?" Blueblood asked in shock, "I allowed these other, commoners, to sit on my table, but I will not stand by and allow these six, creatures, to dine with us."

"PRINCE BLUEBLOOD!" Boomed Luna. "You will sit down."

"Aunt Luna. Let me." The Pink Alicorn spoke.

"Cadence." Luna smiled. "You always know how to handle my...outbursts."

"Blueblood. These six are obviously the Toa warriors that we were told about. They have every right to dine with us, especially if Celestia and Luna have asked for them to join us."

"But I..." Blueblood began, but was cut off by a stern look from Celestia.

"Now that everypony's here, let’s eat!" Pinkie shouted, diving at a plate of food.

"Is this how everyone, eats?" Vakama asked Twilight, uncertainly saying the word 'eat'.

"No. Just Pinkie." She smiled.

Everypony began to tuck in, with the exception of the blue maned stallion, who was simply staring at the Toa in interest.

"Feel free to start Toa." Celestia said, smiling at the six Toa.

"Start?" Whenua asked.

"Yes. Eat. Please, as much as you would like."

"Oh sister, the Toa have already informed me that they do not need sustenance. They agreed to still come along to observe."

The silence was instant, Pinkie Pie having stopped what she was doing and stared at the Toa. The other ponies were still attempting to converse, but whenever they moved their mouths, no sound came out.

Eventually, the sound came rushing back, and everypony gasped in relief.

"What was that?" Twilight asked.

"Oh silly, how was I meant to make a dramatic silence if nopony was silent?" Pinkie laughed, before turning back to the Toa. "You don't eat?!"

"Nooo." Nokama said uncertainly. "It would appear that another difference between our species is your need to ingest organic sustenance, whereas our does not."

"So let me get this straight." Pinkie asked slowly. "You've never eaten? And if you've never eaten, then you've never had a cupcake, and if you've never had a cupcake, then you've never had one of my cupcakes, and if you haven't had..." Pinkie started before being stopped by a hoof being put in her mouth.

"Whoa there Pinkie. Let the Toa get a word in edge ways." Applejack laughed.

"Thank you Applejack." Nuju said, nodding his appreciation. "I am more interested in the Stallion there who has been staring at us for the past one hundred and sixty four seconds."

"Who? Shiny?" Twilight asked, looking over at her brother.

"Yes. If 'Shiny' is the Unicorn sitting next to Cadence."

"I am. Sorry for staring. I didn't mean to be rude." He said, standing up and giving a bow. "Prince Shining Armour of the Crystal Empire. Formerly Captain Shinning Armour of the Equestrian Royal Guard. I was just, fascinated by your armour. It is armour isn't it?" He asked.

"Vakama? Do you want to take this one? You are the forger after all." Nuju asked.

"The armour we wear is fashioned from Protodermis." He explained. "In its raw form, Protodermis is a silvery white semi-solid substance. It can be used for anything from making Kanohi disks, to Toa weapons and armour."

"Fascinating." Twilight mused. "Such a diverse material could have almost innumerable uses."

"It does have uses." Nokama said. "It is used for all sorts of thing as Vakama mentioned. The Matoran mined it for everyday use."

After that, the conversation, the congregated ponies lapsed into silence, Pinkie trying once again to ask the Toa how they managed to live without tasting cake, but being stopped by Applejack again.

Eventually, everypony had finished eating, and the Toa were content that they had observed the ritual of in taking food. They still did not understand it completely, but accepted it as part of the culture of this land.

Standing up from the table, Celestia addressed the table.

"The press ponies will be arriving to the conference room within the next ten minutes. I believe it would be best if we made our way there now, and allow the Toa to enter unseen by the public. We must be extremely careful with how we handle this. A premature sighting could be devastating for what we have set out to do.

"No quarrel from me." Vakama said, looking at the other Toa. "Anyone else find an objection?"

The Toa mumbled briefly, before expressing their agreement to the statement.

"Thank you. If you would follow me." Celestia said, moving towards the door.

As she did so, the guards that had surrounded her throne moved to be beside her, two coming alongside her, while the final one moved ahead and opened the door for her. Luna stood and followed her sister, and her guards scampered to follow their princess.

Following suite, the Toa, The Elements of Harmony, Blueblood and the Prince and Princess of the Crystal Empire followed the path shown by the two royal alicorns.

Author's Note:

Just an FYI, this is taking place after the season 3 premier, but before the finale, so Twilight isn't an Alicorn, but Shining Armour and Cadence are the Prince/Princess of the Crystal Empire