• Published 7th May 2013
  • 3,442 Views, 315 Comments

Bionicle: The Darkness Within - FenrisianBrony

The Toa Metru team, led by Toa Vakama, pursue the Makuta to Equestria.

  • ...

Meeting the Sun

“Woo-hoo.” Matau whooped as he ran through the streets of Ponyville as the early morning sun began to spread its light over the small town. Matau periodically spread his wings, cresting the ground slightly before falling back to it, not yet having enough skill with his new wings to achieve true flight.

As Matau shouted, more and more lights began to flicker on in the houses, as more ponies woke earlier than they had intended from their slumber.

“Keep it down out there!” Came a voice from one of the houses, as a sea foam green mare stuck her head out of a window.

Matau was already past her however, and was already crossing a bridge towards what looked like the center of town.
Matau began to slow down, but was knocked from his hooves by a massive impact, or three, into his side.

“CUTIE MARK CRUSADER NIGHT GAURDS!” The trio of the shapes shouted, attempting to disentangle itself from Matau.

“Stop right there criminal scum!” Shouted a small orange pegasus, standing on top of Matau triumphantly.

“You’re under arrest for...um...making a noise at night.” The white unicorn said, putting her hoof to her chin in thought, before muttering to herself, “at least that’s what my sister does.”

“Y’all are hereby needed to come with us to face the supreme justice of...” The yellow earth pony began.

“THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!” The three shouted in unison.

“Uggh. What?” Matau groaned, looking up at the three ponies he decided must be children by their size and mentality.

“Oh no.” The white one said suddenly, “We may have hurt him.”

“Relax. He’s fine.” The orange one said. “We’re not going to get our cutie marks in guarding if we let criminals go just because we hurt them a little.”

“Can someone tell me what you three are doing?” Matau asked again, pushing them off his chest and getting back to his hooves.

“Ah, give it up girls. We’re never gonna get our cutie marks as night guards.” The little yellow one said, her face dropping.

“What Is Going On?!” Matau all but shouted.

“Whoa, chill out.” The orange pegasus said nervously. “I’m Scootaloo.”

“Sweetie Belle.” The white one squeaked excitedly.

“And ah’m Apple Bloom.” The final yellow child spoke. “And together we’re the...” She began, before Matau hurriedly cut her off.

“I heard, the cutie mark crusaders.” He said exasperatedly. “Mind telling me what they are?”

“Oh yeah.” Applebloom began. “We’re crusading ta find our special talents and earn our cutie marks. This here’s the Ponyville branch, but we’re growing. Ma cousins busy runnin’ the Manehatten branch.” She said proudly.

“What are cutie marks?” Matau asked in confusion.

“Are you serious?” Scootaloo asked in amazement. “How can you have earned your own cutie mark without knowing what a cutie mark is?”

“Scootaloo!” Admonished Sweetie Belle. “Don’t talk to the stranger that way.”

“Oh yeah, and what are you going to do about it?” Scootaloo asked, squaring up to Sweetie Belle in a way that even Matau had to admit was adorable.

“More than you you dodo.” Sweetie Belle replied, pushing her head against Scootaloos.

The two growled at each other, forcing their heads against each other, before Apple Bloom pushed them apart.

“Girls! Stop fightin’. We don’t want ta set a bad example for the Cutie Mark Crusaders do we?”

“No. I guess not.” Scootaloo said, backing down from Sweetie Belle.

“Sorry...” Sweetie Belle began, before trailing off when she realised she didn’t know the new ponies name.

“Matau.” He prompted with a smile.

“What’s yer cutie mark mr? I don’t think I ever saw one like it.” Apple Bloom asked, her eyes darting to the picture of the mask resting on Mataus flank.

“My what?” Matau asked, turning his head to look at his flank. “You mean the picture on my frankly magnificent arse?”

“Yer flank.” Apple Bloom corrected.

“It’s the great Mahiki Kanohi mask of shape shifting.” Matau said proudly.

“The great what of what now?” Sweetie Belle asked in confusion.

“Umm, something that allows me to change form.” He said, attempting to dumb his language down for the three children.
“Really?” Scootaloo asked in excitement, “Can you show us?”

“I sure can.” Matau smiled, focusing slightly.

As the cutie mark began to glow, Matau felt a hand press onto his back. Losing his concentration, Matau looked behind him. Finding noone there, he turned back, before realising what it must have been. Sighing, he realised what Vakama was telling him.

“Maybe another time.” He said. “It’s difficult and I’m too tiered to do it now.”

“Ahh.” The three children said in unison.

“Tell you what. Come and meet me in a couple of days and I’ll show you. Ok?”

“Ok.” Scootaloo said brightly, her wings buzzing in anticipation. “Maybe we can get our cutie marks in...um...shape-shifting.”

“CUTIE MARK CRUSADER SHAPE-SHIFTERS. YAY!” the three bellowed, before turning and running off.

“Whoa there.” Matau said, stopping Apple Bloom from running off. “Are you by any chance related to Applejack?”

“Ah sure am. She’s ma sister. Why? Do ya know her?” Apple Bloom asked.

“I guess you could say that.” He muttered, before speaking louder to allow Apple Bloom to hear. “Yes. I had the pleasure of making her acquaintance. You may want to check on her in a bit. Just to be sure.”

“Um...ok?” Apple Bloom said uncertainly, before running off after the other two cutie mark crusaders.

“Making friends?” Came the voice of Vakama from the corner in the shadows. “Seems only an hour ago you said a similar thing.”

“Whatever, fire-spitter. I just wanted to look around for a bit.”

“And risk scaring the rest of these ponies away from us?” Vakama asked, his bright red mask fading back into sight, although while he was standing in the shadows, it was hard to make it out properly.

“Fine, fine. So what now smelt-head?” Matau asked.

“We find this library that the ponies spoke of and make peace with the leaders of this land.”

“And what of our mission to the Matoran? Surely we should be looking for them?”

“And where should we start looking? The forest? This town? No. We need more eyes than the six of us can provide. Befriending the leadership of this world will hasten our task and allow us to return home quicker.”

“Well why didn’t you say so? Any way to get home quicker.” Matau smiled. “Lead on.”

Nodding, Vakamas’ mask glowed again, before disappearing from sight. Matau looked around for a second, before he felt a hand gripping him by the scruff on the neck.

“Hey. Watch the armo...fur.” Matau said indignantly.

“One, you can’t follow me if I don’t show you where to go, and unless you’ve developed new skills that I’m unaware of, you can’t see me. Two, I’m not going to risk you running off again.” Came the disembodied voice of Vakama.

“Whatever.” Matau sighed, allowing himself to be led by the neck towards the library that the ponies and Vakama had spoken of.


“How long do we wait until we go after the green one?” Nocturne asked, impatiently hopping from hoof to hoof, while checking the blades attached to his wings.

“We will allow Vakama five more minutes. Then, we will take matters into our own hooves and find this, Matau, ourselves.” Castelian replied, checking his own blades.

“You must give our brother more time. Vakama and Matau may bicker like gacko birds, but they are truly the closest of us all. The bond formed from a life time as Toa who find themselves at crossed path.” Nokama inputted.

“Our sister speaks the truth. Matau is thick headed, but Vakama knows how to get through his dense mask.” Onewa added.
“You six truly hold each other in the highest esteem, don’t you?” Castelian asked, his voice betraying an emotion of a solider talking of his own camaraderie with his allies.

“The highest. We fought innumerable foes to see Vakama returned to us when he was stolen, just to see him returned to our own fold.” Nuju said. “Each of us would do the same for the others, without a seconds thought.”

Castelian looked between the four figures before him. Looking at them now, he saw that regardless of their species, the bonds of warriors stood firmer than any friendship. Even that of the vaunted elements of harmony. His lips turned from the usual scowl into a flat slit across his mouth, not anywhere near a true smile, but closer than the Toa had seen on his face since they had arrived.

“How much longer?” Whined Nocturne.

“If you speak of us, then you don’t have to wait on us anymore.” Came a voice from the door, although not from the grey bat-pony who walked through the door.

“Vakama.” Cried Whenua happily, walking towards the form of Matau. “And you to Matau.”

“Can you at least show me some respect?” Matau asked innocently.

“Maybe if you prove yourself clever enough to earn it.” Laughed Whenua, clapping an invisible mass on the back. “You got through his mask then and struck sense?”

“I did.” Vakama replied, fading into sight at Whenuas touch.

“I would have come back in a bit you know.” Matau said, the image on his flank glowing and shrouding his body in light. When it faded, the now familiar form of the Toa of Air stood before the group. “Ahh. Feels good to be back in your own body.” Matau grinned.

“If you didn’t run off, you would never have been parted from it.” Nuju pointed out, but was studiously ignored by Matau.

The group looked at each other, and Vakama was about to speak, before the door swung open, revealing six forms at the door. Quickly, Luna strode into the building, followed closely by five of the elements of harmony.

“Where is the other one?” Nuju asked, looking around the group.

“Oh you mean RD? The doc said she had ta stay in the hospital for the night. Apparently she’s lucky she didn’t break her back or somethin’” AJ informed the group.

“It is good that noone was truly hurt in our miscommunication.” Nokama said happily. “What happens now?”

“Firstly, Twilight is going to compose a letter to my sister and let her know what has happened. She will arrive and she and I will make our own decision about how to continue.” Luna replied.

“Spike!” Called Twilight, walking over to the staircase situated at the back of the library tree.

“Coming.” Came a groggy voice from upstairs. “I swear, you never let me come with you guys, but the moment you want something it’s all...” It began again, as the small green and purple form of spike descended the stairs. He trailed off as he saw the six Toa standing in the room, surrounded by the Moonlight Wardens. “M-M-Monsters.” He stammered, backing up the stairs slowly, but finding himself wrapped in a purple aura and pulled back downstairs.

“Relax Spike. They’re not monsters.” Twilight said through gritted teeth as she deposited her number one assistant onto her back.

“Twilight dear. Remember what the doctor said. Try not to put too much strain on your horn for at least a few more hours.” Rarity comforted as Twilight rubbed her head.

“I know. It’s just hard breaking a habit of a lifetime, you know?” Twilight sighed, before clearing her throat with a small series of coughs. “Spike, take a letter.”

“Got ya covered.” The purple dragon beamed, drawing a quill and parchment from seemingly nowhere.

Dear Princess Celestia.
I am writing to inform you of our latest expedition into the Everfree forest in response to the errant flash of light that was observed last night by Luna and many other ponies of the land. We believe we have found the cause, and while it will sound fanciful, it is also the truth. We found the wreckage of a craft which had non-equestrian signs of origin about it, and set about investigating it when we were confronted by six creatures from another world. We have currently settled the disagreements between us, receiving only minor injuries that have been treated, with the exception of Rainbow Dash, who has been told to stay in the hospital until tomorrow. We now wait upon you to help your sister come to a decision about what should be our next step.
Always your faithful student.
Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight finished dictating the letter, and gave a nod to Spike, who simply nodded and sealed the parchment, before going over to a window and opening it.

“And how will this letter now reach your princess?” Nuju asked, sounding slightly sceptical.

“Just watch.” Twilight replied smugly.

As she said that, Spike took in a breath of air, before blowing green fire all over the letter, turning it into a puff of ethereal magic, which promptly flew out of the window and disappeared as it sped towards Canterlot.

“That’s a...different...way of sending a message.” Onewa commented wryly.

“It works. And it’s quick.” Twilight pointed out.

“Not saying it’s not. Just not as good as air-flying for message-sending.” Matau said.

“Wind-flying?” Twilight asked.

“Matau speaks in the way of all Le-Matoran.” Nokama said. “They use an, odd, form of speaking.”

“Fascinating.” Twilight said in amazement, “I could learn so much about your species.”

“Maybe we could come to a mutual agreement.” Whenua said, coming forward. “Perhaps, we could...” He began, but was cut off when Spike belched a burst of green fire, materialising a scroll in the middle of the room.

“A reply from your princess?” Vakama asked.

“Yes.” Twilight said, before clearing her throat.

My dearest and most faithful student Twilight.
This outcome is an unexpected conclusion to what I believed was a routine check-up into the wilderness of the Everfree forest. I beseech you to make sure that these creatures you speak of are of a peaceful nature, before divulging sensitive information to them. I would not see you injured again by their hooves. This being said, I trust your judgement, and will arrive shortly after I have finished up my current duties. I will be with you and my sister shortly to discuss what will happen now they have been discovered.
Your mentor.
Princess Celestia.

“That was quick.” Onewa said. “So this Celestia will be coming soon then?”

“It looks that way. My sister will come when she is able.” Luna replied.

“She is already here.” Came a voice, which was preceded by a flash of bright golden light.

As quickly as it appeared, the light faded, leaving behind the white form of an Alicorn, this one being just slightly taller than Luna was, and having an image of the sun emblazoned on her flank, as opposed to a picture of the moon. Almost instantly, the remaining ponies fell to their knees in reverence of the new appearance, leaving only the six Toa heroes and Luna on their feet.

“Rise my faithful subjects.” Princess Celestia commanded softly, before turning to address her sister, her eyes glancing at the small bruising on her. “You are well Luna?”

“I am sister. It is nought but a scratch, born of a quick temper and an ill-conceived attempt to apprehend a force that meant us no harm.”

“Ah yes.” Celestia said, turning from her sister and finally letting her eyes fall upon the six Toa heroes. “I am correct in my assumption that you are the strange creatures that were found in the Everfree forest?”

“You would be. Vakama, Toa of fire and leader of the Toa Metru team.” Vakama said.

“Nokama. Toa of Water.”

“Whenua. Toa of Earth.”

“Nuju. Toa of Ice.”

“Onewa. Toa of Stone.”

“Matau. Toa of Air"

“I would be right to say that you are the second leader of this world?” Vakama asked.

“I would be. Princess Celestia. Monarch of the Sun.” Celestia replied.

“Now that we have exchanged pleasantries.” Luna said.

“Of course. Toa, although both my sister, her guard and my student tell me that you offer no threat to my ponies or their land, I must ask you myself, what is your purpose in Equestria?” Celestia said.

“Very well. I’ll start at the beginning then. The six of us once faced a mighty adversary on our own world, known as the Makuta. He was defeated and sealed in a mighty prison of Protodermis, forged by our own hands. Our people, the Matoran, however, have been cursed by the Makuta, to sleep for eternity until he awakens them to take the guise of their god and saviour. We managed to return to our home land after we fled his wrath to rescue those Matoran left behind, but in doing so allowed the Makuta to escape. He fled from us with the few remaining Matoran across our world, ending up here, in the same place we arrived. Once he is found, and the Matoran are returned to us, we will leave your land.” Vakama said, briefly summing up their mission.

“You say you imprisoned the Makuta?” Celestia asked.

“We did.” Nokama said.

“Then how is it he managed to escape and flee to our own world?” She asked.

The six Toa looked between each other, before casting their eyes on Vakama.

“I freed him.” He said, not allowing his voice to waver in the slightest. “I was consumed by revenge, and allowed the Makuta to escape to get it. A mistake I will make sure to rectify.”

Celestia turned away from the Toa, beckoning for the element bearers and Moonlight wardens to her side, before quietly conversing with them so that the Toa could not hear what plans they were making.


“Luna. What are your thoughts of the Toa?” Celestia asked.

“I believe that they are great warriors, ones who will fight hoof and mane to fulfil their mission, regardless of who stands in their path.” Luna said.

“Castelian. Your opinion?” Celestia asked.

“As the princess of the moon has said, they are mighty warriors. Equal of myself and the moonlight wardens and able to hold their own against both greater numbers and the princess. If they were to set their sights upon a more violent path, it would take all in our power to stop them.” Castelian said.

“Now hold on their partner.” Applejack cut in. “The Toa may have fought us, but that was only because they couldn’t see another way to continue their quest. I don’t think it right to punish them cause of them doing what they think is right.”

“I’m with Applejack here. There is much we could learn from the Toa. Just imagine, this is proof of life beyond this world. The possibilities we could learn from them our endless.” Twilight added hastily.

“I am not saying they are not honourable, nor that they will turn on us.” Castelian reassured. “But it is always a possibility that a solider must consider when dealing with new variables.”

“Does anypony else hold objection to what has been said?” Celestia asked the group, only to be met by shaking heads. “Very well then,” She turned back to address the Toa, “My sister, the moonlight wardens, the element bearers and I have decided to assist you in your endeavour. We must discuss what our next steps shall be.”

“Thank you, your highness.” Vakama said, raising a hand out is a clenched fist.

“Please, do not prove the trust I place in you false.” Celestia replied, raising her own hoof and placing it against Vakamas’ fist.