• Published 13th May 2013
  • 37,680 Views, 6,225 Comments

HiE - A Hollow in Equestria - Charlie_K

Ulquiorra Cifer resigned himself to his fate of death. What he didn't count on was the spirit of chaos finding and taking interest in his case

  • ...

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Filler - Hollow victories, purple ponies, green bugmen and... oh to hell with it! Part 2 #Cellgames

"Twenty four... by twenty four and a half. Twenty four... by twenty four and a half. Twenty four... by twenty four and a half..."

Because of regenerative qualities and capabilities that were, quite frankly, unfair to the point of being utterly ridiculous in scope, Twilight's efforts at obliterating Cell-

"That's Mr. Perfect Cell! Don't think for even a minute that I won't destroy you as soon as I'm done here!"

-had been quite lackluster.

"Twenty four... by twenty four and a half. Twenty four... by twenty four and a half. Twenty four... by twenty four and a half..."

On the other hand, mentally unbalancing him through pointing out glaring imperfections in the quality of his work, had been quite successful.

She and Ulquiorra watched as the self-proclaimed perfect being had proceeded to crawl along the arena on his hands and knees, measuring the length and width of each individual tile, in utter disbelief of the fact that he had produced something of such inferior quality, mumbling to himself all the while as he demonstrated he was simply unable to accept the fact that each and every tile was oblong.

All in all, it was quite hilarious how easily the mighty had fallen. Toppled by the fact that perfection simply wasn't a possibility.

But the hilarity of the situation had worn off not long after they realized that he was going to measure each tile individually. It was quickly becoming less hilarious, and more sad than anything.

"So how bad do you think he's going to lose his shit when I point out that the four corner obelisks are not only of uneven heights, but also uneven angles on the top points?" Twilight asked.

"Quite badly," Ulquiorra replied, never taking his attention off of their current opponent. "Doing so may result in him posing an even greater immediate danger than he does already."

"Oh. I hadn't thought of that," Twilight admitted. Best not to break him too much all at once.

"Twenty four... by twenty four and a half. Twenty four... by twenty four and a half. Twenty four... by twenty four and nine sixteenths! Oh come on!"

As entertaining as it was to watch a supposed super villain demonstrating degrees of OCD that eclipsed her own, and made her seem normal in comparison, Twilight knew that they couldn't stand around all day. They had a lot of work to do and it wasn't going to do itself.

The fact that Cell currently had his backside to them gave her an idea. An awful, horrible, wretched idea... that just had to be done!

She glanced over at Ulquiorra. Ulquiorra glanced back at her in response. No words needed to be spoken in this case, as everything that needed to be shared between could be conveyed with a mere look, a gesturing of the head, and an evil smirk that she made no efforts at subduing.

Ulquiorra responded in turn, disappearing from view in a burst of sondio, and reappearing right behind Cell with his right leg pulled all the way back, before swinging it forward as hard as he could. Resulting in the contact delivering enough force to send Cell flying with a surprised yell, as he passed between two of the obelisks at the far end of the arena like field goal!

"Woohoo!" Twilight yelled excitedly as she watched Cell sailing through the air in a collision course with the nearest mountain.

Although the excitement took a nosedive when she saw Cell just stop in midair before he made contact with anything. And then that excitement crashed and burned when she saw him not only right himself in midair, but also fly back to the arena under his own power. Apparently those wings on his back were quite functional.

Well ****.

"Alright," Cell grunted as he set back down on his feet, crushing the tape measure underneath his left foot in the process as he landed. "Which one of you had the audacity to kick me when my back was turned? Because personally I applaud the underhandedness of taking such an initiative! But at the same time I take offense to being field goal'd like a common football! Do I seriously look like Oolong to you!?"

"I don't know what that is, but it sounds disappointing," Twilight commented.

At that, Cell actually laughed. "Oh, little pony, you have no idea just how right you are," he stated, before growing serious once again. "Now then, fun and games aside, we still have business to tend to. And I'm afraid it's time for you to die, Bella!"

"Oh, really? Well in that case, give it your best shot. Believe me, you'll need it," Twilight replied.

"Twilight Sparkle. What are you doing?" Ulquiorra asked.

"Don't worry, Ulquiorra, I've got everything well in hoof. I learned from my mistakes from the last time. It's all under control," Twilight assured him, before turning her attention back to Cell. "Well, come on now, what're you waiting for? Do I need to send out an engraved invitation or something? Are you waiting for me to finish talking? Let's see what you've got! We've still got a lot of work to do to find our window to return home, and my dick is not going to suck itself!"


The last taunt had come so far out of left field, Cell didn't know how to immediately respond to it. Had he heard her right? Hoping for clarification, he turned to Ulquiorra.

"Did she actually say-"

"I made the mistake of teaching her about human profanities one day," Ulquiorra stated flatly, "it's a decision I still regret making to this day."

"Oh, well that's completely understandable. You try and teach lesser species about new things they have no concept it, and they manage to horribly mangle it through their own pitiful understanding of things their primitive minds can't possibly grasp!" Cell stated.

Twilight frowned in response. "I'm standing right here, and can hear every insulting word you're saying about me, you miter-headed asshole!"

Seeing that he'd succeeded in getting a rise out of her, Cell decided to have more fun at Twilight's expense.

"Hm? Were you saying something just now? I'm sorry but I don't talk to beings that're less perfect than myself."

"So does that mean you'll be sparing us anymore of your delusional, self-important ramblings? Because I'm really not interested in hearing the rantings of a megalomaniac who can't accept his own glaring imperfections!" Twilight shot back.

"Speak up, little pony, I can't hear you from down there!" Cell fired back.

"What was that cicada butt? I can't hear you from up there!"

All throughout the exchange, through the trading of various barbs, and the lobbing of insults like they were hand grenades, Ulquiorra had resumed his position outside of the arena, watching as the two to attacked one another verbally.

"Bitch, I do what I want!"

"Don't make me come over there!"

"Oh really? And what're you going to do to me this time around, Bella?"

Twilight tried to respond, but realized she didn't actually have a response to lob at him. What was she going to do to him?

"What's the matter, pony, run out of quips? cat got your tongue? No more words to flail?" Cell taunted.

Twilight just frowned, before coming up with the perfect response to give. "Your design is asymmetrical."

At hearing that, Cell immediately lost it, his calm veneer falling away. "Hold up! Time out! Time the **** out!" he called as he made his hands into the shape of a T. "You, little pony, you're asymmetrical! Your pale friend over there, he's asymmetrical! But me? I'm perfectly symmetrical in every way!"

"The **** you are! Your left eye is three millimeters higher than your right, your right bicep is seven millimeters smaller around than your left, and don't even get me started on the proportions of your feet! The only difference between you and the hunchback of Notre Dame is you can actually stand up straight!" Twilight yelled. "Oh, and while we're on the subject, your spots are a mismatched feng shui nightmare."

That had done it. Cell -Mr. Perfect Cell- was having none of this! This pony needed to be dealt with, and he knew just how to do it. Raising his right hand and pointing right at her, he opted for Frieza's patented and popular Death Beam and fired. That would put an end to this whole mess, and then he'd focus on her pale friend.

There was just one small problem with that plan. He'd missed. He. Had. Missed. Despite being directly in the path of the Death Beam, and less than an arena's distance away, somehow he'd still managed to miss her. She was standing there, completely unharmed, and unfazed. How had he missed!?

No matter. He'd correct that matter easy enough. With another Death Beam fired no one would ever be wiser that he'd missed his first shot and-

He'd missed again. Somehow, by some strange quirk of fate that he couldn't understand, he'd missed the pony with his second shot. What the hell was going on here!? Were these inverted controls or something!?

"Alright, screw the finesse, let's go with straight brute force!" he stated and unleashed a Death Beam volley shot. There was no way she could contend with the rapid fire approach to doing business!

Except... she somehow was. He could now see what the problem was. It wasn't that he was missing her, it was that she was dodging them! Somehow this puny little pony had the reflexes that were necessary to let her duck, dodge, and evade each one of this shots as if it was the easiest thing in the world.

Just what was going on here!?

Ulquiorra didn't know just what sort of magic was being utilized, only that it was being utilized. He could feel it, as well as see it.

Cell's physical movements had grown incredibly slow in the span of just a few seconds, as had his energy-based attacks. They were slow and sluggish, even after accounting for his own perceptive abilities. Slow enough that Twilight was having no trouble keeping up with them. He recognized that she was actively taunting Cell by standing still right in front of him, and letting him fire at her, only to move just out of the way before they could make contact with her.

She would duck, she would dodge, she would shimmy to the left, shimmy to the right, jump in the air, and even raise up on her hind legs and spin right out of the way of the oncoming attack, paying them no mind as they eventually hurtled right on by her. It was a lot like watching a matador in a bullfight. Only in lieu of a red cape, she would actually wave her tail to taunt him.

Whatever was going on, Twilight Sparkle's skill in the fine art of trollery was of a truly masterful degree.

He could've spent a great deal more time analyzing and contemplating what he was seeing, if not for his pesquisa detecting another reiatsu pattern quickly approaching their position. A reiatsu pattern that had similarities to what he could feel coming from Cell, but at the same time it was quite different. A relative perhaps?


Turning around at the sound of the voice, he saw...

What the hell was that thing? It was easily as tall as Yammy Llargo, and looked like a green cucumber man with antennas, wearing a turban, a purple gi, and a cloak with shoulder pads that would've been over the top even in the 1980s.

"Pray tell what are you supposed to be?" he asked.

"Namekian. Name's Piccolo," the stranger replied as he hovered above with his arms folded across his chest.

"As in the woodwind instrument?" Ulquiorra asked.

"The very same," Piccolo replied, before turning his focus to what was unfolding inside the ring. "Is she actually dodging?"

"She is," Ulquiorra confirmed.

"Neat!" Piccolo replied and smirked. "You mind if I stay and watch? It's so rare to see someone who actually knows what they're doing and understands the concept of getting the hell out of the way."

"That depends on what your intentions are, and why you're here," Ulquiorra replied. The fact that this... Namekian, whatever that was, had a similar reiatsu pattern to Cell, was a point of concern in need of being addressed.

Piccolo shrugged in response. "Watching Cell get humiliated by a lavender unicorn. About four days ago he blew a hole right through me and left me for dead. So when I sensed something out of sorts I decided to come and investigate. Probably not the smartest of decisions that could've been made, all things considered, but **** it this is too good to pass up."

"Then by all means," Ulquiorra replied. He could understand the value of watching an enemy be humiliated. And as long as it didn't pose a risk to them, he wouldn't deny the opportunity for such.

And if these two were actually trying to kill one another, then all the better.

Wordlessly Piccolo set down next to Ulquiorra, the two watching in silence as Twilight went about humiliating Cell by continuing to dodge his attacks, with it sometimes resembling an active attempt at mimicking a human style of dancing.

"We are so going to livestream this!"

"So. Time dilation field?" Piccolo asked after some unmeasured length of time passed.

"Uh, more like twelve seconds."

"Shut up, Nail, nobody's counting!"

"It would appear to be the most likely case. Although I've never actually seen such in action before," Ulquiorra replied.

"Huh. We've got one of those, too, although it's not nearly as portable," Piccolo commented. "If the witches and other magic users here knew how to do that, they might actually be useful."

"You seem remarkably unfazed about everything currently going on. Most would take one look at Twilight Sparkle and question their sanity," Ulquiorra stated.

"Well I don't know about where you come from, but around here magic users and talking, intelligent animals are hardly uncommon. Hell, the current king is a talking blue dog, so whatever," Piccolo replied.

"Affirmative action?" Ulquiorra asked.

"Dragon Balls," Piccolo corrected.

Out of all the weird shit that had been seen on their journey, it was that comment that had Ulquiorra turn away from watching the battle to focus on his fellow spectator.

"Exactly how do a dragon's testicles factor into any of that?"

While Ulquiorra was busy conversing with his new friend, Twilight was hard at work inside the arena, doing what she did best.

"Think, Twilight! Think!"

Unfortunately, what she did best was over-analyzing and panicking.

"Alright. So far the time-dilation field seems to be doing its job, and it appears to be maintaining a ratio of ten seconds inside for every second outside. That gives me time to think this situation over, but I need to be fast since there's no telling how long the field can be maintained with a being like Cell. And even though I have plenty of time to determine the angle of the attack and respond accordingly, I can't afford to get sloppy in my dodging and reacting, otherwise those blasts will actually hit me, and then it's goodbye Twilight; not exactly a desirable outcome to be facing."

Way, way over-analyzing.

"So I know that I can dodge his attacks, no problem there. Simply waiting him out until he exhausts himself is a possibility, but I don't know how viable it is. Eventually I'm going to get tired from constant dodging, and I have to maintain the time-dilation field actively, so my magic is constantly being drained in keeping him at a disadvantage. And he really doesn't look like he's going to tire out anytime soon. Trying to match him in strength isn't going to work either since I can't exactly blow up a fucking planet. And even if I had enough strength to blow him to bits once again, he'd just instantly regenerate. I'm going to have to prove to be smarter than Cell if I'm actually going to make it out of this one alive and get us back home."

She really, really should've let Ulquiorra take this round.

"But then again he probably wouldn't fare much better than I would. He can't even do magic, and with Cell able to regenerate like an internet troll, trying to match him in abilities is..."

And then her rambling thoughts came to an end, in order to make room for a focused, coherent thought. She knew exactly what she was doing to do in order to persevere in all this.

"Uh.... what's she doing now?"

The question from Nail brought Piccolo's attention back to what was going on in the arena, and away from explaining the nature and history of the Dragon Balls to his current companion. But even when he was paying attention, he still didn't know just what to make of it. Something about Twilight's movements were... off somehow. Something was out of sorts as she set back down on all four of her hooves, and looked like she intended to face Cell down.

"What's she doing?" he asked in turn, thus speaking for the group.

"I don't-" Ulquiorra started, before observing the shimmering light of Twlight's force field materializing in front of her. "It appears she intends to block rather than dodge," he elaborated.

"Huh," Piccolo grunted, "does she actually have the power to do something like that?"

The question was answered on its own before Ulquiorra had the opportunity to do such, as the latest Death Beam to be unleashed by Cell collided with the shield, and seemingly just broke right apart as it collided with its surface.

"It certainly looks that way," Ulquiorra commented, honestly at a loss for words at what he was witnessing.

Reaching out with his pesquisa, he started to analyze everything much closer than previously. He could feel the respective levels of strength possessed by both Twilight and Cell -as best he could anyway, since they both had differing types of strength to analyze- and it was a very lopsided, mismatched arrangement. Cell wasn't operating at his full level of strength, not even close to it, and he was still leagues above what Twilight could ever hope to accomplish in growth and development.

That matter notwithstanding, however, neither she nor her shield were showing any ill effects from the various attacks it was being forced to intercept, and subsequently defeat. Even as they began to speed up they were...

She had just deactivated the time-dilation field she'd been using to slow down Cell's attack speed.

"Twilight Sparkle, how ****ing stupid can you possibly be?" he found himself thinking.

"Oh, believe me, that's a question on a lot of minds right now."


That wasn't any voice that Ulquiorra was familiar with. And it was in his head as well.

"Who the hell is this?"

"The name's King Kai, top deity of the Northern Quadrant of the galaxy you're currently in," the voice replied.

"Just wonderful," Ulquiorra noted to himself. Now they had this to deal with.

All the while, more of Cell's attacks continued glancing and ricocheting right off of Twilight's shield like they were nothing. Even Cell was noticing it at this point, and not believing it.

"Why!? Why!? Why won't you just die already!? How can you possibly be so strong when I can't even feel your power!?" Cell screamed, his mind unwilling to accept what he was clearly witnessing for himself.

Twilight shook her head in response. "It's not about strength, Cell, or even power, rather it's about science! While you were busy demonstrating that you couldn't hit the broad side of a barn, I was busy analyzing your attacks, and by extension yourself. The energy produced by your body, whatever it's called-"

"Ki," Cell interrupted.

"Um, excuse me?" Twilight asked.

"It's called Ki," Cell elaborated.

"Oh. Thank you," Twilight replied at the sudden cordial nature of the exchange. "So then, the "Ki" produced by your body emits a very unique, very specific wavelength frequency, and with all of those attacks you were firing at me, I had plenty of opportunity to not only detect and analyze that frequency, but also isolate it from all of the background interference I've been picking up here. Once that was done it was just a matter of recalibrating the output harmonics of my shield to appropriately match the wavelengths produced by your body, and voila, now nothing you throw can actually hurt me," she explained.

"Huh," Piccolo replied from where he stood at hearing this, "usually this is the part where I yell "Nerd!" at someone for being too brainy for their own good, but I'm actually impressed by that."

"You have no idea how many views our Youtube channel is getting right now because of this!"

Cell's reaction at this development was one of shock and disbelief. Before morphing into one of amusement as he smirked.

"Well now, my little pony, I must admit you're certainly an amusing opponent. This is possibly the most fun I've had since I announced the Cell Games to the world!" he stated, before once again growing serious. "So, Frieza's repertoire won't do any good against you? Well then let's see about someone who's a little bit higher on the totem pole..."

Twilight watched as Cell put both hands together and assumed a very awkward and uncomfortable-looking position, with a purple glow emanating from... somewhere on him.

"Gallick Gun!"

Twilight frowned at hearing this. "Seriously? You're weaponizing garlic against me now? Enough with the vampire jokes already! You're as unimaginative as you are lopsided, you-"


Twilight just sighed as she saw the incoming wave of purple energy headed right for where she was standing. "Really?"

As was witnessed with the previous attacks, this one cascaded against her force field with equal uselessness, presenting no risk of harm. To emphasize this point, she trudged through the beam's path, approaching Cell's position at a snail's pace. To add further emphasis to the fact that he was hopelessly ****ed, she began significantly expanding her shield outward until it was far larger than his attack, so he would be able to witness for himself that his efforts were worthless against her as it cascaded impotently. He was going to understand this one way or the ****ing damn other.

He must've come to understand it pretty damn quickly, too, as his attack ceased before she even reached the halfway point between their respective positions.

"Are we learning yet?" she asked in a rhetorical -and a bit condescending- manner as she faced him. "I certainly hope we're learning, because I don't have the necessary time to deal with assholes who can't even comprehend basic physics!"

Cell held his tongue in response, opting instead to cross his arms over his chest once again, and focus his efforts on trying to cause Twilight to burst into flames from the intensity of his glare alone.

"Not even you can overcome physics, Cell. Even it you tried to hit me with a planet buster, it still wouldn't do you any good. I know the wavelength frequency your body produces, and I've adapted to it! I'm like the Borg, only softer and more cuddly," she continued.

"Wait. So she's a science fiction geek?" Piccolo asked. The irony of that was thick.

Ulquiorra cast an aside glance at his companion in response. "Is there something wrong with that?"

Piccolo shrugged. "I'm not judging."

Ulquiorra gave a non-committal grunt in response, before turning his focus back to the exchange between Cell and Twilight.

"Oh, that's just OP!" Cell objected.

"Bitch, I'm OP Plus!" Twilight yelled back.

Cell, not to be outdone, simply shrugged off this unfortunate turn of events. He wasn't about to be shown up, nor lose his cool; not again anyway.

"Well now, Bella, you're certainly full of surprises."


Both Ulquiorra and Piccolo watched in disbelief as Twilight disappeared from view, only to reappear behind Cell and wrap all four of her legs around him, before they both disappeared from view entirely, and reappeared outside of the ring as Twilight... basically flipped and threw Cell onto the ground just inches away from the surface, slamming him into it before he could respond and prevent his descent. All while she pulled her legs back so she didn't touch outside of the ring first.

Once he was on the ground with Twilight standing atop him, she proceeded to jump on him several times, slamming all four of her hooves onto -and potentially into- his back while shouting what sounded like gibberish, before finally jumping back into the ring and sticking a four-point landing.

Twilight Sparkle, the socially awkward, adorkable little librarian pony with a penchant for cursing like a sailor, had just thoroughly trounced Cell.

"That... that didn't actually just happen, did it?" Piccolo asked.

"It would appear it did," Ulquiorra replied. "That makes twice now that Twilight Sparkle has defeated Cell in his own tournament."

"Huh," Piccolo muttered. Only then for the words he'd just heard to register in his mind. "Wait, twice? What do you mean by twice?"

"Woohoo! Ring out! Ring out! I win!" Twilight exclaimed excitedly as she jumped about. "Sorry, Cell, looks like you lose again."

"That's-" Cell muttered as he picked himself up off the ground, "Mr. Perfect Cell," he clarified as he proceeded to dust his carapace off.

"U mad bro?" Twilight asked.

"Absolutely livid," Cell admitted as his right eye twitched, despite his voice never raising even a single octave.

"Whatever. History and important details are made by the victors, not the losers; losers like yourself," Twilight replied dismissively with a wave of her hoof, much to Cell's annoyance. "But never mind that now. The point is I've won this tournament of yours, and I did it twice. First by total obliteration of your circulatory system, then by throwing you right out of your arena and onto the ground outside. So let me have my Hetap, whatever the hell that is, and kindly **** the **** right ****ing off!"

Throughout the tirade directed at him, Cell's composure remained -more or less- intact as he simply waited for Twilight to finish talking, before finally responding.

"Well now, my foul-mouthed little filly friend-"

"Don't you get fresh with me," Twilight growled.

"I'd certainly love to do just that, and present you with your well-deserved winnings! There's just one little problem with all that..." Cell continued, a smirk growing on his face as he paused. "The Cell Games, presented by Hetap, don't officially start for several more days! So your little victory here doesn't count as being anything more than a mere exhibition match for the sake of entertainment, I'm afraid. So really I haven't lost anything just yet."

Now it was Twilight's turn to experience an eye twitch at this development.

"Why you lying, cheating, no good bastard! Why didn't you say something before I wasted so much time handing you your green ass!?"

"Filler," Cell replied smugly as he stepped back into the arena once again. "Besides that, it was quite simply amusing."

"You totally just pulled that rule change out of your ass just now because you lost!" Twilight yelled.

"The only thing that's going to be pulled out of anyone's ass around here, is going to be my fist, when I cram it up yours," Cell replied.

"Oh really now? Well good luck even getting it up there," Twilight shot back as she activated her shield once again.

"You know, little pony, at first it was cute when you thought you could oppose me. But now it's just growing old and annoying," Cell quipped. "Tell me something, will that shield harmonics trick of yours serve to protect you from me doing something like... oh I don't know, maybe picking up a ten ton chunk of solid rock, and beating you into a bloody pulp with it?"

The look on Twilight's face suddenly morphed into one generally reserved for a deer finding itself illuminated by the headlights of a swiftly approaching car late at night.

"Um... uh..." she stammered as her pupils practically reached pinprick levels in terms of dilation.

"I'll take that as a "no" then," Cell replied as he grinned, amused by the fact that she now comprehended just how hopeless her situation truly was. "Sorry, Bella, our little interaction was fun while it lasted. But that's just how the ball bounces," he continued as he stretched out his hand, ready to select the section of mountain that would make the greatest impact.

The only thing that stopped him from following through was Ulquiorra suddenly appearing in front of him, seizing his wrist in a grip that was truly vice-like, and simultaneously slamming his fist right into his chest. Not simply in the sense of fist meeting sternum with a blunt impact that would leave a nasty bruise, no. Rather he punched him with enough force to completely shatter his carapace, and drive his hand right into his chest cavity.

First it was the little emo with the cursed notebook stopping one of his hearts, and now it was the big emo driving his fist straight into the other one. What were the odds of that!?

"Bounce this," Ulquiorra stated, just before unleashing a Bala and obliterating a majority of Cell's chest cavity in the process, leaving nothing but a smoking, gooey crater behind in its wake.

"Thanks," Twilight stated in relief as Ulquiorra removed his hand, and proceeded to tip Cell's carcass over. "I honestly thought I had him there."

"If fair play were an aspect of this event, you would have," Ulquiorra commented, before turning his attention back to Cell's prone form. "Everyone knows you're not dead. Get up."

"Well at least someone's paying attention!" Cell quipped and leapt back to his feet, the hole in -and through- his chest closing back up like it'd never been there to begin with.

Just as soon as it had closed up, Cell experienced the unfortunate meeting between his face and Ulquiorra's fist as another Bala was discharged, completely vaporizing his head all the way down to his neck, and sending his body falling over backwards once again.

"Huh. Well that certainly was mind blowing," Twilight muttered.

"That was very bad," Ulquiorra commented.

"Not funny, but fast," Twilight pointed out.

Once more, Cell leapt back to his feet, his head regenerating in a spray of green viscous fluids, only to be disintegrated once again at Ulquiorra punched him in face a second time, sending him back to the arena floor.

"You know, I'm no expert or anything, but I really don't think that's gonna do any good if he's just gonna keep shrugging it off like that," Piccolo commented as he observed the incident unfolding.

"Perhaps not all at once, but it's a cumulative approach to addressing an issue. Death by a thousand cuts as it were," Ulquiorra explained, pausing only long enough to once again punch Cell's head off his shoulders at he jumped up and regenerated. "Cell's regenerative qualities are truly impressive, but everything has a limit that can eventually be broken. Sooner or later he's going to exhaust whatever resources allow him to regenerate his lost body mass as he does. I intend to force him to continue expending those resources at an accelerated rate, and wear him down like weather does to a rock, until his body is simply too exhausted to regenerate anything," he elaborated.

"Huh..." Piccolo muttered.

"Now there's an approach few have ever considered," Kami commented.

"I don't know. Frieza tore off a lot of my arms back on Namek, and that didn't slow me down," Nail stated.

"So you're saying I found you on the ground for an entirely different reason?" Piccolo asked, right before Cell popped up only to be decapitated once again. "This might take a while..."

He then noticed that Twilight was no longer observing the fight itself; instead she was staring up with him with wonder from where she currently sat.

"Can I help you?" he asked.

"Oh! Sorry!" Twilight quickly apologized as she snapped out of her stupor. "It's just... you look a lot different from your picture on the can labels."

Nail's laugh in response was so loud, it could practically be heard outside of Piccolo's mind.

Author's Note:

This isn't exactly how I originally envisioned the chapter, it just sort of grew when I realized how much potential Twilight had for snark-to-snark combat, and it felt like a shame to toss that all away. The chapter would've been much shorter since Ulquiorra would've been all business and proceed straight to his plan.

Hopefully this tides everyone over while I go about revising my notes for the future chapters for streamlining purposes. But adapting to a new style of writing is proving difficult.

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