• Published 13th May 2013
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HiE - A Hollow in Equestria - Charlie_K

Ulquiorra Cifer resigned himself to his fate of death. What he didn't count on was the spirit of chaos finding and taking interest in his case

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Chapter Thirty Five

Chapter Thirty Five

Tuesday, June eleventh, second year of the new calendar: After Nightmare Moon

Observational notes pertaining to the mysterious concept known as "friendship" and other curiosities in the world of Equestria

Entry One

I have arrived at a conclusion. To properly organize my thoughts and observations about the strange aspects of this world, the most logical decision is to keep written notes, for future reference and easier recollection. Despite my intelligence, as well as my keen analytical nature, my mind is simply not a computer capable of perfect recollection of every detail at any given moment. I make no claim of being perfect, nor have I been accused of such. I am aware of my own shortcomings and know what my limits are. I do not maintain the nonsensical belief that I am perfectly capable of doing anything I set my mind to, or because I wish to arrive at a specific outcome; I am simply not that foolish.

There are a great many observations that could be made on my new surroundings, both the place and the beings that serve as the dominant species. However I don't believe they possess any true relevance to the matter at hand.

The unicorn named Twilight Sparkle has identified five specific lessons regarding the concept of friendship. In numerical order they are: tolerance, trust, kindness, apologize, and forgiveness. Supposedly, these five lessons are regarded as crucial to maintaining a successful friendship. To some degree I'm able to understand this. Out of the five lessons shared, I have arrived at the conclusion that tolerance is the primary key, and the one necessary to hold all other parts together.

To form a friendship with others, there is a need to tolerate their idiosyncrasies and habits that you would otherwise find distaste with. This makes the most sense, as perfect cohesion of any group is impossible, a fact I am keenly aware of with regard to the other Espada.

Tolerance was tested during the initial visit to Ponyville, during the assembly orchestrated by Twilight Sparkle. Despite my efforts to convey my disinterest with everything they had to present for consideration, a majority of the ponies refused to write me off as not worth their time.

The other four lessons seem dedicated to maintenance and upkeep. To some degree it is understandable, as everything needs maintenance at some point, be it the walls of Las Noches, or six ponies with the ability to speak.

The concept of friendship appears to be as foreign in nature as the beings that inhabit this world. Unlike a simple partnership between parties sharing a mutual interest, and where there must be some mutual benefit to maintaining the partnership, the concept of friendship seems to be devoid of anything resembling such compensation. The pony Filthy Rich has explained the mutually beneficial nature of his business partnership with a number of others who contribute to the success of Barnyard Bargains, and how he in turns contributes to their monetary success.

The friendship between the ponies who possess the Elements of Harmony displays no such mutually beneficial form of compensation that I can see. A friendship with the pony Applejack doesn't yield free apples from her farm at any given time. Nor does a friendship with Rarity yield free clothing or services at any given time. And a friendship with Rainbow Dash would seem to yield nothing at all, as those she seems physically closest to, are the ones most subjected to her boisterous attitude and egomania.

Rainbow Dash serves as a complication to the understanding of the mystery. The other five she associates with chose to engage in trickery and deceit behind her back, the act of which filled her with considerable resentment toward them, but she did not terminate her friendship with them, despite not forgiving them until just recently.

I suspect the above mentioned complication has something to do with how they possess the Elements of Harmony, and how they must work together to utilize them. However I possess no understanding of how a group can employ harmony when individual members harbor resentment and even hatred towards one another. The Espada were anything but harmonious in nature, the only unifying force to the group being Aizen's position as ruler. Even then, conflict was regular, and most members chose to work alone rather than partner with another Espada.

Yammy Llargo is the exception rather than the rule.

Back on the topic of these ponies tasked with bearing the Elements of Harmony, these "mane six" as I have heard them be referred to by others. They are as strange and complex as the notion of friendship itself, and filled with just as much nonsense, if not more.

The unicorn Twilight Sparkle possesses considerable intelligence, as well as a thirst for knowledge that seems to know no bounds. She has taken an incredible interest in my basic physiology and the nature of my being. Even after being horrified at how easily I do not conform to the natural laws of their world, this horror was short lived as her scientific mind reasserted itself. She serves as a walking contradiction at various times, a significant curiosity in this world full of curiosities. She makes attempts to get along with others, but at the same time does not willingly suffer fools gladly. She possesses an incredible degree of hostility and a penchant for violence, and yet when tasked with assisting in the extermination of a changeling infestation, became physically ill and displayed signs of emotional trauma. This is the same pony who made every effort to kill me just hours later when she believed Princess Celestia had been killed. The same pony that felt a deep sense of regret afterword, and felt compelled to apologize for her actions.

The pegasus Rainbow Dash possesses a much greater propensity towards murder than Twilight Sparkle. Along with this she possesses a significant degree of general hostility and a quick temper, perhaps even greater than she herself realizes. Comparatively speaking she's not too dissimilar from Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez, as they both seem to possess the same negative personality traits. The cyan hair, as well as the density of her reiatsu when performing her "Sonic Rainboom" technique are also quite similar. Despite this observation, I can't help but wonder if her first actual kill will be a conscious decision on her part, or the result of losing control of her volatile temper, and taking her aggression out on whoever is unfortunate enough to be within the vicinity.

I must also question if this fury of hers is inherent to her nature, or if it's the result of the trickery carried out against her by the others. Reevaluation may be necessary.

The earth pony Pinkie Pie continues to remain a mystery in all regards. Despite taking issue with how I violate the known laws of physics of this world, Twilight Sparkle seems to simply accept the violations this pony causes on a daily basis. My preliminary evaluation of her being a portion of Discord still stands, seeming to be the most logical explanation available. There are many questions surrounding her. Questions I can't find answers for, just as I'm unable to evaluate her own capacity for murder and blood lust. There is something about her, but as of yet I don't know what.

Unlike Rainbow Dash, reevaluation will be necessary. The question I find myself asking is if the gain in information will be worth tolerating her presence and idiosyncrasies for a lengthy period of time.

Then there is the pegasus Fluttershy and her contradictory nature. On the surface she is calm, meek, and unimposing; seemingly kind to others without consideration for how her actions may adversely affect herself. Below that surface is a beast of such fury that, upon my first encountering with it, I found myself taken completely by surprise and rendered temporarily speechless. Such fury that she was able to force a -supposedly- full grown bull dragon to leave its cave merely by scolding it, when I myself was incapable of doing the same through physical superiority. It is quite possible that her capacity for murder is the greatest of the six.

Current theory would suggest Fluttershy's propensity for murder is so great, she herself is terrified of what she is capable of doing, and makes every effort to bury this fact as deep as possible, to the point she can't call upon it at will. This would explain her outwardly timid nature. It would also explain her kindness towards others, as it would serve to further deny what she truly is, both to herself and to the outside world. Despite her best efforts, I believe the others are aware of her true nature, and actively attempt to utilize it whenever necessary.

The earth pony Applejack, and the unicorn Rarity, as of present time, do not display any significant indicators of a propensity towards violence and murder. This does not mean that such a propensity is not possessed by them, however, as that would be a foolish assessment. At best it would mean they are more capable of concealing whatever dark secrets they possess, compared to their associates.

The dragon Spike is another curiosity of the group. Although he does not possess an Element of Harmony on his own, he seems to be contingent to a number of endeavors the six engage in. Based on several observations I would estimate his level of intelligence to be on par with Twilight Sparkle herself. His skill in chess, as well as his tactical mindset as seen during the changeling outbreak, would suggest he is regarded as an important asset by the others. However as an asset he seems to be quite mismanaged, as the others prefer to utilize him for mundane purposes such as cooking, serving, and general runabout work, to say nothing of tasks that require actual hands rather than hooves. I can't tell for certain whether he resents this or not. If he truly does resent his treatment, then eventually there must be a breaking point to observe.

The unique personalities of each of these individuals serves as further confusion when attempting to understand their friendship with one another. If I were asked to speculate on the matter, I would point out situations in which conflict would likely occur, and any attempts at a successful partnership would fall apart through strife and distrust. I have identified multiple situations in which this would occur in any given interaction. And yet, despite my calculations, they continue to surprise me by defying logic, and trusting each other to a greater degree than would seem possible.

Perhaps more surprising than the group cohesion they seem to exert in opposition to all logical odds, is their willingness and even desire to associate with myself. I am their physical antithesis, the embodiment of what is opposite of them. They believe in peaceful solutions, I believe in logical solutions regardless of their nature. they value the lives of others, I do not see the value in the lives of those who present a threat. They hug, I do not.

Curiosity is a viable theory of explanation. Each of them appears to have found something to my character they wish to explore further.

Another theory is Princess Celestia has ordered them to associate and interact with me, for the purpose of furthering my own orders of trying to understand friendship. I certainly wouldn't put it past her, but if that theory has any grounds I must question why, if they're acting under orders, they are so nonsensical in nature in how they carry out their instructions. There is no professionalism with them unless it pertains to their own work in my absence.

However this theory does not withstand scrutiny when considering their status and importance. As the ones who possess the Elements of Harmony, and thus amount to this country's best defense, it is highly unlikely Princess Celestia would order them to be in my presence for any reason if she still possesses doubts regarding my sincerity. But at the same time this scrutiny does not stand up to the fact that Princess Celestia chose to release Discord from his stone entombment in the belief that the pegasus Fluttershy could reform him. Her course of action could have resulted in the six being wiped from existence in the blink of an eye, or the spirit of chaos could have chosen to cause the diarchy to cease to exist. There is no end to the chaos that could've been implemented during that window of opportunity.

I also find myself questioning the sanity of Princess Celestia herself. In addition to the above mentioned actions, there are the numerous endeavors she's made to determine if I have any inclination to strike her in a treacherous manner. Each of her attempts has been incredibly transparent, and each of them has been addressed accordingly, with a note made regarding her lack of tact and the futility of her attempts. Regardless of how many times she is informed about my loyalty, she refuses to accept it as the truth. To some degree this is understandable and logical. However that does nothing to make it any less annoying. This game of chess she insists upon playing will need to come to an end at some point in the future. If not, then it will be necessary to explain the contradiction to her in an effort to force her hoof hand and make her cease the illogical behavior.

All of this pertains only to the mysteries native to this world and its inhabitants. There are mysteries that relate to myself and my presence here that leave me, for lack of a more appropriate term, concerned.

The location of my Hollow hole does not seem to be the same as it was prior to my death. I remember it originally being set higher in my chest than it currently is. I have no idea how this has occurred, or what the significance is. I have no idea whether it is merely my perception and memory that was off, and my physical structure remains unchanged, or if something else is occurring with my body.

But if something truly is occurring with my body, what exactly is it? What is occurring, for what reason, and perhaps more importantly, is it something that can be stopped?

I have thoroughly inspected the abilities natural to my body. Everything seems to be in check, with the exception of all garganta-related abilities. As of yet I'm unable to determine the significance of this and can only speculate. If Discord truly brought me to this world to fulfill some specific mission, then it would seem to make sense that he would attempt to keep me here until I do just that.

Which brings about the next point of curiosity. After several incidents have occurred I have engaged in meticulous examination in an effort to discern an explanation for what has occurred. To the best of my abilities I have examined the levels of my strength, both back in Las Noches and here. I can discern no differences in the nearly three week period between then and now. Perhaps that is why this is all the more disturbing to encounter and give consideration to.

The dragon encountered on my fourth day in this world possessed a level of reiatsu and physical strength on par to Quinto Espada, Nnoitra Gilga. Defeating it proved to be only minor in difficulty, and then only due to the need to safeguard the holders of the Elements of Harmony, and keep them from being killed in order to follow Princess Celestia's orders. Despite this fact, however, I experienced a complication I never expected to encounter; pain. The dragon's fire failed to burn or even singe my skin, yet I still experienced the pain of the burn. It proved to be quite unpleasant.

Pain was also present upon stopping the dragon's fist. It was nothing that couldn't be tolerated, but the discomfort ran from my palm, to my shoulder, all the way down to my lower back. How such a weak opponent could present such difficulty is beyond my understanding.

The next situation proved to be my encounter with Princess Celestia during the changeling invasion. During my attempt to make my treachery look convincing, I made an effort to strike her down with a cut across the back. As I predicted, the attack caused her no harm, as her reiatsu was far too dense to cut with my zanpakutō. Instead the injury was mine, as the palm of the hand I was using to hold Murciélago became cut instead. Such is the nature of a clash between two bodies of reiatsu, the weaker taking damage from the physical blow.

Ordinarily this wouldn't warrant mentioning. The only reason I have chosen to write it down is due to the fact the injury occurred despite the use of comparatively little force in delivering the blow; it shouldn't have been enough to result in any injury on my part. Despite that fact, an injury did occur. Were I not in possession of my high-speed regeneration the damage to my palm would've taken considerably longer to heal than it did.

One possible explanation for this is the reishi-like substance of this world referred to as "mana." The two appear quite similar in nature as I'm able to feed and sustain my existence off of it with relative ease. Mana also appears to have a much greater density than reishi itself, at least in the capitol city of Canterlot. However this means little. Despite being similar the two are not perfectly identical. Perhaps my body has not yet adapted to this new world and can only gain partial sustenance from the mana in the area, and with time the acclimation process will resolve this inconsistency. Or perhaps mana is simply not as nutritious in nature as reishi. Perhaps mana is more akin to what's known as "junk food" and can only provide minimum sustenance and my body is reacting accordingly. This would seem logical to some degree, as mana is used for the casting of various magic spells in this world. To date I haven't encountered another being who actually consumes mana.

Back to the discussion of pain. The presence of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, primarily when they're together, is quite painful to experience. It is difficult to explain in an adequate manner what it's like to experience their reiatsu levels when they aren't restrained to a tolerable level. Princess Luna's reiatsu is rather concussive to experience. When she flexes her strength to a significant degree, I can feel it exerting force against my body, it's almost suffocating in nature. The first time I encountered her fury I found myself completely unable to breathe until I left the area.

Princess Celestia's reiatsu is considerably more destructive in nature, and more hazardous to encounter when she is angered. When she directed her fury against me, her reiatsu caused significant burns and blisters to my skin, easily causing damage to my hierro, and bruising my internal organs in the process.

Primera Espada Coyote Starrk's reiatsu was intense enough to cause lesser Hollows to die merely by being in his presence. It's not a matter of doubting the existence of reiatsu levels with greater intensity than my own, I'm fully aware that they exist, I have even encountered them for myself. The matter of concern is the fact that Princess Celestia's reiatsu can cause physical damage to my body if she chooses to flare it. I'm not certain what to make of this fact as of yet.

Three theories exist to possibly explain this mystery. However none of them can as of yet be substantiated with any direct physical evidence.

The first theory pertains to myself. If my body is still made of highly concentrated reishi -and by extension of my presence here, mana as well- particles, it's theoretically possible that I'm more vulnerable to the forces Princess Celestia can exert on the surrounding territory, while the other ponies remain blissfully ignorant of her destructive potential due to their flesh and blood construction.

The second theory pertains to Princess Celestia herself. Her special talent appears to be control over the sun itself, deciding when it raises and when it lowers, and doing so by herself. According to the history of this world, the task was originally carried out by a team of the thirteen strongest unicorns known to exist, indicating it was a considerable task to perform. Yet because of her special talent relating to the sun, she seemingly performs this feat by herself with great ease. If she's somehow connected to the sun, perhaps it's possible the sun is able to exert feedback through her body, and during times of emotional unease this feedback is more readily detectable. Perhaps I burned because it was the equivalent of standing next to the sun itself. However that wouldn't explain why the guard that was present remained unharmed.

The third theory involves Discord himself. Perhaps the spirit of chaos modified my body in some way to make me vulnerable to Princess Celestia's reiatsu in an effort to keep me under her control, because he believed it necessary. It would be quite foolish to put anything past Discord. According to Princess Celestia, he's responsible for me in the same way a child is responsible when they receive a pet; if I'm bad then he will be punished. Perhaps this is his equivalent of attempting to train me to behave myself.

However it must be remembered that what these ponies possess is not reiryoku, but rather something else entirely. Just as mana and reishi are not identical, what these ponies possess is certainly not true reiryoku. And what force they exert when flexing their strength is more than likely not the same as reiatsu. What it truly is, I don't know. But it is the only comparison that I can make.

There are no answers to be had for any of these questions. All that is present are unsubstantiated theories and speculation. I have devoted a number of days to little more than extensive research and unguided speculation. Even I have lost count of how many hundreds of books I've read in what would be considered a desperate attempt to garner some helpful piece of knowledge to make sense of my situation. In all of those books I have found nothing that would make sense of my presence, nor have I found anything that would assist in making sense of the concept of friendship.

I have arrived at what I believe to be the most logical conclusion available under the present circumstances. As strange as it may sound, I believe that I am in need of the others. With Discord nowhere to the found and questioned, and the Princesses potentially having their own agendas, Twilight Sparkle and the other ponies are likely the most qualified to assist in solving these mysteries.

My intention is to head for Ponyville first thing in the morning. If there are answers in this world, they will likely be found there. Twilight Sparkle's intelligence makes her a valuable asset right now. Perhaps with her help I can get to the bottom of at least some of these mysteries.

If nothing beneficial occurs from my exploration, I will at least be present should the third incident somehow coincide with the timing of my arrival just as the last two did.

End of report

Subsequent entry: See about locating a functional pen in this world if at all possible. Quills and ink wells leave much to be desired.

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