• Published 13th May 2013
  • 37,679 Views, 6,225 Comments

HiE - A Hollow in Equestria - Charlie_K

Ulquiorra Cifer resigned himself to his fate of death. What he didn't count on was the spirit of chaos finding and taking interest in his case

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Chapter Sixty Seven

Chapter Sixty Seven

Nurse Goodwill gave a soft sigh as she settled in for her duties for the day, and all that they would entail.

Under normal circumstances, the usual round of duties for the staff of the infirmary, would involve taking inventory of their current stock of medical supplies, and reordering whatever they were in need of.

In the medical field, the usual round of duties involved dispensing pain killers, and other assorted medicine as requested. Or tending to whatever wounds the guards had managed to accumulate during training accidents. Or the various burns that someone on the kitchen staff would manage to get on an almost daily basis; one of the hazards of working around so much fire, and even boiling water or cooking oils.

Then there were the sprains, and other general, non-serious injuries, that the cleaning staff would experience from time to time. And sometimes it was a lot of the time.

There was also the duty of tending to those that managed to come down with the seasonal cold or flu, and taking steps to minimize the risk of them infecting the entire palace.

And there was always the risk of somepony coming down with food poisoning. The less said about that one, the better...

But these were not normal circumstances that she found herself in right now. Right now those duties involved tending to a horribly mutilated pegasus that, not even one hour ago, had been stitched back together, and was now resting with an IV drip in her foreleg, as she laid unconscious on one of the available beds.

Unfortunately "tending to" in this case, meant little more than simply watching the cyan pegasus as she slept, and periodically checking her vital signs to ensure that all was well. Being an infirmary rather than a dedicated hospital, there was only so much that could actually be done. That more or less left her sitting at the desk, and tending to the necessary paperwork for the day. But that was a task that could be better tended to, if she wasn't currently having to deal with the growling of her stomach, serving as an intermittent reminder of the fact that she was currently hungry.

She considered making her way to the kitchen and picking herself up a croissant or something to help her focus better. She would only be away for a few short minutes, during which time the cyan pegasus would likely remain asleep. But it was a violation of basic practices and protocol, to leave a patient alone during a time like this. And that more or less left her stranded here, until somepony came along, and relieved her of her current duties.

Her thoughts on the matter, however, were interrupted by the sound of the infirmary door being opened, drawing her attention away from her own distractions. And when she did, she nearly fell out of her chair, and to the ground when she saw that it was Ulquiorra who came walking through the door, bringing with him an air of authority that just commanded... she didn't even know for certain. It wasn't exactly respect that he commanded from others around him, based on their previous -limited- interactions. But it was certainly something along those lines.

"Um... g-greeting sir..." she said, doing her best to be sociable in this case, despite the fact that his gaze still sent shivers up her spine. Even when he wasn't looking directly at her -directly through her is what it felt like- she could still feel the predatory nature that his eyes had to them. "H-how are you today?" she asked.

"Adequate," Ulquiorra replied simply and evenly as he approached, hands tucked into his pockets. "Your recovery appears to be coming along well," he observed.

It took a moment for Goodwill to understand what he was referring to, before it occurred to her that he meant the injury she'd sustained last week in caring for Rainbow Dash.

"Oh. Um... yes, I'm doing well. My horn's a lot better now, after I had time to rest. But that first day was difficult, not being able to use my magic for anything," she explained.

"Considering the force of the bite that was administered, I'm mildly surprised that only one day was needed to make a recovery," Ulquiorra commented. He hadn't been present to witness the healing process for himself, so he had no idea of just what it entailed. "I'm equally surprised that you would willingly look after Rainbow Dash once again, all the while knowing what she's capable of."

"Well it's only for a short amount of time, until the hospital can come and get her," Goodwill reasoned. It wasn't like she was being reassigned to look after Rainbow Dash for long term duration. A short stint would hardly be the end of her. "Plus we've learned since last time. The only reason I'm on my own right now, is because the others went to get breakfast, and it's against medical procedure to leave a patient unattended," she explained as best I could.

Ulquiorra understood what she was saying. But he said nothing in response, as he didn't see the point in a pointless exchange. Instead he turned his attention to where Rainbow Dash currently laid, and began observing her prone form.

Silence soon returned to the infirmary. But it was an uneasy silence that left Goodwill uncomfortable. It left her feeling like she was trapped in a cage with a carnivore that wasn't quite yet hungry, but soon very well might be.

Intellectually she knew that it was a matter of utter ridiculousness. Granted he had proven fully capable of beating up a dragon. And a manticore. And a battalion of changelings. And she had heard quite a few rumors about him, with each of them at different points on the sliding scale of absurdity. But she knew that the diarchy trusted him extensively. And they wouldn't trust him if he wasn't trustworthy... right?

It was silly to hold the belief that he was just waiting for the perfect opportunity to pounce upon, and devour them both.

... It was silly... right?

Maybe he wasn't here for her. Maybe Princess Celestia had simply dispatched him in an effort to keep a better eye on Rainbow Dash. In light of last week, she certainly wouldn't doubt that being the case.

But if that was the case... did that mean Princess Celestia had lost confidence in her? Or was she simply being cautious, considering just how important the cyan pegasus was?

"Sir?" she spoke up, doing her best to keep her tone even. It was a challenge when he slowly turned his attention to her, and in such a subtle way as he merely shifted his gaze, rather than turning his head. It was almost chill inducing how he'd just done that. "I don't have any intention of letting her escape a second time. I won't let Princess Celestia be disappointed by my work again," she explained.

"Noted," Ulquiorra replied, before returning his attention back to Rainbow Dash. "But that's not why I'm here."

"Oh?" Goodwill asked and blinked, not expecting to get that answer. "So Princess Celestia hasn't lost faith in my abilities as a care provider?" she asked.

"That is a matter you'll have to take up with her. I cannot speak for Princess Celestia," Ulquiorra replied. "My reason for being here is to try and discern the latest round of mysteries we find ourselves facing."

"Well I'm certainly not in the habit of refusing help."

Goodwill practically jumped at the sound of the new voice joining the conversation, only to realize that it was Doctor Malar coming back into the room. She'd been so focused on the exchange she'd been having, she had failed to even hear the door opening. Or notice him stepping back into her field of vision.

Ulquiorra, however, had sensed the doctor's approach before he'd even gotten to the door. There had been no reason to react, other than shifting his attention away from Rainbow Dash, and acknowledge the presence of the male unicorn of approximate middle age, with a light brown coat, and a dark brown mane and tail that were beginning to gray.

In simple terms he looked a great deal like the earth pony Time Turner. The resemblance was uncanny enough that it almost looked as if his appearance had been traced, and a horn added before the final inking. The only outstanding visual difference, beyond the horn itself, was the cutie mark which adorned his flanks, and partially obscured by his white doctor's coat. Instead of an hourglass, it appeared to be the medical symbol for this world.

"But I believe an introduction is in order first," he concluded, "I'm Doctor Mandibular Malar. Chief physician to the diarchy."

"Ulquiorra Cifer," he replied. He could see the point in making an introduction, as it would simplify communication between the two of them. However there was no point in sharing his own credentials right now.

"Good to meet you then, sir," Malar replied, "I've heard a lot of talk going around. Both about you, and about your work. I must say, however, that I honestly don't know what to believe. Gossip spreads with greater ease than the common cold, and tends to be exaggerated with each new iteration by somepony else."

"A fact that I'm well aware of," Ulquiorra replied simply. If his conversation with Sweetie Belle was any indication of what was being said, then the misinformation about him was significant. "But at present there's little time for sorting truth from fiction. There are far more important matters at hand that must be dealt with first."

"Of course," Malar agreed and nodded, before turning his attention to where Goodwill sat. "Nurse, why don't you go ahead and get yourself some breakfast? I'm sure the two of us can tend to matters here."

Ulquiorra observed as she nodded in response to the suggestion and took her leave. Once she was gone, he returned his attention to the doctor.

"I must say I'm curious as to how you might be able to help," Malar admitted. He didn't see anything about this individual that would suggest... well... he really didn't see anything about this individual that would be of assistance to them. "If you don't mind my asking, what exactly are your skills. You don't exactly look like much of a physician."

"In truth I'm not. But I have the ability to detect and measure the mana levels of a pony, even in trace level amounts," Ulquiorra explained. That was an overly simplified explanation of his capabilities. But for the time being it would do.

"That's a... very interesting ability you possess. But how exactly does it help us any in this case? What do levels of mana tell us about what happened with the patient here?" Malar asked, more confused than anything.

"On two separate occasions, I've observed her Sonic Rainboom technique. I've witnessed how her mana shifts to condense in her body, and strengthens her physical structure to withstand the forces she's subjected to, in breaking the sound barrier. I've also observed the mana depletion rate experienced when she performs the technique," Ulquiorra explained.

"But there was no Rainboom reported," Malar was quick to point out. Something like that tended to be big news; especially if it happened over Canterlot.

"Which simply means that the sound barrier wasn't breached," Ulquiorra continued without missing a beat.

He had been aware that no Sonic Rainboom had been performed. Even as far away as Ponyville, he would've been aware if it had happened; the display was far too large, and far too flashy, to be easily missed. Even if he was blind and couldn't see it, he would have certainly felt it, and the disturbances it caused.

There were still many boundless mysteries held in this world. And one of those mysteries was just how the biologics of each pony race functioned in the way that they did. And while he'd been giving the matter a fair bit of study, it was a field that he'd just barely managed to begin scratching at the surface. he still had very little practical knowledge as to just how a pony's body utilized mana for particular tasks. The exact mechanics that explained how Rainbow Dash's mana condensed in her body, to allow her to withstand the stresses of supersonic travel, was something he didn't understand. He didn't even know if it was conscious effort, or something done entirely on instinct.

The facts of the current matter were complicating it to some degree. Had she consciously accessed her hierro-like abilities in order to survive crashing through the window? Or had she unknowingly triggered some sort of physical action that set everything into motion?

This in itself presented its own complications. He knew from experience how strong Rainbow Dash's hierro was. She could withstand supersonic travel. She could withstand colliding with a fully grown dragon at said supersonic travel. And more importantly, she could withstand colliding with him under the same circumstances. So how did something as trivial as broken glass -especially that from a stained glass window- cause so much damage, when so much worse did nothing? Did her hierro only work against blunt force trauma?

"So if her mana condenses, and works like you say it does, then how do you explain her injuries? How do you explain her getting cut up like she did?" Malar asked, having difficulty understanding the theory that was being presented to him.

"Quite coincidental," Ulquiorra thought, before speaking up. "I can't. I can only theorize on the matter. One theory is that the technique can only protect against blunt force trauma. Another is that she lacked sufficient mana levels to achieve the desired results, and the best she could do was simply toughen her skin to the point it became like leather, and provided significant cutting resistance," he explained. At the moment those were the two theories that made the most sense to him. He refused to believe that it was purely a matter of blind luck being on her side.

"That's..." Malar paused, not entirely certain how to respond. He was uncomfortable with his patient's skin being compared to leather; it was entirely far too predatory for his own comfort. "I don't fully understand it. But it does at least sound like it could make sense. In some fashion or other," he finally admitted. "But that doesn't explain why she crashed through the window, instead of coming in through the balcony," he pointed out.

"Ultimately we'll have to wait for Rainbow Dash to regain consciousness to determine the significance of that," Ulquiorra replied simply.

"More than likely," Malar agreed and nodded. "But that still leaves the mystery of her wings. They're coated in some type of magic. But it's far too degraded for me to identify."

His curiosity was mildly piqued by the unicorn's words. He had detected the foreign reiryoku on Rainbow Dash's wings, but had written it off as belonging to one of the medical staff. He knew the infirmary had more than two or three ponies on staff, so it was easy enough to assume such.

But now he had confirmation that it wasn't, and that warranted a closer look, and better examination of the details available to him.

"The particulars of the spell itself may have faded. But the signature, and specific texture of the mana that was used in its casting are still present, and of sufficient quality, as well as quantity, to identify the original caster," Ulquiorra explained calmly, never even moving from his spot. "But at the moment it does little good. We have nothing to compare it to. It does us no good in identifying the source."

Malar stood with his mouth hanging slightly open, blinking in a confused manner as he stared at Ulquiorra. Finally, he managed to find his voice and start talking again.

"You can actually recognize, and pick up on such details?" he asked in disbelief.

"Those and many more," Ulquiorra replied simply.

"... When this is all over, and things have had the chance to calm down some, is there any chance I could talk you into a physical examination? I'd love the chance to study the difference between our species' respective physiologies," Malar commented.

Ulquiorra saw the glint in the stallion's eyes. It was much like the glint Twilight Sparkle possessed upon their first meeting. And it was the same glint that Twilight Sparkle continued to possess at sporadic times during their various interactions. It was the look of a scientist who had found something unprecedented, and was eager to examine it in great detail.

It was the same look he had seen in the eyes of the Octava Espada far too many times for his own liking. And in the resulting silence in the infirmary, Ulquiorra had arrived at a certain and disturbing conclusion.

During his brief time in Equestria, he had managed to catch the attention of not only various mares, but now apparently stallions as well. Just wonderful...

"It was bad enough when it was only Twilight Sparkle who was interested in me," he thought to himself.

There was a loud sneeze. Followed by an even louder, pain-filled groan, where Twilight currently rested. The night had been anything but kind to her.

The idea had been to give Applejack a warm body to sleep against, rather than a cold bed to occupy alone, with an accompanying heartbeat that would be... well, beating... throughout the evening as she slumbered. And preliminary results looked like the endeavor had been successful. For three glorious hours, she and Applejack had slept peacefully without any disturbance whatsoever.

And that was when things had started to go wrong.

She had been awoken by a small but noticeable commotion not too far away from her head. A commotion that turned out to be Applejack whimpering, despite the fact that she was still asleep. she had responded with gentle words, and even gentler touches, in an effort to soothe whatever was troubling the unconscious earth pony. And at first it had seemed to work, with Applejack eventually calming back down, and snuggling into her chest again. And after a few minutes of quiet observation, she'd gone back to bed as well.

But then things went wrong again.

She'd found herself awoken with a start, as two hooves connected with her barrel, catching her square in the ribs, and shoving her out of the bed, and to the floor with a surprised -and pained- yell.

Needless to say, nopony slept well the rest of the night after that.

Twilight considered herself to be very, very lucky, to escape with nothing more than a set of bruised ribs -even if they did hurt every time she so much as breathed- and a matching bruised butt. She knew full well that she'd escaped major injury on that one -a fact later confirmed by Doctor Stable during a very early morning visit to Ponyville General Hospital to get her checked out, and her ribs wrapped- as Applejack had been kicking from an unsupported position, and thus was physically unable to generate the amount of force she was so well known for. The kind of force that could easily shake a whole crop of apples right off the tree they hung from in a single blow. The kind of force that could've easily shattered every bone in her ribcage, while simultaneously driving the newly created slivers right into her lungs, and perforating them beyond any hope of repair.

In hindsight, a few bruised ribs was really nothing to deal with. Even if they did hurt when she breathed. Or talked. Or moved. Or thought about doing something.

"Bless you," Spike stated.

Or sneezed for that matter.

Twilight knew that she was lucky to be alive. And she was infinitely thankful for the fact that she was. But that didn't change the simple fact, that she was in a great amount of pain right now.

"Somepony must be talking about you," Spike commented from where he sat.

Twilight just groaned in response as she rested her head against the pillow on her bed, laying on her back with her forelegs tentatively resting on her chest. About the only thing she could do right now, that didn't make her cringe in pain, was use her magic. Which in itself made for some interesting attempts at communication.

Using a pencil and a notepad -in her current condition, a quill, inkwell, and parchment was far too much effort- she quickly went out writing up her response, before levitating the pad around for Spike to see and read.

This is seriously going to complicate my learning of those advanced spell. I'm going to need to cancel class today.

Spike rolled his eyes from behind the notepad. Twilight and her work...

He was about to give a response that he felt was, at least to some extent, appropriate for the situation. But before he could get the first word out, he heard Applejack coming up the stairs to the loft.

"Ah got the wagon all ready ta go," she announced.

Twilight blinked -one of the other few things she could do without hurting her ribs- as she looked between Spike and Applejack for clarity. Getting none, she flipped the pad around for another round of writing.


"Didn' Spike tell ya?" Applejack asked. Twilight tentatively shook her head, wincing in the process. "Well considerin' how much trouble we had gettin' ya ta the hospital this mornin', ah got a totin' wagon set up so ya can jus' ride wherever ya wanna go. That way ya don' have ta walk, ah can jus' tote ya, an' ya can ride in comfort," she explained.

Twilight listened as Applejack explained the situation to her, and couldn't deny that she was touched by the thoughtfulness of it all.

More quick scribbling followed.

I really appreciate that, Applejack. But you don't need to be carting me all over town.

"Well ah know that ah don' have ta, Twi', but that doen' mean ah'm not gonna," Applejack replied. She didn't want to be rude, but sometimes Twilight still had a lot to learn about friendship, and all that was involved with it. "So where ya wanna go first?"

More scribbling on Twilight's part.

Right now I just want to lay here. Maybe get some rest, figure out which muscle groups I can move without experiencing too much pain, and wait for the pain medication to finally kick in.

"A'right, ah guess that'll work," Applejack replied and nodded, before sitting down next to the bed. "So. Anythin' ya need me ta be helping aoun' the library with?" she asked.

Twilight looked over at Applejack where she sat, studying her features carefully. It wasn't a look of optimism on her face. It wasn't a look that suggested contentment either. If she was reading it right, it looked more like desperation, thinly disguised by a weak smile. It was like she was looking for a reason to stay. Was she scared of something? Of something that involved being away from the library?


She was just guessing at that last one. But now that the thought had entered her mind, it seemed hard to push away. Last night Applejack had told Big Macintosh that she'd be home in the morning. Now she was acting like she didn't want to leave.

Turning back to her notepad, and flipping the page over, more scribbling followed.

A great deal of scribbling actually.

Finally, after a quick read through, she felt satisfied with what her message had to say, and turned it back around for Applejack to read.

Applejack, you have to go home now. You told Big Macintosh you'd be back today. He's probably worried right now, and thinking that something happened to you.

"But-" Applejack spoke up, wanting to protest Twilight's statement. But she was silenced as she found Twilight's pencil resting perpendicularly against her lips. It was soon removed, as Twilight went back to writing out another note for her to read. And from the sound of all the scratching, it was a long one.

Applejack. Listen to me.

Twilight made a point of using the eraser end of the pencil to twice tap at her name, and the following sentence, emphasizing the point that she wanted her to pay attention.

I don't blame you for what happened. What happened wasn't your fault, and you're not responsible. You don't have to stay around, and look after me like I'm an invalid.

But you do have to go back home to Sweet Apple Acres. Big Macintosh is going to be worried about you. You promised him that you'd be back home today. Do you really want him coming all the way here looking for you?

And what about Apple Bloom? You need to make sure she's alright too.

Applejack wanted to dispute Twilight's argument. She wanted to argue so many different things, but she really didn't know just where to begin. She was tripping over her own tongue just trying to open her mouth.

The fact that Twilight was referencing her family made it so much harder for her to argue as to why she should stay behind and remain present. The unicorn knew full well that every Apple in the orchard had a weakness for family, and she was using it. How was she supposed to argue otherwise with her on this matter?

"... A'right," she finally relented and stood up. Friends were deeply important to the Apples. But so was family. And as much as she hated being put in a position where she had to choose between the two of them, she was going to have to go with family. The only comfort was the knowledge that she wasn't dropping Twilight in a bubbling pit of magma this time around.

"But before ah go, ah need ta ask ya somethin' first," she stated. "Can ah... come back again tonight?"

Twilight looked at her for a moment, before turning back to her notepad to scribble out a response.

You're bunking with Spike tonight.

Applejack snorted at reading the response. Despite herself, she couldn't resist. The deadpan nature of Twilight's face, and the delivery of the statement, was just too good to resist.

She needed that laugh. And the resulting break in tension that it brought with it.

"Whatever ya say, Sugarcube," she said and moved to hug Twilight. But she stopped herself short when she realized that doing such might cause her more pain than she was already in. Instead she opted for just nuzzling her neck and cheek. A simple gesture that was, thankfully, returned.

She was so thankful that Twilight wasn't mad at her right now. She couldn't stand the thought of losing anymore friends, now or any other time.

She just hoped that Rainbow Dash was doing alright.

When it came to postponing court for the day, it brought a lot of new challenges with it. Celestia was aware of that fact, and chose to use the option sparingly. She tended to reserve the course of action for times when her attention was direly needed elsewhere, and the constant traipsing in and out of new faces through the castle could only complicate an already complicated situation.

That fact aside, however, there were occasional times when the day court had to be postponed in order for her to be available, should something arise, rather than because something had arisen. And it was those times during which it was the most stressful, as there was little to do but stand around and wait for something to happen. And unfortunately that was exactly the situation she found herself in, as she -and likely the rest of the palace- waited for Rainbow Dash to regain consciousness. There were questions that needed to be answered. And if she were stuck in the day court, she would be incapable of getting those answers.

She had tended to what matters she could in her current limited capacity. She'd addressed some paperwork, and fielded some questions from the guards, and other members of the palace staff. But other than that, there was precious little she could do besides wait.

Periodic checking in also yielded little in the way of results, as Rainbow Dash remained unconscious.

There were times when she truly resented the office that she held. What she wouldn't give to be a regular everyday pony on some days.

And once again, she found herself making her way to the infirmary. Much like an anxious mother concerned about the health of her foal, she was concerned about Rainbow Dash. She hadn't bothered to keep track of just how many times she'd ventured down here since early this morning. Truthfully it was something she didn't particularly care to know right now. All she cared about was the well being of Rainbow Dash.

Her thoughts on the matter, however, were interrupted by the faint but growing sound of hooves pounding against the marble flooring. She stopped in her tracks to try and better hear what was happening. Her ears cocked and swiveled, trying to locate the source of the commotion. But it turned out to be a pointless exercise, as the answer literally popped out in front of her, in the form of Nurse Goodwill skidding to try and make the turn around the corner into the main hall -nearly slamming into the far wall in the process- before breaking into an uncoordinated run over to where she stood, all the while gasping for air.

This couldn't be good. There was no way in Equestria that this could be good; not with the terror in her eyes right now.

"My little pony, what's wrong?" Celestia asked, concern obvious in her voice, as well as her actions.

Goodwill managed to skid to a halt before colliding with Celestia's legs -nearly falling over face first in the process- panting and gasping for air as she looked up with wide eyes. She tried to speak, but nothing was coming out coherently through her ragged attempts at breathing.

"Infirmary!" she finally managed to choke out, gesturing wildly in the direction with a foreleg.

Celestia didn't ask any questions, knowing that it would be fruitless to try and get any answers from the nurse in her current state. Instead, thinking quickly -but perhaps not entirely correctly- she reached out with her magic and levitated Goodwill up onto her back where she could perch, before setting off at a gallop towards the infirmary, her metal shoes pounding against the stone flooring with each step.

With her longer stride, and much greater stamina, the distance to the infirmary flew by quickly as her hooves practically pounded against the marble, now that she'd actually kicked it into gear. With much greater control, she didn't skid on the hard turns nearly as much as Goodwill had, so there was a greatly reduced risk of colliding with a random wall.

As she rounded the last corner there was before reaching the infirmary doors, she stopped in her tracks as Goodwill held on tightly. Standing several paces away from the door was Ulquiorra with his hands tucked into his pockets. She truly hadn't expected to see him loitering in the hallway like this.

And as she drew closer, she heard the unmistakable sound of shouting coming from within the room. This matter was growing more and more curious by the second.

"Ulquiorra, what's going on in there?" she asked as she stood right next to him, before sitting down to allow Goodwill to climb down from her perch, and standing back up again to her full height.

"In simplest terms, I would describe it as a territorial dispute," Ulquiorra replied without even turning around to acknowledge Princess Celestia's presence. "Doctor Malar is currently involved in a disagreement with another doctor, and two orderlies from Canterlot General Hospital."

"You'll have to be a little more specific. Which doctor are you referring to? Doctor who?" Celestia asked. Did Ulquiorra have any idea just how many doctors actually worked at the hospital?

"I can't answer that, he refused to give his name even when questioned. He asserted that none of us needed to know it," Ulquiorra explained.

It was all highly unusual how things had occurred a mere fifteen minutes ago. He had detected the arrival and approach of the three new ponies, but had paid them absolutely no mind, until they actually entered the infirmary. And as soon as they had entered, the dispute had taken off, as if the two physicians had previous baggage, and animosity towards one another, despite never having met before.

There had been no professional courtesy between the two physicians. That was as simple as he could put it in describing how they acted in the presence of one another.

"Doctor Malar has refused to release Rainbow Dash in an unconscious state, due to medical guidelines. The other physician has, in turn, asserted custodial authority in the case due to Rainbow Dash being a patient at the hospital where he works, and has threatened to have the royal guard arrest Doctor Malar on the grounds of custodial interference, medical negligence, and medical malpractice. Along with a threat to have the medical review board revoke his license to practice medicine, for failure to comply with a physician on record," Ulquiorra elaborated, giving a brief overview of the nonsense he had witnessed prior to Princess Celestia's arrival. It was part of the reason he had waited outside the infirmary. The drama inside the room was so thick it could be cut with a butter knife.

Celestia wanted to groan at this news. But instead she simply opted for using her hoof to pinch the bridge of her muzzle, trying to ward off the coming migraine. Why did things like this have to develop?

"What?" Goodwill asked in disbelief, before frowning in the direction of the infirmary door. "Nopony threatens Doctor Malar and gets away with it," she stated. She might've gotten scared out of the room, and sent running by how things had started. But now it was an entirely different matter, and she wasn't going to be scared away.

With that thought in mind she adjusted her nurse's hat, before storming off towards the infirmary door, prepared to give this arrogant bully of a physician the verbal thrashing he so richly deserved.

Unfortunately things didn't go as smoothly as they should. Just as she was about to slam the door open, it was violently opened in the direction she was approaching from, slamming right into her muzzle with a great deal of force, sending her to the floor with a cry of pain as she grasped her face in her forelegs.

Ulquiorra silently observed as the first to exit the infirmary was the mystery physician. Average height and build for a unicorn, glasses stereotypically associated with a doctor of some sort, his cutie mark and majority of his gray coat obstructed from view by a lab coat that looked like it was worn far more often as a piece of fashion than for any functional purpose. Overall, nothing physically outstanding or noteworthy, with the exception of the face. He couldn't put his finger on it exactly, but there was just a certain quality about it, that seemed akin to a badger. Or perhaps even... a ferret...

Next to emerge were the two orderlies. Two unicorn stallions who were of above average size and build for their species, their coloring drab and subdued in nature, and each of them looking as if they were hired for attributes other than intelligence. If it turned out they were named Beavis and Butt-head, he wouldn't be the least bit surprised by such a revelation being made.

Wherever the two names had originated from, he wasn't entirely certain. All that he knew was that, wherever they had originated from, their popularity had apparently been sufficient to bring them as far as Japan. In the few times he had actually visited the human world, he had heard their mention at several points, and always in reference to two individuals of questionable mental capacity.

The third to emerge from the infirmary was, surprisingly, Rainbow Dash. But unlike the others who had just stepped out, she was unconscious, and held in a sickly yellow aura field that matched the glow of the orderly on the left. Her body hung lump as she was suspended in the air, carried through with no care for her condition. It was almost like watching someone cart about a large slab of meat.

A cry from the right brought his focus to the downed Nurse Goodwill, leaving him uncertain of just who to focus on more at the moment. Based on the amount of blood that was seeping from her muzzle and staining her yellow coat, it was safe to conclude that a break had occurred from the impact of the door.

The last to emerge from the infirmary was Doctor Malar himself, and looking quite furious; to the point Ulquiorra wouldn't be surprised if he engaged in a physical altercation with the other physician.

"You're not going anywhere!" he bellowed as he stormed out of the room.

The lead unicorn of the trio ignored Malar's protests -he actually ignored everyone that was present- and merely approached where Celestia stood.

"Princess, I'm Doctor Thrush, of Canterlot General Hospital. I ask that "Doctor" Malar be placed under arrest immediately for custodial interference," he spoke, derisively at the use of Malar's title of position in this case. "The pegasus in question is my patient and thus in my legal custody. He had no authority under which to deny me access."

Malar growled and bristled at Thrush's comment, prepared to tear into what he believed to be a pathetic excuse for a medical practitioner. But before he could get a word out, Ulquiorra spoke first, effectively cutting him off.

"A charge of aggravated assault against yourself would be far more appropriate under these circumstances," the Espada commented, dryly and factually.

Thrush frowned at the statement and turned to face Ulquiorra, only to blink when he realized he had to actually tilt his head upward to see who was addressing him.

Another cry from Goodwill. This time drawing Malar's attention to her, as he moved to make sure she was alright, and evaluate what injuries she might have that needed tending to.

"You're certainly an insolent one, talking to me in such a disrespectful manner like that," Thrush stated as he frowned at Ulquiorra.


The scene before Celestia had quickly devolved into pandemonium, and was threatening to get far worse if she didn't intervene. She didn't need all of the arguing, or the grandstanding that was developing before her. So she had decided to nip the entire thing right in the bud, in the same manner Luna would; with a belt from the royal voice.

All at once, all arguments came to an end, as all participants looked at her.

"Everyone. Shut up. Do not speak unless I speak to you first," she ordered, her voice softer than before, but still carrying the edge of authority with it as she frowned at all of them. "Now. We're going back into the infirmary, and we're going to act like responsible adults; not like a bunch of two year old foals throwing a temper tantrum over not getting their favorite toy. Is that understood?"

The end may have been phrased like a question. But her tone of voice left it clear that it was no request to be disputed, but an order that was to be obeyed. This entire gaggle of ponies had managed to earn her ire. And they were going to understand that fact.

Ulquiorra observed the room around him, and the tense quietness that surrounded them.

Doctor Malar was currently working his magic -quite literally in this case- on Nurse Goodwill, as he tended to her -now confirmed as being- broken muzzle, setting it into place, and bandaging it so it could heal. However the bloodstains on her coat would likely remain for quite some time.

Rainbow Dash was currently resting in the bed once again, still unconscious, and once again hooked back up to the medical equipment that had been present in the room.

Doctor Thrush, and his two orderlies, sat in one corner of the room as instructed, unwilling to backtalk on the matter.

And Princess Celestia stood in the middle of the room where she could observe, and survey everything that was going on around her, a frown more or less carved into her face.

"Now then," she spoke slowly, and in an authoritative manner, "I'm going to be asking questions. There will be no yelling, no name calling, no shouting back and forth, and no attempts at talking over one another. If you have something to say, then you'll wait your turn," she instructed, making it abundantly clear that there was no room for negotiations on the matter.

Glancing around the room, it seemed unlikely at best that anyone would protest the order.

"Now then. Doctor Malar. Can you tell me just what happened here?" she asked as she turned her attention to him, once she was certain he was done tending to Goodwill's injuries.

"Well you see, Your Majesty, this is how things happened," Malar began as he turned to face her. He could see Thrush rolling his eyes at his words, but paid him no mind. Right now he had more important things to address. "Prior to everything going south, Ulquiorra and I were busy discussing the case, and comparing our respective notes, while Goodwill took Rainbow Dash's vital signs to ensure she was in good health. The next thing we know, "Doctor" Thrush and his two "orderlies" came barging into the room. No professional courtesy, no introductions, no inquiry into the well being of the patient. Just an order to immediately release her into his custody. And when I tried to raise any objections to such procedure, he starting issuing threats," he stated, getting more and more flustered and agitated as he went. "He wouldn't even listen when I tried to point out how it's against medical guidelines to discharge an unconscious patient, before a full examination can be completed to ensure the patient's well being. The next thing I know, that one," he said, gesturing to one of the orderlies, "is shoving me aside, while the other is ripping equipment off of her in a haphazard manner, and plucking her out of her bed with no consideration for her condition! He didn't even stop to consider that he might be tearing out her sutures in the process! It didn't even occur to him, that his actions might actually cause her to bleed to death before they ever left the palace!"

Ulquiorra listened as Doctor Malar recounted the series of events that had transpired. In truth it was a somewhat simplified, and streamlined version of what had actually happened, prior to when Princess Celestia had arrived. But despite the streamlined version, he had essentially addressed all the high points of the ordeal. If it was requested, he would vouch for that.

From the other side of the room, Doctor Thrush snorted in a contemptuous manner. The entire time Doctor Malar had been speaking, he'd been maintaining an air of arrogance about him.

"With all due respect, Princess, I'm far more qualified to be making such determinations. My qualifications speak for themselves in this case. Top of the line medical, top of my graduating class, etc. I'm not some country bumpkin peddling snake oil in a bottle, nor the type who can only find work at a free clinic. I'm the chief medical expert of Canterlot General Hospital, and still with an active practice. I know precisely what I'm doing in this case," Thrush stated confidently as he stepped forward. "Now then. The medical logs show that I was assigned this case, due to the complexities involved. I'm the only physician competent enough to address this matter, and "Doctor" Malar over there is interfering in my work, making it tantamount not only to malpractice, but also medical negligence. He doesn't have access to even half of the facilities that we do, back at a proper hospital. And his clinging to outdated myths from a bygone era, about what constitutes proper medical procedure, just goes to reinforce the fact that he's woefully inadequate for dealing with the problems he's facing. His refusal to step down, and defer to somepony better qualified is tantamount to nothing short of medical abuse."

Celestia listened as patiently as she could, during the time each doctor was making his case as to why he was the more qualified physician. As well as the poorly disguised character assassination that sailed back and forth amongst them. Good points were being raised, and leaving her in a precarious predicament. Malar was an old friend, and had been the physician for Canterlot palace since before Luna's return. If she were going purely on demeanor, Malar would be her pick.

But they had to consider far more than just that. Thrush had raised a good point about their facilities being lacking to some extent. Blood tests were about as far as they could go in terms of lab work, leaving them without a number of more advanced procedures. And Rainbow Dash had already proven that she could escape from here if she were motivated. That was a strike against them.

Then again, Rainbow Dash had escaped under Thrush's watch as well, through a means they hadn't yet discovered. That was a strike against him.

"The fact that Rainbow Dash managed to escape while under your watch, does not speak highly for your credentials."

Celestia turned to observe Ulquiorra as he made the statement. Apparently his evaluation of Thrush was similar to her own on the matter. But, as per usual, he had shown considerably less tact than she would have in the matter. And it was situations like this, that made her glad of that fact.

Thrush, however, obviously didn't appreciate Ulquiorra's evaluation, as he glared at him in response.

"Should one of my staff prove to be incompetent in carrying out their duties, I'm not liable for their lapses in judgement. We have clearly established procedural guidelines for dealing with dangerous patients," he stated.

"Dangerous?" Celestia asked and blinked. That didn't sound right. Even after experiencing everything she had over the past few days, it still didn't sound right. "How has she been dangerous?"

"The patient has displayed blatantly combative tendencies when we've tried to treat her. She's shouted obscenities, she's refused to cooperate with the treatment process, and she's assaulted various members of the staff throughout her time at the hospital. The amount of disruption she's caused, has required us to use a firmer approach than most patients require. The only safe way to deal with her during these times is to keep her restrained, to prevent her from hurting herself and others," Thrush explained with a huff.

"What part of shouting obscenities constitutes a danger to others?" Ulquiorra asked bluntly. He was aware of how Rainbow Dash could be dangerous, as he had seen such. But the explanation being given was just utterly ridiculous; ridiculous enough that this pony could easily be a human bureaucrat. But even if he was denied clarification on the matter, he was prepared with another question. "And what was the nature of the spell that was applied to her wings?"

"What nonsense are you talking about now? What spell?" Thrush asked, his brow furrowing at the question.

"The spell cast by your orderly who reportedly shoved Doctor Malar aside," Ulquiorra elaborated. Already he could spot the reactions coming from the physician. Reactions that he attempted to subdue, that indicated he had been caught at something. Perhaps something he shouldn't be doing. And perhaps it was time to more aggressively pursue the matter. "I can see things that ponies cannot. There's no point in making any denials. Even if the spell fades, the signature of the mana used remains for upwards of seven days. And your orderly possesses the same signature," he explained calmly.

He could see Doctor Thrush starting to squirm under his questioning. It was subtle and slight, easily missed by someone who wasn't familiar with interrogation. But he could see them as plain as day. And it was interesting how both humans, and ponies, reacted in such a similar manner to being interrogated.

"I-I don't know who or what you are, but you're no consulting physician, you're lucky I'm even talking to you at all! Any procedures utilized are covered under doctor-patient confidentiality. I'm not obligated to even be speaking to you whatsoever!" Thrush stated and frowned.

"Perhaps you might be right, Doctor," Celestia spoke up without raising her voice. "But you are obligated to speak to me. And I'm quite curious as to just what this spell is," she stated.

"Princess, surely you can't-" Thrush objected, only to be quickly interrupted.

"Can't I?" Celestia asked in direct challenge to his objection. When he didn't immediately speak up, she continued. "Doctor, I find your attitude highly abrasive. When I turned this case over to you, it was on the basis of Canterlot General Hospital being the facility better suited for the care of Rainbow Dash. But your inability to keep tabs on one little pegasus, has given me grounds to doubt that suitability. Were you even aware of her disappearance, before receiving word about her current location?" she asked.

"I, uh-" Thrush stammered, only to be interrupted by Celestia again.

"How many staff do you have working for you, Doctor?" Celestia asked him directly. But she didn't wait for him to answer, before continuing with the questioning assault. "You are aware that Rainbow Dash was put on a suicide watch, correct? That means continual observation, and checking in, to ensure that she's still alive. So how exactly did you not become aware of her absence, until you received outside notice? And if you were aware that there was a problem, before you received word about her current location, then precisely why did you not inform me about the development? I specifically left instructions with the hospital that I wished to be notified immediately, regarding any developments that occurred, that directly involved Rainbow Dash's well being and care. And yet it appears that I found out long before even you became aware, and you were right there when it happened!"

Ulquiorra watched in silence, observing as Princess Celestia berated Doctor Thrush over his management of the situation pertaining to Rainbow Dash. Her attitude easily matched, and even exceeded, the abrasiveness of the physician in question, as she questioned him on his effectiveness. If he didn't know any better, he would assume that she was actually enjoying herself as she went along.

"You might claim doctor-patient confidentiality. But that confidentiality doesn't extend to royal inquiries, "Doctor." When I take a vested interest in the well being of a patient, I expect cooperation on the matter, not obstruction like I've been getting over the last few days," Celestia stated as she glared at Thrush. "Is that understood?"

At this point in time, all Thrush could do was nod weakly in response. The only two in the room who could actually give him any backup, were far too inept to be of any actual use right now.

"Two hours, Doctor. It's been two hours since Rainbow Dash nearly died after crashing through a stained glass window in the throne room," Celestia spoke as she narrowed her eyes at the stallion. "Exactly how long did it take for you to become aware of the fact that she was missing?"

Thrush said nothing in response. He tried to, moving his mouth to form the words, but nothing managed to come out.

"I can understand there being some delay in being notified of these developments. But not two hours without so much as a peep, there's just no sense in that. Even if you were scouring the hospital to try and find Rainbow Dash after becoming aware of her missing, I still could've been notified. And when somepony finally does show up, what sort of response is there? There's no effort made to meet with me to offer apologies for losing track of a very important patient. Instead you come storming in here, without an escort by guard, as is required for all unannounced palace visitors, you assault my medical staff, and accuse them of incompetence, you demand that they be arrested for erroneous charges, and you attempt to foalnap the patient that your hospital lost track of, despite acknowledging that she's been classified as dangerous to others, and all while she's on a suicide watch!"

Ulquiorra had witnessed Princess Celestia's displays of temper and anger before. It was nothing new to see these levels of fury. But it was certainly new to be witnessing them from the sidelines, rather than facing them directly. The fact that her fury was directed elsewhere was... strange to experience.

What was even stranger, however, were the readings his pesquisa were picking up from Doctor Thrush. They weren't in the appropriate range for what should be experienced in this case. The stallion in question wasn't experiencing the appropriate level of terror as he faced down Princess Celestia. But just how that was, he didn't yet know. Why was the outer display of fear even being displayed in the first place?

"Do you have anything to say?" Princess Celestia asked after a pause.

"As a matter of fact I do," Doctor Thrush replied cooly. "With all due respect, Princess, I answer to the chief executive officer for Canterlot General Hospital. Not to you. We have very well established policies and guidelines that were put into place long ago, dictating just how we address difficult patients. And those guidelines don't involve interrupting a search for a missing patient, to report to some outside bureaucrat who has no idea just what's going on at the time, and what difficulties we have to put up with! If you were a medical practitioner you'd know about that. Until we received word from your messenger, we had no reason to assume that she'd left the hospital grounds," he explained and frowned. "That spell on her wings? It was a grounding spell to keep her from trying to fly about, and potentially hurt herself or others. Standard procedure for dealing with pegasi patients. How she managed to fly in such a state of incapacitation, I have no idea. It should've been an impossibility," he stated.

This was a development that Ulquiorra truly hadn't expected to witness. Doctor Thrush was actually yelling back at Princess Celestia, seemingly unperturbed by the tongue lashing he'd just been subjected to. If anything it looked like the stallion had actually gotten furious with Princess Celestia, and had no objection to letting her know that he didn't take kindly to her involvement in the matter.

He had no problem being blunt with Princess Celestia. But he knew how to approach with caution, and not go overboard when hammering out specific points. Doctor Thrush, however, was going far beyond what he would do in a similar situation.

And, perhaps the most disturbing aspect of it all, was that Princess Celestia actually appeared to be faltering in this matter, and losing her conviction.

"No, no. That's not true."

And then came the interruption of a new voice entering into the fray. Looking over in the direction of said voice, Ulquiorra could see that it was one of Doctor Thrush's orderlies -the one he'd seen fit to dub "Butt-head" for the simple sake of referencing them- stepping forward and shaking his head. An act that was immediately met with resistance from Doctor Thrush himself, as he turned around and frowned.

"That's not what-" the orderly started to say.

"You stay out of this and shut up!" Doctor Thrush barked back.

"No, Doc', you shut up!" the orderly barked back, and in a louder voice. "I'm not going to lie for you, not to Princess Celestia of all ponies! And especially not when that thing," the orderly paused and gestured in Ulquiorra's direction with his foreleg, "can see stuff like which pony cast what spell! You're on your own!"

"Why you..." Thrush growled at the mutinous behavior.

"That's quite enough out of you, Doctor," Celestia replied firmly, cutting him off before he could say anything else. Then she turned her attention to the orderly, with her features drastically softening. "Step forward, my little pony. What is your name, and what do you have to say?" she asked kindly.

"Um, Corners, Your Majesty," the orderly stated hesitantly as he stepped forward. Facing down Thrush was a whole lot easier than this. "What I... what I have to say is... is that everything Doctor Thrush said is nothing but a pile of manure! We haven't been searching the hospital. Hay, we didn't even know she was gone until we got your message about her being here at the palace. Thrush wasn't keeping an eye on her, nopony was. The whole suicide watch thing? Forget about that getting taken seriously. His idea of keeping an eye on her, was locking her in a room anytime she got difficult."

"If you say another word-" Thrush started, only to be interrupted.

"Doctor Thrush," Ulquiorra spoke up for the first time since this mess began. "This is now an official investigation concerning matters of national security. If you attempt to obstruct us once more, I'll paralyze your lower jaw in the closed position," he warned.

For him it was an easy threat to make. Pony anatomy had revealed a great deal of information that could one day prove useful; like a diagram of the unicorn nervous system, and the various nerve clusters that ran throughout the body. And when paired with the theory of acupressure, it provided a veritable road map of areas that were vulnerable to exploitation.

But his threat went far beyond simply having the knowledge of how to -theoretically- pull it off. This unicorn was interfering in their ability to determine just what harm might have come to Rainbow Dash, which it turn would threaten the long term safety of Equestria. By laws of default, Doctor Thrush was presenting himself to be a hazard to Equestria, and needed to be dealt with accordingly.

Thrush sputtered in response to what he'd just been told. Immediately he turned his attention to where Celestia stood.

"Princess, surely you're not going to let him speak to me like that!" he objected.

"That's the second time you've seen fit to tell me my business," Celestia commented as she narrowed her eyes. "I'm tempted to let him do it, just so I can see how he'd actually go about doing such. Now be silent unless you're addressed," she ordered, before turning her attention back to Corners. "Please. Continue."

Corners paused and considered what he wanted to say next, before speaking up once again.

"The first few days we did blood tests and biopsies, looking for any signs that would indicate some sort of illness. But when all the tests we had came back negative, and she kept going on about what she experienced, Thrush said she was just lying and crazy. He put her on a regimen of anti-psychotic drugs to try and make her stop having what he dismissed as crazy delusions. And when she didn't want to take her medicine, or she'd start mouthing off at him, he'd just have one of us orderlies cast a total paralysis spell on her, and lock her in a dark room for hours on end to make her cooperate, telling us to ignore her cries and screams. He even made us lock her in a dark closet all night long to try and take the fight out of her. That was the last we saw of her, until we came here. And when we did... well Doc' said he was gonna be teaching her a lesson in obedience that she'd never forget. That's why he had us storm in to do a snatch and grab; to try and get to her before she could spill the beans about what this quack has been doing to her!"

Throughout the explanation Ulquiorra observed as Corners' -a strange name in a world of strange names- reiatsu fluctuated. The further along he went the more emotional instability he displayed, and the more violent the fluctuations became. The disturbances had been quite low-level at the time of his arrival at the palace. And it was that, that had him curious on the matter. Curious enough to warrant him speaking up.

"Assuming all of this is true," Ulquiorra began, even though he had reason to suspect that it was, "how did Doctor Thrush gain your cooperation in this endeavor? And what motivated you to break your silence and reveal the truth?" he asked. They needed to know just how credible this unicorn was, before they proceeded.

"When he wants something, Thrush can be very... persuasive. Or... very coercive actually. And being a doctor with as much prestige and clout as him, opposition isn't exactly the best idea since he could easily ruin a career or two as easily as he could breathe. Threats are one of his go-to methods of getting "cooperation" out of ponies. Charley over there," Corners paused and gestured at his fellow orderly, "has got a little sister to look after. And me... well, as for me, Thrush made it clear that if I didn't go along with what he wanted on this case, he'd see to it that I was fired for inappropriate behavior with the patients in the foal's wing of the hospital. Supposedly he's known about my questionable interaction with sick foals for five years now, but didn't think it was important enough to report it to the proper authorities," he stated and frowned hard at Thrush.

"If such accusations were false, how was your cooperation successfully coerced?" Ulquiorra asked.

"Do you have any idea what happens to somepony suspected of being a foal fondler? It's not pretty. It doesn't even have to be true, just put out word that so-and-so is a foal-fondler, and you'll see one of the angriest mobs you've ever seen before in your life!" Corners stated, before frowning harder at Doctor Thrush than before.

"You have my apologies, and my sympathy, my little pony," Celestia stated as she spoke up, disgusted by this new development. "It was very brave of you to step forward like you've done here today, despite knowing what you could face. But I can't help but ask what finally motivated you to do just that."

"Fear, Your Majesty. I'm willing to tolerate a lot of abuse for the sake of keeping my job because I need it, but that doesn't include lying; specifically lying to somepony like you," Corners explained and bowed his head. Even those that were in it just for the money had scruples. "There's also fear of... just whatever he is," he continued and gestured in Ulquiorra's direction. "When he knew that I was the one who was forced to put the paralysis spell on Rainbow Dash, I knew I was going to be in deep trouble. And I'd much rather admit to being a part of something, than being made into the scapegoat as some negligent staff member."

"A very pragmatic decision on your part," Ulquiorra replied. Coming forward to Princess Celestia would ensure that retaliation for his honesty would be unlikely to occur.

"And a respectable one at that," Celestia added and nodded. And then she turned to Thrush. What sweetness she had mustered for Corners, was now dissolved by sourness and a scowl. "Do you have anything to say for yourself, "Doctor"?" she asked, the venom practically dripping from her lips at the mention of the word that he'd defiled.

"If you're expecting me to grovel and apologize, I have nothing to apologize for. I'll be vindicated by the facts of this case, making it clear that the actions I took in this case were not only necessary, but completely reasonable for dealing with the patient. We don't have time to deal with patients who are perfectly healthy, and insist on fabricating wild and unbelievable tales," Thrush stated, refusing to back down from his position. "She kept telling wild stories about how she was raped, despite there being no physical evidence to back up her accusations. Mare-on-mare rape is nothing more than a myth, purported by today's new-age think groups. Mares possess neither the mental capacity, nor the physical capacity to be the aggressor in such a case. One accusation would've been unbelievable enough. But no, she had to go with the story that she was raped by five different mares! I won't stand for such nonsense! I-"

"You're an idiot."

It was a simple, unassuming statement that was uttered that shut Thrush up during his rant. And, as Celestia noted, it could only be uttered by Ulquiorra with such straightforwardness and seamless deadpan delivery.

"What... what did you say to me?" Thrush asked, taken aback by the statement, and how easily it had been made.

"Did I stutter in my observation? I'll try again then," Ulquiorra replied. "You. Are. An. Idiot. A moron. A dullard. How you managed to arrive at the conclusions you've made, is beyond my ability to comprehend; just as it is beyond my ability to actually care. Regardless of such information, the fact remains that you're an idiot," he elaborated.

He'd had the dubious honor of meeting many arrogant individuals in his time. But this Doctor Thrush ranked highly as far as arrogance went. He was heavily opinionated in the belief that he was correct in his assumptions and observations. Trying to make him admit fault would be useless at this point. So he opted for another approach in addressing the stallion.

"Rainbow Dash was sent for the purpose of determining what illness or condition, if any, could potentially generate false memories, and auditory hallucinations in a pony. The reason she claimed she was raped, is because the false memories she possesses have lead her to believe she was raped. The purpose for the hospitalization was to provide a better level of care, than what would be possible at the palace. You have done no such thing. In fact, you may have only aggravated an already volatile situation, by traumatizing her even further, in your handling of the matter," he stated.

"There's nothing wrong with that mare!" Thrush roared in response. "We did tests on her, looking for anything that could explain her condition, and we found nothing! No viral, bacterial, fungal, or parasitic indicators have shown up, either in the blood samples, or in the tissue samples. There are no genetic markers that would indicate the onset of mental illness of any sort. There's no explanation except for her being nothing more than a lying nag!"

"One more word out of your mouth, Doc', and I'm gonna deck you one good!" Corners stated, unwilling to remain silent for what was being said. He'd already made his decision to not be a part of this mess. And it wasn't like he could get into anymore trouble than he already was.

"That's enough!"

It wasn't a bellowing yell that escaped Celestia's lips, but it was a very firm command. And, much to her relief, it was sufficient enough to quiet down the rabble that the small room was being subjected to. She didn't need all of this yelling right now. She needed calm, and quiet, in order to think.

And on top of that, she needed someone who wasn't prone to emotional outbursts to consult with.

"Ulquiorra, could I speak to you for a moment? Outside?"

The hallway was hardly the most secure of locations to have a conversation in. But that was simply par for the course as far as Ulquiorra was concerned. However he really doubted that the doors to the infirmary would be a sufficient noise buffer for whatever had to be said, even as far back as they stood.

"What do you have in mind?" he asked flatly, deciding to cut her off from whatever bush beating she might attempt, in an effort to work up the nerve to say whatever she had to say. "You wouldn't ask to speak with me, away from the others, unless you had something specific to say."

"Observant as always, and straight to the point," Celestia replied. She could respect that. "I want to bring Rainbow Dash back to the palace, so we can resume caring for her ourselves," she stated.

"And you need my permission before making such a call?" Ulquiorra asked.

"More like your advice. I want to make sure that I'm not rushing into something that I'm emotionally invested in," Celestia replied. "We made the decision to turn Rainbow Dash's care over to the hospital, both because they could provide greater care than we could, and to see if there was a determinable reason for what she was experiencing. And while they did see to the second in an acceptable manner, I believe it's safe to say that they've utterly failed at the first. You said it yourself, that so-called "doctor" in there might've wound up making matters worse in how he treated her. I don't even want to think of how much trauma he caused Rainbow Dash over the past few days. Confining a pegasus in a small room is bad enough, but to actually ground her, and to go so far as utilizing total paralysis..." she paused and gave a full body shiver, her wings twitching in the process. Being an alicorn didn't mean that she couldn't understand what it meant to be a pegasus; some things went deep when it came to having wings.

She looked over at the Espada, and saw him just standing silently. She took that as a silent invitation to continue.

"I'm not certain that it's best to leave Rainbow Dash in the continued custody of the hospital. If Corners' statements regarding Thrush's... "influence" are accurate, then an official inquiry needs to be launched to determine just how much corruption Canterlot General Hospital has become a hotbed of activity to. There's no telling what we might find, and I'd never forgive myself if we inadvertently placed her in a dangerous location in her current condition," she explained.

Ulquiorra said nothing in response. The irony of the statement regarding dangerous locations was impossible for him to ignore. Being one of the holders of the Elements of Harmony, Rainbow Dash was tasked with venturing into a number of dangerous situations, despite a glaring lack of specialized training for dealing with such encounters.

But then again, Rainbow Dash was never sent in alone. She always had backup in the form of five other mares, each equally absent of specialized training, but each with personal motivations to look out for the well being of one another. It was far different from this particular case, where such backup would be absent, and she might face future restraint for unspecified reasons.

"And how does my opinion assist you in this matter?" he asked.

"I need to know if what I plan on doing is a wise decision. We might not be equipped for patient care, but I know each member of the palace staff quite well, and trust them explicitly. None of them would do anything like what that stallion in there did to Rainbow Dash. None would even dream of it. And since we know that she's not host to some unrecognized disease, we don't have to keep her isolated. So doesn't it stand to reason, that it would be safe to bring her back here?" she asked him.

Ulquiorra considered how to respond. Simply because the medical tests available failed to identify any biological contaminants, didn't mean that nothing was present. All that it meant was there was nothing in the available repertoire of tests to identify. If something was presently unidentified, then there was little the tests would, or could, tell them about it.

That fact aside, there was the matter of Princess Celestia's desire to bring Rainbow Dash back into an environment they could directly control, and with far greater ease. Such an approach was possible, so long as security was increased to an appropriate level. There were numerous changes that would have to be made to the status quo, to ensure Rainbow Dash survived, and remained in place. Two escape attempts already, and each of them successful to a certain degree, did little to suggest these ponies knew anything about proper protocols.

"There are a significant number of changes that will have to be implemented," he began, mentally running through the checklist of things that would have to be done in order to keep Rainbow Dash safe. Competent guards being assigned, instituting an open door policy, restricting access to bedsheets and anything else that could be fashioned into a noose, etc. "Do you believe you possess the fortitude necessary to see this through?" he asked.

"I'm not certain we have much choice in the matter. If there's another viable option, then I'm not seeing it," Celestia replied. What else could they really do in this matter? As far as she could see, there was an obligation to step up and help Rainbow Dash. They had sent her to that hospital, to that insane stallion. They had nopony but themselves to blame. "You yourself said this was a matter that concerned the security of the nation. It's not a matter of whether or not we think we're up to what needs to be done. More accurately it's a matter of needing to be up to what needs to be done," she explained.

A fair point had been raised by Princess Celestia. Considering the importance of the matter, whether or not they were currently up to what had to be done was a matter of irrelevancy. They had no choice that he was aware of, except to proceed. As important as Rainbow Dash was to Equestria proper, leaving her in the care of anyone else would be utter foolishness.

"Can I count on you to assist us on this matter, Ulquiorra?" she asked him.

"Under normal circumstances I would say yes. But the situation in Ponyville has yet to be resolved. Whatever is responsible for Rainbow Dash's condition, is also responsible for Applejack's condition. And there's no telling what attack may occur next. If I'm to be of assistance here, I'll have to commute back and forth between the two locations. There's no telling how available I'll be, or what situation may come up that needs me to address it," he explained. Being indispensable, and yet simultaneously needed in more than one location was a difficult prospect. And the fact that he was without his descorrer, simply made it that much more difficult.

"Then perhaps I'd best not keep you any longer than necessary. Wait here a moment, and don't let Thrush try and sneak out. I'll return shortly with about four royal guards. I have a specific assignment for you," she replied.

"Which is?" Ulquiorra asked.

"I'd like you to escort Corners and the other orderly back to the hospital, and acquire Rainbow Dash's medical records. Take two of the guards along to ensure nopony tries to obstruct you. If we're going to be taking over her care, I want to know about absolutely everything that's transpired over the last five days," she explained.

"And the other two royal guards? What purpose will they serve?" Ulquiorra asked. He could see the wisdom of everything up to that point, with the exception of the numerical inconsistency. Clarification was needed.

"To place Thrush under arrest for assault, just as you said. With charges to be amended later, based on whatever the investigation may turn up. But for the time being, I believe aggravated assault on a member of the palace staff will be sufficient to hold him over, until an arraignment can be managed," she explained. She'd see about talking Malar out of possibly filing charges against Corners, considering how helpful he'd been to them so far. He might even prove useful to them in the future, depending on how things went.

"Understood," Ulquiorra replied, seeing no point in saying anything further. He couldn't really think of anything that might need to be said further. Anything he could have to offer up, would simply serve to prolong this bothersome side quest they were stuck facing. The less he said, the sooner Princess Celestia could depart to retrieve members of the royal guard. And the sooner she returned, the sooner he could carry out his duties, and return to Ponyville to carry out his duties there as well.

Author's Note:

I tried, folks, I really tried. I spent a lot of time working on this chapter, but I just couldn't get it to feel quite right. It feels like something significant is missing, either in a key scene, or even a word to help better paint a particular instance, or just the general overall flow, but something just didn't feel right. But sadly I ran out of time and had to go with it.

I know that I'm probably going to catch hell for the villain not being any sort of big bad like you were hoping for when I promised you all a villain. But not all villains are created equal, and sometimes a small fry has to be addressed.

And now onto the fun stuff for bonus reading.

Deleted/extended scene/outtake

"You're an idiot."

It was a simple, unassuming statement that was uttered that shut Thrush up during his rant. And, as Celestia noted, it could only be uttered by Ulquiorra with such straightforwardness and seamless deadpan delivery.

"What... what did you say to me?" Thrush asked, taken aback by the statement, and how easily it had been made.

"Did I stutter in my observation? I'll try again then," Ulquiorra replied. "You. Are. An. Idiot. A moron. A dullard. A simpleton. A dumbass. A paint licker. A retard. Someone with an intelligence quotient below sixty points. A medical school dropout. Someone whose application to be a cadaver was rejected. A shithead. How you managed to arrive at the conclusions you've made is beyond my ability to comprehend; just as it is beyond my ability to actually care. Regardless of such information, the fact remains that you're an idiot," he elaborated.

Thrush was stammering at this point in utter disbelief of what terms were being so casually hurled in his direction. Quickly he turned to Celestia to look for guidance and clarification.

"Princess, are you going to just stand there, and let him assault me like that?" he asked.

"Let him? I'm actually thinking about joining in on the fun. The only reason I haven't, is because I haven't yet thought of any appropriate terms, that he hasn't already used," Celestia replied, cracking a wry grin of amusement at the obvious discomfort. And with that thought in mind, she turned to face Ulquiorra. "That reminds me, Ulquiorra, Luna is bound to want confirmation and clarification. What exactly is a "shithead" anyway?" she asked.

"In simple terms, an idiot whose cranial contents, proves itself to be indistinguishable from a pile of steaming excrement, when the two are compared side by side," Ulquiorra elaborated.

"Ah!" Celestia stated, nodding in agreement with the term of description, and how it seemed highly appropriate to describe Thrush. "That's a very fitting term. I'll have to remember to write that down for later reference."

"Princess!" Thrush stated in sheer disbelief. Things surely couldn't be unfolding like this... could they? He had to be dreaming, right?

"That's quite enough out of you "Doctor." I've had it up to here with you and your entire outlook on this situation," Celestia stated, raising her hoof above her head to visually illustrate her point on the matter. "I'll be dealing with you later. I need time to adequately calm down, so that I don't do something rash that I'll regret later; both morally, and because of all the paperwork that will be involved. Ulquiorra, would you be so good as to show the "Doctor" the door?" she asked.

"His current placement in the room, already provides him with an unobstructed view of both doors as is," Ulquiorra replied simply.

Celestia blinked, looking away from Thrush, over at Ulquiorra, and then over at where the doors were to the infirmary. And Ulquiorra had been right; where Thrush currently stood, there was nothing to obscure his view of the double doors in the room. She wanted to chuckle at it all, but she couldn't right now; maybe later.

"What I meant by that, Ulquiorra, was if you'd be so kind as to throw him out," she clarified.

Ulquiorra looked between Princess Celestia and Thrush, contemplating the request. It struck him as very odd, consideration everything that had occurred in the past, and what may occur in the future. Was she even aware of how badly that order could proceed?

But an order -even in the form of a request- was still an order. And she wanted the stallion in question to be bodily removed from the infirmary. What choice did he have in the matter?

"As you wish, Princess Celestia," he replied calmly, sliding his hands out of his pockets as he walked over to where Thrush stood, and -roughly- lifted him off the ground around his barrel from behind, to the point even his rear hooves were no longer touching.

Thrush squawked in surprise and indignation about this sudden turn of events, and the sheer amount of disrespect he was being shown. But all his attempts at adequately vocalizing his outrage were interrupted by the fact of quite literally being hurled right through the two swinging doors, and skidding to a stop against the marble flooring. That had hurt. It had hurt a great deal actually, and he wondered if a hip had been dislocated from the landing.

This was far from over, regardless of what they said to the contrary. He was a well-respected physician, this matter was far from being resolved. He had avenues open to him for dealing with this matter. Just wait until he got his lawyers involved, that would show them!

And then he felt the impact of his stethoscope slapping him in the back of his head, and saw it dangling limply from his horn. The utter indignation of it all...

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