• Published 11th Feb 2012
  • 11,553 Views, 774 Comments

The Next in Line. - gmoneywalker

After a night of drunken debauchery you find yourself in the service of Ponyville's premiere fashionista, and you can't help but fall for her. But is she your bride to be? Or just the next in line?

  • ...

I'm Going To Ponyville

You shift underneath the blankets as the tiny purple dragon standing in the doorway nervously plays with his tail. His big green eyes remaining solidly glued to the floor as he does so, the guilty expression on his face is almost enough to make you drop the glare you’d been giving him since he’d stepped into the room, almost.

“So uh…I take it you aren’t exactly happy to see me.” He says, his words followed by a nervous chuckle.

“That’s an understatement.” You respond, distaste coloring your voice. After all, this was the dragon that had tried to murder you only a few short days ago.

Spike swallows a lump in his throat and takes a few steps forward, his eyes rising upwards to meet with yours. The incessant fiddling with the lower portion of his tail doesn’t cease.

“I know I’m probably the last guy you wanted to see today….but there’s something I need to tell you.” The dragon finally lets his tail fall from his scaly claws as he straightens up, taking a deep breath to prepare himself for what he intends to say. “I’m sorry for what happened, but I promise you in all honesty that I didn’t mean for you to be…ya know, crushed.”

You shoot the dragon another scowl, you certainly found that hard to believe.

“And, before you call me a liar and have me thrown out of the hospital, would you let me tell my side of the story?” The dragon steps a little closer to the bed, and you briefly consider his proposal, you feel as if there would be some small amount of satisfaction in having him thrown out of the building, but you admit that it would be a very shallow and petty kind of revenge. What harm was there in listening to what he had to say?

“Alright Spike, I’m listening.” You grumble, leaning back and letting your head sink into your plush pillow once again, there was no real need to make yourself look intimidating anymore. Spike obviously didn’t mean to do you any harm, and you might as well get comfortable while he explained his position.

The little dragon’s face lights up at those words, as if he hadn’t expected you to actually agree.

“Okay but, um, before I start, I have something of yours that I think you might want back.” Spike opens up one of his purple little claws and holds it out, you squint your eye and try to get a good look, and as soon as you do you shoot a hoof up to your chest in astonishment. Your pendant! How on Equestria could you have forgotten about your most treasured of possessions!? “I found it in the library after Twilight took you to the hospital…I didn’t know who it belonged to at the time so I held on to it. Then Rarity told me it was yours, so I decided to give it back as soon as you woke up.”

You look at the dragon’s face, his expression registering remorse. “I’m sorry if it’s a little banged up.”

You let the anger in your gaze fade as you reach out and grab your precious piece of neckwear from the dragon’s outstretched claw. Feeling a deep sense of comfort as you wrap it around your neck, the weight of the piece and the feeling of the shiny silver brushing against your skin one of the most comforting feelings you ever felt.

“Thank you Spike, for taking care of it, this locket…it means a lot to me.” You affectionately wrap your hoof around the silver neckpiece, and give the dragon a grateful smile, maybe he wasn’t as bad as you thought he was.

“Yeah, don’t mention it. I mean it’s the least I can do after what happened.” Spike walks across the room and pulls up a stool, giving him a place to sit near the foot of your bed.

“Well, you say you aren’t responsible for my injury. So why don’t you go ahead and explain what happened?” You encourage him.

The infant dragon takes another deep breath, crossing his stubby little legs and fiddling with his thumbs, he certainly was an antsy sort. “Well, okay….where should I start?”


3 days ago

Spike reaches up and wipes the tears from his face with the back of his claw. He slowly begins to meander about the lonely Ponyville street he’d found himself in. Sniffing and snorting as he let his emotions run rampant in his mind. How could this have happened? How could Rarity have chosen someone else to be with? He was the one who always helped her when she needed something, he was the one who was there when she wanted someone to talk to, and he was always there to take care of her if she needed it…so why did she pick someone else?

The dragon was so enraged by this revelation that he couldn’t stand to even be in the same room with you any longer. He had to get out of the library, it didn’t matter where he went or what he did, so long as he wasn’t there anymore.

“Stupid…you should have told her a long time ago.” He spits angrily to himself, kicking a nearby rock with all his might, sending the little stone spiraling off into the dirt. “Then maybe she would have known…and maybe she would have thought twice about dating some random colt who’d just moved into town.”

He slowly meanders off towards the direction of the rock, a quick glance around confirming that he’d wandered into Ponyville Park. Normally the soothing green trees and sweet blue waters of the fountain brought him joy, but not today. On a nearby branch two blue jays dance around one another, singing and chirping as the two literal love birds enjoyed each other’s company. The scene fills him with a dark little feeling of anger.

“Get a room you two!” He screeches, picking up the stone near his leg and flinging it at them. The birds quickly fly out of the way, soaring away in fear. “Stupid birds…” He mumbles again.

In the distance the sun begins to set, the orange red of the sky fills his young body with a sense of trepidation and unease. He’d have to go back to the library soon, he’d promised to help Twilight organize those new books. And you had only managed to help him organize half when the truth had come out. It was true that she hadn’t wanted him to do it in the first place, but he still felt bad for breaking said promise. But it couldn’t be helped; he could feel weariness tugging at him, his emotional workup coupled with his lack of sleep over the course of the past few weeks was adding up.

So he made his way back to the library, his pace slow due to the sadness in his heart and the weariness in his legs. When the familiar hollow tree of his home finally came into view Celestia’s sun had long since sunken behind the hills, and Luna’s moon was rising to take its place. Despite the darkness outside he was surprised to find the library eerily quiet.

“Maybe she’s in bed.” Spike whispers to himself, before shaking his head and dismissing the idea. Twilight never slept, not when books needed reading.

The dragon stretches out his left arm and twists the handle; the library door swings open with a tiny creak. The room inside is pitch black, despite how strange it was to see Twilight not in a library he couldn’t help but feel somewhat eased. After all, he wasn’t exactly in the mood for the company of his inquisitive friend, however good her intentions would be.

The youngster took a step inside, slowly fondling his way along the wall, looking for the switch to the chandelier above.

“There you are.” He quickly flicks the switch, the bright light from above snapping on and bathing the room in light. “Whoa! What happened in here?”

Spike’s eyes widen as he finally takes notice of the mess he’d left the library in. All the books and tomes Twilight had just purchased were tossed about the room, the bookshelf lay propped up against the wall in its proper place, but it was deformed and warped. And the bottom end lay propped out from the wall, like someone had just flung it there.

The purple dragon takes a few hesitant steps farther into the room, his foot brushes up against one of the books lying upon the floor. He bends down and grabs it in his claw, turning it around to read the cover.

“Threads and Fabrics, One Hundred Easy Techniques for the Aspiring Fashion Designer, ugh of course…” The dragon gently places the book back upon the floor, and then he sniffles and represses another building sob. “…Oh Rarity…”

“Spike!” The ecstatic voice snaps the dragon out of his emotional stupor, he looks over his shoulder to see a rather run down looking Twilight staring back at him. The unicorn’s horn lights up with a purple aura as Spike is lifted from the ground; the distraught unicorn brings him forwards and crushes him in a tight hug.

Spike squirms and scrambles, trying to pull himself away from his friend’s affectionate gesture. Finally, after an incredibly long amount of time of affectionate hugging, Twilight lets him drop to the floor.

Before the dragon can even get out a word the unicorn is staring at him again, her expression morphing from one of relief and excitement to one of anger and sadness.

“Spike what were you thinking!” The studious unicorn practically shrieks “Did you even stop to think about the implications!? Oh no, what if Celestia wants to take you away!?”

Twilight was on the verge of tears, and Spike could feel a dark pit of guilt well up in his stomach. He didn’t exactly know what she was going on about, but seeing her in such a state, and knowing that he was the cause, was enough to upset his already emotionally fragile state.

“Tw-Twilight I don’t understand what you mean.”

Twilight shakes her head and flings a hoof past his shoulder, pointing towards the tattered books and the crimson stain on the floor.

That Spike that’s what I’m talking about! For Celestia’s sake you nearly killed somepony tonight Spike!” The dragon feels an ice cold chill run up and down his spine, killed somepony? B-but who!?

“Wh-what!? I don’t know what you mean!”

For a moment Twilight looks him in the eyes. Her purple gaze reaching into his own, he felt as if she was probing his mind for the truth. A few long painful moments go by as the pair stare at one another in silence, before the bookish unicorn lets out a relieved sigh.

“You’re telling the truth aren’t you?” She asks her voice somewhat less emotionally tarnished than before. “You honestly don’t know what happened…”

Spike, unable to make his constricting throat form a coherent sentence, settles for a simple nod.

“In that case Spike…I have some very very bad news.”


“So she took me upstairs and told me what happened.” Spike says, his eyes remaining glued to the floor as a guilty look overcomes his features.

“So you didn’t know?” You ask, the first set of words you’d spoken since Spike had started talking. “But then how did the ladder get knocked out from under me?”

The little dragon shifts in his seat, he reaches back with a claw and retrieves his tail, holding it out and pointing at it.

“When we were putting books away, I’d wrapped my tail around the middle wrung of the ladder so I could reach the floor without falling on my butt. When I jumped down my tail was still there, I’m guessing that it fell over after I went for the door.” He lets his purple tail fall back on the seat, his claws now nervously wrestling with one another.

His shiny green eyes wander up to stare you in the face for the first time since he’d walked into the room.

“I seriously didn’t know what I’d done…and I was so messed up in the head after hearing about…you know, to turn around and check if everything was okay.” He sighs heavy heartedly. “So, do you believe me?”

You let out a heavy sigh of your own. So the truth comes to light. You think idly to yourself. It appeared that this incident was less a malicious attack and more the byproduct of your horrible luck, or perhaps it was that mysterious phrase. Ugh, you didn’t want to think about that right now. Spike didn’t seem like he was a bad kid, and you couldn’t exactly blame him for being upset about the loss of his affection. You probably would have done worse things if you found out she was seeing another stallion. Well, in actuality you’d probably just roll up into a ball and cry for several hours…

Spike lets out a tiny ‘ahem’, snapping you out of your thoughts. You turn to him, the expression on your face purposefully neutral.

“Okay Spike, I’ll…give you the benefit of the doubt.” The young dragon sure seemed sincere about this, but you still feel a little sore about the whole ordeal. “I believe you”

His face lights up and his lips curve upwards into a slight smile. “S-seriously?”

You give him a tiny nod of your head.

“Thanks, I mean…I didn’t really expect you to, not without good reason of course.”

You let your head sink into the soft pillow, shooting the young dragon a tiny smirk.

“You’re a good kid Spike. And I know that such a close friend of Rarity’s wouldn’t want to kill somepony over petty jealousy.” You chuckle lightly. “But you’ll have to forgive me if I hesitate to climb any ladders while you’re around.”

Spike smiles a little and lets the nervous movement of his claws cease. Well, at least he felt a little more at ease around you. Perhaps the pair of you could be friends after all.

“Rarity, I’m glad we’re still friends.” He says, more to himself than to anyone else.

“I’m assuming you two cleared everything up?”

Spike’s emerald green eyes shift up and meet with yours. “Yeah we…had a talk. And she, well she told me what I needed to hear.” His face takes on a sort of childlike glee that you hadn’t seen him wear before, you’d almost forgotten how young he actually was, for being a baby dragon he is quite mature. “And besides, if you’re going to be hanging around with her from now on it’ll give us some time to chill. It’ll be cool having another guy to talk to around here, know what I mean?”

Spikes little comment brings out a tiny chuckle, though you immediately regret the laugh after it causes your sides to sting with pain. You make a quick mental note to tell Doctor Stable about that the next time he checks in.

Spike notices the look of pain and exhaustion on your face and apparently takes it as a sign to make his leave.

“Hey, uh, you probably need to rest and junk. So I’ll get out of your mane, just let me know if you need anything.” The dragon hops out of his seat and starts for the door, you quickly move to stop him as you’re suddenly struck with an idea.

“Spike hold on a second.” The dragon stops and turns, his expression thoughtful and curious. “Actually there’s something you can do for me. If you aren’t too busy that is.”

“No I’ve got some time to kill. What do you need?” He marches back towards the side of the bed.

“I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind taking down a note for me. That is something you do right?”

Spike’s lips curve upwards into a cocksure grin and an aloof air overtakes him. “Are you kidding?” He holds out his claws and pops his knuckles. “I’m Spike the dragon, kicking envelopes and taking notes is what I’m known for.”

The little display makes you, regrettably, chuckle again. Maybe that was Spike’s new plan; maybe he could make you die from the pain after too many horrible jokes.

“Alright then tough guy, show me what you’ve got. I’ve got some pen and paper around here.” You wave your gaze around absently, trying to find where you’d placed that piece of paper and the pen the nurse had generously provided you. “…somewhere.”

When you turn your head to the right you see that Spike already had some fresh paper and a quill in both claws, your raised eyebrow gets him to respond with a quick shrug of his shoulders.

“Hey, when you’re Twilight’s personal assistant you learn to keep some of this stuff on hoof at all times.”

“Okay, well, I need you to write a letter to my mother for me. You’ll just take down whatever I say?”

“Yep, that’s generally how it works. Try to keep the words under ten letters though, I’m uh, not all that great at spelling.” The dragon bashfully admits.

“Alright then, are you ready to start?”

The youngster nods his head, pressing the quill to the paper and looking at you expectantly.

“Dear mother.”


“Love your son.” You finish your little dictation, clearing your throat and grimacing in pain, you hadn’t been prepared to talk for so long, and you find yourself wishing that you hadn’t finished off that water Rarity had brought you a couple hours ago. There are few things in this life more unpleasant than a scratchy throat.

The scratching of pen and paper ceases as Spike finishes penning your final few words. He smiles at you with two rows of sharp little teeth and places the now filled scroll atop your chest.

“Look good to you?” He queries, searching your face for any signs of discontent.

“Yeah Spike, thanks a lot, I appreciate it. You can leave it here I’ll get it sent out tomorrow.”

The dragon’s brow furrows. “Are you sure? Twilight’s place is right next to the post office.”

You nod your head affirmative. “It’s Sunday anyway, no mail till tomorrow. Besides this letter’s going all the way to Manehattan, and I don’t suppose you have any bits on you for postage.”

Spike’s lips curve upwards into a smug grin. “You don’t have to worry about that. Twilight’s got my dragon breath wired directly to Princess Celestia. I’ll just attach a little note to it that’ll ask her to send it to Manehattan; she’ll get it there for you.”

You blink once or twice in surprise. Spike had a direct link to the Sun Princess herself? Why that certainly seemed like a useful thing to have,

“Well, point taken.” You conclude.

“Well I’m sure you have some stuff of your own to do. So, I’ll just be goi-“

Spike is cut off by the creaking of your hospital room door as one of the nurse’s pokes her head in.

“You seem like a popular one today. We’ve got another visitor for you. Would you like me to tell them to wait?” The nurse asks kindly.

Spike gets up out of his chair. “Well I was just going, so uh…”

“They can come on in. I think I can handle another visit.” You say, cutting the dragon off.

The nurse nods her head and pops out of the room, the tiny click clacking noise of her hooves against the cold white tile of the hospital floor signaling her departure down the hall. You turn to Spike.

“Well, see you around Spike. Hopefully the next time we hang out it can be under better circumstances.”

Spike grins. “Yeah hope so.” He starts backing up towards the door. “If you need anything just holler.”

And with that he’s gone. You let out a heavy sigh and shift underneath your soft silky covers, preparing for the arrival of your next guest.

It’s Caramel this time. You think with certainty, after all, who else would be willing to pay you a visit in the middle of the day? Well, apparently Caramel wasn’t, because he wasn’t the pony who’d come to visit.

“Oh hey, there you are, sheesh these hospitals have a crazy weird layout.”

You bring a hoof up to rub at your good eye, that couldn’t be who you think it is right?

“R-Rainbow Dash? You’re the pony visiting?”

The rainbow maned filly takes a few steps closer to your bed, a cocky grin splayed widely across her face. “The one and only! I heard that you’d gotten knocked up pretty bad and figured a little one on one with Ponyville’s local celebrity would cheer you up!”

You frown and shoot her an incredulous stare, you quite clearly doubted that. Rainbow reads the expression on your face and rolls her eyes, before reaching back and fiddling with the buckle on her saddlebag.

“Alright you got me; I didn’t come purely out of good intention.” Rainbow looks surprised for a moment, giving a tiny shake of her head and squinting her eyes. “Ugh, I’ve been chilling with Twi way too much lately…she’s starting to rub off on me.” The filly snaps back into attention. “Anyway, Rarity bumped into me during weather patrol today and asked if I could give you a little something.”

Rainbow Dash reaches into her now open saddlebag; she retrieves a couple of hardback books and tosses them, a little too roughly, into your open lap.

“I heard that a certain somepony likes Daring Do…” She chides playfully. “So, me being the super cool pony I am, I decided to loan you my personal copy of the second and third book.”

With excitement you reach down and wrap your hoof around the book. Your face taking on an expression of pure adolescent joy as you read the title. Daring Do and the Curse of the Crimson Crystal, Part Two, oh sweet Celestia! You’d finally get the closure you’d wanted since finishing the first one!

“W-wow! Thanks Rainbow!” Your voice trembles with enthusiasm as you shoot the cyan Pegasus a grateful look.

She waves off your gratitude with a shrug of her shoulders. “Hey, that’s what I’m here for. But wait, the awesomeness doesn’t stop there! I’ve got one more little treat for ya.” Rainbow once again reaches into her saddlebag, this time pulling out a thick stack of papers that had been crudely stapled together. This time she gently places the papers onto your lap, rather than flinging them dangerously close to your exposed crotch. A gesture you’re incredibly thankful for.

“What is it?” You ask curiously, setting the book in your hoof aside.

Rainbow smirks and points at the stack of papers. “That my friend is the first completed draft of Daring’s new adventure. It’s pretty awesome if I do say so myself, but it gets a bit fanservicy towards the end, you’ll see what I mean.”

You weren’t necessarily ecstatic, but it was pretty cool. But you can’t help but wonder. How on Equestria did Rainbow get her hooves on something like this?

“Let’s just say I have an inside source.” She says, as if reading your mind. “So, anything you’d like to say to me for bringing you all this incredible stuff?”

“Thank you very much.”

“Yeah, and?”

“You’re a really cool pony.”

“Mhm, keep going.”

“And you’re super awesome.”

“Ooh, that’s what I like to hear. One more time!”

“Okay now you’re pushing it.”

Rainbow deflates. “Ugh fine, well it’s been fun, but I’m gonna skidaddle.” Rainbow’s face grows serious. “Just remember that I want all that stuff back once you get out of here alright? Those are signed copies, and they weren’t cheap.”

You nod your head. “I promise to return them Miss Dash. And thank you again for letting me borrow them.”

The Pegasus’ wings flare and she puffs up her chest. “Yeah, I’m pretty generous like that. Well I’ve got a nap to take, see you around buddy.”

You flinch slightly as the door slams shut. She hadn’t even given you enough time to say goodbye. You reach down and stack the books and draft atop one another, pressing the back of your leg against your mouth to repress a yawn. You’d love to dig into one of these novels, or perhaps the draft, you were interested to see just what Rainbow meant by ‘fanservicy’, but you can’t deny that you’d probably be too tired to actually retain any of what you’d read. After a few moments of silent contemplation you end up setting the stack of literature aside.

Daring can wait a little longer. You think, letting a content sigh slip past your lips as you roll over and close your eyes, allowing your mind to slip away into the quiet black realm of slumber.


Spring Petal was not a happy mare, not a happy mare at all. Three days, three days ago she’d sent that good for nothing son of hers a letter, and there was still no response. She sighs haughtily and leans further back in the plush leather chair she’d pulled up to the window, she reaches out with a hoof to secure the glass of fine wine she’d pulled out of the cellar a few hours ago. Normally she didn’t partake in such beverages, a cold glass of water or iced tea was her usual choice, but in her current emotional state she felt as if a smooth drink might help ease her anxious nerves.

Two gulps later, she found that it did not.

“That boy will be the death of me…” She mumbles quietly to herself, her shiny auburn eyes gazing out the window, glazed over and lifeless as she lost herself in her own thoughts. “…All I wanted was one letter, one letter. Is that so much to ask for?” She frowns and pours herself another glass of wine. “Perhaps he’s simply forgotten about his dear old mother…” She downed this glass in a single gulp. “I suppose he couldn’t be blamed for wanting to perish the memory of this horrible place from his mind, the poor dear…if only we’d been more careful.”

Spring petal could feel her hoof reaching out to pour herself a third glass of wine; she looked down and quickly stopped herself. She isn’t her husband, that stallion could drink for days and still be sober, she on the other hoof, could barely stand up straight after three or four of pretty much anything alcoholic. And the mare could already feel her head growing fairly light. No, two glasses was quite enough for today.

She spends a few more hours sitting in her darkened room. An idle glance around revealing that she was once again sitting inside the tiny library of their family’s fine estate, she’d almost forgotten she was in here, her mind being as preoccupied as it is with idle thoughts of her son. The shelves around her were lined with books of all kinds and genres. Her glance lands upon a tiny blue book, a grin etches its way into her features as she reads the title. Doctor Whooves: A Collection of Adventures through Space and Time. Ah, her son loved that book as a young colt.

“Oh, where did yesterday go?” She whispered, warm and pleasant memories of reading that storybook to her eldest child filtered its way into her mind. “We used to be so close…now he won’t even write me an occasional letter.” Years ago, Spring Petal and her son were practically inseparable; she used to read that very storybook to him every night before bed. Oh how he loved those adventure stories.

The mother can’t help but admit that she felt some kind of small disappointment years ago when her daughter had failed to show the same attachment her son had, oh of course they still loved each other. But there wasn’t a single doubt in her mind that Aquaris preferred spending time with her father over anypony else. She was daddy’s little filly, and he was mommy’s little colt.

“Ahem, madam Petal, might I speak with you for a moment?” The mare jumps slightly in her chair, startled out of her deep thoughts by the profound and powerful voice of her favorite employee.

She lets out a heavy and relieved sigh, placing a dainty hoof against her thumping heart in a vain attempt to stop its rapid movement.

“For Celestia’s sake Witherspoon!” She forces out through haggard breath. “Do you scare my husband as badly as you do me every time you wish to speak with him!?”

If the mare was facing the opposite direction she would see the devilish smile creeping across the older unicorn’s face.

“Why my most sincere of apology’s madam, it was not my intention to frighten you. I simply wish to inform you of something important a scroll arrived in my office not more than five minutes ago, strangely enough it was bearing the royal seal.”

The mare scoffs and waves a dismissive hoof in the air. “Then bring it to my husband. I have no desire to meddle in royal affairs.”

She can hear several heavy and deliberate clops as Witherspoon steps closer, his horn alight with a faint grey glow as he levitates the letter above his head, he reaches up with a hoof and strokes his long, flowing, and shiny black mustache.

“Well, I think that would be unwise madam, after all, according to the letter that came along with it, this scroll is meant for you.” The stallion was smiling behind that puffy mustache of his. “And, if I read correctly, it’s from your son…”

Spring Petal’s eyes open wide in shock as she practically leaps from her chair, she bounds across the room and snatches the letter from Witherspoon’s magical grip, the grey aura around it fizzling away as she wraps her right leg around the floating piece of parchment.

“Why didn’t you say so?” She asked, tearing off the royal seal and flinging it to the ground. Witherspoon’s expression remains stoic and neutral as he magically lifts up the tattered seal and puts it in the waste bin nearby.

Petal feels all the worry and anxiousness from the past few hours fly away as she reads the first few lines written upon the parchment.

To my wonderful mother.

Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry,sorry.

She grins and represses a giggle, well; apparently he hadn’t forgotten about his dear old mother.

I am so sorry about worrying you and dad. I really really am, I’d planned on writing to you a long time ago, but, I’ve been having a run of bad luck. When I’d written to you the first time I’d just bought a new home and settled into Ponyville, but, the day after it sort of, well it burnt down.

Spring Petal’s mouth opens wide in astonishment.

Everything I’d bought and brought along with me went out with that house, save for my pendant, and be sure to tell dad that. I promised him I’d take good care of it and by Celestia I have, save for a scratch or two but that’s nothing a little polish won’t fix. But, just because I lost pretty much everything in that fire doesn’t mean I’m in dire straits by any means. I’m currently employed by a unicorn named Rarity, she’s a fashion designer and I’m her personal assistant, she’s letting me live with her.

The mare feels her muscles loosen and her body relax, well, at least he had a roof over his head. Really, that boy always did have the absolute worst of luck.

And, you may want to sit down for this one mom. But I’m in love with her!

Spring Petal rolled her eyes, oh of course you were, a week from now she expected a letter from you detailing your recent affections for the local milkmare.

You don’t believe me do you? I’m serious about this, she’s kind, she’s beautiful, she’s amazing in every sense of the word. And we’re actually together believe it or not, we’re an official couple. And, if you think she might not feel the same way, listen to this. She spent the last three whole days right next to me in the hospital!

“What!?” She runs her eyes over that last sentence one more time. “What on Equestria did you do to get yourself put in the hospital!?” For a moment she panics, then rational thought takes over and she lets herself relax again, if you were capable of writing and sending a letter, then you probably weren’t too horribly hurt.

She rereads that last paragraph in its entirety, feeling a tiny flutter of happiness in her chest as you tell her about Rarity. Why, you certainly did seem attached to her…maybe you had finally found a mare worthy of your affections. It would certainly be a pleasant change of pace at the very least, she hopes that you’ll mention her again later on in your letter, after all if you truly loved her she’d like to know a little more about her.

Yeah, I should probably mention that I was in an accident recently. The doc told me I was in pretty bad shape when I got here; they actually had to use healing magic to keep me alive. I ended up in a coma for about three days, hence why I didn’t reply to your letter. But try not to get too worried okay? I’m alright now, and, so long as my next checkup goes okay I’ll be able to head back home in a day or so.

I’m glad to hear that Aquaris got her cutie mark. And, I’m sorry I wasn’t there to see it, make sure she knows that her big brother is really proud of her. And that he feels like a real jerk for not being there for her.

I love you guys, you’re always going to be my family, and I promise to try and write more often.

Spring Petal smiles. “Witherspoon, would you do me a favor?”

The butler nods his head. “Of course madam, what do you need?”

“I need you to secure a seat on the next train leaving Manehattan.” She folds the envelope and places it on a nearby coffee table. “And when you finish that I’d like you to fetch me some travelling money from the bank.” Spring Pedal starts towards the door, an air of purpose hovering around her.

“But Madam!?” Witherspoon calls out, this being one of the rare time the stoic stallion ever had need to raise his usually docile tone. “Where do you intend to go?”

Spring Petal shoots the bewildered stallion a cocksure grin.

“Why Witherspoon…I’m going to Ponyville.”

Author's Note:

So here it is, I know it is kind of short but that's my plan from now on. Shorter chapters, more frequent updates. So anyway, let me know what you all think. You guys are the reason I'm writing this, if you have something to say about it feel free to say it. If you like it let me know, if you don't, let me know why. Anyhoo, I'll try and update quicker next time. Oh, and happy holidays to all you wonderful folks out there.