• Published 11th Feb 2012
  • 11,553 Views, 774 Comments

The Next in Line. - gmoneywalker

After a night of drunken debauchery you find yourself in the service of Ponyville's premiere fashionista, and you can't help but fall for her. But is she your bride to be? Or just the next in line?

  • ...

Hello Nurse

“Filthy filthy filthy…” You repress a chuckle as Rarity mumbles the words, the fashionista buzzes about the small hospital room, tidying up anything she deemed unclean, which was pretty much everything naturally.

You shake your head and continue to read the rough draft for the new Daring Do book. You’d burned through the other two novels during the past couple days in the hospital. You lift your eyes from the page you were reading as your beloved unicorn flings herself onto the bed, burying her face into your chest.

“AGH!” She huffs, her voice muffled. “You would think out of all the places in Ponyville the hospital would be the cleanest!”

You chuckle and tenderly stroke the unicorn’s back with your hoof. “Take it easy Rare. You’ll give yourself an aneurism if you keep this up.”

Rarity sighs and flips around, the room wasn’t actually dirty, it was just Rarity’s way of coming up with an excuse to keep you company in the hospital. You hold her in a loving embrace, burying your face into her neck as the pair of you lay in the hospital bed together. Rarity lets out another sigh, though this one seems like it’s more of relief, the simple act of being with you seemed to calm her shaky nerves.

“Daring crammed her mouth against the mare’s lips, electric shocks of pleasure running up and down her spine as the two continued to passionately make coitus?” You open your eyes wide in surprise and look down, only to see Rarity holding up your copy of the latest Daring Do novel rough draft. She turns her head up and cocks an eyebrow. “Is there something I’m missing here darling?”

You sheepishly look away, your cheeks turning red. “Uh…fanservice?”

The mare lets out several loud clucking noises as she flips through the next couple pages. She giggles and presses a hoof up to her mouth on the fourth page. “My my, this is certainly very detailed.” Her horn lights up with a light blue sparkle as she levitates the stack of stapled papers in front of your gaze, giving it a little questioning shake. “And when, pray tell, shall you and I have an opportunity to ‘passionately make coitus’ dear?”

The rather forward question brings a blush to your cheeks. “Well, I get discharged this afternoon so long as my next checkup goes well. Maybe you could put together a little welcome home surprise for me?”

“Hm, excellent, and how have those been going so far?” Rarity rolls back over and lies across you on her stomach, her beautiful blue eyes sparkling with a mixture of curiosity and concern. “You haven’t told me anything about your eye.”

You shift in discomfort and close your blind eye. Apparently it didn’t follow the one that worked, so you were often left with an expression that could give a certain mailmare a run for her money. You feel self-conscious about it and, according to Dr. Stable, the odds of it getting better anytime soon are rather low.

“Mr. Stable said that with continued therapy I may be able to get it working again, though not as good as it used to be.” You bite your lip nervously before continuing. “But…magical therapy costs a lot of bits.”

Rarity reaches up with a dainty white hoof and strokes your face, showing her affection with a simple touch. “Now don’t you worry about that dear. I’ll take care of the bill; you just focus on getting better.”

You smile and take her hoof in your own. “Thanks Rare…I don’t want to impose bu-”

“Now don’t you start.” She quickly cuts you off. “You may be my coltfriend, but you are also my employee. And I, as an employer, offer you both medical and dental insurance.”

“Thanks Rare, I promise to make it up to you.” The mare smiles and reaches up, rubbing her nose against yours, before she pulls back and gives you a devilish grin.

“Oh, there isn’t a single doubt in my mind darling.” The way she said that brought a blush to your face. Somepony was in the mood…

“Ooh, am I interrupting something?” Both you and Rarity turn your gaze towards the open hospital room door. A very familiar looking sky blue Pegasus pokes her head into the sterile hospital room, a friendly smile adorning her face. You immediately recognize her as Wind Whistler.

Rarity quickly moves to sit up on the bed, tidying up her mane and trying to look aloof. “Why of course not dear.”

The Pegasus giggles and marches in, lazily pushing the door behind her closed with a hind leg. “Oh you two don’t have to hide anything from me. I know how frustrated the both of you must be, all cooped up in this little hospital room, never given an opportunity for any alone time. Oh and by the way Rarity, how’s that special outfit coming along?”

You give Rarity a questioning glance, special outfit? Every time the unicorn visits she tells you about all her recent commissions and designs. Not once over the past two days had she made mention of anything truly noteworthy.

Her bright blue eyes dart to your face and then away, a blush adorning her pale white cheeks. “Oh yes, that, I finished it yesterday…”

You open your mouth to speak, only for Wind Whistler to cut you off halfway through the motion. “Oh and how are you doing? You must be bored out of your mind, stuck in here all day.”

You shift a little under the covers of your bed. It wasn’t all that bad, after all, you’d managed to read not one but three awesome Daring Do novels. Not to mention, Rarity had been by your side pretty much the entirety of the last two days, and spending extra time with her was always a plus as far as you’re concerned.

“It’s not too bad Wind Whistler…the food kinda sucks though.” You admit with a tiny grumble, it was less like food and more like…you didn’t even know what to call it, garbage seemed appropriate.

Wind Whistler’s face lights up with a relieved smile. “Oh good, then I know you’ll enjoy this.” The Pegasus reaches inside her pink saddlebag, yanking out a tiny white box, smiling around the fancy string in her mouth.

Rarity takes the initiative as her horn lights up and she wraps the box in a cloud of magic, levitating it over towards where the pair of you reside. Her eyes widen as she reads the label of the box.

“Chocolate delights? Why these need to be specially ordered from Canterlot’s royal bakery.” She gives Wind Whistler a questioning look. “Are you sure you just want to give this away? Not to sound ungrateful, but these are very expensive.”

Wind Whistler brushes off Rarity’s question with a shrug of her shoulders. “Ah it’s no big deal, Caramel ordered me a box the other night to make up for a fight we had. Though apparently he messed something up, when we checked the mail today there was five instead of one. He wanted me to give a box to you two, as an apology for not being able to visit.”

Rarity pops open the lid and inspects the chocolates, calmly lifting out a piece with her magic and taking a dainty bite. Her face lights up with delight in response to the chocolaty goodness.

“I was wondering why he hadn’t come to visit yet. Is something wrong?” You question worriedly.

Wind Whistler quickly shakes her head. “No, my little Caramel’s just been really busy lately, you know, he has to get everything ready for our trip out of town. He told me to tell you how sorry he is for not stopping by.”

You shake your head and Rarity sneaks a fifth chocolate into her mouth. “No, don’t worry about it. The pair of you have a lot going on right now, with the baby and all. Speaking of which, how’s the pregnancy coming along? There haven’t been any complications or anything?”

“No, not so far, Caramel’s been taking me on routine trips to the hospital so we can make sure everything’s going smoothly. That’s why I’m here actually.” She deflates a little. “Though it does suck not being able to use my wings as much as I’d like, the doctor said that it’d be in my best interest to avoid flying as much as possible. Apparently high speed collisions aren’t good for pregnant mares…especially ones with my condition.”

You open your mouth to continue talking, before Rarity rudely forces a half-eaten chocolate into your open maw, effectively shutting you up in probably the most delicious way possible.

“That reminds me.” She says, before choking up and realizing she still had some chocolate in her mouth. She quickly swallows it and clears her throat. “I uh, have a new idea for your wedding dress. With the baby on its way I figured it’d be best to make sure you can still fit into it when the little dear starts to grow.”

Rarity hops off the bed, magically flattening out the wrinkles in the blanket she’d made. “Why don’t I walk you to your appointment? We can talk about it on the way.”

“Don’t you want to stay with him?” Wind Whistler asks, pointing to you with an outstretched wing.

“Oh I’m sure he doesn’t mind me stretching my legs a little.” She smiles sweetly at you. “Besides, I have to get away from those chocolates. Any more of those and ponies will start thinking there are two pregnant mares in town.”

The two mares start for the door, Wind Whistler smiles and shoots Rarity a coy look. “I’m sure your big strapping stallion back there will help you work off any calories you may have gained.”

The unicorn’s mouth opens wide in playful astonishment. “Wind Whistler! Why such talk in public is absolutely uncouth. Besides, I’m sure Caramel wouldn’t appreciate you calling another stallion ‘big’ and ‘strapping’.”

“What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.” The door slams shut and you can hear the two mares giggling and laughing like a couple of school fillies all the way down the hall.

You chuckle. “Mares, they can talk for hours and not actually say anything…” You reach down with a hoof and scoop up another chocolate, smiling in satisfaction upon throwing it in your mouth. Wow, these were really good…

You look up from the sweet filled box in your lap to the door leading into your hospital room as it swung open once more. Dr. Stable waltzes in, his eyes glued to the clipboard hovering in front of his face.

“Good afternoon, ready for your final checkup?” He asks, smiling behind the wooden board.

“You bet I am.” You pick up the box of chocolates and set them on the little table near your bed, while doing so you realize that Dr. Stable had entered alone this time, he was usually accompanied by another unicorn. “Where’s Dr. Careheart?”

Dr. Stable sighs and removes the clipboard from his face, pushing his glasses up with his right hoof. “Unfortunately he won’t be joining us. Careheart is in the middle of dealing with an emergency in the left wing. So, we’ll have to skip the eye therapy today. I imagine you don’t mind?”

“Well, I certainly won’t miss the headache.” You say with a smile, during eye therapy you had to spend the better part of an hour staring into all kind of magical lights. Naturally this led to you getting one hell of a migrane.

Stable chuckles lightly and approaches the side of your bed. “I do apologize about that. Now first things first, why don’t you try walking to the bathroom and back.”

This was always how your checkups started, the bookshelf had broken three of your legs when it’d first hit you…It was kind of frightening, thinking about how seriously you’d been hurt. You try to push the thoughts away, but every once and a while you sit and think about it. A cracked skull, broken legs, smashed eye, collapsed lung…all of it was enough to give you nightmares. You’d had one last night actually…

In your nightmare you’d been lying in a pool of your own blood, your body twisted and broken in ways too horrible to describe. Rarity was there, her back turned as she called out for you, though any attempt on your part to respond ended in nothing more than a gurgle, the blood in the back of your throat clogging up your windpipe and making it difficult to breath.

You shiver…the memory of that traumatic experience sending a chill racing up and down your spine.

“Ahem…” The doctor clears his throat, snapping you out of your thoughts. “Feel free to get up any day now.”

“R-right!” You shoot out of the bed as quickly as your body will allow. You didn’t want him to assume that you needed another night in the hospital; Rarity would practically go nuts if you got trapped here for another day.

You stand on your hooves, your legs shaking a little in response, though you figured that was less from your injury and more from your lack of walking over the past couple days. You quickly trot across the room and back, smiling at the doctor as he writes something on his clipboard. He always did that…you wonder if he actually puts anything worthwhile on that thing, or if he just spent all day doodling butterflies and cats.

“Okay looks good, go ahead and lay back down.” You do as he commands. Lifting up your two front legs in preparation for what came next. “Somepony is on the ball today hm? Well, don’t worry; we’ll have your checkup over and done with pretty soon.”

“How soon?”

“Oh only about an hour or so.”

You repress the urge to sigh. ‘Pretty soon’ huh? Apparently you and the good old doctor had different definitions of the term.






Really! Must you insist on making that horrible noise?” Spring Petal’s voice comes out dreary and irritable, sitting in a train car for five hours with nothing but that horrid noise for company will do that to you.

The stallion with the dark red coat sitting next to her grins sheepishly. His unicorn horn alight with a faint red glow, the pendant around his neck held within a magical grip.


Spring Petal sucks in a deep breath, expelling the air through her flared nostrils. “…Garnet, I swear if you shut that pendant one more time I-”


“…That’s it, no sex for a month.” Garnet chuckles, his horn fizzing out as he lets the shiny silver pendant around his neck fall back into place. He reaches up with a hoof and runs it through his shiny black mane.

“That’s a bit harsh don’t you think?” The unicorn moves to wrap a hoof around his wife, only for her to ‘tsk’ and knock it away. He frowns. “I’m sorry honey.”

The mare sighs and shoots her husband a sad look. “No don’t apologize; I’m just in a bad mood.”

Garnet reaches out with a hoof once more, this time she relents and letting herself be pulled into a loving embrace. “You’re worried about him, aren’t you?”

She sighs again, gently rocking against her husband as the train bumps and rattles. “Of course I am, he’s in the hospital.”

“And he said he was fine in his letter. Besides, odds are he’s out of there by now.”

“Yes yes I know, but I’m a mother, it’s my job to be worried.” She looks up into her husband’s dark brown eyes. “I wish we could have left sooner though. Two whole days of waiting for this bloody train to show up.”

He shifts a little in his seat. “Sorry, it was the best I could do. Every other train had a scheduled stop in that place you hate so much…”

The mare sticks out her tongue in a childish manner. “Bleh, Detrot is a disgusting city…”

For a moment the two sit in silence, the only sounds made that of the rattling tracks and whipping wind. Finally, and much to Spring Petal’s surprise, her husband speaks.

“Do you think he’ll hug me?” Petal’s ear twitches in response to that question, it was a rather strange thing to ask.

“What?” She queries, shooting the unicorn a bewildered look.

“Do you think he’ll hug me?” The stallion’s face is stoic, yet his eyes register something akin to sadness.

Spring Petal reaches out with a hoof, wrapping it tightly around his own, trying to comfort him with her touch. “Of course he will, he’s your son.”

The stallion looks past her, his eyes glazed over; he sighs and leans back in the plush cushion of his seat. “The day he left he didn’t hug me…”

The train car is silent for a moment as Spring Petal studied her husband’s expression. She wasn’t used to seeing him like this, normally her husband was a rather cheery sort, his smooth nature and upbeat attitude were two of his most defining traits. Things rarely ever upset him, but when they did…he got borderline depressed. She knew this had to be about more than just a simple hug, something else was bothering him. And she was pretty sure she knew what it was.

She tightens her grip on his hoof. “Garnet Canter you look at me this instant.” Her husband did as he was told. “You are his father, and he loves you very much.”

Garnet’s eyes shift away for a moment. “I’m not sure I’m worthy of the title…”

“Stop it…” Her voice demanded immediate attention. “You are his father. And he loves you very much. Are we understood?”

The car grows silent once more.

“I wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t…”


“Oh by Celestia’s flowing rainbow mane it is good to be home!” You beam happily, pushing in the door to Rarity’s boutique and stepping inside. “Rarity’s going to be happy to see me back so early.” You mumble to yourself, apparently you’d done so well during your checkup that Dr. Stable had allowed you to head home a few hours earlier than you’d expected.

You open your mouth to call out to her, only for it to snap shut with a clack. Now what is that smell? You sniff the air. Is that…roses? You take a couple steps farther into the boutique, your face scrunching up into an expression of confusion as you feel something soft underneath your hoof. A quick look down and you’re surprised to find rose petals scattered about the floor.

“Huh?” You mumble, your eyes following the trail of flowers to the staircase. Was this Rarity’s doing? Sure Roses are pretty and all, but you doubted she would willingly scatter anything along her pristinely cleaned rug…unless.

You follow the trail, your heart rate increasing with every eager step. You’d read a romance novel or two, you knew what a trail of roses usually led to…now if only there was some soothing classical music.

You hear the gentle twinge of a violin float through the air as you make it halfway up the stairs…oh yeah, you were in for one hell of a good night. You trot up the stairs, unsurprised to find more rose petals, the likes of which led directly to Rarity’s bedroom door. You take a few more steps, before you stop dead in your tracks, your lips curve upwards into a devilish smile as a dirty little thought crosses your mind…maybe you could catch a little sneak peek of what Rarity had in store.

You tiptoe towards the door, stepping as lightly as your legs will allow. You crane your head downwards; popping open your good eye to peek through the bedroom door’s keyhole. Only to be greeted with blackness. Your ear gives a twitch as the soft violin music is abruptly cut off mid note.

“What?” You look down at your hooves, the sound of crinkling paper catching your attention. Had Rarity slid this under the door? You reach down and scoop up the paper, turning it around in search of writing.

Ah ah ah, no peeking! That fancy unicorn penmanship was unmistakable…Rarity was one step ahead of you it seemed.

Well, you saw no reason to delay. With a single deep breath you secure your mouth around the handle of the doorknob, and step inside the room. A quick glance around reveals that…well, nothing’s different. Aside from the lights being turned off, it doesn’t even look like Rarity’s anywhere to be found. Then, out of the corner of your eye you spot another slip of paper lying upon the bed.

“Rarity sure does like her notes.” You say aloud, purposely making your voice a little louder than it needs to be. Just to make sure that the fashionista hears your good natured jab.

You step towards the bed, climbing atop it and approaching the note. You reach down and pick it up, blinking your eye once or twice to get it used to the low lighting.

Behind you darling!

Your ear twitches as you hear a tiny creak, followed by several rapid thumps as somepony runs at you from behind. You whip around as fast as you can, but you aren’t quick enough to avoid the tackle that propels you backwards and onto the bed. You open your mouth in surprise, only for it to be assaulted by the delightful ministrations of a certain white unicorn.

You can hear and feel your assailant moan hotly into your open mouth as your hooves begin to wander up and down her lower back and waist. For a few moments the pony continues to hungrily assault your lips, hooking her hooves together behind your head and pulling hard, forcing you to cram your face against her own. There’s a wet smacking sound as the pony atop you pulls away. Her heated breath dances across your face like a warm summer’s breeze as she lifts her delicious cherry red lips up to your ear.

“…Gotcha…” Her sweet and sexy voice sends shivers dancing up and down your spine.

“Oh…yes you have.” Your voice comes out breathless and excited, eager for the events to come.

You can practically feel the grin on her face as her lower legs spread out and straddle your hips, a sweat drop forms on your brow as she brings her lips up to your ear again.

“Do you want to see my new outfit darling?” Her voice is sweetsucculenttempting. The only thing you can do to respond is feverishly nod your head.

You feel her slowly lifting her chest off of your body, her silky smooth hooves running across your shoulders and over your body in a slow and sensual manner, it feels like there’s a hammer pounding away inside your chest. When you finally get to feast your eyes on the outfit in question, your jaw ends up slack.

“Ooh, impressed I see…”

Impressed was an understatement...

“W-wow…” The words snake out of your mouth as you gaze upon her, the blood rushing to your face and…another place. Rarity wore a tight pink button up shirt, which was tight enough to show off every curve and dip along her perfect body, and the very bottom was cut just short enough to leave very little of her flank up to the imagination. Along her hind legs she wore two long black socks, and upon her hind hooves were two shiny pink high heeled horseshoes. And finally, to top off the entire outfit, she wore a pink nurse’s cap, complete with a red cross along the brim.

“Well, I’m going to assume that means you like it.” Rarity traces her hooves up and down your exposed chest, her sensual touch making your heart run aflutter. “I figured…since I spend so much time taking care of you…I might as well look the part.” She leans back in, her shining blue eyes hungry and wanting. “So…anything to say before I start to, administer treatment?”

You swallow the lump in your throat, an eager smile spreading across your face as you place your hooves on her hips, preparing for what was to come.

“…Hello nurse...”