• Published 11th Feb 2012
  • 11,553 Views, 774 Comments

The Next in Line. - gmoneywalker

After a night of drunken debauchery you find yourself in the service of Ponyville's premiere fashionista, and you can't help but fall for her. But is she your bride to be? Or just the next in line?

  • ...

The Next in Line Interlude - Only a bit

"I... I'm okay!"

You slowly uncover your head, looking around as the dust settles. Somehow you are unscathed. "I... I'm okay?" You look at the shattered remains of the boxes around you. "I'm okay..." A short laugh bursts from you, covering up the groan from one of the ponies in the room with you. "I didn't get hurt. For once... I didn't get hurt!" You cast about for a moment, looking for Rarity. "Rarity, I managed to go a full six hours without getting hurt! That's ten bits you owe me!"

You perform a swift hoof pump, a massive smile coming to your face. "Looks like everything's turning out my way for once. Now, let's just take care of these boxes." Several minutes later and the mess has been put away, and the others have all been uncovered. Rarity has a few small bruises marring her otherwise perfect appearance, but otherwise she is unharmed.

"Dear, you really shouldn't brag about something like that. It WILL come back to haunt you." She says, frowning at you as you excitedly buzz about the now clean room.

You scoff, brushing off her warning. "Rarity, I just beat all the odds. I was standing in the only place in the room that wasn't covered in rubble. Lady Luck has finally taken my side."

Rarity sighs and rolls her eyes, an obvious display of disbelief on her part. You notice, but don’t pay it any mind, she can be as pessimistic as she wants, you know that the tables have finally turned. That was a literal avalanche of boxes, nearly everything in the workroom had been utterly buried, Rarity included, you were the only thing that didn’t get squashed.

“Yes dear, whatever you say.”

You scoff and turn to her, a jovial grin spread wide across your face. “You’re just jealous.”

The mare chuckles a little. “Oh yes, jealous of your sudden change in fortune because, as we all know, I’m just so unlucky.” She suddenly whips around, a large list in her hoof and her reading spectacles officially donned. “Now pay attention, I need you to get a few things from the market for me. Darling... darling are you listening to me!?”

You shake your head, attempting, and failing, to shake all the new thoughts of what your good luck may bring you away.

“Yeah Rare, of course.”


You whistle merrily as you head into the boutique, practically beaming with a sense of self satisfaction and glee, the day still going your way in all respects. You managed to get Pinkie Pie to slip you a free cupcake from when you went to Sugar Cube Corner. You avoided getting dragged into a verbal debate with Twilight, a victory in your book, considering that you’d probably never be able to actually win one of those debates, and then you successfully haggled, effectively, with ten different shopkeepers in the market. No doubt Rarity will be pleased to see a good portion of her loaned bits returned.

Soon the boutique pops into view, and you waste no time heading inside. Normally the cool breeze of the boutique’s air conditioning would have been a delightful change of pace from the sweltering heat outside. But a cloud, caught on a draft of wind, had actually kept you shaded for most of the day out. Why, if that isn’t a testament to your newfound good luck you don’t know what is.

Once you step inside and shut the door, soft call comes from up the stairs, your name echoing down the hall. Rarity's sweet tones urge you forward and you add a bit of spring to your step. "I'll be up in a moment, love!"

You eagerly trot across the room, making for the staircase that would lead you to a mare you were all too eager to see. A quick detour to the kitchen was made, and soon you were unencumbered with your purchases.

Without a pause you started heading up the stairs, your smile growing with each step. A tiny niggling doubt nudged you in the back of your mind, urging you to calm down some as you went up the dreaded stairs.

As you stepped onto the second to last step, you found your hoof sliding backwards quite rapidly. A glance down at your hoof revealed that you had stepped on one of Sweetie Belle's toys, casually tossed aside when the filly had finished playing with it. "Oh, Sweetie." You shake your head as you move the toy to the top of the steps, carefully putting it somewhere where nopony would step on it.

Soon enough you enter Rarity's room, smiling as you see her sprawled out on her bed.

"Dear, did you manage to get all the things I asked you to get?" You quickly nod, eager to get on to the main event for the evening. "Well, where are they?"


"Dear, did you not pay the slightest bit of attention to WHAT you were getting?"

You hesitantly admit that you did NOT pay attention to what you bought. You were too busy celebrating your sudden change in luck.

She brings a hoof to the bridge of her nose, gently shaking her head. "That's wonderful, dear. I still think that you should tone down the celebration. That being said, go and fetch the cherries as well as the chocolate."

Eager to make the mare happy, you trot out of the room, heading back for the stairs.

"That silly sod Murphy can go and soak his head. I'm living proof that he--" Your speech is abruptly cut off as you find yourself beginning a planned, but critically inelegant, descent down the stairs, your head deciding that it would take the initiative to be the first part of you to touch the stairs.

A few pain filled moments saw you opening your eyes to the concerned gaze of Rarity. She fought to keep the grin off her face, and you couldn't help but grin back. "I was asking for it, wasn't I?"

"Only a bit, darling. Only a bit."

Author's Note:

Keep in mind that the majority (pretty much all of it) of this isn't written by me. My good buddy, pal, compadre, partner in crime, whatever ya wanna call him Jet Howitzer wrote this up during one of our countless Skype chats. Hope you all enjoyed.