• Published 5th Jun 2013
  • 7,899 Views, 841 Comments

The Code of Harmony - Lapis-Lazuli and Stitch

After a thousand years of unchallenged rule, a humbled Princess Celestia - now called Tia Sunbeam - must face her ultimate challenge. To live life as a normal pony, and make some friends.

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Chapter 18 - The Meeting



The white cloaked pony stalked out of the inner door and sneered silently as he waited for the servant to undo the locks on the outer door. All of them, fools. Hokey religions and pointless philosophies. The substance of power did not lie in some pointless amalgamation of beliefs, but in the ability to wield those beliefs as a tool. The door swung open at the silent servant's touch and the white-cloaked stallion stalked through it without another word. Such individuals were useful tools, but ultimately were beneath him.

No, his true opponent was now in hiding - somewhere she lurked, watching his moves as much as he was watching hers. It had been obvious to him that she'd long since known his true allegiances, for how could she not? She was the supreme chess-mistress, artfully and elegantly diffusing every plot and dodging every trick. He had been more than certain his plot aboard the Commander Hurricane was flawless, and yet his plans had utterly failed - the town remained standing, if bloodied. The Elements of Harmony had vanished into the ether, and all of her most precious agents were now positioned in places of high power, far from where he could reach them.

It had been a simple trick to position that naive idiot Blueblood to take the fall for the failed operation, and then to ensure that the so-called 'Nightmare Queen' never even knew he had been involved. Of course, his work had been much set back now... but past failures provided for future opportunities, as his father used to say. So now, he worked a new angle - one which had great promise given the state of things in Ponyville at this present hour. I'd thank Blueblood's most idiotic memory, except that would be giving him credit for any of this.

In truth, he had no real idea just what sort of madness had possessed his rival of power to go through with this scheme. Were it not so patently ridiculous, he could half believe she had allowed the barely trained filly Twilight Sparkle to actually undertake actions of governance. Perhaps all of the incredible decrees that had been scattered across Equestria were merely distractions to keep him - and by extension, those like him - from realizing her true plots behind the scenes. Surely, she was already crafting some ingenious and cunning scheme to expose her enemies for the entire world to see and finally bring her Iron Hoof down upon them all.

If so, he could admire such a plan - true, there would be casualties and some damage to the nation. But when you were utterly immortal, what were a few lives in comparison to eternity? Perhaps Celestia had at long last learned that in order to attain true victory, one must be willing to make certain sacrifices... and align yourself with powers you'd much rather not have anything to do with. If that were so, then he would have to be very careful indeed - for it would mean that she had become the ultimate opponent to his genius.

Even now, he wondered what schemes she was concocting. Surely at this very moment, she was surrounded by her most capable advisers, planning his downfall...


The world swirled back into being, and Tia nearly staggered out of her chair as a wave of vertigo passed over her. She clutched at the breakfast-table, but found no purchase there for her to steady herself. So she instead leaned into Ditzy, who was both the closest pony to her, and the one most likely to be able to keep her from completely collapsing onto the floor. Ditzy dropped the fork she had been toying with the instant Tia's body hit her in the heavy manner of one who is not fully in control of themselves - and without a second thought, she flung her hooves around Tia's body and helped keep her from falling.

More incredibly, Ditzy had somehow turned the motion into something that looked like she had simply gone to hug Tia very enthusiastically. Thus preventing the rest of their friends from realizing Tia's not inconsiderable distress, for which Tia was... very grateful right then. That voice. Her mind whispered as she clutched Ditzy as close to her as she could manage. "Tia, shh..." Ditzy said in her quietest voice, her hoof adeptly hiding Tia's face from the rest of the table. "It's okay. Everything's okay." She insisted quietly, her gentle words were hot against Tia's forehead, and the feel of a gentle but firm hoof stroking against her back gave her something to focus in on.

Tia nodded minutely, the shock at the sudden vision and the sound of that voice slowly wearing away from her. She gently squeezed Ditzy back in a hug before slowly pulling away. Ditzy's face was a study in concern, and Tia wished - not for the first time - that she had any talent as an artist. That gentle, careworn smile and the softness of those eyes was a sight to behold. Tia gently squeezed Ditzy's hoof and mouthed the word "Later" to her - getting a gentle nod in return. Tia turned back to the breakfast table to finish her morning meal, her head still swimming from the rather... vivid vision she had just received.

Luckily, breakfast proceeded from that moment without any further visitations of powerful forces and so Tia could finish her waffles in relative peace. Relative meaning lots of laughter and joking around, and the occasional ribald comment from either Vinyl or Cloud Chaser to punctuate her finishing off her breakfast. Once the meal was complete and the dishes cleaned (The aid of three unicorns in the room made the task much simpler than it might otherwise have been) the knot of friends made their way out into the main library... where all evidence of their previous night's party had already been bagged up and swept away. The library shelves were spotlessly clean, the books neatly shelved and all of the trash was gone.

Tia blinked in amazement for just a moment, until she spotted the whippy purple tail of a certain baby dragon, who grinned at all of them. "Morning, girls." Spike piped up happily, wearing a bright white apron with '#1 Assistant' embossed on the front of it. "Nice to see everypony bright and cheerful today!" He flicked off his apron and hung it by the doorway, then brought over a clawful of what looked like paper slips. "I've got messages here from the Mayor for Tia and Cheerilee, and uh... someponies who were looking for Vinyl and Octavia about a show." He handed these slips out, then scratched his head at the rest. "Bon Bon, the Cakes wanted to know when you were going to have their Double-bubble sweets ready. Cloud Chaser, your sister wanted to know if you were turning into Rainbow Dash... Oh, and Ditzy!" He exclaimed, with a rather big smile. "There's a big envelope by the door for you, and the message attached to it says you've been given three days paid time off!" The knot of ponies blinked at all this information coming out of Spike, who grinned slyly. "C'mon. This is nothing compared to how much mail I used to have to handle for Twilight."

Vinyl and Octavia quickly took their message and trotted out the door, talking brightly about the prospects for another show for them to perform. Bon Bon, having gone blank for a moment at the mention of her sweets, grabbed the slip of paper and ran out the door like a timberwolf was after her. Lyra just sighed, rolled her eyes and trotted after her patiently. Ditzy had wandered over to the table by the door and was fiddling with the envelope, while Cloud Chaser sighed at her message, hugged the remaining ponies and flew out the door at top speed. That left Cheerilee and Tia standing in the middle of the room, with a stack of parchment rolls sitting on a table in front of them. "Oi." Remarked Cheerilee, and Tia had to echo that sentiment. "Does mother never sleep?" Cheerilee continued crossly, and Tia whipped her head about in shock. Wait. Mayor Mare is Cheerilee's... Mother?

Cheerilee sighed and broke the first seal on one of the scrolls and began to read, leaving Tia and Spike.... not precisely alone but at the very least, there was time for a quiet moment. "Thank you, Spike." Tia remarked quietly, feeling the smile tug at her face. "You really are a remarkable young dragon." She continued as Ditzy's plot hit the ground near the door - a massive scroll slowly unrolling as she ran her slightly misaligned eyes down the document. Tia took in a deep breath and exhaled, making a decision on the spot. "It'll take me approximately a week to prepare the spell. I'll need a few valuable components, but I think if I word it right I ought to be able to requisition them from the Canterlot Library." Spike's eyes widened fractionally, as Tia continued in a soft voice. "All I ask is you help me get stable here, and help me find a replacement assistant before you go to do whatever it is you need to do. Deal?"

Spike grinned with bright white teeth. "Deal." He held out his claw, and she shook it firmly with her own hoof. "Thanks, Pri- Tia." He stumbled over the term, that big grin never leaving his face. "I'll take care of the library today." He eyeballed Cheerilee, who was now onto the third scroll and was now muttering angrily about something. "You're probably gonna have to go deal with the Mayor today, so good luck." Spike said, pitching his voice low for a moment. "My advice? Grab some of the Cinna-Deluxe cupcakes from Sugarcube Corner. She loves those things."

Tia blinked as Spike gave her a jovial wink, then sauntered off while whistling some strangely familiar tune. Where have I... nevermind, more important things. She turned to Cheerilee, who looked like she was torn between bemusement and fury. "We've got something of a problem, Tia." She commented drily. "Ditzy, are you going to be okay?" Cheerilee continued, and Ditzy waved her hoof in their general direction - apparently still reading through the monstrously thick scroll. "Good. Come on, Tia. I'll explain it on the way."


At first, Cheerilee hadn't been sure what to think about mother's pile of scrolls - but as the knowledge from them percolated down through her system, she began to get really, really angry. Mother was turning a somber, difficult situation into a political circus - and for what? Cheerilee did not know - she was not sure she wanted to know, but she no longer had that particular luxury. She was... politicizing children being in danger from some madpony wielding unknown powers! It was madness!

"... So she wants us to come in to her office, she's going to arrange some kind of..." Cheerilee groped for the words as Tia followed somberly in her hoofsteps. "Parade or speech or something. I don't know!" Cheerilee growled out in pure frustration, shaking her head back and forth as though trying to shake off the insanity of the situation. "I cannot believe she would do this! There is a line!" She stomped her hoof as she walked, Tia remaining... quiet while Cheerilee vented. She was thankful for that, the last thing she needed was any number of reasonable things Tia likely could tell her right now.

So she huffed and puffed and by the time they reached the end of the street, her head sagged in weariness. "I know that the town is not precisely... unified given all of the difficult changes we're going to have to make, but she's rubbing it in the faces of everypony! This is going to cause a riot!" She exclaimed at the last, then leaned against one of the newly installed lamp posts - made of wrought iron and topped with a gas lantern, much like was used in Manehatten. Tia gently touched her shoulder, then trotted across the street and into Sugarcube corner.

Cheerilee stared after her, uncomprehendingly for a moment, until Tia emerged a minute later floating two large cups and a neatly tied up white box. The smell of fresh sweet tea reached Cheerilee's nose as Tia gently nudged it into her hooves. "Mom always said Tea is the cure for all ills." Tia reminded her with a smile, sipping at her own. "Relax, Cheerilee. We cannot hope to prevail over the lack of sense being displayed here if we ourselves are without sense." She said, in that oh-so-reasonable way of hers. So Cheerilee drank her tea, and was immediately thankful for it. Where did you come from, I wonder? She thought, her thoughts turning to the strange little unicorn who had upended all of their lives. Why did you come here? Oh certainly, the story was that she was the student of Queen Twilight... but Cheerilee was beginning to doubt that story more and more.

She was in fact, beginning to suspect that Twilight had sent her here for far different reasons. It's obvious there's something hidden about her. She carries some secret, some weight upon her shoulders. It was something other than what she'd already been told about too. What could you possibly still be hiding from us, Tia? Cheerilee wondered for a moment, then noticed the sweet tea she'd been drinking was all gone. She shook her head and disposed of the paper cup. I always have to pick the complicated ones. Sheesh. She thought with an amused sigh... and..

And then Cheerilee realized just how easily Tia had diverted her. Her anger had significantly cooled, and she was no longer full of mindless frustration. She turned an astonished look on her unicorn friend, who was smiling in a surprisingly serene way. "Better?" Tia asked, and Cheerilee nodded cautiously. "Good. It so happens that I agree with you that any celebration of what occurred yesterday would be.... premature at best." Tia continued archly, plucking up the tied up white box from the ground. "Yet the Mayor undoubtedly is trying to make the most of a bad situation. It may be difficult to... change her mind about things."

Cheerilee shook her head ruefully. "You've got that right. She's as stubborn as Princess Celestia." she muttered softly, and Tia's tail... stiffened for a moment, before she continued walking as normal. That's odd. Perhaps... did she know the Princess? That was a possibility that she had to consider, even as she walked close to Tia. Hmm. Only one way to find out more - she isn't going to tell me unless she's emotionally distressed, so maybe I can pick up on the little things if I poke. "So, I take it you've had experience with politicians before?" Cheerilee ventured quietly, hoping to turn up a bit more information.

Even from this angle, Cheerilee could see Tia roll her eyes - a subtle tension in the shoulder muscles. Physical memories of frustration, anger... maybe amusement, based on the half smile she had? "Oh yes. More than enough for a dozen lifetimes." Tia replied drily, her tone redolent with disdain for the whole breed. "If I had my way, I'd have them all sent to little filly daycare the way most of them act." She continued with a twitch of her tail. Not just familiarity. She's dealt with them directly then.

So. Tia wasn't just some novice librarian with a talent for magic. "Oh yes. Mother is perhaps one of the worst of the breed." Cheerilee sighed dramatically. "She means well, though, I am certain of it." She continued - keeping a keen eye on Tia's body language. Tension in the shoulder and neck muscles, a slight hunching of her chest forward. She was preparing for a fight on the subject - or maybe for a fight with the mayor. Mmm, she's had bad experiences with something like this before. She's worried about a confrontation, mentally and physically preparing herself for a fight.

"Meaning well or not, we must convince her of the error of her ways." Tia snapped out - her voice going tense along with much of the rest of her body. There it is again. Every time she becomes extremely certain of her words, her entire body language changes. It's like she's a different pony. The tension drained away a moment later, Tia's voice coming much softer. "With fortune, she has not already taken any irreversible steps." And once again, the tension comes - along with it, a total and complete certainty in the rightness of her actions. Immediately followed by a withdrawal into her emotional shell.

It wasn't hard to draw the right conclusions, and the pieces began to come a little closer together. Tia, likely under some other name, had become involved directly in political affairs in Canterlot, possibly in the process of attaining some high academic position. Her political and academic needs had crowded out her personal life to the point of nadir, and created a feedback loop of stress. Cheerilee did not doubt that Tia had to have been exceptional at her job - so good, in fact, that she likely had possessed very few peers. With no one on her professional level to socialize with, she became isolated - which inevitably led into a mentality of 'I can do no wrong'. The results were likely tragic, emotionally damaging, and incredibly traumatic. Some decision was taken from her - or perhaps some grand project she had created to provide meaning for her day to day life. And then, something had been thrown into the works - some wrench, some snag, and the whole thing came crashing down around her ears.

Cheerilee would not have been surprised if there'd been a suicide attempt or two in the middle there. Certainly, there were no scars or obvious signs of it, but such things could be - and likely had been - healed away. Tia was like an onion - little by little, Cheerilee was peeling away the layers that surrounded... what? What had driven her into that life? What had made her decide to sacrifice all manner of personal connections with other ponies in favor of books and politics? Cheerilee did not know. She was certain no one knew save for two ponies - Tia and Twilight Sparkle. For the first time since Tia had come to Ponyville, Cheerilee was beginning to consider a letter to her former colleague. Tia was deeply, deeply wounded inside - somepony needed to help her.

Luckily, Cheerilee was pretty good at that sort of thing. Now, if only she could convince her mother to not do anything stupid in the meanwhile...


"Mayor Mare has insisted, Miss Cheerilee. I am very sorry."

Tia sighed expressively, and laid a hoof on Cheerilee's shoulder. "It's alright. I don't mind." She tried to reassure her infuriated friend, who looked like she was about ready to pop. "Cheerilee... be calm." Tia insisted a moment later, and the teacher deflated - all of her outrage flowing out of her like water from a broken vessel. "I'm certain she simply wishes to meet with me formally, and ask a few questions without the specter of family hovering over things. It'll be quite alright." Tia knew she was bold facedly lying at this point, but Cheerilee accepted it was truth. That was best for now. Tia had no idea why the Mayor wanted to speak to her in private, nor why she had been invited into some inner office far from public eyes. She did know, however, that such a meeting could not be merely about questions. It would be about the shield.. and more importantly, it would be about how she knew to respond to the attack.

Tia nodded to the aide, who led her back through the maze-like hallways of the temporary town hall. Offices and desks were scattered and set up wherever there was sufficient space for them. Earth ponies populated most of those desks, though a fair number of pegasai were present as well. Odd. Only one or two unicorns. Well, perhaps not that odd. The unicorn population in town was notoriously small even before Twilight had arrived four years ago. Yet these were minor details - a side show to the true point of their journey. A heavy wooden door that swung open at the touch of a guardspony, and a grey maned earth pony sitting behind a desk with her hooves folded together.

It had been nearly fifty years since Celestia had first met this earth pony, begging her for a chance to prove her worth in the halls of power in Canterlot. Fifty years since Tia had looked into her soul, and seen somepony who needed to be amongst the common ponies - there she would learn to temper her knowledge with experience. She would never be able to walk amongst the halls of power in Canterlot, but surely she could rise to become the mayor of one of the great metropolitan cities.

And yet, like so many other things in Celestia's life - her inaction had broken things beyond repair. The mayor had been emotionally and mentally devastated and unable to reconcile her dreams of service to the crown with the realities of noble politics. She had fallen into obscurity, and never even so much as attempted to gain office outside of ponyville. What a waste of a mind. Tia thought sadly, as she perched upon the chair in the office. The Mayor was silent as she sat there, and Tia wondered what thoughts could be crossing her mind.

Whatever she had been expecting though, it hadn't been this. "What a world we live in." the Mayor observed quietly, her eyes closing. "To think of all the nights I spent agonizing over what I might say, what I might do faced with just such a situation." Her words rolled out smoothly, but Tia could hear the sharp pain in her voice. "And yet, here we are - and all of my hard words and conviction lay at my hooves like so many shards of shattered glass. My kingdom, such as it was, is ruled now by another. And I?" The Mayor looked up - and Tia felt every muscle in her body go rigid at the flash of green in those eyes. Yet the Mayor's voice was soft, almost pitifully weak. "I stare the one who destroyed my life in the eye, and marvel at the irony of a world in which I must come to her, begging for her aid."

Tia licked her lips, noting they had gone as dry as chalk and tried not to panic. Impossible. Insane. She is.. she is.. "A Sorceress. How?" Tia whispered, her mind racing with a thousand and one defenses... all of which were utterly useless in such a tight, enclosed space. She had no time to summon her power, and none of her friends were close enough to bolster her. I must have gone senile. How could I not have seen this?

The Mayor chuckled ruefully. "Don't beat yourself up, Celestia." The mayor said softly, shattering any hopes Tia might have had that perhaps this was simply a lucky guess. Twilight must have told her. Why? To keep an eye on me? "And quit looking like I'm going to murder you. I have no doubt that if I tried to so much as harm a hair on your mane, my Queen would obliterate my mind." The mayor descended into mutters, her eyes... soft. "Yet even without that sword over my neck, now I would not. You may be the only hope this town has of surviving what is to come."

Tia bit at her lip softly, then took in a deep breath and exhaled. She is a Dissonance Sorceress! her mind shrieked at her, as she calmly placed her hooves on the arms of her chair. "I see." Was all she said. She has lied to you! Deceived you! She sold her soul to darkness.. her mind stopped.. Because of you. Was all the thought could do to complete itself. Because you broke her dream, Celestia - and you did nothing to aid her in the seeking of another.

Tia Sunbeam looked into the eye of Scrolls, and spoke gently. "I think you'd better tell me everything, then."

Author's Note:

Grr. Got to get back into the swing of things. >_< I will get back to daily updates, I swear it BY CROM!