• Published 5th Jun 2013
  • 7,910 Views, 841 Comments

The Code of Harmony - Lapis-Lazuli and Stitch

After a thousand years of unchallenged rule, a humbled Princess Celestia - now called Tia Sunbeam - must face her ultimate challenge. To live life as a normal pony, and make some friends.

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Chapter 32 - Mother and Daughter

~~~~~~Temple of the Sun~~~~~~

Tia watched quietly as her daughter raced out of the room and across the interspersed burnt and green grasses that now sharply divided the temple grounds between what had been shielded and what had not. The look on her face spoke volumes to Tia, who had come to know her most faithful student so very well. There was a scrambling sort of fear there - the kind she got when she believed herself to be late, or perhaps that she had not performed well on an exam. Her eyes were as wide as saucers and her breathing quick and sharp.

It was actually kind of cute, if one discounted the fact that she was basically panicking. Back when she’d been a little filly, it had been simple enough to calm her. Now… Now she is a powerful sorceress, perhaps even stronger than Sombra was. Her panicking could lead to problems I would much rather not saddle Lulu with. So Tia forced herself to her hooves as Twilight came to an ungraceful and scrambling halt. Tia couldn’t quite summon up her usual serenity, but she decided to make up for that with a healthy dose of being motherly. “Calm thy self, Twilight Sparkle,” Tia said in the firmest voice she’d ever used with her daughter…

And was more than pleased to see Twilight unconsciously react t to that voice of authority - immediately quelling some of her thoughtless panic before realizing that had been exactly what she had been doing. Twilight gave her a half-stern glare and Tia chuckled wearily at her. “The last thing anypony needs right now is either of us losing our heads, don’t you agree?” Twilight looked confused for a moment, before nodding to her. Good. She’s still sensible enough in there to recognize logic. Tia slowly laid down again, feeling every ache in her body screaming out for some kind of attention. She felt a wince fight past her attempt at projecting calm.

Before she knew it - Tia could feel Twilight aiding her down, taking the strain off her muscles with a powerful burst of magic slowly lowering Tia into a lying position. “You really messed yourself up this time, teacher,” Twilight said softly, her horn glowing with a potent green and violet light. Tia shivered at the cold feeling of Dissonance magic down her spine, then Twilight sighed softly. “You look like what Applejack would call eight miles of bad road. There’s major magical and physical damage here.” Tia snorted in derision at that observation - and Twilight gently smacked her shoulder. “Hush, you. You used this spell enough on me when I was a filly.” Tia privately had to admit that Twilight was right, but she wasn’t going to dignify it with a response.

There was no escaping the conversation though - and a few moments later, Twilight laid down opposite Tia and laid her head down to stare into Tia’s eyes… the sense of Deja Vu which had been growing for some time burst into full life. How many conversations had they held, just like this? When Twilight had been sad or scared, and needed somepony to talk to. How many times had Celestia wrapped her wing around the young unicorn and calmly and gently talked her through her troubles? How many times did I think about telling her she was my daughter… and that she could come live in the palace with Cadence, her big sister… No. She had to stop those thoughts. Her past was her past now - and her future lay before her.

Twilight’s eyes had focused on the golden circlet upon her brow, drifting down to Tia’s eyes. “No crown. I suppose that’s logical.” Twilight sounded surprisingly calm as she spoke - a calmness that belied the churning and roiling emotions beneath the shell. Twilight had learned how to hide so much - but this wasn’t something she could hide from Celestia. “So. What are the Elements of Harmony? Or Dissonance for that matter?” Tia started at that bold faced, logic-laced question… then paused. Perhaps it was relevant, given that they had now reappeared with her sacrifice.

Tia sucked in a deep breath. Twilight was trying to distract herself until she could deal with what was in her heart… and Tia was prepared to oblige her. “That’s actually rather simple,” Tia said, straightening up and taking on her lecturing tone. “And I suppose it’s past time you knew the truth about them. They are… how best to put this?” Tia wondered for a moment, then felt her lips twist wryly. “You have felt now, for yourself, the differences between the two powers. There are certain things that Harmony can do, and certain things things it cannot. The same goes for Dissonance. For much of recorded history, this has been the bone of contention between the two powers.”

Tia wiggled her hoof in a circle. “But the Elements… they allow wielders of Harmony, and I must presume Dissonance, to break these rules.” She tapped the circlet upon her brow. “The Elements of Harmony at least, I know a great deal about. I have studied them intently over the centuries. One such effect you are very familiar with - the drawing of the power of many into a single vessel.” Twilight’s eyes widened at that, as she began to rapidly put together the pieces of the puzzle. Tia couldn’t restrain her grin at the sight - it had always been fascinating to watch that incredible mind launch into work when she realized some fundamental truth of the universe.

Tia nodded solemnly before speaking again, “Yes - not unlike what you can now do with your Cult and Coven. You created a powerful gestalt of Harmony magic with your five friends, and then the Elements allowed you to… cheat, so to speak, by taking all of that newly generated strength and pulling it into your own self. The result was a level of Harmony magic that would never occur naturally in a soul.” Tia pointed her hoof towards Twilight with a vaguely satisfied smile. “This meant you could stand hoof-to-hoof with Discord and Nightmare moon, in spite of the incredibly vast gulf of strength between you and they. This is also one of the reasons that, as friends, you were utterly inseparable. Powerful magics bound you all together in a cooperative of Harmony.”

Tia sighed then, dropping her hoof as Twilight worried at her lower lip with her teeth. “Truthfully, I know little about the Dissonance elements, or their inherent abilities. I can but speculate on what they are capable of doing.” She shrugged, but it looked like Twilight already had the bit in her teeth… so to speak. She would find out what they could do if anypony could. “Twilight…” Tia began softly, and those sharp eyes refocused on her. Green and violet, they were a reminder both of Tia’s failings as a ruler… and as a mother. “You must hate me,” Tia began slowly, those sharp eyes of her daughter widening in shock. “Of all of my thoughts this past week, one has been more powerful than any other… How foolish I was to let you go.”

Tia closed her eyes - no longer distracted by the academics of a simple question, she could not stop herself from admiring the beauty and strength of Twilight. Of memories manufactured by a mind who could not help but see the possibilities of the past. “Perhaps it is arrogant of me to think that I would have been a good mother but-” Then a gentle, silver clad hoof silenced her. Tia’s eyes shot open to see Twilight had moved much… much closer.

“You were a good mother.” Twilight said softly, but very firmly. “Even if I didn’t know you were my mother, you were a good one.” She paused and gave off a soft chuckle… and just for a moment, sounded like the Twilight of old. “Cel-... Tia.” Then Twilight looked annoyed, in the way a librarian is annoyed when a book has been shelved wrongly. “That just sounds wrong to me, even though I know it is the way of things now. Tia. I cannot…” Twilight took in a deep breath and exhaled. “I cannot say I wouldn’t have done the same thing, but… why?”

The last word ended tremulously, and before Tia could speak in response - Twilight exploded with repressed emotion. “WHY DAMNIT!?” Twilight… screamed. A blast wave of green flame and purple power erupted on the spot where she stood and washed over Tia harmlessly… just her magical effect losing control for a moment. “Why this!? I have so little left! Every single part of my life has been thrown to the wind, all the things I once thought were steady and true have eroded!” Twilight’s hooves flung skywards, her voice cracking under the strain.

Tia did not give ground though - she had anticipated this. Expected it, really. Twilight was a creature whose soul was so firmly rooted in the concept of order that she was practically an antithesis to Discord. “I cannot live in the place I call home!” Twilight began, her voice renting the air with unrestrained power. “My friends, for all that they are precious to me, can no longer treat me as one of them! My crown-” Twilight’s hooves came up and slammed the silver and crystal edifice to the ground with such force that Tia felt a thrill of fear that she might actually break the delicate thing. “Is nothing more than the collar of a slave! My life - HAH!” Twilight’s laugh was bitter, hard and arrogant. “The less said the better. But at least… I knew I was not alone. You were there.”

Tia felt a startled thrill rush through her, staring up at Twilight who seemed not to notice anything. “Oh, how I lied to myself…” Twilight began, too softly. She had turned her back to Tia and was staring up at the golden idol upon the hill. “But I just couldn’t escape it. My teacher, my mother, my closest confidant. Even Luna… Luna, who I love so dearly…” Twilight’s voice descended into a whisper. “She isn’t you, Princess. I wouldn’t trade her for anything in the entire wide world, but she isn’t you. She did not bandage my skinned knees and tell me the tales of Clover the Clever and her Creative Contraption.”

The shock of emotion that sent through her - the very first book she had read to Twilight as a young filly in her school - and even now, she remembered it? Tia fought back the tears that threatened to overwhelm her. For all that she had sworn that she would not cry over this day, it was becoming readily apparent that Tia Sunbeam did not command her emotions as Celestia Solaris had. Twilight’s rump hit the ground with an ungraceful thump, her voice all too soft. “After just two weeks on the throne, only now do I realize what you gave me, too late for it to matter. What I could have said to you… what I should have said to you. Whatever your mistakes - my mistakes…my stupid obsession with having to know everything.” Twilight blew out a sigh of exasperation. “Oh, let’s just admit we all screwed up,” she snarled out.

“Twilight! Manners!” Tia snapped, utterly without thinking or without hesitation. Twilight’s cheeks colored for a moment, and then so did Tia’s. “Twilight,” Tia began, trying to master her voice and keep her tears firmly at bay. “It was not you that was flawed. I did not see what was important. I did not see what truly mattered. I could not see the truth from the dogma… until I came here, and saw with my own two eyes what Harmony was truly about.” Tia gave off a soft, if somewhat harsh, laugh of her own. “Sometimes, I think the universe has a truly nasty sense of humor. Granting us wisdom only when it is far too late to apply it.”

Then something curious happened…. Twilight turned with a sudden gleam in her eye. “Now that’s not precisely true,” She proclaimed, in a triumphant and quiet tone of voice. Uh oh. Tia knew that look - Twilight’s mind had rapidly processed through the emotions and come to a stunningly logical conclusion. At least, it was stunningly logical to Twilight. “After all, you’ve simply become mortal. That doesn’t mean you have to remain such.” If Twilight had worn glasses, Celestia did not doubt she would be adjusting them smugly. “I mean, I can understand wanting to stay here as a normal pony for a while - Goodness knows you’ve earned the long rest…”

“Twilight, I do not think you understand.” Tia began, somewhat testily. “I intend to firmly dig my roots in here. Make a life for myself.” Tia paused and felt her cheeks redden slightly. “Find a mate, amongst other things. I do not intend to return to Canterlot except to visit.” Tia emphasized her next word with a pregnant pause. “Ever.”

But Twilight wasn’t going to drop it at that. “Teacher, the world is going to need you. Mortal unicorn or not, the very same mind which guided this land to peace and prosperity for more than two thousand years is still in your head.” She gently reached out to brush her hoof down Tia’s pink mane with surprising gentleness. “For all of my power, I simply do not know politics, diplomacy, economics or even magic as well as you do. Luna has helped immensely, but she is still catching up to modern developments.” Twilight flung up her hooves, as if to shield from Tia’s irritated words. “Live your life. Marry, have a dozen foals, build a unicorn house fit to rival the ancient clans of Unicornia!” Twilight’s voice slowly raised, then fell into a quiet and resolute tone. “But even if you would not remain for me, or for Luna, or for Cadence… Equestria will still need you.”

Tia opened her mouth for a moment, then shut it - No, she could not emotionally or reflexively deny what Twilight said. Else she would never bring this argument to a conclusion… and the last thing she wanted was another spike driven between herself and her daughter. She needed to approach this subject very, very carefully… especially given the emotional spike Twilight had oh-so-casually driven into her heart at that last sentence. “Even if I was prepared to concede that you are correct - Which I am not, not yet - It is not so simple as that.” Tia folded her hooves and blew out an irritated sigh. “I cannot simply become an Alicorn again. The Ascension ritual is not something that has ever been tried twice. There is no telling what the effects might be.” Tia paused, then sighed deeply. “And I do not wish to contemplate what sort of dark and debased magic I might need to undertake to reclaim my Spark.”

Twilight half glared at her then shook her head. “Tia, I’m no expert and even I can tell that this body - this life is completely separate from the life you lived before. You have become a completely new being.” She waved her hooves in the air, as if trying to grasp at the facts. “And don’t ask me to parse the metaphysics of that. I’ve spent the last two weeks just trying to understand what the heck has happened to me! Look.” Twilight winced and lowered her head. “I get it. I’ve been there.”

Tia stared at her for a moment, wondering just what Twilight was talking about. Twilight’s head had now dipped low, the moonlight shimmering through her mane. It was difficult to remember that Twilight had taken Luna’s place sometimes… but now, her mane gently flowed to an unseen breeze of power, filled with stars and streaks of purple and blue nebula. “When… I first came to Ponyville.” Twilight began in a voice roughened by emotion. “I remember with perfectly clarity meeting them all the first time. Pinkie Pie. Rainbow Dash. Applejack. Rarity. Fluttershy.” Twilight’s breathing was even, but her voice was growing increasingly ragged. “I’ll never, ever, ever be able to forget those moments. I’ll never forget the little spark of joy that lit up in my heart when I began to realize how wonderful they were.” Twilight smiled a little - but just a little. “I have to imagine it wasn’t that dissimilar for you.”

Tia took in a deep breath and nodded. “Yes, I suppose it was… It came so suddenly, so without warning.” Twilight nodded, her face filled with a sympathetic understanding.

Twilight looked… haunted, almost. Tia felt concern beginning to build in her and tried to force herself up to her hooves, the aches and pains falling away as her concern began to grow. “Meeting them filled up a place inside of me I had never known was there until they appeared.” Twilight looked up at her… and her eyes were normal. The green was gone, the fire was gone - They were the simple, bright and curious eyes of the young filly Tia had watched over for so very long. “Do you think this is easy on me? Do you think I wanted this? All I wanted… all I ever wanted… was to learn and spend time with the ones I loved, and maybe go on the occasional adventure. But I couldn’t have that - because the world needed me to be something more.”

Twilight’s hooves shot out, and grabbed Tia’s shoulders fiercely. “I know they won’t be around forever. I know I cannot ask them to… to take the steps to keep that from happening.” Twilight said in a quiet, bitter voice. “I have… accepted that. Luna… Luna has helped me accept that. So I do understand, Tia. Better perhaps, than anypony else in the entire world.” Twilight’s eyes slammed shut as her voice strained softly. “To be given everything you ever dared to dream of having. The willingness to do anything to keep it…” The words were breaking down now, as Twilight began to run out of steam - or perhaps, she was just running out of the willpower to try.

But those eyes. Those eyes were proof. The thought was simple, but triumphant.

My beloved daughter. My most faithful student. You are not so far gone as you think.

The decision came swiftly then. “I will make no guarantees.” Tia said softly, feeling resolve steel in her spine. “But I will promise you this, beloved daughter. I cannot know what the future will hold. I cannot say what events may come to change my life. But… if change comes to me, I will not oppose it out of spite.” Tia bit at her lip a little, staring off into the distance. “I will… I will see how things go, so to speak. If fate and fortune conspire to return to me life eternal… then I shall cross that bridge when I come to it. I will not reject the needs of Harmony or of Equestria out of hoof solely for my own selfish desires.” Then she turned a hard look upon Twilight. “But I would extract from you a promise in return, Twilight. Your sworn word, upon every power that you wield, that you will not personally interfere with this.” Tia lifted a hoof. “I will not tell you not to try and persuade me… that would be both foalish and likely impossible to keep you from doing. But you will not directly influence events.”

Twilight mulled that over for a few moments, then exhaled. “Agreed. I will not personally act to affect your possible futures, excepting where not doing so would go against my own personal morals,” Said she, with a quiet sort of smile - a triumphant smile of her own. What was going through her mind, Tia wondered. Had both of them seen something in the other? Was this a new kind of game between them? A broad smile crossed Tia’s face then, and Twilight mirrored it with one of her own. My dearest daughter. You are wiser than you know. Twilight turned slightly and laid down next to Tia - extending her wing out to wrap around her. “I’m not going to lose you, mother.” Twilight said with a quiet love rich in her voice.

Tia couldn’t help it - she laughed softly, and nuzzled herself into the larger form of her daughter. “You’ve grown up so fast.” Tia said with a wistful sort of smile. “It is truly astonishing. Which reminds me.” Tia felt a sly little demon of mischief appear in her heart, and just couldn’t help herself… “When am I to expect grandchildren, Hmmm?” She asked in total stone-faced seriousness, and Twilight stared at her with bright red cheeks, stammering out words that meant nothing. Tia couldn’t help it, she kept the embarrassing assault coming - “I know you cannot precisely have them with Lulu, but that certainly never stopped me. I can recommend you several stallions, or provide you with a spell so that you might have children by those you are closest to. It’s not precisely proper..” Tia affected a ladylike tone, as Twilight’s blush only got redder. “But I know how much you love them so, and I also know how much dear Rainbow Dash loves you in return. I’m certain she wouldn’t mind bearing your foals…”

Twilight’s stammering came to an abrupt halt, and then she burst into laughter - which Tia joined with hearty determination. Not Celestia… Tia. Not an Idol any longer, but a pony wishing to live the ideal. Perhaps the future would return to her the wings of her past - perhaps it would lead her down another path altogether. There was no knowing, now. She would simply have to learn how to take thingsas they came. Whatever happened though… she would live each and every day without fear, or doubt, or hesitation.

A gentle smile crossed the face of Tia Sunbeam as the temple doors burst open and the five ponies who had changed her life forever came charging across the lawn. Twilight looked down with a smile and said softly. “Why don’t you introduce me to your friends, my most faithful student?” Her voice was light, serene and warm… an excellent affectation of Celestia’s own tone of voice.

For a moment, Tia hesitated - and then… Why not? Game on, Twilight. “I would be happy to, Princess Twilight.” Tia said with a soft smile. Twilight stared at her in startled astonishment, then her lips curled up in a smile. Yes. Game on, Princess Twilight Sparkle. I shall make a Sister out of you yet!

~~~~~Two hours Later…~~~~~

The sound of flapping wings and the sudden presence of the most powerful dissonance Sorceress currently in Equestria was more than enough to make Baron Siegfried sit up and take notice. True, the nights festivities had been muted somewhat by the sudden attack, but the citizens of Ponyville were even more hearty a breed than he’d thought. Even now, the celebrations were getting back into full swing as the week long party raged on throughout town. In truth, he’d been expecting her presence much sooner. Lady Luna had not provided him with much information, but she had long known of the torch he had carried for Celestia and had thought to inform him of some of what had occurred.

He had been informed more out of professional courtesy than anything else - she knew he would find out anyway, and so had aspired to keep him from digging in too deeply to the situation. Frankly, the Baron did not care about the details. The end results, the broad strokes of the events were more than enough for him. “My Queen.” He said softly, but did not turn or stand. She was powerful, true - but he was the oldest of his kind. His influence, his wealth and his power ran deeper and farther than hers did, at least for now. Still, there were proprieties to observe - and as she approached he turned and bowed his head to her, his lips touching the ice cold silver of her boot. “What can this poor Baron do for you this fine eve?”

The Nightmare Queen Twilight Sparkle, Lady Hecate, Third of the Trinity, Apprentice to King Sombra, strode around to the other side of the table and took a seat. Her eyes glowed in the dim light of the moon with a fierce green fire that seemed capable of crawling right out of her pores and setting the world aflame. “Baron Siegfried. Do you recall the discussion we had when I took the throne in Canterlot?” That was a silly question - of course he recalled it. Rankled at it slightly, but there were some things the Baron simply had to accept as the way of the world. So he nodded a little, wondering what she was getting at.

Twilight took in a deep breath and exhaled. “I release you from the third promise you made to me that day.” She said softly, and a ripple of power echoed away from her body. The Baron felt the power ripple through him, and his jaw dropped in astonishment. “In fact, I am renaming you the Baron of the Everfree Forest, and restoring to you all rights and privileges associated with your former titles.” The words were delivered in logical coldness, but the Baron was nearly driven out of his chair by the implications of those words. “Furthermore…” Twilight began, her eyes blazing. “I am commanding you to forget that we ever discussed that particular subject in the first place. And whatever will be, will be.” Then she stood up and bowed her head to him. “All I ask is that you pay your taxes on time, and… keep me appraised of developments.”

The Baron felt his breathing coming in rapid pulses as his Queen began to turn away, and though he may be denying himself the Elysian fields… “Why?” He asked - or rather, he blurted out to her. Her steps paused, and she turned to focus that frighteningly intelligent gaze upon him. What in the name of Dissonance was she planning? Had he vastly underestimated her? “I do not understand…” he continued, and that was the Truth. He could not possibly understand why she might revoke that promise… Unless..

“Baron Siegfried.” the Queen spoke softly, her eyes… sad, but determined. “You are not the only one who loves her so deeply. She means as much to me as she does to you.” There was a pause then, and a gentle sort of laugh. ”Besides, you were already planning to do it anyway.” The Queen’s eyes glimmered with just a little humor, and a small smile crossed her lips. “I have simply removed an obstruction from your path.” Then she truly turned away from him, her voice drifting back as her wings flared out. “And Baron?” She quipped, turning her head… and for a moment, he could feel the raw surge of her power in her gaze… and a darkness that boiled within. “Good luck,” She whispered, and took to the skies with a single beat of her wings.

Baron Siegfried fell back into his chair, wiping at his brow. Truly, he had underestimated her… and yet… and yet… he laughed. He laughed helplessly for several long minutes, until the stallion he had been intending to meet came up to his table with a curious look on his face. “Lord Siegfried?” The stallion quipped, and the Baron immediately silenced his mirth, waving at the agent as the grin remained fixed to his face. “I ah… wished to report that our Agent has been extracted from the Ponyville Jail, and Filthy Rich fled town approximately an hour before the attack.”

The Baron nodded, the need to handle business quickly overtaking his humor. “Good. Send Ser Deft to follow him to Canterlot. I wish to know who has been pulling his strings besides us.” The Agent nodded, and the Baron leaned back in his chair with a satisfied smile. “Inform our changeling friend that I am quite impressed with how well he handled the Cider operation, and please extend my warm thanks to Master Cracker and Mistress Snap for accommodating our needs for the fireworks display. Holding the show in the town square was a masterstroke of performance.” And ensured the proper ponies were in the proper place and the proper time. He thought with a smile.

It was always satisfying, after all, when your enemies played right into your hooves. Still, while he hadn’t been given the opportunity to take her for his own this night… Now, he no longer needed to rush. Elements of Harmony or not, there was now no throne to for her to hide behind - no divine spark to plead away. She was as mortal as the next pony, and while that did mean he would have to step up his game to protect her… Well, if there was one thing Baron Siegfried, Lord of the Vamponies knew better than anyone, it was that Mortality had a way of making certain choices seem far more attractive than the alternative.

He would simply have to wait, plan, and be there when the opportunity struck. And then… And then… then I will have you at last… my Beloved.

But there was now so much to do! A mansion to build, a noble house to restore to glory, and an entire new world of politics and power to dive into headfirst. True, he had an ultimate goal… but that did not mean he could not have a good time getting there!

Oh, It was so very good to be back!

Author's Note:

Sorry this one took so long guys. My energy for this story is fast running out, but there's two more chapters to go.