• Published 5th Jun 2013
  • 7,910 Views, 841 Comments

The Code of Harmony - Lapis-Lazuli and Stitch

After a thousand years of unchallenged rule, a humbled Princess Celestia - now called Tia Sunbeam - must face her ultimate challenge. To live life as a normal pony, and make some friends.

  • ...

Chapter 9 - The DJ

~~~~~~Golden Oaks Library~~~~~~~

Vinyl Scratch lifted another record onto the platters of her turntable and set the needle back down, setting it as the next to play of her thumping party music. The requests were coming thick and fast, but luckily most of them were easy enough to fill. She set up the exchanger with three more records and then lifted off her headphones, shaking out her mane with a soft sigh of satisfaction. The party was bumping, ponies were dancing, tails were shaking, and the world was as it was supposed to be. She hopped down off her platform, and trotted over to the little side table she'd set up for herself.

You learned awful quick in her line of work to secure your grub and drink before the party got rolling - and Vinyl was nothing if not a quick learner. Even better - Tavi was there. At some point, she'd slipped into a playful white blouse and skirt combination that went well with her shiny white collar and pink bowtie, with the skirt being just long enough to suggest a bright red thong hidden underneath. Vinyl chuckled - Octavia had really loosened up a lot in the last year or so, even if she was still formal as all hell with her speech. Octavia turned those gorgeous eyes on Vinyl, and smiled beautifully. It was times like this Vinyl felt like the luckiest damn mare in all of Equestria.

"Hey darlin." Vinyl said in her softest tone of voice and ran a hoof through Tavi's mane, eliciting a chuckle from her marefriend. "Having a good time?" Vinyl continued, floating up a pair of cupcakes from the side table - slyly offering a bite of one to Octavia as she took a hearty chomp out of her own. Mm. Vanilla creame.

Octavia took a delicate nibble, and smiled softly. "Of course. You ought to have seen Tia, though - She put on a genuine gypsy dance out there." Vinyl's eyes went wide in a little bit of shock - That shy little filly had done a gypsy dance? in public? Octavia chuckled softly. "We simply have to put together a proper band for her, Vinyl - She looked so vibrant and alive." Her eyes went a touch distant. "I wonder if she was orphaned. That might explain why she's so crowd-shy." Tavi said softly, taking another nibble out of the cupcake.

Vinyl nodded slowly, rubbing at her chin. "I mean... I like her, Tavi. She's cute, she's got layers to her too." She chuckled softly. "And if she can survive Cloud Chaser, she's probably got a wild side under that outer skin of hers." Vinyl said in a slow, testing-the-waters sort of tone. Octavia smirked at her, and Vinyl couldn't help but blush. And here I thought I was being subtle! Vinyl thought with a soft sort of chuckle....

Then Octavia surprised the hell out of her. "We'll see about her later." she said, gently bopping Vinyl's nose. "But first you need to eat something other than sugar, love. I saw them setting up the sandwich tables outside, given how many new guests we're getting." She nodded towards the door. "Go scrounge yourself up something healthy for once." She gave Vinyl a playful shove and a pretty smile. "I can't have you getting sick on me... who'll tell me I've been a naughty pony if you can't?" She winked and flounced off up to the DJ booth - obviously covering for Vinyl and giving her no choice but to get some grub.

Vinyl slowly rubbed her cheek and felt a slow smile cross her face. Octavia gave her a severe look, and vinyl mouthed to her 'You are sooooo hot.' Tavi blushed and Vinyl trotted outside in search of some eats. Sure enough, there were a couple of burly ponies setting up folding tables and laying out platters of various expertly constructed sandwiches. Bell Pepper and his boss had sure gone all out for this little thing, which is probably why the area around the library had turned into a second party all by itself. Now where is... aha!

Tia and Cloud Chaser had cuddled up together on a little bench near the main trunk of the library. Tia was curled up in Chaser's forehooves and gently returning the heated kiss Chaser was giving her with a surprising amount of tenderness. Vinyl just grinned and turned away. Good. She's relaxing, now if only we could get Cheery to do the same thing. She picked up a pair of sweet looking sandwiches and a big mug of what smelled like hard cider, and went looking for Cheerilee.

She'd scarfed the first sandwich and nearly polished off the second before she found the teacher.... right where Vinyl had expected her to be. "Sheesh, Cheery - do you ever not turn into a sad-sack during a party?" Vinyl said with rippling scorn, as she eyeballed the half-a-dozen empty maretini glasses scattered around her on the bench. Cheerilee was nursing a seventh, and had that slightly glazed eye look of a pony who was drunk, but only just starting to feel it.

Cheery smiled a little, her voice slow and steady. "Oh... Hi Vinyl." She squeaked out. "What do you mean? I'm just.. f-fine." She hesitated over the word, the booze in her system cracking her usual outward facade. Vinyl just facehoofed. "I'm n-not lonely at all!" Proclaimed Cheerilee, completely unbidden... and then blushed when she realized Vinyl hadn't said anything. "Oh phooey." she whispered softly, cradling her drink.

Vinyl sighed gustily. "Sheesh. Come on, Cheery." She said, lifting the pony off the bench and slinging Cheery's hoof over her shoulder. "Let’s put some food in you. You ain't goin home alone tonight." Vinyl insisted, her mind clouded with worry for her friend as she trotted her slowly across the field. I ain't gonna let you go home and cry yourself to sleep, Cheery. This is a happy party, and ain't no one leaving it unhappy if I've got a single damn thing t'say about it. so Vinyl tucked Cheerilee's hoof over her shoulder.

Cheerilee was giving her a confused sort of look, and Vinyl wagged her eyebrows at her. "C'mon, it's way more fun to party with other ponies! We'll go get you some caramels..." The mention of Cheery's favorite sweet lit her face up a little. "And you can cuddle up with Tavi while I finish my set. Then we'll go rope Ditzy in and have a party for us too! How does that sound?" Cheerilee was tapping her hooves together in embarrassment as she nodded shyly, and Vinyl chuckled. "Don't gimmie that look, Cheery. You're a friend. Real friends stick together, no matter what!" She proclaimed proudly, as she hoofed open the library door and took her friend inside.


Knock Knock Knock

"Whuzzah?" The Mayor pulled her head up from the pillow, eyes bleary. A hoof groped over to her side table and grabbed her glasses. Who in the name of the dark powers could possibly be knocking on my door this late in the evening? she thought with a grumble. Then came a second knock... a more complex pattern of taps upon her door that sent a race of adrenalin through her body, nearly causing her to tumble out of bed. Luckily, Night Scythe was one of those ponies who slept like the dead - so all he did was turn over in the bed and mutter something about carrots.

The Mayor pushed her glasses more firmly onto her nose and slipped into the black and hooded robe as a matter of reflex - slipping over to the door she opened it just a crack. Sure enough, a scroll was poked through which she grabbed and shut the door silently. Old habits die hard. Mayor Mare bit off the seal and unrolled the scroll with her eyes darting over the words. She very nearly cursed, and wished - just for once - that Chrysalis had stayed here for a few weeks. Damnit, Stratego... She thought with a gentle rub of her hoof against her temple.

Think, Mare. Think! She thought, trying to work her way through the haze of a sleep-slowed mind. Okay. First thing is first. Get Captain Struggle, try to find out where they're going. That was good enough to be going on with, she dragged her sorry self over to the bathroom as quickly as she could. Wincing at the sight of the red spots on her neck from where Scythe had... enjoyed himself. Need a cover for that. She thought, turning the water to full blast in her sink and dunking her head under it to wet down her mane.

She only hoped that they'd be able to stop this before it got nasty.


Tia felt warm.

It was a lot like the warmth she used to get when she was raising the sun in the morning - the gentle feel of the light hitting her face, and then flowing over her body like slipping into a bath. It was the feeling of hope, of a new day dawned full of infinite possibilities. Sure, she wasn't in -love- with Cloud Chaser, and probably never would be... but that was acceptable. Chaser wasn't in love with her either. You didn't have to be in love with somepony to enjoy a bit of intimacy with them.

Besides, Chaser had been nothing if not courteous. She'd been kind and gentle, and even remarkably sweet - suggesting they move off from the bulk of the party. Tia had not even noticed the tense knot in her chest reforming in the wake of her remarkable little dance routine until it was eased away by getting out of that crowd and retreating to anonymity. The soft touch of her lips left little tingles along Tia's coat and she leaned into the gentle caresses with soft, exhaled breaths.

"Heh, you're a sweet little one aint'cha?" Chaser observed in that odd clipped accent of hers, with a smile. That smile had gotten progressively less sultry, and more friendly as the night had worn on. Maybe she didn't see this just as an opportunity for sex anymore? "You make the cutest noises too." Chaser then said with a grin, her hooves tickling in under Tia's forehooves and setting her to giggling and squealing softly under the tease. It was... well, it wasn't like anything Tia had ever quite done before. And she liked that! It was good to finally do some new things.

Tia swatted at Chasers hooves and then stuck her tongue out childishly. "Only when you tickle me like that, you brute." She said in mock scolding, then planted another soft and warm kiss on Chaser's willing lips. Every time she'd done that a little electric tingle had flowed through her body like a cleansing wave of energy, washing away her worries and herself doubt. As she pulled back, she whispered softly. "I don't know what to do next." She admitted, with faintly flushed cheeks.

Chaser just grinned at her, and softly nudged her. "C'mon then. Your place is gonna be occupied for a while... but I know somewhere we can go we'll be nice 'n private. Comfortable too." She insisted, and Tia slowly uncurled from her lap and set her hooves down to the ground... when a chill seemed to eat away at the warmth inside of her. Her ears perked up suddenly - and surprisingly, so did Chasers. "What the... what was that?" Chaser asked in a moment of uncertainty... "You... did you feel that too, Tia?"

Tia nodded, her thoughts racing as she felt a little nibble of that chill again. I know that feeling. Her mind snarled, and she felt vindication in her soul. Changelings. she thought, seething in anger. Yet she tempered that rage, her eyes closing for a brief moment. There is no despair... there is Laughter. The words flowed through her mind like a trigger, and she snapped open her eyes to see the world around her as it truly was.

The entire town was practically dripping with Love energy. No wonder some of the changelings had broken ranks - this had to be like staring at an all-you-could-eat feast for them. Her eyes darted up into the treetops and all around her... at first, she could not track them... then.. there. Amidst the party goers, passing through the crowd. They were disguised, of course. Moving amidst the crowd and sucking some of that love and passion out of every pony they passed. There were only a half a dozen of them, and even though they appeared to be moving away from the party, Tia felt her face harden and her hooves dig into the ground and then...


Nopony here knew who she was. Nopony here knew what she was. It was that thin divide between truth and the real world that was the only reason she had met anypony today who wanted to be her friend. To them, she was just Tia. A shy little librarian and teacher, who happened to be learning magic from Twilight Sparkle. How would she explain how she knew what the changelings were? How could she explain how she'd sensed them, and known what to sense for?

And worst of all - how could she possibly tell them about how she had stripped away their disguises with the pure might of Harmony behind her? She... could not. The first price of power was always that it divided you from others. Twilight had been lucky - her friends had been given nearly the same power as she had. They had all been extraordinary from the very beginning and were united by that extraordinary nature. Tia had no such excuses. No such connections. She shuffled her hooves a little to hide where she'd dug in, glancing at Cloud Chaser - Who was looking at her with worry. Not worry about her... worry for her. It was a look she'd only just had upon her today for the first time... Cheerilee had looked at her like that.

"Tia...It's okay." Said Chaser softly, gently stroking her hoof across Tia's cheek. Tia released Harmony in an abrupt moment, and finally noticed the tears streaming from her eyes again. "You're safe here, Tia." Chaser said soothingly, and gathered the young unicorn up into her forehooves. "No one can hurt you here. I swear, I'll protect you." Chaser said with a quiet, ringing conviction. "Nopony's gonna hurt you so long as I got anything to say about it." she finished... and Tia believed her. Believed in that quiet promise, that naked truth.

Tia nodded once, and softly nuzzled her face into the crook of Chaser's shoulder. She felt a pair of strong hooves wrap around her, and saw Chaser's wings flare out from under her dress and flap mightily - carrying her off up into the sky and away from the troubles below. Tia nearly extended a hoof in protest... and then did not. She deserved happiness for once.

No. She was done. Her war was over.

This was Twilight's job, now.


Vinyl Scratch smiled as she stretched out her hooves and hopped down from the booth, hoofbumping her replacement - Jazzy Beats - who was going to take over for the rest of the night. Vinyl stuck her head around the corner to confirm that Cheerilee was smiling and sitting with Tavi - which she was, and she was drinking water and nothing harder than that. That thus confirmed, she decided to check up on the last two ponies she was worried about tonight. Tia was already in good hooves, Vinyl was sure about that.

The first one was easy - she was with her partner and marefriend Lyra already. Bon's and Lyra had both scrounged up some glowy-sticks together and were doing some kind of wild dance together on the main floor of the library along with a ton of other party guests - at some point, Lyra had gotten her hooves on a pot of frosting, and was painting it onto Bon Bon... and licking it off. Much to the enjoyment of the stallions in the crowd. Vinyl just chuckled. Hey, they were having fun, and that's what mattered. The fact that they were probably both hammered was future Lyra's problem.

Her other worry was a bit tougher to find - but find her she did. Ditzy had laid out a checker-patterned blanket and had procured a pretty good lookin spread from the food tables. Although Dinky was nowhere to be seen, Vinyl was sure she'd been here earlier. Ditzy herself was sitting quietly on the blanket and looking up at the stars wistfully, and quite unaware of her surroundings. "Ayo, Derps." Vinyl said quietly, floating her famous shades up and over her horn.

Ditzy started and blinked up at Vinyl as she approached - looking confused for a moment. "Heh. My sets over, Derps." She gently poked Ditzy's side and smiled a little. "You been out here all night?" She asked quietly, settling down onto the blanket alongside her.

Ditzy nodded a little. "I had dinner with Dinky, and then sent her home to get some sleep along with the Crusaders." she said softly, fiddling with a muffin wrapper in her hooves. "I.. I didn't feel comfortable by myself and Tia got all busy." She continued, looking down at her hooves. "An' She looked kinda happy so I didn't want to bother her, so I came back here. It's a nice night for looking up at the stars too." Ditzy finished lamely, putting on a gentle kind of smile.

Vinyl sighed and rubbed at her eyes. "Derps... if you didn't feel comfortable you shoulda' come and got me. I coulda helped, yanno." She said with a tired smile. She offered up her hoof and Ditzy gave it a soft bump and a little giggle. She'd always found the gesture to be more than a little amusing. "I'll get this cleaned up." Vinyl said, waving her hoof at the spread. "Go home and get some sleep. We'll have something a little smaller just for us girls in a couple of days, okay?" Vinyl said, squeezing Ditzy's hoof. "That way you can party too. We'll even get Dinky a sitter."

Ditzy's mouth bloomed into a much more genuine smile, and she nodded enthusiastically. After a moment she hugged Vinyl too. "Thanks Scratchy." she whispered softly, squeezing tightly. "You're a good friend." She whispered softly. "Take care of Tia for me, okay? Make sure she doesn't... get hurt." She hesitated over the word, tapping her hooves together in nervousness. "She's got a good heart. She doesn't deserve to get hurt." Ditzy said in the gentlest tones VInyl'd ever heard her use before suddenly rushing off into the sky without another word.

Vinyl shook her head a little and pulled magic into her horn to clean up the little mess and fold the blanket up neatly. Sheesh. That Tia girl sure has dropped one heck of a rock into our little town's pond. Vinyl thought with a trace of amusement. It's almost as crazy as when Twilight showed up. Now all we need is some kinda disaster, and I'll be gettin creepy amounts of Deja Vu!



Mayor Mare's jaw was practically on the table. Valiant Struggle nodded softly, scratching at his chin idly. "I got guards at every party in the city, Ma'am. All of em' have been trained to spot changelings." He paused then coughed. "Well, Most'a the parties. One of em's got a special guard." He said with a slow grin on his face.

The Mayor sat down into the chair with a thump and rubbed her eyes tiredly. "And you're telling me they've been seen all over town?" She said with a whisper, a fierce desire for denial on her face. "Oh no. The decree is being posted tonight. Everypony in town is going to see it tomorrow and you just know the conclusions they're going to draw, Struggle!" Her voice slowly raised up into a wail of despair, which made the guard captain wince a little and rub his ears.

"Settle yer tits down, Mare." He grumbled softly. "I'll be makin a public statement ta the effect that we had some bad apples tryin' to flout the new laws before they went into place. We'll get a complete list of the offenders and we'll handle it nice and publicly. Should actually be a net benefit when all the parties involved see that we deal with this crap above board." His grin was fierce and proud, and he smacked his hoof into the table with decisiveness.

The Mayor paused for a moment to contemplate that statement, then slowly began to nod. "Yes... Yes! That's brilliant! Oh, Captain." She said in her most happy voice, flinging her hooves around his neck and kissing his scruffy cheek - which got a bright red blush and a muttered denial out of him. "You're a genius! But... wait. What if they run afoul of this 'special guard' of yours? Who is it?" She asked, her eyes narrowed in suspicion.

Valiant Struggle coughed mightily and gave off a weak sort of grin. "Well, I'm sure she'll be discreet. She's workin direct fer the Princess nowadays ya see! an' and.... Um.." He looked off into the distance, obviously suddenly troubled. "Mebbe I oughta send a squad t' check up on 'er..."

The Mayor slammed her hooves into the table. "Quit dodging the question, Captain! Just who is this mare?" She demanded, her eyes blazing. I hate not being told things! especially important things! she thought venomously, and hoped to dissonance this wasn't going to blow up in her face....


The group of loosely affiliated changelings from R'akk hive surged along the streets - having finally found a celebration where no powerful unicorns existed to cause a fuss. A large celebration of earth ponies out on the edges of town, surrounded by apple orchards. Their swarm was small - only two hundred or so. But it was more than enough to entrance the whole group of them - the love here was sickeningly thick, and the swarm was looking forward to a night of debauchery with these silly ponies as their willing playthings.

But what they did not expect - what they did not see, until it was far too late to see - was the lone figure wrapped up in a periwinkle purple cloak, bedecked with stars and moons. They did not see the shining piece of moonstone carved into the shape of a crescent moon which bound her cloak together at the neck, nor the slightly floppy wizard’s hat upon her head. They saw nothing of her silvery mane, nor her fearless purple eyes.

They did not see the book bound up in steel reinforcements and hanging by a chain from around and across her neck - hanging just over her shoulder. The glittering words upon the cover of the tome shining out in the moonlight... 'The Code of Harmony'. They did not see the bright sapphire blue vest trimmed in silver that she wore, or the fireworks it concealed beneath her cloak. They did not see the delicate silver-and-steel hoofboots upon her forehooves, crossed over her chest in comfort.

They saw none of these things, because that pony did not wish them to see her - until it was far too obvious what their intentions were. And then, it was too late.


Princess Luna had warned her there might be trouble when the Hivemaster left. Without Shining Armor, Chrysalis or Stratego to strike fear into the hearts of Chrysalis' former hive, she had worried they might try something stupid. Trixie had sized up all the possible targets in town, and this one had made the most sense for her to protect. No unicorns to hold off the attackers, no pegasi to fly off for help. Only the quiet and loving earth ponies of the Apple Family. They were good folk, if a bit too folksy for Trixie's taste.

One look at the swarm of disguised changelings and she knew her hunch had been right. That put a confident smile on her face as she shoved herself off the big tree out near the front yard. The invisibility illusion peeled away from her body, broken by her movement away from the bark of the tree. She strode with all of the confidence she had once showed upon the stage out into the middle of the road. The crowd of changelings stopped in their tracks as the moonlight reflected off her silver boots, the freshly stitched silver stars and moons upon her cloak and hat - and the chain that held the book that had changed her life forever.

She lifted her head with a slow smile, as recognition spread over the dull faces of these changeling fools. Some of them had to have been there when she had driven them away from Carousel Boutique - and even those that hadn't would have heard of her. Trixie twisted her neck a little and a shining medallion untangled from behind her neck, falling gently to glitter in the moonlight. A golden sun overlaid with a silver crescent moon, and a single steel sword emblem embedded into the middle of it. The symbol of the Royal Guard.

She arched an eyebrow, and spoke in a soft and confident tone. "Going somewhere..." She began with a wicked smile, as her horn lit with a blinding white power. Her thoughts whispered softly, silently to herself... as a white mist grew up around her hooves, little geometric patterns etching themselves into the dirt around them. Her smile was fierce, proud and as certain as the moonrise. ".... Changeling Scum?"