• Published 19th May 2013
  • 904 Views, 62 Comments

The Tail of Dark Lightning Sword Slash Attack Blood Melee Shadow Knife Edgy Explosion Rape Stupendous - Goldy

Dark Lightning Sword Slash Attack Blood Melee Shadow Knife Edgy Explosion Rape Stupendous goes on an awesome quest in Equestreah

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Comments ( 21 )

I think I gave up trying to understand what the fuck was going on like halfway through reading this. Also, loved it bbg XDDDDDDD #yolo swag

The fuck did I just read?

~Skeeter The Lurker

I hope you know this is getting a dramatic read as well.

Hee hee hee! A new chapter, I love it!

But why is it cancelled?

Fuck you, my fez is completely heterosexual


B-b-but it was cancelled! Why did you lie to me, honey? :fluttercry:

This is just the beginning.

2814379 <4 u 2 bby gril
2814499 it keeps habbening
2814637 You read "The Tail of Dark Lightning Sword Slash Attack Blood Melee Shadow Knife Edgy Explosion Rape Stupendous".
2814684 It's always cancelled. :moustache:
2815338 (:
2815607 Read 2 above.
2816436 *beggining

Keeping in tone with the rest of the story.

Makes sense.

I wish more people got this kind of humor.

2817676 Ja.
2825652 When I wrote this, I realized a lot of people wouldn't get this kind of humor, but I knew those who did would truly enjoy it, and that's why I wrote.
Either that, or I did it to annoy the shit out of those who didn't. :moustache:

2830584 I loved it all over again. Great job. :moustache:

I'm sorry but... Your OC... :facehoof:
-Alicorn: -1:ajbemused:
-The colour: -1:pinkiesick:
-Looks evil: -1:unsuresweetie:

That bitching aside, I'm still gonna read this.:twilightsheepish:

3170588 u wot m8 i fokin sware il rek ur shit fgt 1v1 quikscoep scrub il fok u up u litle nob i sware on me mum ur guna be fokin ded m8

3170672 U wont hav te chans m8 I alredy rigged ur fookin pleb house, u threten me so I just press this buton over here 20kg of tnt, nyeega *presses da butn*

3170672 I just noticed this is f*ckin' comedy gold. :ajsmug:

This deserves to be published and sold all over the world in every language.

He looks like he does meth... Does he?

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