• Member Since 11th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 1st, 2014


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) How do I fly as demonstration man? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Comments ( 62 )

I ejaculated

I am from the Train Shrek Explorers, and I think this is the greatest ever! This is going straight to the Padded Cell!



Goldie wat.
Goldie nu

(9/6 would fap many times again)

I came.

But I'm pretty sure you could fit more clichés in there.

Nothing I could ever write could possibly compare to the awesomeness that is this story.

I don't think I can read anything else now that I've read this story because other words in the form of a sentence pale in comparison to the raw sex of this story.


-looks at pants-


I really like her mane.

Oh Goldy Goldy Goldy. What can I say other than this made me laugh.

This was some funny shit. Keep up the good work.

>no bat wings, blood red eyes, pointy teeth or "blood" in his name

Its like you're not even fucking trying

mein gott....you just took every bad cliche with mlp fanfiction....and somehow made it work:rainbowlaugh:

you, dear author....get all of my kudos:moustache:

I jizzed like a sissy.
That's all.

This has to be the finest piece of literature I've ever had the pleasure of laying my eyeballs on. Now if only this erection would stop being so damned rowdy.

...I think I love you.

Incoming shitty reply comment number UN:

2598575 :raritywink:

2598582 :eeyup:

2598583 AMERICA

2598596 I may add a sequel to this later, featuring some cliches I couldn't fit in.

2598606 <3 u 2 bby

2598613 I don't even know how to read anymore.

2598627 JARATE

2598655 <3 urs to bby

2598656 Tahnks, m8!

2598680 ;____;

/le sukoku

2598742 :moustache:

2598745 I came 4 u to, bby

2598851 I had that problem when I wrote this. Calmly slapping your dick was what I did.

2599211 <3 u 2


He need a Fez, every Alicorn OC look 20% cooler with a Fez.

2599629 Aww, honey, you shouldn't have~ :raritywink:

There are either four people out there who have no idea what fun is or Goldy posted on their fics calling them awful and they're just here for petty revenge.


Or they are jealous because this story have a better OC ? :pinkiecrazy:

2599704 le 20% coler xDD

2599752 No problem, desu-kun~~ :333

2599876 Both, probably.

2599928 That also.

i laughed so hard at the cover art.. and then i saw your avatar, needless to say, i shat bricks

Speaking of that avatar, where did it come from?

This is the best story I've ever read. :rainbowlaugh:

This fic has many layers to it.

2600618 "Shitting bricks is bad for the anus." ~ Confucius

It's real, look it up

2602520 Here. (NSFW, obviously.)

2603005 :heart:

2603469 Like an onion?

i just edgy-ed in my pants

NUuuuuu :raritydespair:
Anthrooooo~ :raritycry:

2604752 Not edgy enough.

2606023 Le desu :333~

Also lolbutthurtdislikers


I thought at one point in time that no troll fic could surprise me or make me laugh...

Was wrong. Great job.

2607991 This isn't a trollfic. :pinkiecrazy: This is fucking beyond serious, man.


Certainly not like a parfait, though.

This is the sexxest stuff ive efer red. Pls moar or I repot u.

2635514 I am writing a sequel, I'm trying to have it done by the end of today.

Comment posted by Slothic deleted May 27th, 2013

You write that sequel and I may do another special reading.

2641568 yey :33333333 desu~

I think I gave up trying to understand what the fuck was going on like halfway through reading this. Also, loved it bbg XDDDDDDD #yolo swag

2814379 <4 u 2 bby gril
2814499 it keeps habbening
2814637 You read "The Tail of Dark Lightning Sword Slash Attack Blood Melee Shadow Knife Edgy Explosion Rape Stupendous".
2814684 It's always cancelled. :moustache:
2815338 (:
2815607 Read 2 above.
2816436 *beggining

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