• Published 20th May 2013
  • 2,034 Views, 117 Comments

Princess Celestia: Sorceress Supreme - spideremblembrony

When the world is in danger from mystical forces beyond anything anypony has ever seen, only one pony can stop them. Princess Celestia is the Sorceress Supreme.

  • ...

The Nexus

The days passed by ever so slowly after the events of her first mission. Celestia couldn’t get her mind off all that she had seen and heard. The chaos was all around her. Screams of ponies down below her hooves and her mind constantly switching to multiple points happening simultaneously. While the training was meant to prepare her, an overwhelming feeling threatened to break her back.

Everypony acted like they had forgotten the events, all except Dusk and herself. Dusk, with every glance he gave her, looked as if he would attack her at any moment. She knew that Dusk hated her, but would he really resort to violence?

Who was she kidding? She knew it would only take one more slip up on her part and Dusk would lose his temper again. Celestia did whatever she had to in order to avoid Dusk. She had no interest in confronting him, nor did she want to be reminded of her ‘mistake’ as he called it.

She didn’t know how she would be able to forget, seeing such a horrible monster and the destruction it was willing to cause. The images repeated themselves in her nightmares. At least, in the little sleep she did get. When her mind wasn’t on the giant spider, it was focused on Luna.

Luna would lie in her bed, never moving or speaking. The only motion that came from her was the slight breath she let out every so often. It was the only indication she received that her sister was still alive. Had it not been for that, she would have drowned in her despair that her sister was gone.

However, if anypony were to ask how she was fairing in the face of her sister’s state, she would not have been able to answer without a stream of tears following shortly after.

Celestia couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of failure. Repeatedly, she had tried to awaken Luna and continually she had failed. Spell after spell she would cast, but nothing would ever come of her attempts. She searched her mind, begging for answers. Her questions would always remain just that.

Depression began to enter her mind, as she feared that her sister would never stir. She would never get to hear her voice, share a laugh, or wipe her tears.

As she sat at her sister’s side, her horn glowing, her mind revisited old memories of the joy the two had together. A quick close of her eyes and she could see the two shooting down the long chutes Canterlot. A smiling Luna stared back at her with a bellow of laughter. Celestia started to smile as the screech of joy tickled her ear.

All she wanted to do was stay in this fantasy world where she and Luna were together at last. Where they could be a family again, with nothing to tear them apart.

However, Celestia’s fantasy melted away with a single word coming from reality. “Celestia,” Starswirl’s voice echoed from the walls of her personal illusion she had created. She opened her eyes and glanced down at her sister, still as lifeless as before. “The Ancient One requires our presence.”

Celestia took in a deep breath with a slight drop in her posture. She didn’t want to leave. She placed her hoof gently against Luna’s cheek, hoping for some kind of response. However, Luna continued to lie. A small stream came from Celestia’s eye. She wiped it away quickly, trying to clear her mind. If the Ancient One required her presence, she needed to stay focused. Not just for him, but for Luna. If she perished, who would find a way to wake Luna?

She exhaled slowly before turning around, her hoof following her. With a heavy heart, Celestia stood up and joined her allies.


The Ancient One took Celestia, Starswirl and the others through a portal into a large building. A building that could house a long, tall tree within its walls.

Despite how big it was, it was filled with nothing. There was no furniture, no windows and only one door. The door was atop a walkway which was connected to two ascending staircases. She wondered why this building was not visible when she was previously cleaning the castle before. She figured that it was the same magical illusion that hid Luna from her until she was ready to see her. Dismissing the thought from her mind, she continued up the stairs with the others.

Celestia followed the other unicorns up the flight of stairs and straight to the doorway. Upon opening the door, they found a large, long stair case which lead to an even larger door. As the group made their way up the stairs, the Ancient One’s voice entered their ears.

“Our plane of existence is shared by an infinite number of others. We are not aware of them, nor they of us, for they exist in separate dimensions.”

“Separate dimensions?” Celestia asked.

The Ancient One made no gestures that he heard her, but instead continued his speech. “Separate worlds that swirl all around us, each with its own realities, magic, rules, and entities that rule them.” As they approached the door, Dusk’s horn started to glow, turning the door handle.

The Ancient One continued to speak. “But each dimension has a gateway that leads only to this place. The Sanctum Santorum. “

Dusk opened the doorway to reveal an eerily colored world that spanned on for infinity. Pink and purple lights shot all around them leading into the yellow and orange sky that stretched all around them. Celestia looked all around her and saw large caves coming from all sides around her. Caves that looked as if they were imbedded deep in the sky itself.

Looking within them, she could see strange creatures and other realities. Worlds so strange and different from the one they were living in. One was populated by creatures with strange fingered appendages. Another she saw a group of ponies drawing their swords and engaging in a battle for the kingdom. At least, as far as she was able to make out.

Another was an entire reality of pigs that spoke as they did.

Celestia’s mind couldn’t count how many worlds she saw. So many worlds, she thought to herself. What other worlds lie out there? There were simply far more than her mind could comprehend. For every strand of hair on her head, there were caves that lead to another reality, each one far stranger than the last.

“Welcome to the Nexus,” the Ancient One finally said, after allowing Celestia’s mind to ponder what she was seeing. “The center where all dimensions are connected. As sorcerers, it is our duty to protect it.”

Celestia turned towards her master. “Protect it? From what?”

“Discord.” The Ancient One then flew deeper into the Nexus, leading the others. Celestia’s mind began to wander. This was the third time she had heard Discord’s name, but she knew so little about him. She had never thought to ask, but with everything that had happened recently and her hearing his name more often, she thought it best to know as much as possible.

Starswirl gestured Celestia to follow before him.

With that and a flap of her wings, Celestia followed her master as he continued to speak, as if sensing Celestia thoughts.

“He consists of chaos magic and exists in the Chaos Dimension, a world consumed by his brutal appetite.” The Ancient One led the ponies to a dimension with a large magical barrier, which looked like lightning shooting from all sides, expanded across its entrance. As the group set themselves in front of it, the Ancient One began to cough violently, nearly collapsing to the ground. Starswirl made his way to his master’s side, helping him stay on his feet.

Starswirl turned to Celestia and started to speak. “Discord once came through the Chaos Dimension’s portal and seized the Nexus. He was attempting to flood his dark powers into other worlds, including our own.”

Celestia attempted to look though the gateway to see inside, but the magical barrier would blur everything like a colorless fog in the night sky. Occasionally, a lightning bolt would clear up the image around it, but only slightly and for a brief moment. She slowly approached it, her eyes narrowing, hoping to focus through the fog.

“But you stopped him,” Celestia surmised.

Starswirl shook his head. “Not us. The Ancient One. He was able to drive the chaos lord back into his own world and seal the gateway.”

The Ancient One rose to his feet. “But not before he unleashed an army of monsters into our dimension. One of which was the reason you no longer have a father.”

Celestia’s ears couldn’t believe what she had just heard. Her mouth nearly dropped from her face. She had heard of the creature that had murdered her father, but now she had just learned that Discord was responsible. A fire began to burn in her stomach.

All she could think of was back to that day when her mother had given Luna and her the devastating news of their father’s death. How unfair it was that she had to grow up without a father. It angered and saddened her to learn that this monster had taken her father from her when she was only a child. And these monsters had nearly destroyed her mother on several occasions.

Her body started to shake, as she felt her front hooves pushed into the ground. A fire burned in her that desired nothing but retribution. Then her mind went back to the Ancient One’s words. The words he had said to her when she first was reunited with Luna. ‘You must not allow yourself to be consumed by grief.’

With those words, she took in a deep breath.

Celestia turned towards her master. “Does Luna know? About Discord’s creatures killing our father?”

The Ancient One nodded, a hint of sadness was carried in his voice. “I told her when she was still too young. She wanted revenge and was willing to make whatever sacrifice she needed to achieve it. To tell her was my failure.”

Celestia lowered her head in sorrow. If she had not been through everything she had. If she had not thought of nothing but Luna’s health. If she had known the truth, she doubted she would have acted differently. Knowing what had become of Luna, due to her lust for revenge, she followed her master’s teaching; focusing only on her sister.

“And what of Discord’s creatures?” Celestia asked.

“We have slain all, but one,” Starswirl stated. “The Chaos Dragon. It will awaken on the day of its master’s return.”

Celestia looked at the magic shield, separating the Nexus from the Chaos Dimension. She examined it closely, taking in every aspect. Her horn started to glow, focusing on the shield. She was no expert in magic, not like Starswirl or the Ancient One, but she figured the shield was still incredibly powerful. “I don’t understand. Is the shield weakening?”

Starswirl shook his head. “No, but Discord is still able to manipulate his creatures. Somehow, he is still threatening to come to our world.”

“And this Chaos Dragon?” Celestia turned back to the Ancient One. “Where is it now?”

The Ancient One closed his eyes. “On its way to Canterlot.”


Queen Faust had been in an important meeting with the senators of her land when Sir Roland burst into the throne room. Roland had expressed his apologies, which Faust had easily accepted, and he voiced his concern. Roland had stated there was a matter of terrific urgency. When asked what the emergency was, Roland only stated ‘It was easier to show than to explain.’

Faust stood on the balcony to see a figure in the distance. As the creature came from the horizon, Queen Faust could tell what the creature was and that is was massive. The creature, heading towards Canterlot, was a dragon. An unmovable fear gripped Faust as the dragon flapped its mighty wings, slowly growing closer to the city.

“Your highness,” Roland finally spoke, allowing the initial shock to be over. “I shall ready my troops to begin your evacuation.”

Faust quickly whipped her head back to face Roland. “No. You will send your troops down to the village. I want you to evacuate everypony in the surrounding area as quickly as possible.”

“But, your majesty,” Again Roland’s pleas were interrupted by Queen Faust.

“You will then come back for the castle staff. I want them evacuated through the old catacombs.” She looked down to the city below, ignoring Roland.

“Your majesty, I insist that you come with us.”

Faust shook her head. “I will stay until everypony else is safe. That is my duty.”

“But your highness-“

“Do as I say, Sir Roland!” Faust snapped her head towards him, finally growing impatient. Her intense eyes focused on Roland. He took a step back in fright at his queen’s tone. Faust lowered her head, a sense of sorrow hovering over her. Her eyes then transformed into a mother-like gaze, filled with sadness and guilt. “Please,” she asked.

Roland bowed his head and complied with his queen’s orders. He made his way out of the throne room, escorting the senators along the way.

Queen Faust could only look at the sky, now filling with the dragon’s image as it cried into the sky, shaking the very foundation of the throne room. Not enough to hurt anything, but enough to certainly be noticed. It’s cry, even its echo, was horrifying. Like death itself was in that cry, whispering to them. If anypony didn’t realize the dragon was on its way, they would now.

As Faust entered the castle, her body felt heavy. She took in a deep breath as she took a step forward. However, her hooves failed her and she collapsed to the ground. She attempted to move, but found she was far too weak to move. Her body ached and her eyes were difficult to open as if they were weighed down by a ton of lead. Breathing normally became as difficult as performing with a weight on her chest.

After a few moments, she allowed herself to lay on the ground in exhaustion. Everything that had been happening in her kingdom had been taking its toll on her. The more frequent appearances of the monsters that plagued her subjects causing her to build new refugee camps until homes could be established, the constant trips to the village to keep the children, in mysterious comas, alive and still trying to govern her kingdom. It was slowly draining her strength.

She had spent weeks, months trying to discover the reason behind the comas. Unicorns had spent nights and days working with her. But for all their work, they still had nothing. Nothing to help them. They were going to die and soon. And it was growing worse. More and more children were being comatose by the day. Eventually, it would overwhelm her and possibly kill her.

She knew this, but she refused to give up. She knew, she prayed, that something would come to their aid. She refused to believe that the Lord’s Above would simply abandon them.

Sleep became an impossible task in the days of late and any sleep she was able to get was far and few between. Even then, it was only for a few mere hours.

Every day she felt weaker, but refused to show it. She needed to stand, so her subjects would not be fearful. She refused to be seen caring for herself when her ponies needed her more.

After a few minutes of rest, her strength started to return. She still felt weary and exhausted, but at least she was able to stand. Picking herself up from off the ground, grunting and struggling along the way, she made her way back to the throne room. A guard had asked to assist her as she struggled her way down the hallway. However, she just smiled and politely refused, telling him not to worry.

Faust wished she could be as confident as she sounded. She wasn’t sure how much more of this she could take. She would no doubt wear herself out until she died. And if she perished, the children in the village would no doubt follow.

She hobbled her way onto her throne, toppling on it. Once her body was on the mattress, she found it hard to move. She wasn’t sure if she didn’t have the strength to move, or simply didn’t want to. She lay on the mattress, attempting to recover.

Queen Faust looked upward to the heavens. “Lords above, please watch over my little ponies. Please, keep them and my daughters safe.”


Celestia felt a surge of magical energy slither up her spine. A cold and powerful magic that she hadn’t felt before. It felt as if it was coming from the Chaos Dimension. She took a step towards it. “Did you feel that?” she asked her companions, placing her hoof on the barrier. As she examined the barrier, her body felt a tremendous force pushing against her hoof. It was all she could do not to move it.

“Step away from the veil, Celestia,” the Ancient One advised.

Celestia turned her head towards her master. “But if the answer is here, then we should-“

The frightening image of a terrible monster forcing against the barrier startled Celestia into leaping back in fear. Celestia eyed the creature as it fought against the barrier, unable to penetrate it. Celestia could only classify the creature as a chimera-like creature. It was comprised of many different animals. Its limbs comprised lion’s paw, an eagle’s claw. The two bottom limbs Celestia couldn’t see, but as she eyed its face, two yellow eyes glared straight for her. She looked up to see two horns atop the creature’s head, an antler of a deer and the horn of a goat.

After a moment of insane laughter, unleashed by the creature’s lungs, the beast quickly vanished back into the distance of the Chaos Dimension.

Celestia was breathing heavily, a cold sweat running down her face as she recalled the events of just a moment ago. They were terrifying and yet, so strangely familiar.

“What was that?!” Celestia asked, her adrenalin turning her question into a shout.

“Discord,” Starswirl stated.

Celestia’s mind wandered into her history. She knew she had seen that face. Those horrible yellow eyes. Then, like a boulder, it hit her. “I’ve- I’ve seen that creature before,” Celestia stated.

“You what?” Dusk snapped. Celestia turned towards him and noticed he was glare at her with his eyebrow raised. Celestia had completely forgotten he was still there. She sort of wished she would continue to.

“Where?” Starswirl asked.

“At a hospital in Canterlot,” Celestia started to explain. Her heart started to sink as her memories began to replay in her mind. She had been so quick to give up on children who needed her help. She felt horrible thinking about it. However, she pushed her emotions aside and focused on her task. “There was a child who was in a deep sleep that couldn’t be awoken from. When she touched me, I entered her mind.”

For a moment, Celestia had doubts of what she was saying. But after all she had seen, all she had experienced. She knew that there were more things going on around her than she could understand. “And I saw that same face.”

“A child, you say?” the Ancient One asked.

Celestia nodded. “Yes, but she wasn’t the only one. There were dozens. All of them in a sleep-like trance just like...” She paused as she came to a realization. This new information stalled her and sank into her brain. “Just like Luna.”

“What?” Starswirl asked.

“Those children at the hospital. They were in the same death-like sleep that Luna is in.” Celestia stomped her hoof and grunted in frustration. “Why didn’t I see the connection before?”

“Of course,” the Ancient One stated, as if he had figured out something he should have known all along.

“What is it, master? What does this mean?” Starswirl asked.

“Sometimes the pure mind of a child can pierce through the veil of other dimensions. Discord has found a way to tap into that power.”

Starswirl raised his eyebrow. “But what does that mean, master?”

The Ancient One took a step towards the barrier. “If enough veils are passed, it is a portal into our dimension. Through the window of the mind.”

Celestia began to understand. Discord was using the children to create a portal through dreams. But there was one thing she didn’t understand. “How does Luna fit into all this?

The Ancient One turned towards her, placing his hoof on his chin. “I believe Luna is the key.” The Ancient One pointed to Celestia. “Go. Take Starswirl and awaken your sister. The rest of us will remain to protect Canterlot.”

Celestia nodded as Starswirl guided her back to the Sanctum. As they journeyed, Celestia began to grow a sense of uncertainty. She wasn’t sure how she was going to awaken her sister. And she was growing even more doubtful that she could do it before Discord was freed.


As the Ancient One, Dusk and the others took their positions in Canterlot, the Ancient One made it very clear that he would lead the group against the dragon and that everypony was to follow his orders to the letter. The Ancient One didn’t trust Dusk anymore and he made that point clear.

The Ancient One sat upon the towers of Canterlot Castle as he watched Redeye, Vibrant, Hoofcuff and Pureheart aid in the evacuation of the city.

The ponies fled in panic as the howls of the dragon in the distance became deafening. Its massive grey snake-like body began to blot out the sun as it became a looming shadow over the city.

“My children, the creature is upon up!” the Ancient One spoke to his unicorn children. “Prepare yourselves!”

The Ancient One bowed his head as the clouds in the sky began to gather. With violent thunderclaps, lightning began to strike the creature’s skin, causing it to erupt in earsplitting screeches. The dragon opened it massive, teeth filled mouth as flames began to emanate from it. Finally, it unleashed a massive firestorm towards the tower of Canterlot.

With a single gesture, the Ancient one summoned for a tidal wave, seeming out of thin air and quenched the fire blast.

With every beat of its mighty wings, the Ancient One felt as if he was fighting a living hurricane. The buildings below started to break apart by the sheer force of the winds. The windows in the castle shattered as the gusts hit them.

Redeye had finally abandoned the evacuation efforts to aid his master in the battle. Redeye’s horn started to glow as he unleashed an ice storm against the creature. The creature roared into the heavens, echoing for miles, as ice chunks hit its body.

The dragon responded with a quick whip of its tail aiming towards Redeye.

Redeye narrowly escaped its path, but the force of the swing sent him soaring uncontrollably throughout the air. When he finally regained control of his flight path, Vibrant and Hoofcuff joined his attack.

Hoofcuff summoned forth magical chains and hooks, which dug into the creature’s flesh as they wrapped themselves tightly around it. The dragon struggled against its restraints, growling with ferocity.

Vibrant, dragging along several large boulders, unleashed them against the dragon. The rocks broke apart as they assaulted the dragon’s body.

Redeye unleashed another ice storm against the beast.

The Ancient One gathered the ballista bolts from the castle and unleashed them. The dragon’s skin was assaulted by ballista bolts, cutting into its flesh, blood running down from each wound. However, the dragon seemed as indomitable as before.

With one flap of its wing, it was able to knock the three airborne unicorns out of the sky and on a collision course with the ground. As the unicorn’s focus was broken, the dragon broke free of the chains that bound it, giving a thunderous bellow.

Hoofcuff was able to regain control the quickest and made her way to the dragon, once more. She generated a spear made of pure magic and threw it at the creature’s flesh. The spear dissipated at it hit the dragon’s flesh, causing the creature to turn its focus on the tiny unicorn.

The dragon opened its mouth and unleashed a firestorm toward Hoofcuff. Hoofcuff was able to summon a force field to quickly shield herself. Once the flames made contact with it however, it disappeared. With no protection, Hoofcuff was powerless against the flames as they assaulted her body. She screamed in agony as her body was consumed, leaving only ash.

The Ancient One, seeing this, unleashed a powerful thunderbolt at the beast’s hide. He shouted in rage as the dragon turned its attention towards him, echoing his cry.


The room that held Celestia’s dear sister, Luna, was as silent and as still as before. Celestia had contemplated much on what she had been asked to do. She wasn’t sure she was going to be able to achieve what the Ancient One had set before her, even with Starswirl’s help.

Celestia made her way to Luna’s bedside, gently stroking her face. “Starswirl, I don’t know what to do.”

“What do you mean?” Starswirl asked.

Tears started to develop in Celestia’s eyes. She fought them as hard as she could, but they continued to threaten to pour down her cheeks. “I have tried countless times to free my sister, but never can I free her.” She turned towards Starswirl. “If the Ancient One cannot awaken her, what chance have I?!”

“You are stronger than you think, Celestia,” Starswirl explained, placing his hoof on her shoulder. “You need only do what the Ancient One told you to do. You can save Luna by unlocking the secret magic powers that lay within you.”

Celestia shot Starswirl a confused and disappointed look, tears running down her face. “How?!”

“The same way you defeated Dusk. Focus on the task at hand and concentrate.”

Celestia thought back to her first day of training. She had been so scared, so angry and so tired of Dusk pushing her around. She wanted to fight back, to prove to Dusk that she wasn’t helpless and weak. She could never figure out how or why she was able to summon such magical forces, but she could never deny its power.

Celestia wiped her tears and focused her thoughts. She only focused on Luna and how she would give anything and everything to save her.

As if sensing Celestia’s thoughts, Starswirl spoke. “I will aid you in entering her mind, but you must do the rest, alone.”

Celestia would have nodded, but she couldn’t hear Starswirl’s voice. She could hear nothing around her, except Luna’s breathing. She could see nothing around her, but Luna’s body.

When Celestia finally opened her eyes, she found herself in a strangely familiar setting. A red and orange hell-like sky filled the horizon. Stone slabs soared aimlessly throughout the void she found herself in. Thunder boomed in the distance, only to be overpowered by the stone platforms exploding, like volcanos as lava poured our generously.

Celestia instantly recognized the place she was in. It was the same nightmarish hell she found herself in when she examined Melody, the child at the hospital.

Celestia scanned the area for any sign of any other life. However, there was no indication of any creature living here, pony or otherwise. Celestia set out to one of the stones, soaring throughout the endless red sky, and continued her survey of the area.

“Luna!” she called out, the empty air echoing her voice. She searched around her, but the area was as empty as she remembered it. Her confidence began to dwindle into doubt as she continued her search. “Luna!” she cried out again, hoping that something would change.

However, there was nothing. Celestia was about to move to another part of this nightmare realm, when something hit her square in the back.

Celestia flew uncontrollably off her platform as she screamed in pain. Her body collided with one of the stone platforms. Her body tingled with pain as her chest burned after her collision. She struggled through the pain her body felt as she made her way to her feet. She turned around to see what had attacked her.

And the sight she beheld was one of horror and sadness. The dark alicorn creature hovered above Celestia, its eyes glaring at her as if to accuse her of a heinous crime.

“Hello, sister,” the creature hissed like a venomous viper, ready to strike.

Celestia was gripped by terror as she looked upon the creature. The creature was encased in blue armor and its skin was black as the darkest shadows. But no matter how Celestia tried to deny it, the creature she faced was, without a doubt, Luna.

Author's Note:

Wow, these chapters get longer and longer apart, don't they? But, I'm putting it back on a monthly schedule. Tune in next month on the 15th of December for the next chapter.