• Published 20th May 2013
  • 2,035 Views, 117 Comments

Princess Celestia: Sorceress Supreme - spideremblembrony

When the world is in danger from mystical forces beyond anything anypony has ever seen, only one pony can stop them. Princess Celestia is the Sorceress Supreme.

  • ...

Dusk and Discord

Celestia arrived at a small camp that had been set up outside the village of Canterlot. She looked to the distance to see refugees were continuing to flood it. Just beyond them was the city of Canterlot. The towers that set in the distance were less radiant as a cloud of smog cloaked them in its ominous veil.

The smoke, no doubt, came from the fires caused by the Ancient One’s battle with the Chaos Dragon. Celestia wondered how many of her group was still alive. With a heavy heart, she surmised if any of them were still alive, they would have made contact.

Celestia made her way into the camp, catching a few ponies glancing her way. They whispered in each other’s ears. Celestia could have heard what they were saying, thanks to her new abilities, but it didn’t matter to her. All that mattered was her mission.

She made her way to what looked like a small hospital tent. Ponies began to gather all around her, keeping their eyes fixed on her. Voices all reaching her ears as they murmured to one another. However, she chose to ignore them as best she could and focus on the task at hand.

Celestia entered the tent. Her entrance, while uneventful, did not go unnoticed by the medical staff. They could only watch as their entryway was blocked by their former princess. The staff murmured indistinctly.

One of the nurses slowly approached Celestia. Celestia eyed her carefully, recognizing her. She was the same nurse who she had cruelly refused to help. To Celestia, it seemed that the Lords Above either had a sense of irony, or wanted to give her a second chance.

“Princess Celestia,” the nurse stammered her words and bowed her head. “What- What are you-?”

Celestia raised her hoof. The nurse went silent, expecting her to speak.

“Where is the child you asked me to help? Is she still here?” Celestia asked.

The nurse was at first silent, as if baffled by her question. After a moment, Celestia opened her mouth again.

“Where is the child you asked me to aid?”

The nurse finally complied with her request and guided Celestia to Melody, the young filly who Celestia had failed to save.

As Celestia made her way deeper into the tent, she took note of the children within. She noticed that the number of children in these death-like comas had increased. Time was running out. She needed to move quickly if she was to stop Discord.

The nurse told Celestia of the child’s care slowly deteriorating. They used magic to keep the child alive. Much like Pureheart had done for Luna, though Celestia couldn’t imagine their magic was as powerful. And since there were dozens of patients to tend it, it would take a lot of magic.

When they arrived at Melody’s bedside, the parents instantly caught sight of Celestia. The father stood up.

“You?! How dare you come here?!” he spat, his eyes narrowed towards her.

Celestia felt her heart sink. His words echoed in her ears as his eyes fell upon her. He had right to be angry with her. She had dismissed this as unimportant and beneath her. However, she promised herself things would be different. Her brand reminded her of that.

“You never cared about anypony but yourself! I want you out of my sight!” the father shouted.

The nurse attempted to intervene, but Celestia stopped her. “No. I deserve those words.” Celestia lowered her head. “But if you will allow me, I would help your daughter.”

The father started to move forward, but was stopped short by a hoof touching his shoulder. He turned back to his see his wife, tears gathering in her eyes, begging him to allow her to try. Not a word was exchanged and yet, it felt as if they had just had a full conversation. The father gave a surrendering sigh, taking a step back and out of Celestia’s path.

Celestia stepped towards Melody, gazing upon her. The little filly was in the same state Luna was in. Silent and still. Celestia placed her hoof gently upon Melody’s brow. The father and mother holding each other, looking onto their daughter with desperate eyes.

Celestia’s horn and eyes glowed as the world around her disappeared. Once again, she found herself in the hellish nightmare Luna was trapped in. She searched around her, hearing a small voice whimper in the distance. After finding the source of the sound, Celestia made her way towards a wandering platform. On top of it was Melody, crying into her hooves.

Celestia made her way to Melody and embraced her in her forelegs. At first, Melody seemed afraid, but she was quickly comforted by Celestia’s mother-like voice.

“It is alright. I’m a friend.”

A loud cackle came from behind them. The two turned to its source to see a wave of fire coming straight for them. Melody hid her eyes in Celestia’s chest, as if silently praying that it would stay away. Celestia simply eyed the creature. The flames took on the form of Discord. Celestia’s eyes and horn glowed as the two disappeared before being engulfed by the flames.

Melody gasped as she opened her eyes. Celestia placed her hoof on her brow once more. “It’s alright, Melody. You’re safe.” Her gentle voice seemed to calm the child. Melody turned her head and caught the sight of her parents.

“Mommy! Daddy!” she cried in joy. Melody leaped out of her bed and darted towards her parents, who embraced her the second they could. Tears ran down their faces as they held each other tightly.

The father looked up to Celestia, his lips trembling. “Thank you,” he said, his voice broken by his sobs.

Celestia simply smiled and bowed her head. She turned towards the nurse, who stood awestruck.

“But… But how?” the nurse asked.

“I will explain later, but now I must do the same thing to all these children,” Celestia explained.

The nurse bowed her head and guided Celestia to each and every one of the children in the hospital. While Celestia went to work, the nurse asked another worker to gather the parents of the children. One by one, Celestia would travel into the child’s dream and take them from Discord.

There were some close calls, however. Discord was persistent in keeping the children hostage, but Celestia would steal them away faster than he could retrieve them.

After several minutes of the repeated process, Celestia had awakened the children in the hospital. The hospital room was filled with laughter, tears of joy and cheers as, one by one, the children were reunited with their mothers and fathers.

However, Celestia found it difficult to smile. She had done well, yes, but the Eye around her neck told her that they weren’t safe yet. Celestia turned towards the nurse, who had aided her.

“What is your name?” Celestia asked.

“My name is… Heartstrings,” the nurse replied, bowing her head.

Celestia smiled and shook her head. “Please, do not hold me on ceremony. I am not a princess here.”

Heartstrings raised her head up and smiled. “Still, what you did today... How can we repay you?”

Celestia’s smile disappeared from her face. She knew her task was not done. Not yet. “Are there other children, whom you are aware of, with the same symptoms?”

Heartstrings held her chin for a moment. “Canterlot has some patients. They house about three times what we have here. We moved them there in the hopes that your mother might be able to help them.”

Celestia’s eyes widened. A sharp pain burst in her heart. She hadn’t thought about her mother. Her mother was the most powerful alicorn in Canterlot and it would fall onto her to help keep these children alive. A task she knew her mother would never refuse.

It was overwhelming to think about. What sacrifices would her mother make to ensure the safety of her kingdom? The answer, she didn’t need to look hard for.

While her mother was powerful, she wasn’t in the same league as Pureheart or any unicorn she had met during her travels. And she was to care for hundreds of patients. Her heart began to sink as the thought of her mother slowly withering into nothing clouded her mind. A thought she refused to let become reality.

“I must leave at once,” Celestia stated as her horn started to glow. With that notion, she vanished, but not before seeing Melody’s smiling face, thanking Celestia for saving her life.


With a small flash of light, Celestia arrived in the throne room she once called home. As she looked around her, everything seemed exactly as she had left it. The same ascending throne that towered over the floor. The same purple rug that traveled down the steps of the throne all the way down to the doorway. The same golden doors that provided entrance and exit.

Celestia couldn’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia as she scanned her surroundings. And on top of the throne, she could see her mother, lying atop it. Faust struggled to her feet as she started to stagger down the steps. Celestia could tell her mother hadn’t seen her yet. Faust started down the stairs, but was having trouble gaining her hoofing.

Celestia began to worry as she eyed her mother. She looked exhausted. She was having trouble staying upright and was sagging. As Faust came down the last steps, she started to tumble to the ground. However, at the last second, Celestia caught her with her magic, preventing her from hitting the hard surface.

Faust opened her eyes as the soft force stopped her. She slowly looked upwards to see Celestia. She squint her already weary eyes, as if she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. “Celestia?” her weak voice was able to speak.

Celestia’s eyes and horn glowed once more, causing Faust to drift silently to sleep. After her mother was deep in slumber’s embrace, she placed her mother gently back on the throne. As she approached her mother, she noticed that she was smiling. Celestia was a bit surprised at such a sight. She didn’t know why she was. A tornado of thoughts appeared in her mind, frantically conjuring an answer.. Perhaps Faust was happy to see her again. No, not perhaps.

She convinced herself that was the reason. It was unfair of her to think otherwise. She realized that her mother had the responsibilities of everypony in her kingdom, not just her. She remembered her growing angry towards her, which caused her to act out. But she hadn’t realized how hard she had to work to run her kingdom and raise her daughters. As Celestia gazed upon her mother, she began to realize how important she was to her.

Celestia then pecked her mother on the cheek. Rest easy, mother. It’s my turn to be responsible.

As she made her advance out of the throne room, she couldn’t help but take another look at her mother as she left. She looked so peaceful, compared to when she first arrived. She hadn’t seen her in years, but she could still tell when her mother was exhausted. Never had she seen Faust fatigued to the point of collapsing. Celestia began to feel guilt fester in her stomach, but began to push it away. She convinced herself that there was nothing she could do to change what had passed, but she could find a way to change the present.

With that thought motivating her, Celestia made her way to the hospital wing.


Dusk was revealed a startling piece of information by his new master, Discord. His master had revealed that a new Sorcerer Supreme had been chosen. Of course, Dusk had known it would happen. The death of the Ancient One would cause the Eye to choose his successor. But whoever it was, Dusk felt confident he could kill them too. With only three left, he knew that it had to be Starswirl that would be the Ancient One’s successor.

However, when his master told him the identity of the next Sorcerer Supreme as Celestia, Dusk became outraged. How could that weak little foal be Sorceress Supreme and not him?

Discord also revealed that Celestia was weakening his power over the veil and that Dusk was charged to stop her. A task he was all too excited to accomplish.

Dusk made his way into the hospital wing where Celestia was hard at work reviving the children. He smiled as his horn started to glow, casting a spell to motion the children out of bed.

As Celestia approached one of them, the child stood up and crawled out of bed. Celestia scanned around her, seeing all of the children in the hospital wing, standing up and move around. However, they were not natural movements. The children hobbled around the room, not speaking, not even looking at Celestia as she called to them.

Dusk finally appeared from the shadows and revealed himself to Celestia.

“Dusk!” Celestia smiled as she found a friendly face. “Thank the Lords, you’re here!” She then turned towards the children who were making their way for the exit behind her. “Something’s wrong! I think Discord is making his move!”

Dusk smiled at how stupid Celestia was for exposing her back. “Really? That is a tragedy.” Dusk then fired a beam of energy from his horn, hitting Celestia square in the back.

Celestia was sent soaring into the wall in front of her, slamming into it hard. She began to struggle to her feet as she turned towards Dusk, who was coming for her, his horn glowing.

“Dusk!” she cried out. “What are you doing?!”

Dusk simply smirked as Celestia continued to carry a confused stare on her face. He then fired another blast from his horn. Celestia was able to conjurer a barrier in time, but Dusk’s attack was so fierce that it broke her barrier and sent her flying straight through the wall behind her.

Dusk approached the hole Celestia had created. He poked his head through it to see the wall had collapsed on the other side of the hallway. Sticking just barely out of the pile was a long white hoof. It remained motionless and still. Dusk smiled as he was certain that Celestia was dead.

Some Sorceress Supreme, Dusk thought to himself as he turned away. The children began to gather towards him. “Come along now, children.” His horn started to glow. “It’s time for you to meet your new master.” With a flash of light, Dusk and the children vanished into thin air.


Celestia felt pain slither into her body as she awoke. Her mind desperately tried to recall the last thing that had happened, but her head was pounding too much to concentrate. She could barely move, she was surrounded by darkness, and breathing was difficult.

She started to hear voices, but she couldn’t make them out. She had a hard time distinguishing if they were real or if they were simply caused by her latest memory. The one she blacked out from. As the moments passed, the voices began to become clearer. Either they were getting closer or her head was clearing up. Maybe it was both.

Celestia then started to recall her last moments before blacking out, piecing together what had happened, when suddenly…

“Tia!” Luna cried out.

Celestia opened her eyes to see Luna and Starswirl stand over her, digging her out of the rubble around her. Celestia almost smiled to them, but the pain denied her that privilege. She slowly raised herself out of the pile of stones and looked towards her sister. “I thought I told you to stay at Sanctuary.”

Luna smiled. “You are lecturing me about not doing what you’re told? Things have changed.”

Celestia wanted to laugh at Luna’s comment, but the pain kept her from it. Her body was racked with it. Starswirl and Luna helped Celestia to her feet.

“What happened?” Starswirl asked.

Celestia held her head in her hooves, trying to regain her focus, but her head was still pounding like a drum. Regardless, she remembered exactly what happened before she blacked out. “It was Dusk. He attacked me.”

Starswirl and Luna were silent for a moment as they looked at each other then back to Celestia.

“I think Dusk has joined Discord,” Celestia finished.

Starswirl and Luna’s eyes widened as the news reached their ears. They lowered their gaze to the ground, sorrow and hopelessness gripping their faces.

“This is very bad,” Starswirl stated.

Luna looked away. “Even before I went under, Dusk was more powerful than any of us.” She turned towards Celestia. “It would take all three of us to take him down.”

Celestia nodded. “Then that’s exactly what we do.” Celestia started to trot forward. Her body was still in pain, but she did her best to ignore it. Taking a step forward, she felt her body tremble, nearly toppling to the ground.

She entered the hospital room and noted that only the children that she was able to awaken were still there, but they were in their beds, sleeping. The other children were gone.

“Dusk has taken the children!” Celestia exclaimed.

“Then we must hurry!” Starswirl said standing up. His horn started to glow and engulfed all three of them in its light.


Dusk stood tall as he overlooked the sea of children, flooding to the center of the town. They did not speak and moved only when Dusk ordered them too. They seemed to be like puppets to Discord’s power. Dusk’s mind excited itself with thoughts of Discord’s tremendous power. Power that Dusk hoped to see for himself. After all, Discord had promised to show him power beyond his wildest imagination, so long as the Ancient One died and he was freed.

Dusk had fulfilled half of his bargain, so far and was so close to achieving the other half. He even got to kill Celestia, which was almost a reward by itself. Another Sorcerer Supreme was no doubt chosen in her place, but he didn’t give it a second thought. If the Eye chose Celestia over Starswirl and Luna and she was defeated easily, they would give him little trouble.

He stood silently as the children continued to hobble into the town square, as if they had no will of their own. Dusk looked upon the towers of Canterlot Castle. He gave a cruel smirk as he thought of the fate of Queen Faust. Soon, she would share the same fate her husband did. While he did not cause her husband’s death, he did not feel guilt or sadness about it. He thought it was more than he deserved.

Suddenly, a presence startled him from his thoughts. He felt a magical presence come from behind him. He thought that it was an opponent sneaking up on him. However, the movements he felt depicted otherwise. They were almost as if they wanted to be found. Smart? No. Bold? Certainly. Especially if they knew what beheld Celestia. As if he was speaking of the devil himself, Celestia found his way into his gaze, standing in the shadows of a nearby alleyway.

Dusk was at first angry that Celestia had survived, but he grinned, allowing himself the opportunity to humiliate Celestia again. “Well, it seems you’re made of tougher things than I thought, princess.”

Dusk was about to make his move. However, he felt another presence gathering to his right. A moment later, another presence to his left. He slowly turned his gaze to his left to see Luna stepping out of the shadows, readying herself for battle. He slowly glanced to his right to see Starswirl appearing from the darkness.

He scoffed as all three of his opponent’s prepped themselves for an attack. “Three against one? This should be interesting.”

Without any warning, Dusk fired a beam of energy towards Celestia, forcing her to leap into the air to keep away from his attack.

Luna and Starswirl quickly took advantage of Dusk’s distraction to fire their own energy blast at Dusk. However, Dusk quickly summoned forth a shield blocking their attacks. Dusk flew into the air, his shield still holding from their attacks. Dusk flew so fast towards Luna, she wasn’t able to move before he rammed into her, his magic shield protecting him from the blow.

Luna was sent to the ground, hitting it hard.

Starswirl created a morning star out of pure magic and swung towards Dusk. Dusk quickly created a sword out of pure magic, blocking Starswirl’s attack. Starswirl started to push with all his might against Dusk’s weapon. Sensing this, Dusk unleashed a beam of magic towards Starswirl’s chest, sending him through the window of a nearby building.

As Dusk prepared another attack, Celestia tackled him from behind, sending him to the ground. Dusk picked himself up off the ground, glaring down at Celestia. He shot into the air and fired another beam of energy at Celestia. This time Celestia summoned forth a force field to protect her. Dusk fired another blast from his horn, but Celestia was able to avoid this one, before unleashing one of her own.

Dusk, using his magic, deflected Celestia’s attack with his hoof. He then used his hoof to unleash a powerful blow to Celestia’s body. This sent Celestia slamming into one of the buildings before tumbling to the ground.


Celestia slowly started to move, but her body was in agony. She fought to her feet, looking up to the sky. Her blurred vision was able to depict Dusk, looming over her like a vulture. His horn started to glow as he made his way towards her. Suddenly, a beam of light hit Dusk, sending him to the ground.

Celestia looked to the source of the attack to see Luna coming for her. Luna helped her to her feet. “Tia, go help the children. We’ll handle Dusk.”

Celestia grunted in pain as she attempted to argue. She didn’t want her sister fighting Dusk. He was too strong for any one of them. Tartarus, even with three of them, they were unsure they could win.

However, Luna was able to change Celestia’s mind. “If Discord breaks free, then none of us have a chance.”

The truth in Luna’s words rang in Celestia’s ears. Although she was loath to admit it, Luna was right. She needed to abandon the fight against Dusk to focus on stopping Discord.

She made her way to the children. They looked like hollow versions of themselves. The only stared up at the moon, as if waiting for something to happen. As Celestia looked up to the stars, she could see the moon slowly starting to shift from its normal light hue to a dark red color.

Celestia feared that she didn’t have much time. She focused her magic on the children hoping to release them from Discord’s grip. However, as she focused on freeing one, a group of them opened their mouths, unleashing powerful screeches from their mouths. These were not normal children screeches however. The sounds felt as if they were amplified to induce pain. Celestia broke her concentration shouting, covering her ears in agony. She attempted to regain her focus, trying to ignore the intense screams. Despite her best efforts to drown out the sound, the screams were withering her to her knees.


Dusk had recovered from Luna’s attack. He spotted Luna coming straight for him with a halberd prepped and ready for an attack. Dusk created a magical scythe and blocked Luna’s attack.

Luna swung again hoping that Dusk was still dazed from her last attack.

However, Dusk was able to block her attack once more, this time forcing the halberd from her hooves with a swift motion. Dusk then swung his weapon at Luna, but she was able to summon forth a shield to protect her. Dusk swung again, this time even harder. When his weapon hit the shield, it shattered the barrier, causing Luna to be driven back by the force of the attack.

Dusk noticed Starswirl coming back towards him. Starswirl created a magical sword from thin air and swung it at Dusk. Dusk blocked with his scythe. The two exchanged several more blows, their weapons breaking up as they hit each other, only to reform just before the next blow. The weapons would flash in a bright light as they collided with one another.

The two weapons finally locked against one another, causing the two to stare each other down.

“Why would you betray us?!” Starswirl demanded. “Why?! After all these years?!”

“Because the Ancient One failed to see what I deserved!”

“You never deserved Sorcerer Supreme!”

Dusk gave a sinister smirk. “You share the same mentality as your dead master!” Dusk noticed that Starswirl wasn’t looking straight at him anymore. He was looking just over his shoulder. Dusk surmised that Luna was coming up from behind him. After a moment, he knew she was. Dusk, using all his might, spun around quickly and tossed Starswirl behind him.

Starswirl and Luna were so shocked at the speed and power Dusk showed they could hardly react. Instead, they slammed into one another, causing them to fall to the ground.

Pain slithered into Luna’s body as she started to hobble to her feet. She looked down to see Starswirl, motionless. Luna’s mind began to piece together the last few seconds. Starswirl had shifted his body so that he would take the brunt of the attack. Luna turned around to see Dusk completely ignoring them. Instead, she focused on Celestia, who was screaming in pain as the children started to gather all around her. As Luna moved to her feet, she noticed the children were producing a high pitch scream that caused Celestia to writhe in pain. Luna quickly crafted a spell that would protect herself from the sounds, without making her devoid of the sounds she needed to hear.

Like a lightning bolt, she then darted to Dusk, who was preparing his horn to strike a defenseless Celestia down. Before Dusk could unleash his attack, Luna rammed into him as hard as she could, sending him skipping across the road.

Luna made her way to Celestia, who was still thrashing in pain. She picked her sister up and dragged her out of range of the cries of the children. Celestia shivered in pain and terror as Luna called out to her. Quickly, Luna casted the same protection spell on Celestia, protecting her from the siren-like wails. She then started a simple healing spell to help Celestia regain her strength, but she knew she didn’t have long to cast it.

Luna looked behind her to see Dusk coming straight for them, a magical spear aimed and ready to fire. Luna flew to intercept him, summoning a barrier around her. Dusk unleashed his weapon. However, as it soared through the air, Luna expanded her shield to encompass the area around her. The spear hit just off to the left of Luna, where it would have hit Celestia instead, if not for Luna predicting Dusk’s move.

Luna gave Dusk a slight smirk, hoping to enrage him.

However, Dusk gave a cruel smirk, almost imitating her. “Luna, good to see you up and awake.” His horn started to glow. “But let’s be honest, I’ve liked you about as much as I’ve liked your sister.”

Luna began to recall her first days at sanctuary as Dusk spat his words. Luna remembered coming to sanctuary, just barely being sent from her home. The ponies around her were so much older than her and she didn’t know any of them. And then there was Dusk. He was cruel to her from the moment she arrived and no matter how hard she tried to make peace with him, Dusk would not return the favor. Luna secretly harbored hatred for Dusk for the way she was unfairly treated, but found friends in the temple who also disliked Dusk. That helped her deal with him. Now, she was face to face with him.

Luna stepped out of her trance to see Dusk sending a powerful bolt of lightning towards her. Luna soared into the air, avoiding the blast. Luna opened her wings getting above Dusk. She flapped them with all her might, creating a powerful gust of wind. Dusk struggled against the blast, attempting to stay airborne.

Dusk gathered all his magical might and generated a powerful shock wave, dispelling the wind storm as well as repelling Luna, causing her to spin uncontrollably in the air. Dusk took advantage of the disoriented Luna and unleashed a powerful beam of energy. Luna, unable to react in time, is hit by the blast sending her to a nearby rooftop.

Luna forced herself to her feet, in spite of the searing pain in her chest. She looked upwards to see Dusk coming down upon her with a blade in his hoof. Luna created a blade of her own, blocking Dusk’s. Luna struggled to stay on her feet as Dusk continued to push down with his weapon.

Luna’s horn glowed as she conjured a powerful force blast, sending Dusk into the air. It distracted him long enough for Luna to follow him into the air. Luna swung her blade at Dusk, but Dusk quickly moved out of her line of fire. With Luna defenseless by her swing, Dusk fired another beam into her chest, sending her to the ground.

Luna attempted to move, but couldn’t get back to feet. All she could do was lie on the ground, vulnerable. Dusk came straight for her with his blade. Luna could see him coming, but couldn’t stop him. She was too weak. She felt a sense of terror as the blade inched towards her body. Suddenly, another blade appeared, stopping Dusk’s in its tracks.

Luna looked up to see Celestia. She was breathing heavily, her ears were bleeding from the inside, and she looked enraged.

“Don’t you dare touch her!” Celestia shouted, as she forced the blade from Dusk’s hooves.

Luna smiled, but that smile was quickly erased as Dusk headed straight for Celestia. She wanted to help her sister. To save her as Celestia had before. But she was helpless. She could only watch and pray.


Dusk generated another blade of light and swung it towards Celestia. Celestia leaped into the air, barely avoiding Dusk’s blade. Dusk followed her and swung his weapon again. Celestia quickly blocked it with her own sword. Celestia swung with her weapon hoping to catch Dusk, however, Dusk moved too quickly. Celestia admitted to herself she wasn’t proficient in weaponry. Not like Dusk, who had been training for battle for years.

Celestia knew she couldn’t afford to lose, but as their weapons clashed again and again, she learned that Dusk was far too skilled with a blade for her to defeat. She needed to resort to other tactics.

She abandoned her blade and summoned forth a shield to take its place. As Dusk’s sword hit her protection, Celestia created a small hole in it for her mouth. She then blew with all her might, creating a powerful ice storm straight into Dusk’s body.

Dusk was hurled back into one of the buildings then to the ground. Celestia smiled at her success. Her attack had caught Dusk off guard and now she had the advantage. Dusk was slow to move as Celestia started towards him, her horn glowing. She unleashed a beam of energy towards him.

However, Dusk was able to generate a smoke cloud as the beam zeroed in on him.

Celestia generated a powerful windstorm, knowing that Dusk would use the smokescreen to his advantage. The storm blew away the fog. As it did, Dusk shot from the smoke and delivered powerful blow to Celestia’s body.

Celestia toppled to the ground. Celestia attempted to rise to her feet, but found it difficult to stand upright. She looked up to see Dusk. Dusk had generated a coil from his horn. Celestia instantly knew what he was planning. She created a barrier around her neck as a collar with spikes pointing straight towards her appeared around it.

She could feel the collar slowly approaching her flesh as she concentrated with all her might to keep it away. Every second, however, the spiked inched towards her. She felt a cold shiver as one of them poked at her skin. She looked up to Dusk, who was smiling as the collar continued to threaten her.

“You’re not strong enough to beat me!” Dusk cackled.

Celestia’s mind went into a blank rage. She knew after Dusk was done with her, he would go straight for Luna and then Starswirl. Celestia vowed she wouldn’t let that happened.

“I’m stronger than you think!” Celestia hissed. Concentrating harder than she had before, Celestia gathered all her magical strength and generated a powerful force blast. This knocked Dusk out of the air and onto the ground.

With the coil around her neck gone, Celestia fired a beam of energy at Dusk. Dusk was pummeled by it before he could react.

Dusk fired a beam of his own at Celestia, but Celestia was able to block his attack with a barrier. Celestia then created a double of herself. The two of them fired upon Dusk, but he moved out of their path before they could connect.

Dusk fired a beam at what he thought was the real Celestia, but she avoided the attack.

The two Celestias then split into four. Then eight, then sixteen. Dusk looked all around him to see several Celestias surrounding him. He gave cruel chuckle. “You know these copies are illusions, don’t you? They won’t distract me long!”

Dusk concentrated with a spell. A powerful wave of energy was sent from his body, washing over the Celestia copies. When he opened his eyes, the illusionary Celestias disappeared. He scanned his surroundings to see where the real Celestia was, but she was nowhere to be found. He frantically searched around him, silently preparing for anything she threw at him.

“Long enough!” Celestia voice came from behind him.

Before Dusk had time to react, Celestia clobbered him with a powerful magical spear. Dusk was sent to the ground hard.

Dusk started to his feet, but stumbled back to the ground. He cursed to himself as he struggled to regain his hoofing.

Celestia gently placed herself on the ground. She looked upon him feeling a sense of pity. He was like an angry child. Angry that he had not gotten what he wanted and was ready to throw a tantrum to get it. She almost felt sorry for him. But she knew what he was going to do. She knew needed to contain him.

Then a powerful boom came from the heavens. Celestia looked up to see the sky being blotted with black clouds that gave a thunderous roar. The sky lit up with bright flashes of lightning and the air was overwhelmed by the thunderclaps. Celestia looked upon it and felt something unnatural about it. Celestia diverted her attention to the children. They were all hovering in the air and had an eerie green glow about them.

The glow started to depart their bodies, shooting up in the air towards the black fog. The children fell to the ground. The children began to slowly awaken, only to cry out in terror at the shape that was forming above them.

Celestia heard Dusk start to laugh. She turned towards him with a glare and he repaid with a smile of satisfaction. “Looks like you’re too late, princess.”

A figure began to form out of the dark clouds. The towering form of Discord. Discord unleashed a cackle to the heavens as thunder and lightning played, as if attempting to echo his laughter. “Oh, it’s so good to be free, after all these centuries!” He began to stretch out his limbs, cracking loudly as if they hadn’t been moved in a long time.

Celestia felt a surge of panic slither through her body. She hadn’t expected Discord to enter their realm. She never anticipated she’d have to face such an adversary. And she prayed she’d never have to face it alone.

“Free at last to spread my reign of chaos!” Discord stated, his voice booming and echoing to the distance.

Dusk return to his feet and made his way to just below his master. The children in the streets scampered to their feet, running as far away from Discord as their legs or wings could get them.

“Master, I have fulfilled my side of the agreement.” Dusk bowed his head.

Discord turned towards Dusk and smiled. “Oh, yes. That’s right.” He slithered down so that his gigantic pupil was face to face with Dusk. “You want to know power beyond imagination, don’t you?”

Dusk gave a cruel smirk. “Show it to me.”

Even from a distance, Celestia could tell the excitement in his voice. With Discord’s power, Celestia didn’t feel she could beat Dusk. She had barely won with her own skill. She looked over to where her sister and Starswirl lie. Both of them were still unconscious. Neither one of them could help her. She was on her own.

Discord made his way back to the heavens, high above his servant. “Very well. You shall witness power beyond your comprehension.” Discord opened its lion-like paw and within an instant, a power blast came from it.

Dusk’s expression of joy turned into terror as he noticed the energy blast was coming straight for him. He brought up a shield as quickly as possible, only a second between him and the attack. The blast exploded as it hit Dusk’s shield, sending stone and dirt to soar off the ground in a whirlwind of chaos. Dusk was sent soaring across the road, skipping across it like a stone on water.

Celestia, who was several yards away, was sent back to a nearby wall by the sheer force alone. Celestia’s body trembled in pain. Her shaking hooves attempted to pick her up, but she had trouble gaining her hoofing. It hurt too much to move. And the fear she had for Discord was growing. Such incredible power... and he wasn’t even aiming for me.

Dusk was also slow to rise to his feet, but found his hoofing much faster than Celestia. He glanced up to the sky, a baffled look painted across this face.

Discord howled to the heavens in laughter. “You should see the look on your face! Priceless!”

Dusk tumbled to the ground as he started to inch forward. “You?... You betrayed me?” He growled, picking himself up again. “You lied to me!”

“Of course I did,” Discord stated with a snicker. “I’m Discord, spirit of chaos and disharmony. Lying is what I do.”

Dusk’s horn started to glow as he unleashed a powerful beam towards Discord.

Celestia could feel the force of such an attack. It felt that Dusk was giving everything he had in that one shot.

However, Discord casually raised his dragon-like claw, stopping the attack just short of his body. He then rolled his eyes and gave a yawn of boredom.

This only made Dusk angrier. He unleashed more of his power onto Discord, but it had no effect.

Discord sighed. “You know I’ve enjoyed our time together, but all good things must come to an end.” Discord’s claw started to glow as the ground below Dusk started to crack open.

Within the cracks, zombie-like creatures started to grab at Dusk’s body, attempting to pull him within the crevasse. Dusk struggled with all his might, unleashing blast after blast against the creatures, but nothing affected them.

“Dusk!”Celestia shouted as she gathered what magic she could to encompass Dusk’s body in a levitation spell. She pulled and tugged, trying to free Dusk’s body from the creature’s grip. But even working together, the zombies were too strong. Celestia lost a hold of Dusk’s body and an instant later, he vanished into the pit, screaming in utter fear.

Celestia watched at the cracks of the earth closed in, taking Dusk forever. Celestia felt powerless as Discord’s lungs unleashed a series of cackles to the skies around them.

“That is funny!” Discord pointed to Celestia. “You would try to save a pony, who only mere moments ago, tried to kill you?!” Discord’s laughter repeated itself throughout the horizon, a grim reminder of Celestia’s failure to save Dusk. Celestia looked up to see Discord wiping a tear from his eye. “That’s precious. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a world of chaos to create.”

Discord soared higher into the sky, his eyes and claws glowing in a dark red aura. Just above the clouds, Discord opened his claws to release several demon-like creatures from them. They flew from their master’s grip and out into the world.

“Go, my children of chaos!” Discord announced. “Go and spread disorder across the world!”

Celestia rose to her feet, focusing all her magic on her target. She steadily trotted her way just underneath him, standing up as straight as her shaking body would allow.

Her presence finally caught the attention of Discord. “Oh, how cute.” Discord put his hands together and talked as if Celestia was just a filly. “The wittle pony thinks she can beat me.”

Celestia unleashed all her power against Discord, but like Dusk before her, her attack had no effect on him.

Discord laughed as Celestia attempted again.

Celestia could feel her magic weakening. She knew she wasn’t strong enough to beat Discord, but she knew if she didn’t try, she would fail. Giving everything she had, she unleashed another blast toward Discord and again, it was doomed to do nothing.

Discord started to roll his eyes. “You really are not getting this, are you?” Discord put up his paw. “I’ll make it simple for you.” A fireball was conjured to his paw, aiming straight for Celestia. “You’re way out of your league.”

Like a thunderbolt, the fireball made its way for Celestia. Celestia quickly conjured a barrier, focusing all her might on keeping the fireball from reaching her. The fireball struck against her shield, exploding into a firestorm.

Celestia swiftly created a rainstorm from the heavens to douse the fire that had spread to the nearby areas, but the force of the attack and the strain on her shield, caused her to sink to her knees.

“Now, do be a good girl and stay out of my way.” Discord shooed her away like she was a disobedient child.

Celestia couldn’t help but feel as such. Like an ant attempting to fight a raging river. She started to shake as her mind conjured the horrors Discord would inflict upon the world. She wasn’t certain the limits of his powers. Perhaps he had none. She prayed with all her heart for the Lords Above to save them.

She then remembered that the Ancient One had defeated him, once. She wished he was still with them. But there was nopony left. Dusk was gone. Luna and Starswirl were unconscious. Her master was dead. There was nopony left who could stop Discord.

Celestia started to hear the whimper and cries of ponies around her. She weakly raised her head and started to gaze at her surroundings. Pony families were holding each other, silently praying to the Lords Above. They were crying, calling out to a savior. Any savior. She looked to the distance. Luna and Starswirl were still there, as helpless as she was. She knew, somehow, if they were awake, they would be praying as well.

Celestia felt guilt fester in her gut. Then that guilt morphed into resolve. What am I doing? I’m still alive! I can’t give up! This isn’t about me! This about Luna, Starswirl, mother, and everypony! Everyone! Every single creature on this world is counting on me! And I won’t let them down, not like this!

Celestia picked herself off the ground; using every ounce of strength she could gather to stand upright. After she accomplished a simple stand, she took a moment to regain a portion of her strength, even just a small portion.

She looked down to the medallion around her neck. The Eye of Harmony. It was said to have great magical powers. She prayed she knew how to use it.

She stretched her wings as far as she could. With a mighty leap and a flap of her wings, she was airborne. It was a struggle to maintain her flight pattern, but she couldn’t waste any of her magic. She was going to give everything she had into one final shot. With the Eye of Harmony, she prayed it would not be in vain.

Her presence was not unnoticed, however. It seemed that every pony’s eyes were straight on her. She could almost hear them, silently praying for her success. She could only think of how she refused to fail them.

Discord, finally sensing Celestia, turned towards her. Discord scoffed as he eyed Celestia. “Oh, really? You really think you can defeat me, Discord?! Who do you think you are?!”

Celestia glared at Discord, standing her ground. “I am Celestia! Princess of Canterlot! Defender of this realm! Sorceress Supreme!”

With all her might, she unleashed a powerful beam from her horn as the Eye of Harmony began to glow. Thousands of tiny lights began to converge on her amulet, allowing it to glow even brighter.

Discord unleashed a powerful blast of his own, colliding with Celestia’s attack.

Celestia’s attack started to be forced back by Discord’s, but she refused to give up. She summoned all her strength into the Eye, allowing it to glow even brighter. “By the Eye of Harmony, I banish you!”

Discord’s attack finally reached Celestia’s body. However, instead of incinerating her, as she expected, the Eye began to draw in Discord’s magic.

Discord was stricken with confusion by this new development. “What?! That’s not possible!”

“BE GONE!” The heavens heard her cry as the Eye unleashed a powerful rainbow colored beam towards Discord.

Discord was unable to prepare a defense against it, as it tore through his body, sending him into the night sky. He screamed into the heavens as the rainbow light consumed his body, leaving no trace of him.

The red moon changed back to its normal light and the sky was no longer darkened by black fog. Celestia smiled for a moment. She was enjoying the silence and the peace.

Then, her strength abandoned her. Her body grew weary. Her eyes grew heavy, forcing them shut. With that, she began to fall to the earth. She could feel the air against her as she brushed passed it with alarming speed. She tried to stretch out her wings, but they wouldn’t budge. She tried to summon her magic to slow her down, but she felt completely drained.

She couldn’t even open her eyes. She had nothing left to stop her from falling.

This is it then… I’m going to die… But… I saved them… I saved them all… Her mind convinced her. She smiled as she imagined herself swiftly approaching the ground, allowing the silence to comfort her. I have no regrets…

Just then, she felt something wrap around her hooves, slowing her down and finally halting her descent. She slowly opened her eyes, her vision blurred. She looked to her left hoof to see an image that resembled her sister, Luna. She was holding onto her, her wings keeping them afloat. However, both Luna’s hooves were wrapped around Celestia’s one.

She looked over to her left, slowly. While her vision was still blurred, she could see the mare clearly. The Queen of Canterlot, Faust. Her mother. Celestia attempted to smile, but as she did, her world darkened.