• Published 20th May 2013
  • 2,035 Views, 117 Comments

Princess Celestia: Sorceress Supreme - spideremblembrony

When the world is in danger from mystical forces beyond anything anypony has ever seen, only one pony can stop them. Princess Celestia is the Sorceress Supreme.

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The darkness swirled around in Celestia’s mind for an unknown amount of time. She was able to hear sounds, but they were too distorted to make sense of what was said or who said it.

She couldn’t move. She couldn’t even open her eyes. Exhaustion gripped her body tightly, keeping her bound to wherever she was. The darkness was slowly consuming her and it felt that it would take her for all time. She felt herself slipping in and out of reality, unable to depict time.

However, her eyes would eventually regain their strength. Her pupils started to sting as she caught her first glimpses of sunlight. Light beams seared her eyes. She shut them quickly, not wanting them to burn again. But the darkness became her prison. It kept her from the outside world.

Her mind began to focus on the last things she could recall. She had faced Discord, the god of chaos. Using the Eye of Harmony, she was able to defeat the beast. However, she couldn’t remember anything outside of her strength abandoning her, causing her to fall. The Eye had completely drained her of her magical and physical strength.

She noted to herself that it was only to be used as a last resort. At least, if she could come over whatever power held her. Her limbs felt stiff as she tried to lift them. Each of them felt as if a weight had been tied to them.

Slowly, she gained the courage to open her eyes, ignoring the sting of light as best she could. She glanced around her, recognizing her world she found herself in. Gold and purple curtains attempting to block out the sun by the window. The walls painted in yellow and gold that resembled the sunlight, accented by the light blue background. She looked down to see a large blue sheet over her body. A golden bed rim surrounding her body. And next to her, was a white alicorn with long red hair, sleeping at her bedside.

Celestia instantly recognized where she was. She was in her old room. She was home.

Celestia smiled as best as her tired lips could. She attempted to lean over to her mother’s ear, but found that it was a more difficult task than she expected. Eventually, she gave up. She called out to her, trying to wake her up, but not startle her.

Her shaky voice seemed to awaken Faust as she slowly started to rise. It was a shock that any sound came out of her mouth. Her throat was dry and weary, her lower jaw too weak to open without full concentration.

The sound she made wasn’t an intelligible one and more of what an infant would produce, but there was sound all the same. The Queen’s eyes met with Celestia’s, who was struggling to keep them open. Faust smiled as her eyes started to steam with tears. She gently placed her hoof on Celestia’s forehead. Her lip started to tremble as she started to speak. “My little sunshine…”

Celestia smiled as best she could, her lips still exhausted. “Mother…” As she uttered those words, her body lost its strength again. Her eyes became heavier once more. However, even as she drifted back into darkness, in her mind she was smiling. She knew she was safe. She knew she belonged.


Celestia didn’t know how long it had been since she had drifted back to sleep, but it must have been a long time. The day was suddenly into the dark hours of the night. She looked around her, hoping to catch a glimpse of her mother. Sadly, she was not there. A thought crossed Celestia’s mind as she simply laid in her bed. Had mother kept watch over me? Just as I had with Luna?

Thoughts crossed her mind to move, but she wasn’t sure if she was ready yet. She looked past the sheet to see her long white hooves lying gently across her body. She didn’t remember moving them while she was awake. Perhaps her body had moved in her slumber. Either way, she felt almost confident her body would move again.

Her eyes went straight for the doorway as an earth mare entered the room. The servant seemed surprised at Celestia’s eyes being opened. “Your highness, you are awake again!” she cheered.

Celestia rubbed her eyes, moaning as she began to retest her body’s movements.

The servant quickly made her way to Celestia’s side. “Please, your highness. You need to rest. Doctor’s orders.” The servant placed her hooves on Celestia’s shoulders, gently guiding her back to her pillow.

Celestia felt dryness in her throat. Her tongue kicked around in her mouth, attempting to hydrate it. The servant, as if sensing Celestia’s need, brought a glass before her. Celestia looked down to see the liquid before her was dark brown with a green straw sticking from the glass.

“I hope it’s chocolate enough for you,” the servant said.

Celestia smiled. She almost leaped with joy, but she restrained herself. It probably wouldn’t have mattered. Her body was too weary to move. It was surprising how good she felt, yet how weary her body was. They were near polar opposites of one another.

She was ashamed she hadn’t recognized the substance before her. Chocolate milk. Her mind tried to recall the last time she had chocolate milk.

She opened her mouth and started to sip the cool liquid into her throat. A cool sensation filled her mouth. Her body tingled as it slithered into her throat, causing her to give a quiet moan of satisfaction.

She smiled as she turned towards the servant. “It’s wonderful. Thank you.” Celestia then eyed the servant once more. Her heart started to sink as her face became familiar to her. It was the same servant who she had been so rude to in days long past.

Celestia felt a pit in her stomach as she slowly diverted her eyes away. She gave a heavy sigh and then spoke. “May I ask your name?”

The servant placed the glass back on the dresser, just off the side of the bed. “I’m Light Bright, princess.”

Celestia turned back towards her. “Light Bright…” she stared. “I owe you… an apology.” Light Bright was motionless as her eyes diverted themselves to Celestia. “I was very… rude and unfair to you… and others…” Celestia struggled through her apology. The shame she felt was like a heavy stone at her back. “It was wrong of me to treat you all so poorly… And I am so very sorry…”

She looked down at her bedside. She wasn’t sure she deserved to be forgiven. After all, she was supposed to be an example to those around her. The only example she showed was how unkind and selfish she was.

Then Light Bright spoke. “If I may, your highness?” Celestia nodded with a smile. “You saved our lives. We all saw you stand up to that creature. You were willing to sacrifice your life to protect all of us.”

Light Bright smiled. “That’s enough for me.”

Celestia felt as if her heart had been uplifted from the depths of despair. Light Bright’s word eased the ache she felt in her soul. She thanked the Lords Above that she was surrounded by ponies who were kind, understanding and above all, patient.

Her thoughts then turned towards her mother. “Light Bright, could I ask a favor from you?”

Light Bright nodded. “Of course, your majesty.”

“Where is my mother?” Celestia asked.

Light Bright bit her bottom lip. The history between Celestia and Queen Faust was not always a happy one. She probably feared that they would get into a dispute. Regardless, she answered. “Your mother is resting right now. She had been watching over you for days. She refused to leave your side, even when the doctor insisted. Your sister, Princess Luna, had to step in and assure her that you would be safe.”

Celestia smiled, remembering catching a glimpse of her mother’s smiling face before going under.

“If you wish, I could wake her.”

Celestia shook her head. “No. Let her rest. She’s been though a lot already. If she asks why you did not wake her, tell her it was my decision.”

With that, Light Bright bowed her head and started towards the exit. “I shall gather your sister and order you some food. Is there anything you would like, your highness?”

Celestia couldn’t help but put a smile on her face. “Some cookies would be nice, please.”


Luna couldn’t have rushed into Celestia’s room faster. Luna burst through Celestia’s door, tears flowing freely. As soon as she set her sights on Celestia, she embraced her, her tears continuing to stream down her face, like a dam that had burst.

“Tia!” Luna whimpered, hugging Celestia tightly. Celestia raised her hooves around her sister’s body, trying to ignore the vicegrip that was her sister. Moment upon moment passed with Luna’s sniffles the only thing breaking the silence. “I thought I had lost you.”

Celestia smiled. “You can’t get rid of me that easily.”

The comment brought a smile to Luna’s face as she pulled away from Celestia to wipe a tear from her eye.

As the cookies were set onto the nightstand for the two princesses, Celestia spoke. “Luna? What happened while I was under?”

Luna glanced out the window, focusing her gaze on the moon that appeared just between the curtains. “After you banished Discord, mother and I brought you here. I’d never seen mother so worried. She refused to leave your side, even when insisted. I had to beg her to get some rest before she would even consider it.

We brought a nurse from a nearby village. She volunteered to help you. She said you helped her before.”

It was enough to put a smile on Celestia’s face. Heartstrings, that nurse from the hospital in the village, volunteered her time to help Celestia.

“I’m sorry,” Celestia responded.

Luna turned back to her, with a raised eyebrow. “For what?”

Celestia shook her head. “For the trouble, I’ve caused.”

“Don’t say that!” Luna snapped, tears floating from her yes. “All I care about is that you’re alright! Nothing else matters!”

Celestia smiled and nodded. “You sound just like me.” Her long white hoof wiped a tear from Luna’s eye. “When I was watching over you.” A thought then appeared in Celestia’s head. “What of Starswirl?”

Luna smiled. “He’s fine. He was in bed for about a day. He’s quite spry for an old stallion.”

The two chuckled. Celestia glanced up to the ceiling. “How long have I been out?”

“Four days.”

Celestia’s horn shined, picking up another cookie from the plate. “No wonder I’m starving.” Taking a bite of the warm pastry sent a shiver up her spine and a smile across her face. A chuckle came from Luna’s throat as crumbs stuck to her sister’s face.

The night moved ever so quickly for the two sisters. They spoke of all they had endured and all they had missed about one another. Reminiscing of their days in the castle garden. At the earliest hour of the morning, Celestia noticed a movement at the door. It was Light Bright and behind her, was Queen Faust.

The queen entered the room, her eyes red with steam. Celestia smiled as the queen made her way to her bedside. Faust quickly wrapped her hooves around Celestia, holding her tightly. She sobbed as she attempted to speak. “I’m so glad you’re safe.”

Celestia returned her mother’s gesture. “Mother, may I speak?”

The queen pulled away slightly. She smiled giving Celestia a nod.

Celestia looked down at her sheets, taking in a deep breath. “When I left here… I was angry. At my kingdom, my ponies, at you…”

Celestia’s eyes diverted themselves to Faust. “I thought being a princess was about getting my way… But … I realize now… What it really means… I was ignorant… childish and selfish… And for that, I am so sorry, mother. I realize now what you did, was for your kingdom and for me.”

Faust, once again, embraced Celestia, cutting her speech short. “I’m sorry too. I should have been more patient with you.”

Tears started to stream down Celestia’s eyes. “You wouldn’t have needed to if I had listened.”

“There is blame enough for the both of us.”

Celestia silently, nodded. The two slid back a small distance taking a look at Luna, who was smiling, tears rolling down her face.

Luna leaped in-between the two. Celestia, Luna and Faust wrapped their hooves around each other, as they did so very long ago.


The queen stood on the balcony of the tallest towers, high above the city. The ponies below cheered at the mere sight of Queen Faust.

“Over the past few weeks, disasters have struck our great country! Creatures came into our realm threatening all they we hold dear! They took so much from us and stole so many we cared for! But with the efforts of brave ponies, who were willing to give up their lives to protect all of us, we stand here today! We are blessed that there is such selflessness in the world! It is my honor as queen of Canterlot to introduce you to our heroes and usher in the return of the daughters of Canterlot.” She turned with a smile as the two princesses stepped onto the balcony.

“Princess Luna and Princess Celestia, welcome home!”

With that, the crowd exploded in shouts of cheer and joy. Celestia admitted to being overwhelmed, not certain what to do. The queen suggested they wave to them, to let them know that they are not ignored. Celestia and Luna complied, waving their hooves. A sense of joy filled Celestia’s body. Warmth as she looked down to the thousands of faces, all smiling and cheering their heroes.

The queen moved next to them. “Celestia.” Celestia turned towards her. “You have proven you are worthy of your title. You have shown me how you have changed and how you have grown.”

Celestia couldn’t help but smile. She knew she had changed. Grown. She was a different pony then she was when she left the castle. And every day, she thanked the Lords Above for her mother’s love.

“I would be honored to restore your title for you.”

Celestia looked behind her to see Starswirl, patiently waiting in the shadows. Thoughts turned her away from him and down towards the pendent hanging around her neck. Celestia glanced to her mother and bowed her head. “With all due respect, mother, I must decline.”

The queen’s face was ridden with shock, as was Luna’s.

Celestia knew it would happen, but she knew how to explain. She pointed to the amulet around her neck. “I have other responsibilities I need to attend to. Discord may be gone, but his creatures are not,” Celestia explained. She made her way to Luna. “But you have another, who is far wiser than I am.” She smiled as her eyes met with Luna’s. “Luna, you are going to make a wonderful queen.”

The queen placed her hoof on Celestia’s shoulder. “I will accept this on one condition.” There was a silence between them. Celestia’s mind was sent spinning with her mother’s condition. Her mind was calmed when she saw her mother smile. “That you will visit us often.”

Celestia embraced her mother. “I promise.”

Celestia then pulled away and embraced Luna. Luna smiled. “You’d better or I’ll come drag you here.”

“I’ll hold you to it.” A giggle followed. She then pulled away and turned her gaze towards Starswirl.

“Are you ready?” he asked.

Celestia reluctantly nodded her head. All she wanted to do was stay with her family, but Discord’s creatures wouldn’t wait. She needed to prepare for their coming.

With that slight glow of her horn, both Celestia and Starswirl vanished into the darkness.


Celestia and Starswirl stood in the far distance of Canterlot Castle. Celestia couldn’t help but feel distant from home. However, she knew in her heart, she would always be welcomed there.

“Are you alright?” Starswirl asked.

Celestia wiped a tear from her eye. “Yes. I am.”

Celestia created a portal back to sanctuary as Starswirl and Celestia made their way towards it. “How fares the scouting?” Celestia asked.

“Very good,” Starswirl replied. “I have found many new prospects. Young, but very promising. One in particular. A pony name Sunset Shimmer.”

Celestia nodded as she entered the portal to begin her new life as the Sorceress Supreme.

Comments ( 13 )

“I hope it’s chocolate enough for you,”

Its never enough. NEVER!

The Good:
Unlike most movie-to-book adaptions the ending doesn't feel super abrupt.
So many Feelz in this chapter, and all of them work.
Miss Faust gave a very lovely speech.

The Bad:
...In this chapter, nothing comes to mind. Pacing is good, you wrap up everything that needs to be wrapped up...everything's koser. Great job!

6045595 I'm glad you enjoyed it. I really wanted this ending to work and I spent a long time on it. I'm glad it worked and I hope to continue to work on other stories that either I've neglected or started but haven't gotten around to finishing them yet.

Thanks again for all the support you've given me. I hope to hear more of your thoughts in the future. :pinkiehappy:

Not bad... You have plans for a sequel?

6114982 I would like to do a sequel, eventually, but as of right now, there is just a desire for a sequel and not really any kind of plan. I'm glad you enjoyed this and hope to hear more from you soon. :pinkiehappy:

The story relies very heavily on cliches. Some of these are okay; your Celestia is charismatic enough for me to overlook 'teen rebel learns discipline' for instance, but other times its just annoying. Dusk's fall from to evil couldn't have been more telegraphed if he was named "Lucifer McDevilson", the monsters are off the shelf fare, and a skilled but reckless teenager with daddy issues learns discipline to fight the evil that slew her father. While Sorcerer Supreme is a fun ride, it loses points because everyone can tell every step it will take before it makes it.

It's fortunate that this is such a fun ride, then. While Celestia has a typical heroes journey, she is a wonderful protagonist. She's likeable, she's smart, she loves her family... there's a lot to like here.

The opening chapters give us some great family hi-jinx, and while its never in doubt that Celestia is in the wrong, we're always sympathizing with her. Luna doesn't have a lot to work with, but she's certainly a great supporting character. I did just realize that there aren't a lot of adventure stories starring her, I need to find one some time. Celestia's' mother is a vert typical single mother trying to raise a kingdom by herself, but she's serviceable.

I also really liked Celestia's time at the Mystic Monastery of Magic. Her journey from spoiled princess cliche to Magic Batman is fun incredibly believable. It takes just as long as it needs and hits as hard as it should.

The biggest problem with this story is the villains. They are cliche, which I wouldn't mind as much if it wasn't for the fact that Discord is the Big Bad. Would Discord use off the shelf Giant Spiders? No! He'd trot out giant living yarn balls that turn people into voodoo dolls and then eats them. He'd make random household appliances carnivorous. He's just so uninteresting in this story, which is one the worst things you can do with Discord. Dusk is better, if only because he commits to his classic villainy.

Dusk turned towards him and smiled. “I’m great.” Starswirl felt a cold sweat come down his neck as Dusk continued to smile. It was malicious smile. Starswirl felt that Dusk wasn’t telling the whole truth about the lord he failed to save. But Dusk didn’t reveal it. He simply continued his way back to sanctuary.

DUSK: MWAHAHAHAHA! Mine is an evil laugh!
STAR SWIRL: No! Curse you sudden but inevitable betrayal!
Gotta love him.

Anyway, I really liked this story. While I'm not sure its as good as Flutterhulk, it was still a great addition to the fimfiction, and it was nice to see Sun Princess in the leading role for once.

7535852 Yeah, I can definitely see the problems with this story. I think I could have taken a lot more time with the villain. I think I could have pulled it off a lot better than I did.

Yeah, admittedly, Discord is kind of boring in this fic. Which is sad, because he's probably my favorite villain in the series. I should have been a lot more creative and strange with him. Just gone all the way batshit insane with him. Go silly and just have fun with it. Which I wish I had done, looking back.

It's not one of my greatest works. I think that Flutterhulk is a bit better in terms of characters, even though that has some problems now that I look back. (Carmel being a huge issue for me now.)

But Celestia was definitely a lot of fun to write. I think I end up showing that. I love the journey she takes and I was worried that I would make her... too unlikable. That was always my biggest fear with this fic. Luna, I think I could have done more with her. I think I should have done more with her. I think she should have had a bigger role in this than she ended up having.

The other side characters I felt could have been established a bit more, have them interacting with Celestia a little bit more. Fleshing them out.

Yet at the same time, I feel like Celestia should be the focus anyway, and I tried to keep that on her as much as I could.

I'm glad you read it. Thank you for reviewing it. I hope to hear more from you in the future. Until then, take care. :pinkiehappy:

I don't want to be a bother, but could you give me some advice? I finally got to the third chapter in my story, but I've stalled out. I know what needs to happen, but whenever I try to write it I get stuck. I can't help but feel like I'm missing something from it.

7539646 The best advise I can give is just to write whatever comes to mind. If you get stuck, just write "I'm stuck. Why the heck am I stuck? This is stupid, I know what's supposed to happen, why can't I write it?' And just write stuff like that for a like 5 minutes and see where that goes. Maybe it will help write the scene maybe it won't. But just write something because you can always go back and edit it later.

That's what I try and do when I get stuck and it usually is enough to get the ball rolling.

That was a trip, and a wrap.

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