• Published 20th May 2013
  • 2,389 Views, 242 Comments

Dragoon Wars; Seven Lords Rising - Crystalis McCloud

When the magic of ancient dragons is unleashed, Spike is put through a shocking transformation. As more dragons awaken to the power, trouble looms on the horizon. He and Princess Twilight must fight to protect their friends, and all of Equestria

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Chapter 11: On the Second Front

A long yawn escaped Bowser's lips as he approached the Carousel Boutique. The silence of morning was only broken by the faint click of his staff against the town path and the heavy steps of the larger warrior caste dogs behind him. The broader, heavier builds of his two companions loomed over his stockier and more lithe form, starkly contrasting his leadership over such imposing specimens. As a show of good will, ever since the initial day they had arrived, their warriors had kept their weapons worn across their backs rather than in their paws.

Such a simple change showed noticeable difference in how he townsponies treated them. There was still a healthy amount of suspicious looks from passing ponies, but even today as they walked down the street they got a few warm greetings. Old and young alike seemed to be adjusting to their presence, perhaps even faster than the Crystal Ponies had

An example of this soon presented itself as none other than the mayor of Ponyville herself came across him on the path and stopped to greet him. "Good day, Bowser. I trust your business with Rarity has been going well?"

Stopping with a smile, Bowser bowed his head respectfully and exchanged pleasantries with Mayor Mare. "Yes indeed," he answered, "Production is going smoothly, and in the last few days they have managed to make over a hundred battle garbs of different styles and functions. We will need a lot more to outfit the entire Equestrian military though, not including those who may join as fighting progresses."

The pleasant smile on Mayor Mare's face wilted ever so slightly. Her eyes glazing over with a hint of sadness as she looked to the sparse few ponies wandering the streets that morning. She sighed, "All of this about war, dragons, and Dragoons... I hate that it's been brought out like this. I don't want to see my citizens hurt or killed, but I know some will be leaving to protect us all. I just want our normal happy days with the little bits of craziness that popped up."

Bowser placed a concerned paw on the back of her neck, along her shoulder area. He spoke softly, " I understand how you feel. Plenty of our own warriors will fight and die alongside your own, but we are doing this for the sake of future peace."

The mayor's gaze drifted towards Town Hall, looking as though a heavy weight were slung across her back. Ever persistent, Bowser tried again. "Think of what we have to look forward to when the war is over. It won't be the end of our people's new relationship. I hope that between Ponyville and the Crystal Empire I can bring my dogs up out of their tunnels more and end the bad blood held towards my kind. I would be very happy to have your help in the future to break down those barriers between ponies and diamond dogs. And there are many potential business opportunities and other benefits that we can exchange to enrich Ponyville life, making this place even better than it is now."

Mayor Mare's ears perked at the mention of improving life for her citizens, and of being one to help establish a new connection with the dogs. Bowser could see the excitement growing in her as no doubt many ideas surged through her mind. "That... really sounds wonderful, Bowser. Thank you, I think that is just what I needed to hear."

Content that he had turned her mood back around, Bowser smiled toothily. Not only that, he had taken yet another step on that long road of open communication between dogs and ponies. There would be a lot to work through, with the perception that had grown over hundreds of years of less than desirable interactions, but what better way to challenge himself? It was what he had been born and raised for, after all; to lead his kind along a better path. "Glad to hear it. You need to be in good spirits to set an example for the rest of Ponyville," he said before turning to leave. "As for me, I need to check in on the boutique. Please excuse me, and I hope you have a good day."

"You too."

Resuming his route, Bowser gave a small gesture towards his guards, beckoning them along with him. They left a much more optimistic mayor to go about her day.

It wasn't very long before they reached the Boutique, the entrance of which was now only guarded by two warrior dogs, their halberds also worn on their backs now. Both saluted as he approached, slamming a fist against their chest and standing as straight as they could. He answered with a short nod as his own detail approached them and exchanged places.

"Your night shift is over now. Please go and relax back in the tunnel, or spend a little time about town as you please. Just remember to treat the ponies with the utmost respect. We are their guests," he ordered. "At least one of you should go get the new detail though and have them keep watch around town. We don't want to be caught off guard if our enemies try to attack this deep in the heart of Equestria to get the White-Silver Dragon."

The two guards made their way to leave, barking a short affirmative and giving him a wish of good fortune, "Will of Soa guide path."

"The same to you, my friends. May her Will beat forever in your hearts," he replied in the customary fashion.

Once the guard had properly switched off, Bowser took his leave of them and entered the boutique. The sound of whirring motors and rapidly darting needles rattled in his ears, but he put it out of his mind. He entered the main working area to see one mare and six female dogs working meticulously. Gleaming needles were plunged into the special gray cloth. Off to the side, a female with a charcoal pelt held a large topaz up to a completed garment. The fabric rippled under the stone and washed over with a golden hue. He recognized the design. This one in particular was not designed for ponies, but instead for a diamond dog. The extra girth around the forearms, and the way the sleeves hung down the sides rather than in front of the garment told that it was made for a bipedal creature. This coat was made for a dog.

"So why are we making a topaz long coat for a diamond dog?" he asked curiously. “We really should be focusing on making the pony outfits. We have enough seamstresses back home making clothes for our warriors.”

The female holding the topaz to the cloth turned to him, icey blue eyes boring into him as she gave him a challenging smirk. Tossing the gemstone up in her paw and catching it effortlessly, she scoffed, “Can’t you tell, you brainless male? This coat is for you. Rarity designed it herself from the measurement info we have on you.”

Bowser’s muzzle twisted into half of a smile as he met the challenge of the female, “You never give me a break do you, Rayne? I’m not as slow-witted as the other males, though they must have some brains if none of them have picked you as a mate.”

A violent twitch of Rayne’s eyebrow and snapping of her teeth told Bowser that he had struck the right nerve. The female irately threw the topaz at him, but a simple moment of concentration and a glow of magic from his staff caught the topaz in his amber magical aura. Letting the gem orbit lazily around him, he dropped the issue just to frustrate her further and asked, “So Rarity designed it, huh? That’s pretty impressive.”

Rayne gritted her teeth angrily, but forced herself to calm down. She never was one that liked to drop back into pleasantries after her fire had been stoked. "Yeah," she growled, "She made it as a gift to you for all of this. She really is talented. Just by eye she was able to judge all your measurements and we're all impressed with her design sense. The general designs she's drawn up have been great, but her special designs for you and her friends are even more magnificent."

"Oh, why thank you, dear," Rarity hummed happily from the back of the room, turning away from her sewing machine and coming to their sides. "I really couldn't have done any of this without you wonderful seamstresses helping me though. Not to mention you're all a joy to have around and discuss fashion and culture with. The time has flown as fast as the clothes have been coming out."

Bowser smirked as Rayne gave a small bow to Rarity. A rather cheeky display on her part, as she definitely showed no such respect to him. Such was the nature of their relationship though, always finding one way or another to irk or piss off the other. He usually kept the cooler head anyway.

"I haven't had this much fun in a long time either," Rayne said happily, her dark muzzle splitting into a toothy white grin. "It is interesting learning about the ins and outs of pony culture, and make up for the harsh experience you had with one of our mining groups."

Rarity simply waved her hoof dismissively. "Not to worry, Rayne. That dreadful incident is long since forgive. It wouldn't be proper or ladylike for me to hold a -"

Rarity was cut off as the unmistakable rumble of thunder reached all of their ears. The droll of the sewing machines all came to a stop as the workers turned in unison to look out the window. None had noticed during the conversation, but the bright morning sunlight had become obscured by a thick layer of dark clouds. Approaching the window, Bowser gave a start as a violet bolt of lightning arced through the clouds above, followed immediately by another sharp crack of sound. The lightning. That color wasn't natural at all, and the connection was clear.

"Oh my, why is dreadful weather rolling in on such a lovely morning? There was nothing about a storm in the weather report," Rarity muttered worriedly, her tail giving a nervous flick.

Bowser's paw clenched tightly around his staff, which began to radiate its amber light profusely. He turned back to face them all, his calm and polite attitude melted away. His dark brown eyes swept over all of them as he barked, "The enemy has begun its attack. They're likely going after the White-Silver Dragon as we speak." He swept his other paw forward and pointed out the front door. "Rayne, go inform all of the guards to defend the city. They should not engage the enemy dragons or Dragoons themselves. Leave that to the others. Be sure to get as many ponies indoors as possible too. The rest of you females will stay in here with Rarity and gather up as many completed garments and cloth materials as you can carry. Dig your way out of here if enemies come. We can pay for damages to the boutique if they happen."

All of the females, Rayne included, gave a nod and a short bark of affirmative before Rayne quickly bolted out the door. Bowser walked over to the hanging topaz-colored coat and started slipping it on while all of the other females began packing together all of the most important items they could get their paws on. Rarity, however, approached Bowser, her brow knitted with worry and confusion as she glanced to his shining staff. The spell he was maintaining was a powerful one, and he could tell it had caught her attention.

"What are you going to do?" she asked.

With a rush of golden fabric, Bowser made his way to the flight of stairs leading to the second level. He replied simply, "I am going atop the carousel. There is a spell I must keep woven while the battle rages, or else your friends will surely die. I will also be able to keep an eye out from up there for advancing enemies. You stay here and be ready to escape on a moment's notice." He climbed the stairs, and upon reaching the top, he stopped and gave one last look at the unicorn mare. "May the goddess, Soa, watch over you, Rarity."

Rarity blinked in surprise, the name foreign to her, "Who is Soa?"

With a slightly mischievous smile, he answered, "I will teach you that someday, but that is many battles away."

And with hat, he bolted out of sight, reaching the second story window, he flung it open and threw himself out of it. Grasping the upper lip of the window frame in his free paw, he swung himself up and landed on the slanted roof of the building. He quickly climbed to the center point and grasped the raised tip, circling around to cast his gaze over the town. It took only a short moment to see the source of conflict in the distance. He couldn't make anything out in the blackness, but from the dark clouds above he could see the belly of a large ship casting its mighty silhouette. Beneath that ship he could see several shadows clashing and the sound of reverbrating steel, accompanied by the roars of dragons echoing from the writhing mass. In the skies between the ship and the earth, he could see streaming rainbow contrails and a glowing green pinpoint of light clashed repeatedly in the air. Beyond that he could see countless violet arcs of lightning striking at a glowing golden globe.

He glanced at his staff as he kept his thoughts as focused on the spell he was casting. Okay, everything was good so far. It looked like the fighting was isolated to the location of the White-Silver Dragon, and the enemy was taking paying no mind to-

Suddenly, away from the raging battle for the dragon, a sharp scream rang out in he middle of he town.

He'd gone and jinxed it now, hadn't he?

"Damn it," he swore under his breath. He looked down to the front pf the boutique, and saw that his two guards were gone. That was good. That meant Rayne had taken them into the town, and they would be engaging the enemy soon. Protecting their new allies was a top priority. Since the enemy was attacking the town, he couldn't just stand by, even with the importance of his spell. He was an example for his followers, and he would need to fight as well.

Leaping from the roof, he landed atop the nearest building and began running rooftops. Traveling from building to building, he followed the sounds of screaming, which soon were replaced by the din of battle as no doubt his dogs clashed with their foes. Reaching the edge of the town square he flicked his ears about and scanned the area. Two soldier class dogs were already in battle, swinging their mighty halberds at their foes; griffons. Bowser was not really surprised. Of the races that were hostile to Equestria, he would only imagine he griffons would think to launch a pre-emptive strike so near the heart of Equestria.

His dogs were outmatched three to one, but were holding their own, even though their enemies took to the skies to strike at them. Clashes of weaponry and loud battle cries that did not match the scene before him reached his ears. No doubt other battles were being peppered all around town now.

Out of the corner of his eye, Bowser spotted four more shadows approaching the fight before him. His soldiers were fighting well, but the odds of five to one would be far too much for them to handle on their own. It looked like this was where he would be joining he fray. Lucky for him, since there was lots of open space and flat, sturdy ground for him to use to his advantage.

The enemy griffons hadn't noticed him yet, but with his staff glowing so brightly in the overcast shade, being able to get the jump on them was doubtful. No, in this case it would be better to go with shock factor and intimidation to give him a psychological edge.

Leaping from the rooftop, Bowser called upon another spell as he maintained the first. His staff surged with amber light that coated his body. He hurtled down to the ground like a falling stone, striking the path in front of the griffons and shattering the cobblestone surface of the road. The bits of cracked and splintered rock lifted into the air and began to swirl around him in a trio of belts, orbitting his form. He heard a gasp, and the rasping of metal as the four griffons withdrew their weapons, but looking at them, he could see the surprise in their eyes. He didn't know if it would work, but Bowser hoped his little display would cause them to slip up by intimidation factor alone.

Eyes stoic and unyielding as he glared his foes down, Bowser bent his knees and angled his luminous staff into a combat stance even as the one of the three belts of rock orbitting his body began to gather around his staff, forming a solid casing around his trusted weapon, and collecting at the head to form a large smooth orb. Perfect for caving skulls in.

"I will make you all regret coming here," he growled. "Let's see what you've got!"

Author's Note:

I was at first considering leaving the events in Ponyville during the battle to be lightly discussed after the fight was over, but I am glad I decided otherwise. I have a lot of fun with the Bowser chapters, and just the ideas for this chapter were too tempting to not write. Hope you enjoyed reading it, and look forward to the next segment of battle!