• Published 20th May 2013
  • 2,390 Views, 242 Comments

Dragoon Wars; Seven Lords Rising - Crystalis McCloud

When the magic of ancient dragons is unleashed, Spike is put through a shocking transformation. As more dragons awaken to the power, trouble looms on the horizon. He and Princess Twilight must fight to protect their friends, and all of Equestria

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Chapter 1: The Dragon Awakens *Editted*

The sound of shuffling books filled the library of Ponyville as its tenant went about her usual routine, the books flying around faster than they ever had, and organizing with an expedience she never had before. Rays of morning sunshine peeked in through the windows as the cacophony continued, defeating the purpose of two flickering candles that stood partly melted on opposite ends of the room. One after another the soft thumps and scuffs of the books coming into place filled her ears. Twilight giggled as she tested the limits of her magic, once more extracting all of the books from their shelves at once. She reveled in the gentle sound of all that wonderful knowledge fluttering through the air, practically able to smell the scent of the parchment pages between their sturdy covers. The entire book-swarmed library space around her felt just ripe with the knowledge of the volumes she still had yet to peruse.

With a few small flaps of her wings, she rose into the air and cast her gaze across the covers as they spun around her. As each one passed under her view, it would then immediately shoot into place on the shelves, one after another in rapid succession. A feat like this, while certainly possible before, was now almost as second nature as breathing to the young alicorn now.

In just a few short minutes, all of the books were organized alphabetically by title. Pulling them free yet again, she repeated the process again as fast as she could, organizing them by author, then alphabetically by title under the same author’s name. While her magic worked she kept a steady rhythm with her wings. The gentle beat of her feathers against the air kept her bobbing only slightly in midair, keeping as level as she could.

Twilight landed daintily back on the her hooves with a few small clicks against the hardwood floor, and gave her wings a liberating stretch. After tucking in her wings, satisfied with the organization, she concluded her little test with a stifled yawn. Another yawn greeting her own turned her gaze up to the stairwell to see a familiar figure of purple, soft green spines arching over its head.

Twilight smiled up at her assistant, “You’re up early today, Spike.”

“I could say the same for you, ‘Princess',” the little dragon chuckled, heading down the stairs and making his way into the kitchen.

Twilight rolled her eyes as she heard Spike rummaging in a cupboard, and called after him, “Stop calling me that, Spike!” she exclaimed, the familiar bubble of playful irritation rising in her. Her usual academic tone settled back in as she stated matter-of-factly, “I may have been crowned as a Princess of Equestria, but Celestia said that I won’t be acting as one for several years. I still have much to learn about the history of Equestria and the rest of the world. For now Princess is just a title, and my only responsibility is to learn more so I’m ready to lead ponykind.”

“Heh, I know, I know, I’m just teasing, ‘Your Highness’,” Spike chuckled, coming out of the kitchen with a sizeable ruby and sapphire set on a plate. Of course, food was the first thing on his mind in the morning, and her stomach growled slightly as she recalled her own lack of food this morning. The little dragon took a seat at the table in the center of the library, taking a loud bite out of the ruby. His bright emerald eyes wandered over the bookshelves, noting how even the books she usualy had laying about had been given firm rest among their peers. He idly mused, “So, looks like your magic is a lot stronger since you became an alicorn, huh? Sorting the whole library used to take us an hour, at the minimum... on the best days.”

The alicorn’s eyes went wide with glee as a big grin spread across her face, her tail swishing happily behind her. “Oh my gosh, yes! My magic is so much stronger now! I can do things so much faster than I could before! I’ll have even more time to study and maybe even try making new spells of my own! Just you wait, Spike!" Her chest swelled as she lifted her gaze to some unseen heavens and lifted a hoof in declaration. "Give me enough time, and there will be an entire wing in the Canterlot Archives dedicated to research and spells pioneered by yours truly!”

“Or, you know, we could have more time to spend with our friends,” Spike said, crooking an eyebrow accusingly at her. She was getting ahead of herself, as she so often did. Licking his lips hungrily, he finished the rest of the ruby in another crunchy bite.

“Oh, yes. O-of course,” Twilight stammered, her cheeks flushing at her own gusto. She couldn’t very well forget her friends! Regaining her composure, and taming her thrashing tail, she smiled gently at him. “Of course, we will have a lot more time to spend with the girls,” She chuckled sheepishly. “Speaking of which, didn’t Rarity want you to go over and help her look for more gemstones today?”

“Oh! That’s right!” Spike’s eyes lit up. Twiight recognized the same adoring enthusiasm that always brightened his adorable features at the mention of the fashionista. With sudden urgency he pushed himself back in his chair and started hurrying about frantically. “I have to get going quick! Rarity wanted me to stop by Sugarcube Corner on my way there. She said she ordered some sweets, and she promised that if I picked them up, she’d let me crumble a few of the gems we find on top of my share.”

“Sounds like you have a fun day ahead of you,” Twilight beamed. Of course he would be so excited, and she was glad that he could have so much fun while helping a friend. Not that she was all that oblivious to his reason anymore, but it had taken her longer than she cared to admit to realise the extent of Spike's feelings.

“Yup!” Spike chuckled. With a swipe of his claw, the little dragon snatched the sapphire from his plate and tossed it into the air. The stone fell gracefully into his mouth after a soft arc back down. Immediately after shutting his maw, Spike coughed hard, and his cheeks bulged. With another cough, followed by a strong belch, a burst of green flame lit up the room. The sapphire - now scorched black - was sent skipping across the floor. However, what captured Twilight's attention was what the flames had brought with them. The space on the table was significantly occupied with their latest delivery; a large tome, easily over six inches thick, and taking up nearly a third of he tabletop. Atop the massive book sat a more familiar sight; the typical rolled-up scroll written by Celestia herself, wrapped in a strip of scarlet ribbon held fast by a waxy golden seal bearing the image of a horseshoe.

Twilight’s eyes widened at the abruptness of the delivery, as well as its size. A childlike glee washed over her face as she examined the aged cover of the book. Wiping the faintest trace of dust left on its worn, leathery surface. She could tell it was a very old book. It must have been kept somewhere that it wasn’t often seen, because even in the Canterlot Archives the books were routinely cleaned and repaired. That meant this was a very restricted book, and Twilight’s excitement boiled higher just at that thought.

Spike seemed more concerned with his interrupted meal. Grumbling to himself, he grabbed the blackened gem from the ground and went into the kitchen again. Soon the sound of water running in the sink could be heard, followed by his voice, “What’s with that crinkly old book?” A huff of frustration could be heard from him as he attempted to remove the layer of char.

The scroll accompanying the book was quickly swept up by Twilight’s magic, and neatly unfurled before her. Glancing over it’s contents once, she read it aloud for Spike to hear, “My Dearest Twilight, it has only been a month since your coronation, -and also a few weeks since your adventure on the other side of the magical mirror- but I am sure that by now all of the excitement and celebrations in your honor have reached a lull. As such, I believe it is time to point you in the right direction needed for you to prepare. When we spoke last in the Crystal Empire, I assured you that you would not yet be expected to rule any part of Equestria, as you are still quite inexperienced. While you will not undertake all of the duties of a Princess yet, you will still be required to learn all that you can about our world’s history. This book contains details of history lost in the past several millennia. It is of a time before even I was born, and before I became an Alicorn Princess myself. Such history is only known to the Princesses and our chosen confidants, so we can know how to play our parts. Most importantly, this is not just the history of ponykind, but that of all the races and nations that came before us and which surround us to this day.”

The moment she stopped was punctuated by a loud crack of shattering crystal from the kitchen. “Ugh, so Celestia is giving you a boring history assignment?” Spike grunted through a mouthful of blue crumbs, coming out of the kitchen. He paused, reconsidering his statement, and relented, “Sounds like something you’ll have a lot of fun with.”

“It’s not just some boring assignment, Spike,” Twilight softly reprimanded him. He may be a kid, but he should know better than to think so little of an important message from the princess herself, no matter how concerned he was with getting out the door. “Knowing as much about the past as we can is a necessity. Not only do you never know when the past will rear its head, but understanding the origins and meanings behind other cultures can be an important diplomatic tool when interacting with the other races.”

“Yeah, yeah, important knowledge, blah-blah,” Spike said dismissively, swallowing the last of the gem crumbs. “You can go ahead and go nuts with that, but I have to get going right away.”

Spike made tracks for the door, but was stopped abruptly by a pull of Twilight’s magic on his tail, holding him in place. “Not so fast. There’s one last part you should hear,” Twilight said, holding him fast as he struggled for a moment, then gave up with a childish pout. Putting aside her mild irritation at his flippant attitude, she figured he would be interested in this. Clearing her throat, she continued, "While you are free to share the knowledge you gain with any you choose to, I would advise against reckless distribution. I recommend that this knowledge stay only between you, the other Elements of Harmony, and Spike. In particular, I believe Spike will have nearly as great of an interest as you do in the stories this book contains.”

Spike turned his head to look back at Twilight, his eyes perked with a faint bit of interest, “What kind of book is it?”

Setting the scroll aside, Twilight levitated the hefty book in front of her, examining the cover and spine. “It says; The Legend of…. Dragoon? Something related to dragons?”

“Dragoon? What the hay is a Dragoon?” Spike asked. His interest was now solidified.

“I don’t know. I’ve never heard the name before,” Twilight muttered in confusion. Thinking about it, this was all but lost history, so it stood to reason she’d be hearing entirely new words and names in short order once she started reading. Such a delightful prospect! Sweet, sweet knowledge, hidden from the masses, now rested in her hooves, just waiting to be cracked open and discovered! Her tail had quickly resumed its fervent tirade behind her, flagging her excitement for anypony to see.

Shaking her head, Twilight released Spike, who opened the door to leave. Stopping for only a moment, the little dragon called back, "How about you give me a summary tomorrow? I’m gonna be getting home near sunset today, and I’m gonna be exhausted.”

Spike’s words made Twilight smile inwardly. She understood her assistant enough to know that no matter how interested he was in the content of the book, he would never have the patience to sit down and read the whole thing. Especially when he could be spending time with Rarity. She however, was practically chomping at the bit to do just that! It was his loss and her gain.

Twilight’s eyes never left the book as she waved him away, “That sounds fine. I had no plans for today, so if I start reading now, I should know enough to give you the short and sweet of it.” She was so lost in her swell of enthusiasm that she didn’t even register the sound of the door closing and Spike leaving.

Twilight’s excitement was palpable. She knew many things about dragons already. It came hand in hand with the time she spent raising Spike from a hatchling. Still, a lot of details about dragons, both their history, and the extent of their abilities, were a mystery. There was no telling what questions this book would answer! How could anypony not be excited at the prospect of diving into such fresh and all but untapped knowledge? She certainly would never want to be such a mare, now would she?

Cracking open the cover, she examined the first page.

In the beginning, there were the Seven Lords, and the Sleeping King.
Wild and feral, the dragons held great sway over the forces of nature.
Each with their own dominion, they are the pillars of our very world.
To those who would tame their wild souls…
Be wary of the bloody path this shall entail.
For when the clash of swords echo…
The path chasing the past and the journey to know today shall become one.

Twilight’s stomach churned a little as she read the small set of lines centered on the page. From the sounds of this, the book’s tales were far from peaceful and happy. Still, Celestia said that this was important knowledge, and as a Princess – even if for now it was only in name – it was her responsibility to shoulder the bad and the good to serve Equestria rightfully. Besides, it wasn’t as though she was going to seek the power of ancient dragons and “tame their souls”.


Twilight keeled forward, pressing her hooves to her throbbing head in the same moment as two distant blasts assaulted her ears. The floor under her hooves shook softly from some distant impact, but felt like an earthquake to her suddenly dislodged sense of vertigo. Pain like she had never felt before exploded in the front of her skull. Her horn felt as though it was being driven into her brain, and the ringing in her ears only pushed the pain deeper. Spots swam before her eyes and blurred together until all she could see was white. A few moments later she succumbed to the pain, her eyes rolling back in her head as she fell over. Her magic failed in that same moment and the heavy book hit the floor with a loud bang.

Before she slipped into the darkness beyond the white, blinding pain; Twilight heard a bellowing, distant roar.