• Published 20th May 2013
  • 2,389 Views, 242 Comments

Dragoon Wars; Seven Lords Rising - Crystalis McCloud

When the magic of ancient dragons is unleashed, Spike is put through a shocking transformation. As more dragons awaken to the power, trouble looms on the horizon. He and Princess Twilight must fight to protect their friends, and all of Equestria

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Chapter 5: Steeling Resolve

This is what has to be done?! Twilight decried in her mind. No. No way. There was no way she could possibly do what this book said. Now it made much more sense why Celestia had described it as a bloody path. Why in Celestia’s good name would Starswirl think I could let this happen to you?

Isn’t the more pressing question here how Starswirl could even possibly be alive? He lived over two thousand years ago, back in the era when the Princesses rose up and first sealed Discord in stone. Nopony but an alicorn could possibly live that long, and everypony would know if there was another alicorn running around. Spike called from the kitchen, the familiar crunch of a shattering gemstone following his words.

Twilight blinked and scowled in frustration, Spike was right, it was nagging at the back of her head like a buzzing parasprite. Well, that is something that we don’t have the means of answering right now, Spike. I’d much rather concern myself with what answers this book can provide me, she grumbled, irritation lacing her thoughts. Did you know about this? Is that why you refused to let Celestia take you to make a Dragoon Spirit?

Spike padded out of the kitchen, wiping a few specks of emerald from his muzzle with a flick of his tongue. His face looked grim as he searched his mind and answered, I didn’t know all of that, but there are certain.... instincts that bubbled up when she mentioned it. I understood at least in some way that creating a Dragoon Spirit was not as simple as an extraction of magic.

Looking to her, he tilted his head curiously and asked, Is something wrong, Twilight?

Twilight shook her head, brushing a stray strand of her dark mane out of her eyes, she had lost herself in thought for a moment. Spike’s changes still were a marvel, and even a bit frightening. She sometimes was scared that he wasn’t even the same Spike she knew. He was so much more focused and attentive than he was before. Not that he had been terribly unfocused before, but he was just a kid. Now it was though all that had been sucked out of him.

Spike came to her and sat next to her at the center table as she replied, It’s nothing. But I can understand why you’d react the way you did, and looked about ready to attack Celestia now. I mean, this is just awful.

Spike nodded somberly.

It had been two days already since they had gotten home and discovered the note left by Starswirl the Bearded for Twilight. It had taken no less than twenty minutes for Twilight to fully formulate the spell written out on the back of the parchment, and moments later, they had been granted the gift that the mysterious unicorn of yore had left for them. Spike had insisted that they wait at least one night to read it though, and Twilight had reluctantly agreed, despite a brilliant glimmer of curiosity in the back of her head. They had a lot to process, and all of it was being thrust at them at once. They needed to take their time and make sure they had their heads on straight before they attempted to take in new information.

Their first matter of business had been figuring out more about the strange telepathic connection she and Spike had developed, and even with all the books she checked, she could not find a single instance of telepathy that didn’t require active casting of a spell through one’s horn. The studious princess was completely flummoxed in finding some explanation for the new bond they shared. Rather than dwell on what she could not figure out, she instead decided to experiment with the the telepathy over the course of the next day, testing everything she could about it, and managed to figure out some basics of it.

The telepathy was remarkably ingrained in their minds, and each of them had felt the others emotion and idle thoughts at many instances. Over time Twilight discovered that not everything was shared between their minds, and when she learned to sort out her thoughts in alignment with the new connection, she was able to keep her thoughts and emotions to herself and only project what she chose to for Spike to know. Spike wasn’t as disciplined, while he was able to keep a good deal of thoughts to himself, she found that when his emotions flared up, particularly when he was thinking back on the day before with Celestia, the things he intended to keep to himself bubbled over and filled her, making her feel all of his fear, anger, and worry.

With some of the conditions of their link understood, the two turned their attention to Starswirl’s gift the following morning. Using the spell lined out on the back of the letter, in short time Twilight had summoned the tome he had left for them. Diving headfirst into studying it, all the information Twilight absorbed from it was effortlessly transferred to Spike as she read it. It was in the very first chapter, detailing the nature of the Dragon Lords, that they discovered how Dragoon Spirits were created.

Holding the soul of a dragon in your hooves. It sounds impossible, but given everything that has been happening, I can pretty much throw what I thought was impossible out the window, Twilight grumbled in frustration.

I’m surprised you aren’t strapping me down and running tests. You usually don’t accept the implausible so readily,” Spike playfully jeered at her.

The frazzled alicorn fixed him with a smouldering glare which slowly melted into a weak smile. I have learned that lesson already, Spike. The proof that it is true stares us in the face. Celestia wants to make a Spirit from you, and I know it is necessary... She trailed off for a moment in pensive thought before continuing defiantly, “Still, I am not going to let her do anything to you.”

Spike’s eyes fell at her words. Twilight, I don’t want her to either, but we need the-

No! I am not going to let anypony kill you! Twilight snapped viciously, turning to him with a protective flare glinting in her eyes. The weight of such a decision was not staved off for long though, and as her thoughts turned back on it, the fire wilted. Conflicting desires rushed through her. her heart screamed that she could not let her -admittedly not so little- Spike be hurt. Her mind, however, told her that she would be putting the lives of everypony in Equestria in danger if there was no Dragoon to protect them. She felt so helpless, caught between two impossible decisions. This is horrible. What can I do?

Padding down from his seat and moving up alongside her, Spike lowered his head and gently brushed the smooth scales of his chin along the back of her neck. It was as comforting a gesture as he could come up with at the moment. Well there is one part that we can be hopeful about, he mused.

And what is that?

A single pale magenta nail reached out and tapped the last page of the chapter. This part right here, he explained simply. The passage says that upon defeating the Lord in battle, and piercing its eye, the Spirit is born from the submission of the Lord to the one that defeats it. Upon this special ceremony, the Lord is reborn. The dragon is then subservient to its new master, who holds the Spirit, its soul in crystalline form. If this is right, then I should come right back when the Spirit is created.

Twilight’s expression did not turn at the optimistic interpretation, and she only buried her face in her hooves as the weight of everything kept crushing in on her. But Starswirl’s notes at the bottom of the page also say that there is no evidence supporting the idea that the reborn dragon is the same as the one that was killed. I could lose you and there would be some other mind in your body after that. Her shoulders racked forward as she started to sob into her hooves. And even if you are still you, you will be flying into battle far away from me at the side of some warrior and could die all over again.

That just means that is has to be like Starswirl siuggests. You have to take up the mantle of a Dragoon. You have to make the Spirit, Spike asserted.

Twilight could hardly believe he would even think of such a thing. Her heart rejected it so adamantly that without thinking she shoved him back and stepped away, as though he were diseased. No no no! There is no way I could ever do it! I’m not going to kill you, Spike! I am not a warrior! I am not a fighter! And most of all, I am not a killer!

The tall and imposing dragon’s eyes narrowed in thinly veiled scrutiny. Despite the conflict raging inside her, he could not feel any of it through their link. He could only judge what he could see on the outside, which fortunately Twilight had much less control over.

He knew how hard this was hitting her, and he was no less impacted. Still, one of them had to keep their head on straight. Twilight was never that good at keeping her emotions in check. Granted, he hadn’t exactly been the paragon of maturity either. Thinking on it, he was now beginning to realize how much he had changed on the inside too. He still felt like him, but like there was more to him now than there had been before. He had lost some of his old childishness, and it was kind of scary, but he couldn’t really say it was a bad thing. He didn’t feel like a kid anymore. At the same time, he didn’t feel like a kid anymore! He would not feel left out anymore for his age, and even now he was able to understand things that would have gone right over his head just days before. It felt liberating, but at the same time, he now realized the sadness that came with growing up too fast, and losing innocence so abruptly.

Those were the cards that were dealt to him. Like it or not; scary, or sad, or not; he needed to do what he felt was necessary. Steeling his resolution, he stamped his claw on the floor and shouted into the worried Princess’ mind, I don’t want some random soldier that Celestia picks out to do this to me. Not even Shining Armor! The only pony I want to do this is you, Twilight. You are the one that I would want to take my life, if it would really be my last moment. Most importatnly, it is only you that I would want to fight and risk my life to protect Equestria alongside.

His words struck true, and Twilight’s bristling hostility ebbed. Her composure simply deflated and she leaned back against the table, sinking down until her chin rested on the smooth wood. Her ears splayed flat against the length of her skull. She looked more hopeless and drained than Spike had ever seen her, and it stung him to see her like that.Tinged with sadness, her next thoughts were, I don’t know if I can do it. This is not like when we fought those changelings in Canterlot. This is going to be a real war. Fights to the death, blood, and lives lost. I don’t even know if I have what it takes to fight. I’ve only read a handful of spells that can be used to inflict harm, and among them even fewer can actually kill if used right. And they are all simple spells, how can that combat against something like you, when the book says that you can turn the very light around us into a destructive force? How do I fight that power?

Spike shook his head. He had no real answers, only his instincts and optimism. you have to; we have to. As a Princess of Equestria, and as your dragon,we have a responsibility to protect everypony. Starswirl himself seems to believe that you can do this. If you don’t know any spells that you can use to fight, then make some! He gave a rousing nudge to her shoulder, trying to put some spirit and determination into her, You weren’t just making empty boasts before when you claimed you would pioneer a whole new wing of books on magic, were you?”

Seeing Twilight’s ears perk up slightly, and her eyes light up a bit, he pressed his point. Jumping back a few feet from her, he stood up on his hind legs and spread his claws and wings wide in a grand gesture, proclaiming, You are the Element of Magic. Magic is who you are! If ponies eons ago could fight the Lords and make the Spirits from them, then you can certainly do so too. Besides, there are bound to be a few spells in the book that you can use to fight, especially ones dedicated to fighting the Lords and Dragoons! Smiling broadly, baring gleaming white fangs in a happy grin, he lastly added, Twi’, we have to do this. You are the most powerful magician I have ever known, and I feel that there is nopony better suited to wield my power.

There was a long silence between the two of them. Spike knew he had hit several nails on the head.

Twilight wasn’t able to deny the truth in his words. A part of her wanted to fight. They always struggled against any evils that they faced with everything they had. War was something entirely different, a whole ‘nother beast to face. The fact that there hadn’t been war for millennia only made it that much scarier. Unable to know its true horrors, she could only assume they were worse than she could imagine.

The fact remained that she was a Princess. It was undeniably her responsibility to protect her people, even if Celestia deemed her to not be ready. She was the leader of the Elements of Harmony, and the most powerful magic user of all ponies. That all had to mean something, and Starswirl himself must have seen a way for it to work. He was a genius after all, and she could imagine no other reason for him to place such faith in her. As Celestia’s reliance on her seemed to wane in the face of war in favor of handling things herself, the studious mare found herself holding onto the reliance of the only other pony she looked up to as much as Celestia to give her confidence. She had always followed after the two of them, chasing the solar Princess and the brilliant Starswirl. With Celestia closing herself off, she had no choice but to grasp hold of the other’s coattails and drive forward with all her might.

You’re right Spike, she smiled, eyes flashing with that familiar light of unwavering determination that made Spike laugh with joy. Flipping the page of the book to begin the next chapter, she resolved herself as best she could. We have to protect everyone. And I promise you I won’t let you die for good. You are going to survive this.

Author's Note:

Really sorry this took so long to write. I make no promises on how long any chapter will take to write, but I do think in a way my procrastination allowed me to write it at just the write times to come up with the write ideas for it. Better done right than done fast, no?