• Published 2nd Jun 2013
  • 3,042 Views, 134 Comments

Stars Relit - Rocinante

150 years after the passing of her best friends, Twilight refuses to let go of her last promise to them all, "I will find you again."

  • ...

New Endings

“Sure...” Twilight answered.

Evening cheered, as a dozen books lifted from the floor and re-shelved themselves. Twilight blinked; she had no idea what she had just agreed to.

With a few books still in her levitation, Evening walked towards the stairs. “We’ll check these out, then head to your tower.”

Book? Tower? ... She wants that book she couldn’t find! “Okay,” Twilight answered, following the young mare down the steps. She needed to check this book out anyway. It had to be duplicated and logged in the national registry.

Twilight cradled the book beneath her wing as the two trekked to the royal towers. It was a quiet journey. Evening engrossed in one of her books, and Twilight’s mind running through every possible meaning of the prophecy. It wasn't until Twilight ushered Evening unto her chambers that the silence was broken. As Twilight stowed the book in a protective case, she heard Evening's voice echo from across the room.

“Are these what I think they are?” Evening asked excitedly. “Their magic is incredible!”

Twilight’s legs threatened to buckle beneath her. Evening was standing a foreleg's span from the Elements of Harmony. And indeed their aura was incredible, or at least one of them. Loyalty shrieked in the aether. There was no doubt it would bond with little provocation. It knew its old master and wanted her back.

The light retreats to security, so that the dark cannot encroach upon it.

Twilight’s heart jumped into her throat; the prophecy was a warning. The Maiden had hidden her friends from the darkness. Whatever that was, it needed to be identified as soon as possible.

“Careful!” Twilight shouted. Evening winced, but Twilight interrupted her apology. “It’s ok, just be carefull. They’re not ready yet. I have to keep them, hidden, for a little while longer.”

“Oh,” Evening said, taking a step back from the case. “Then what?”

Twilight smiled. “I have a feeling you’ll have a front row seat. But let’s keep that between us for now.”

“Can I tell sis?”

“Of course you can,” Twilight chuckled. “Now let's find that book, and I have another one I think you’d like too,” Twilight said, leading Evening away from the elements. Going over to her personal collection, Twilight floated down two books: Fate Forgotten, and the old-untitled book that had warned her about Nightmare Moon.

“Keep those as long as you need.” Twilight said.

“Thanks!” Evening cheered. “I should be getting back though. I could at least make my lab for the day.”

“Yes,” Twilight said. “Labs are fun. Don’t miss those.”

In a wink of pink light Evening vanished from Twilight’s room. Above her, a shadow rippled yet again. “I am afraid for you,” it said, dripping onto the floor, and assuming Luna’s familiar shape.

Twilight pressed necks with Luna, leaving her chin to rest on her withers. “Thank you. But don’t.” Lifting her head she walked around Luna and retrieved the book from its stronghold. “Dream Weaver wrote a book the we did not know about. The last vision has yet to pass.”

Luna read the page held out for her, and reread it. “You must be careful. This may well be speaking of you. I have seen the edges of Eclipse, I do not wish to look her in the eyes,” Luna said, looking up from the book and meeting Twilight’s eyes.

A nervous smile played across Twilight's face. She hadn’t thought of herself as the possible threat. “I... You’re right. It could be Eclipse ... me. I can’t fall, not like Cadance, not like...”

“Me,” Luna continued. “What ever this is, we need you. I know this hurts, but you should gather new bearers for the elements. We will need them, either to heal you, or defeat a new threat.”

“So you’re sending me off to make friends again?” Twilight said, looking to the elements with a hopeful smile.

“It is good to see you smile, Twilight. You should do it more. This promise has taken a toll on you.”

“It did,” Twilight agreed; much to Luna’s surprise. “But I know where they are now.”

Luna stared at Twilight, the other alicorn only returning a coy smile. “You... found them?” Luna finally asked.

‘No, they found me,’ was the thought she attempted to speak, but only a strangle groan left her mouth as the geas muted her. Stomping her hoof in frustration, Twilight battled the magical shackle with her will. “The promise is fulfilled,” she said in a strained tone.

Shaking her head, Luna sat down to gather her thoughts. She worked her jaw to speak, but only a nervous laugh came out. “Where, how?” she finally managed to say.

Twilight closed her eyes in thought, testing her will against the geas, exploring just what it would let her say. “I am at peace with their passing now. I need to focus on the new friends I've made.”

Author's Note:

No surprise, I have wrote myself into a corner. After much thought, I have decided that the best way to solve this it to simply have a time jump. It's an ugly fix, But I think I can still rescue this story.

See you next chapter!