• Published 2nd Jun 2013
  • 3,042 Views, 134 Comments

Stars Relit - Rocinante

150 years after the passing of her best friends, Twilight refuses to let go of her last promise to them all, "I will find you again."

  • ...

New Hope

// A New Hope //

“GOOD MORNING!” Twilight sang, shoving open the diningroom door.

“Ack!” Celestia winced, reeling away from a grapefruit that had taken the distraction as an opportunity to attack. “You’re in a bright mood,” Celestia said wiping her eye with a napkin.

“Yes I am,” Twilight said, strolling to her place beside Luna. She paused a moment to plant a kiss on the unsuspecting alicorn’s cheek.

Looking to Twilight, Luna’s horn lit to a dim glow. Its energy washed over Twilight, electing a burst of giggles from her.

“Nope, not a changeling,” Luna said.

“Oh, come on,” Twilight said, placing some fruit on her plate. “Is it really that strange for me to be happy.”

“Yes,” Celestia and Luna answered as one.

“So what has you in such a mood?” Luna asked. “Not that I’m complaining.”

Twilight idly chewed at her toast, before answering. “There’s a storm planned for tonight.”

Celestia nodded dumbly at the comment. “Yes... a lighting storm, to start washing the snow off the mountain, and freshen the air up a bit.”

“And the storm team has a new member,” Twilight added.

“Oh yes,” Luna said. “Your friend Iris finished her training. This is her first storm as a team leader, isn’t it?”

“Yep. I’m going to go hang out with her after she gets off work.”

- - -

Twilight laid her quill down and looked out the window. The weather ponies were busy darkening the sky. The winter had been long, but good. Twilight had taken every opportunity to be there for her friends. She had organized more study groups in the past six months, than she had in the last sixty years. It was worth it though. Iris had made severe storm manager in the fast-track program. Morning and Evening were excelling in their classes. Tranquility’s score in anatomy had gotten her offers from several programs. Surprise hadn’t needed anything in the way of studying, but she had devoured every folklore, true crime, and horror book Twilight had given her.

While she had become the five mares' go-to for all things academic, she refused to be only a teacher: their weekend dinners were sacred in her schedule. In the guise of Galaxy, she laughed and ate with them as casually as one could, but therein was a certain problem. It was not that she was older than them; she was older than almost all ponies. It was that they were so very young.

She had watched them grow in mind and body this past year. But still, Surprise no older than Scootaloo was when she had gotten her mark; the twins only a year older than that. Taking the girls to the Hearth's Warming play had been fun, but other than that, she had found very little to do with them. They deserved a normal youth; to grow and experience everything for the first time. She could not rob them of that treasure. She had to simply watch and wait. Offer the role of mentor when they asked for it, be a friend when they needed it.

Tranquility was a little different; she offered an adult mind to talk and study with. Helping her with her exams had been a truly fun experience, learning as much herself as Tranquility. She was still in her youth though, and her classes would consume her life for the next year. Maybe more if Dr. Frost Hooves talked her into joining his gynecology program.

Twilight smiled at the indigo streak moving the black clouds into place. She kept an eye on Iris as the weather team darted about in a final safety check, before kicking the storm into action. Iris had spent almost every waking hour in Cloudsdale’s training centers since fall, but now she was free of classes, and an adult in every sense.

/ / /

With a relieved sigh Iris watched their storm lite up the dusky night. "Great job, everypony," Iris congratulated her team. The veteran team had taken to their new, young manager much better than she had feared. "Now let's go home."

The team of professionals melted into a collection of parting friends. Iris lingered with the group, both accepting and giving praise to the members as they peeled away one by one to head home. Once the last two flew off Iris called the day’s work done and she let herself relax. Iris breathed in the ozone tinged air and smiled. Her eye traced the edges of the thunder heads and smiled. Their dark mass hung perfectly around the white cliffs of Canterlot. The thunder growled deep and long, promising and evening light show before a long steady rain.

Nodding at a job well done, Iris flew off to her own new apartment.

At their last dinner, Twilight had mentioned visiting her after work, but seeing her waiting by her doorstep was still surprising. “Princess Twilight,” Iris said with a little bow. “To what do I owe the honor?”

“None of that court stuff here,” Twilight said waving a hoof. “I just wanted to give you a housewarming present, and see how you were.”

Iris smiled, opening the door and gesturing for Twilight to enter. “Well then, please come in. It’s about to rain.”

The apartment was small, but nice. It reminded Twilight of Pinkie’s place above Sugar Cube Corner. She missed that place. “Hope I’m not interrupting any plans.”

Iris laughed and turned on some more lights. “Not at all. I was merely going to drop off my work bag, then go to the gym,” Iris said, opening a door to the bedroom to drop off said bag.

Through the open door a red cape hanging on the wall like a trophy caught Twilight's attention. “Is that a Cutie Mark Crusader cape?”

“Sure is. Four year member before I got my mark." Iris looked to the cape with a smile. "I need to give back; volunteer with them now that I have free time. You actually knew Scootaloo, didn’t you?”

“Wait,” Twilight said, scrunching up her face. “You didn’t get your cutie mark till-”

“Last spring, right after you came back,” Iris proudly finished the sentence for her.

Twilight giggled. A grin of pure joy threatening to split her face. “How did you get your mark?”

“Well, that month’s homework for the Crusaders was, find what you want others to see in you. I think better when I’m flying, so I was gliding around Canterlot, doing a few tricks, when all of a sudden there was a beam of white light stretching from the castle to the stars. It was blinding, but beautiful. When I landed to get a better look at it, I noticed everypony coming out into the streets to marvel at it. Hundreds of ponies were stopping their lives to look at this, and they were all smiling. This little moment of beauty had made their day different, special. I wished I could affect ponies like that. The rest as they say, is history.”

“That light,” Twilight said. “Was Morning and Evening getting their cutie marks.”

“Really? That's funny, because that same night, Tranquility got her mark. A cart wrecked because of that light, and she helped a stallion get to the hospital.”

Twilight laughed. She’d bet good bits that Surprise had gotten her mark that night too. Fate, it seemed had a sense of humor, or maybe she just wasn’t very creative. Digging into her saddlebags, Twilight pulled out a colorful box. “Here’s a housewarming gift. I hope you like it.”

Opening the gift, Iris pulled out a jacket cut for a pegasus, its color between hers and Twilight’s. The material felt warm and soft, but looked like crystal. “What is this made of? And why do I feel like I should know this?” she asked, running her hooves over the cloth.

The coat was a gift from Rarity, after Twilight had gotten her wings, but before her growth spurt. She'd only been able to wear it for a year, but she could never bring herself to get rid of it. Iris didn’t need to know that: Rarity would appreciate the humor of the regift. “It’s crystal fabric. Don’t worry about being gentle with it. I’ve seen that stuff survive timberwolf claws and dragon fire.”

“Are... you sure?” Iris asked, slipping on the jacket to test its fit. “I mean, I didn’t know there was anything from the crystal empire left in Equestria. At least that’s not in a museum.

Twilight smiled. “You said you were going to the gym. Mind if I join you?”

- - -

Spike looked up from his book at the flash of lavender light. Setting the book down, he walked into the main room. It was rather odd for Twilight to teleport home, it normally meant an emergency. What he found was not a panicked Twilight reacting to bad news, but a Twilight walking towards the bathroom; very slowly. Her face contorted in concentration, and every step taken as though a wrong move would shatter her.

“Twilight, are you alright?” he asked.

“Everything hurts ... can’t lift my hooves.”

“Are you alright?” Spike repeated.

Twilight tried to laugh, but it hurt too much. “Went to the gym with Iris.”

“Ah, trying to keep up with the young ones. Surprise has already taught me better. Do you need help?”

“No, just need a hot bath. Actually, have the kitchen send up a cheese and tofu omelet. I need protein. How long are you all in town?” Twilight asked, using her magic to open the door to the bathroom. “I’m going to start going with her twice a week. You could come too.”

“We’re going back to Ponyville this weekend. But, why would I want to hurt myself like that.”

Turning to face Spike, Twilight cracked a smirk. “She thinks you’re handsome.”

Spike blinked at the comment. He opened his mouth to ask what she meant by that, but Twilight closed the door behind her before he could speak.