• Published 2nd Jun 2013
  • 3,042 Views, 134 Comments

Stars Relit - Rocinante

150 years after the passing of her best friends, Twilight refuses to let go of her last promise to them all, "I will find you again."

  • ...

Old Flames

Spike craned his neck to take a sip of coffee; he liked watching his daughter work. It'd been almost three years since his return, but part of him felt like he'd never left.

He let his eyes wander around the familiar shop. The carousel boutique had been Rarity's creative epicenter for her clothing. Now it was Lavender’s for jewelry. One old ponyquin was all that remained of Rarity's shop, now used by her daughter as a display for larger works. The building was the same though, his mind’s eye could peel away time and its change at a whim. Racks of fabric where Lavender’s workbench sat, the hum of a sewing machine instead of the tap of a goldsmith's hammer, clothing racks where glass cases now display fine jewelry.

“You have that look again Father,” Lavender’s voice pulled him from his nostalgia.

“Just remembering,” he answered with a lazy smile. "Is Surprise still coming home this weekend?"

Lavender nodded, trading the hammer in her hand for a file. “Star Wing will be home tonight too.”

Spike’s teeth flashed a wicked grin.”Oh?”

“Father. I’m sorry you missed the chance to torment him when we started dating. But he’s my husband now. You’re going to send him to an early grave if you keep that up.”

Spike frowned. “Aww... But he’s fun, he doesn't back down from me.”

Lavender only answered him with a raised eyebrow.

“Okay,” Spike chuckled. “I’ll be good.”

“Or. You could be a darling, and run over to Lapus’s shop and pick up the gems he’s cutting for me.”

Spike shook his head with a grin. Setting his cup down, he rose to his feet. “I’ll bring back breakfast while I’m at it. How does something from Hearth and Bread sound?” he asked, moving away from the furniture before beginning his transformation spell.

Lavender’s ears perked up at the offer. “Oh! Get some gem dust from Lapus and we’ll mix it in the cream cheese!”

“Bagels it is then,” Spike said as his green smoke lifted from him. Throwing a saddlebag on his back, he opened the front door. “I’ll be back in an hour.”

The breakfast rush was in full swing when Spike arrived at the old Sugar Cube Corner building. Now Hearth and Bread, it carted to more savory pallets than sweet tooths. Picking up his order from the counter, he began the walk across town to Lapus’s. Looking up he smiled at the sight of Canterlot; the clouds framing the city looked like pure silver in the morning sun.

“Glad you like it.”

Spike jumped at the sudden voice beside him. Looking towards it, he found Iris looking back at him. “Um... Hi.”

The young mare had a horrible crush on him. Twilight had been playing wingmare for her ever since they had started working out together. He felt bad about it really. Not that he didn’t think she was pretty. Quite the opposite, he thought she was incredibly attractive, but looks only went so far. They had nothing in common, and he wasn't about to toy with her feelings: he could never forget the torment of half-given attention.

“What brings you into town?” Spike asked continuing his walk to the gem cutter.

Iris fell into step beside him. “Tranquility is graduating tonight. We're taking her out to celebrate after the ceremony. I was wondering if you would want to come too ... with me ... as a date.”

Spike stopped and blinked at Iris. She had finally come out and said it; a date. She’d been clever about it too. She knew he was going to the ceremony, with both Surprise and Twilight having asked him to come. “I...” Spike drawled. He was going to see her at the graduation ether way. Avoiding her would be more complicated than just rolling with it. Gathering his thoughts, Spike rubbed his nose with a hoof. “Iris, are you sure you want to ask me on a date?”

She nodded with a confident smile. “MmHmm.”

Spike sighed. He’d tried to date while he was in Draconia, but that hadn't gone very well. He was more pony than dragon it seemed. What did he have to lose? It would be a fun night out, with a pretty mare by his side. Iris would learn he was actually pretty boring, and his exotic appeal would fade.

“Okay, it’s a date.”

Iris grinned ear to ear. “See you tonight then,” Iris said before launching into the air.

- - -

Hoof steps sounded on the balcony behind Twilight. She didn't have to turn to know it was Luna. The brush of a wing from her flank to her neck confirmed the guess.

“Somepony’s hoovsey this evening,” Twilight said, turning to meet Luna’s impish grin.

”Not my fault you decided to become a gym bunny. Don’t look so good, if you don’t want my attention,” Luna said, before nipping at Twilight's neck, earning her a swat in the nose from Twilight.

Leveling her best insulted look, Twilight pulled away from Luna. “I knew it along, you only love me for my body.”

Luna put a hoof to her chest in mock indignation. “I never said otherwise.”

Twilight giggled, the contagious laughter breaking Luna’s act as they both took to laughing.

“Alright you two. Don’t make me get the hose ... again,” Celestia’s voice called from the balcony.

“How did you get a garden hose into the dinning room anyway?” Luna asked turning to face her sister.

“You have your secrets, I have mine dear sister. If we want to catch Tranquility's graduation, we need to be going.”

Twilight nodded, and headed for the window. They would be going in their alter egos today. Two years of hard work had set Tranquility at the top of her class. Within the week she would be working at Canterlot general as an apprentice nurse.

Taking to the air, the three alicorns glided down to the gardens below. Weaving their magic, they disguised themselves in their mundane persona.

“How are my apprentices doing?” Galaxy asked as they began to walk.

“Straight A’s, but we’re going to have to replace the alchemy lab,” Sunny said, “I’m taking that out of your budget buy the way.”

Moonbeam nodded. “Evening's last dissertation was excellent. I’ll be surprised if she isn’t done with her thesis by next year. Also you owe me a new carriage.”

“New carriage?” Galaxy asked.

“Self-flying carriage,” Moonbeam answered.

“Oh. Didn’t fly so well?” Galaxy asked. Morning had told her about the lab incident. Apparently it had already earned the title of, The Coffee Incident. The matter with the carriage was new to her though; unless it was what Evening had vaguely referred to as, the practical that didn’t go so well.

Moonbeam shrugged. “I’m told it flew like a demon ... straight into the side of the mountain. The wreckage was quite the chore to clean up.”

Turning a corner, the three looked up at the gray stone arch leading into the medical college. White garland strung from its lamps funneled the attending guests into the inner courtyard.

Sunny perked up as she remembered something. “I have a formal request from Surprise on my desk. She wants to use part of the castle this coming Nightmare Night. Something about a haunted castle tour. It’s for her final project at Canter Arts.”

Moonbeam let loose a malevolent giggle. “Oh please sister, approve that.”

“I was going to, but now I’m not sure...”