• Published 3rd Jun 2013
  • 5,737 Views, 298 Comments

Spellbound Apples - Silentpegasus

Hex Swirl, a traveling magician has an unfortunte accident in the Everfree forest. He wakes up in care of Applejack who takes a liking to the stallion. What secret is he keeping from the ponies and what will happen when a pony from his past returns?

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Chapter 14: Confrontation

Chapter 14


Hex appeared in the rehab center’s lobby and cursed under his breath as he stormed out. Applejack charged after him and blocked his path.

“Applejack, please get out of my way.” He said in a serious tone.

“Can’t do that partner.” She said as she glared at the blue stallion. Hex sighed and teleported past her and continued to walk away. “You promised me that you’d talk to him!” The blue stallion froze at the mare's words. “You said that you’d give him a chance and that you’d do it for me or was that just a lie?” Hex bit his lip and let out a sigh. The stallion sighed and turned back to face the mare.

“Alright. For you, not for him.” He said in a flat tone. The mare gave him a small kiss on the cheek and smiled as she led him back inside. The blue stallion re entered the room and glared at the azure mare and dark blue stallion.

“Hex I-” The younger stallion held up a hoof.

“Not here. This is a family matter.” He said with a grunt. The older stallion hung his head in shame. A long silence fell over the group.

“So,” Twilight said trying to ease the tension “how exactly did you two meet?” The mare asked as she looked at Gale.

“Well, I was in therapy and Night here joined the clinic to help with his alcoholism.” The white mare said. “We started talking and things just clicked.” She then turned towards Hex. “He told me all about him abandoning you and your sister which drove him to drink.”

“That supposed to make me feel better?” Hex spat out.

“It shows that he cares about you and-”

“No offense Gale, but its not any of your business.” He said in a flat tone. The mare gulped. “I don’t have anything against you personally, but this is a family matter.” The stallion said in a flat tone. Nightshade gave a small smile at the words. “Wipe the smile off your face.” He said as he glared at the stallion. “I’m not doing this for you.” He said before turning around. “You know the Gazebo in the middle of the park?”

“Y-yes.” Nightshade said in a nervous tone.

“Meet me there at noon. Only you and Trixie.” He said before vanishing in a flash of light. The blue stallion hung his head in shame as Trixie put a hoof on his shoulder. Gale kept silent and looked at the stallion.

“Gale....I....” The Pegasus mare put hoof on his lips.

“Go.” She said with a smile. “I need to patch things up with my son as well.” She said as she looked at the white stallion.

“Thank you.” He said before he and Trixie galloped out of the room and towards the small town. Applejack gulped as she thought of the confrontation going sour.

“Sorry ya’ll, but ah gotta go.” The rest of the group nodded and watched as the orange mare chased after the three Unicorns.

Hex sat on the bench in the structure centered in the middle of the park. The stallion looked to his left to see two adult ducks with four ducklings floating in the water. The stallion pulled out his pocket watch and watched the second hand go by. His ind was a war zone. He promised AJ that he’d give the plot hole a chance, but his resentment was making it hard to think.

Hex’s eyes narrowed as he saw the two blue Unicorns enter his vision. Hex ignored his instinct to hit the stallion with a telekinetic blast so hard that it’d make his skin rip off. The stallion just decided to grunt. The mare could feel her brother’s icy glare he was casting at their father who was literally shaking in his hooves.

“Okay,” Hex said as the two took a seat. “before we begin I’m letting you know one thing Nightshade.” The words were sharp enough to cut through a tree with one swipe. “I’m not doing this for you. Trixie said that you wanted to talk and my mare-friend said that I should at least give you a chance.” Night gave a small gulp. “You only get one. I don’t like what I hear then the next time I see you, I shoot first and ask questions later. Clear?”

“Crystal.” The stallion said in a low tone.

“Okay first off, how did you even find Trixie?” Hex looked at the azure mare.

“At one of her shows a year ago.” He said as his ears flopped to the sides of his head. “I was passing by and I couldn’t believe my eyes. I finally got up the nerve to talk to her face to face.” Hex looked at Trixie who nodded. “When I told her who I was she was a little...resistant to talk.”

“How resistant?”

“I sent him flying through a brick wall and out onto the street.” Trixie said with a guilty look on her face. The azure mare perked up and looked over Hex’s shoulder. She could faintly make out the shape of an orange pony motioning to her. “Um, I have to use the mare’s room. Don’t do anything while I’m gone.” She said as she glared at her brother.

“I know. I know.” Hex said with a grunt. Trixie teleported away from the two and over to where Applejack was waiting.

“How’re things going Trixie?” She asked with concern in her voice.

“Too early to tell. Hex is still resentful. Not that Trixie blames him, but Trixie is trying to scrape together of what’s left of her family.” She said as she hung her head. AJ put a hoof on her shoulder and smiled.

“Ah can see that you’re trying. Is there anything that ah can do to help?” Trixie bit her lip and searched her mind.

“Sorry Applejack, but this is between us as a family.” Applejack nodded. Her eyes grew wide as an idea came to her.

“Hey Trixie. Can you cast that teleportation spell on me? Ya know, the one you used to help me find Hex.” Trixie blinked in confusion.

“It is within Trixie’s power. Why?”

“Its hard to explain.” Trixie raised an eyebrow at the mare. “Just trust me on this.”

“Remember that it will only work one way.” Trixie said as her horn glowed and a blue gem appeared in the farmer’s hoof.

“Ah know. Hopefully my idea will work. Just make sure that Hex doesn’t do anything too...drastic until I’m back.” Trixie nodded and made the mare vanish in a flash of light. Trixie sighed and hastily made her way back towards her brother and father.

Applejack rubbed her eyes as the blinding light faded. She looked around to see that she was in on the edge of the East field of her farm. The mare made haste towards her home and into the barn where the performer’s carriage was. Applejack walked up to it and started banging on the door like a mad pony.

“Open up!” She yelled. “Ah now you’re in there and ah know you can hear me! Hex needs your help.” The mare hollered. No response came from inside. “Oh don’t you pull this on me ya dang Nightmare Night attraction.” The carriage remained motionless.

“Fine be that way.” The mare said with her hung held low. “What kind of mother refuses to help her children?” As the mare started to walk away she heard a clicking noise and the door opened. Applejack silently thanked Celestia and made her way inside.

Hex cracked the vertebrae in his neck and looked back at his father who still had the glum look on his face. Trixie had returned to them and was sitting next to the older blue stallion. The silence between the three had lasted for five minutes but felt like years. Finally Nightshade gathered his strength and sighed.

“I’m so sorry!” He sniffled. “I’m sorry that I abandoned you all those years ago.” His body started to shake and his eyes were filled with tears. “If I could go back and stop myself then I would.”

“You can’t though.” He frowned.

“Hex-” The azure mare was stopped by her brother’s icy glare.

“We trusted him Trix! Then he goes and leaves us out like a piece of trash?” He yelled. “I know that you were young and you may not remember but-” A light blue hoof the slapped him across the face. He looked at Trixie who had tears running down her face.

“How dare you! You think that Trixie doesn’t remember?” She glared at the stallion with daggers in her eyes. “Trixie remembers full well what we saw and felt! I’ll never forget it so long as Trixie lives!” She cried.

“So why are you standing up for him?” He yelled. “After what he did to us, after all the pain he caused why? Why are you helping him?”

“Because mom would want us to stick together!” The azure mare cried. “She’d want us to be happy as a family together.” She sniffled. “That’s what I’m trying to do!” Hex bit his lip and gritted his teeth. Trixie felt her father put a hoof on her shoulder.

“Its okay Trixie. I know I don’t deserve you two.” He sighed.

“Just...tell me why.” Hex said as he looked at the stallion. “Why? Why did you give us up?” Hex was using all his restraint to hear the stallion out. Night hung his head in shame and let out a sigh.

“I was weak.” He said with a gulp. “Your mother, she was always so strong.” Night said as he hung his head in shame. “When I heard about what happened I felt like I couldn’t do anything. I loved your mother with every fiber of my being.”

“What about us huh?” Hex asked.

“No, I loved you two even more.” He said as tears flowed forth. “I thought that you two would be better off without a spineless stallion like me. I wanted the best for you two and adoption seemed to be the best. I dreamed that you two would get adopted by a rich family and you would be happy. You’d get everything you ever wanted.” Trixie wrapped her father in a tight hug.

“All we ever wanted was a father who would love us.” Trixie sniffled. Night looked at his daughter with tears in his eyes. Hex was fighting his frustration back as happy memories of his family flooded his mind. The three then saw a blinding flash of light and a loud bang. The Unicorns opened their eyes to see Hex’s cart standing in front of the gazebo.

The door opened to reveal a dizzy orange earth pony mare.

“Applejack?” Hex asked as he galloped up to her. “What are you doing here?”

“Ah’m helping!” She said as she glared at the stallion. “He may be a plot hole, but he’s family!” She said as she looked at Nightshade. “Ah ain’t the only one who thinks so either.” The carriage door opened and the bright blue gem shot out and floated before the blue stallion.

The azure mare’s hat and cape flew off her body and levitated over the blue gem that shined like a star. The ponies closed their eyes to shield themselves from the light. As they opened their eyes their jaws dropped. Standing before them was a light blue Unicorn mare with long grey hair and wine red eyes. Hex felt his hooves give out and he slumped to the ground.

“S-Smokey?” Night said in a shaky tone

"Mom?" Hex said in a disbelief.

“What is this?” Trixie asked as she looked at the mare. The mare trotted forwards and wrapped the two in a tight hug. The two siblings felt her tears on their coats and held her tightly.

“It so good to see you both again.” She cried.

“I don’t understand.” Hex said with a sniffle. “How is this even possible?” The mare sat on her haunches and looked at the two.

“During my last few moments I transferred what was left of my magic into the jewel I gave you for your birthday and the gem that was around my cloak that I gave Trixie.” She said as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

“So you were there the whole time?” Trixie asked as she and Hex frowned.

“I couldn’t reveal myself to you. That was the price of the spell.” The mare looked over their shoulders and saw the stunned blue stallion. Smokey let go of her children and approached him.

“Smokey, I-” He was met with a firm slap to the face. The stallion didn’t protest and accepted the pain. He was getting ready for another one when he felt the mare’s hooves wrap around him.

“It’s good to see you again Night.” She couldn’t help but smile as the tears rolled down both their faces.

“I’m so sorry! I’m ashamed to call myself a father I-” He was cut off as the mare put a hoof to his lips.

“You only did what you thought was best for our children. There is no crime in that.” She said with a sigh. “What you did may have been wrong, but your intentions were in the right place.” The stallion sniffled.

“I was so lost without you.” He gulped. “You were always perfect and I didn’t deserve you. Me, a lowly potion maker with the famouse Smokey Mirrors.” The mare held him closer and ran hoof through his mane. Night looked up at the two other Unicorns and let out a sigh.

“I truly am sorry for what I did. After I abandoned you two, nothing felt right. Food had no taste, I never slept and I crawled inside a whiskey bottle in an attempt to drown my sorrows.” He shivered. “I started going to meetings and I found myself in rehab. That’s where I met-” He stopped and looked at the specter of his wife. “Smokey..I’m..seeing some-” The ghost put a hoof on his lips and smiled.

“Applejack told me and I just want all of you to be happy.” Her form then started to flicker and fade. “It looks like my time is up.”

“What?” Hex said with tears in his eyes.

“I could only remain within the crystals if you remained oblivious to my existence. Now that I showed myself, my magic is running out.” Her form continued to flicker. Trixie was sitting on her haunches and crying into her brother’s chest. Smokey levitated her cape and hat off herself and put them back on the azure mare.

“You’ll need these Trixie.” She said with a teary smile. “The show must go on after all.”

“Trixie doesn’t want you to go!” She cried.

“I know sweetie.” She said as she hugged her daughter. Hex stood frozen unable to process what was going on. “Hex I’m so sorry about all of this. If there were someway to do it all over again I would.”

“It’s not fair.” He shuddered as AJ put a hoof on his shoulder. Hex looked at the orange mare who had tears in her eyes. “I just wish that.....I don’t even know anymore.” The orange mare wrapped him in a hug and ran a hoof through his mane.

“I know.” She sighed. “I’m so sorry that you all had to go through such hardship.” She lowered her head and sniffled. “Can you forgive me?” The three Unicorns looked at one another and sniffled as they wrapped her in a hug.

“There’s nothing for you to apologize for.” Night said with a sigh. “I’m sorry I-”

“Oh just shut up Night.” Smokey said as her form continued to fade. “Just remember that I’m always with you three.” The three Unicorns saw a blinding flash of light and the mare’s body was gone. The three Unicorn’s stared at the empty space where the specter once occupied. Hex wiped the tears away and looked back at Nightshade who still hung his head low.

The dark blue stallion walked in front of his father and glared at him.

“Hex I-” He was cut off as Hex wrapped him in a tight hug. Night gulp and returned the embrace.

“I’m not sure if I can forgive you completely,” Hex said in a low tone. “so you’re gonna have to start making it up to both Trixie and I when we get back.” Trixie smiled and wrapped them both in a hug. AJ smiled and wiped the tears from her eyes.

“I swear on your mother’s grave that I will never do anything to harm either of you two ever again.” He said as he smiled. The blue stallion then spied the Stetson wearing mare and trotted over to her.

“Um, I’m not sure if we’ve been properly introduced.” The stallion then extended his hoof. “Nightshade Elixir.” AJ smiled and gave it a hard shake.

“Applejack.” She smiled. Trixie and Hex trotted over to her with smiles on their faces.

“Trixie can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done for us Applejack.” The azure mare smiled.

“Oh shucks now, family is family.” She smiled.

“So what happens now?” Night asked.

“We head home.” Hex said as he started walking. “All of us.” Hex made his horn flare and his carriage vanished in a flash of light. As they started to walk towards the exit of the park AJ pulled the older stallion aside for a moment.

“Something wrong?” He asked. The farmer glared at the stallion and narrowed her eyes.

“Listen here pal, if you try to pull something, anything on Hex or Trixie then I’ll show you how the Apple family deals with ponies who break their promises.” The orange mare trotted over to a nearby oak tree and slammed both of her back hooves into it. The blue stallion heard the tree creak and his jaw dropped as he saw it uprooted. “That was just a warm up. Get it?”

“Yes.” He said with a gulp.

“Yes, what?” She asked as she flared her nostrils.

“Yes, ma’am!”

“Good.” AJ said donning her usual smile. The older stallion gulped and caught up with the Unicorns. Hex noticed the nervous stallion and chuckled.

“You sure know how to pick em Hex.” He said as the orange mare trotted along side the blue stallion.

“Yeah, I sure do.” He said as the farmer gave him a peck on the cheek.

Author's Note:

So sorry for the lateness!!!