• Published 3rd Jun 2013
  • 5,740 Views, 298 Comments

Spellbound Apples - Silentpegasus

Hex Swirl, a traveling magician has an unfortunte accident in the Everfree forest. He wakes up in care of Applejack who takes a liking to the stallion. What secret is he keeping from the ponies and what will happen when a pony from his past returns?

  • ...

Chapter 8: Little Talks

Chapter 8

Little Talks

Hex and Applejack sat at the table inside Sweet Apple Acres as Granny Smith, Applebloom and Big Mac looked at them in anticipation. The rest of the apples had gotten back from Appaloosa late last night and were still fairly tired.

“Well, what’s so important?” Mac said in an aggravated tone.

“Since you were at Braeburn’s mercy for a couple of day’s we’ll keep is simple and straight to the point.” Applejack said with a nod. The red stallion silently thanked Celestia. Applejack gave Hex a nudge and the blue stallion gulped.

“Right, just two things really.” He said as he felt a small wave of fear creep over him as the red stallion focused his gaze. “Applejack and I are going out.” Mac’s jaw hit the floor while Applebloom and Granny Smith cheered in delight.

“Bough’t time you found yourself a stallion!” The elderly mare said.

“Granny ah’m only twenty-two.” Applejack said with a sigh.

“You said that you had two things to tell us. What’s the other thing?” Applebloom asked.

“Did you knock up my sister?” Mac bellowed. Applejack gave him a glare that could make a Dragon cower in fear.

“Hex hasn’t pressured me into doing anything that ah haven’t wanted to do! So just shut yer trap before ah shut it for you!” Applejack yelled. The red stallion felt all the color from his face drain at the words. “The floor is yours hun.” The orange farmer said shifting back to her happy self. Hex felt a bead of sweat from on his fore head at his mare friend’s anger.

“R-right.” He said as he took a deep breath. “I’m assuming that you’re all familiar with a show mare named Trixie?” The other apple’s frowned at the name.

“Eeyup.” Mac said with a grunt.

“Is she back here? Ah’ll show that no good show off how the Apples deal with-” The green mare was cut off as Hex raised a hoof.

“She’s my little sister.” The other farmers looked at him in shock. “And yes she is here, in my cart.”

“You know about this AJ?” Mac asked.

“Yeah, ah found out two days ago.”

“Look, I know my sister has done some....questionable things to say the least.” Hex said with a sigh. “And I’ll talk to her about it as soon as she’s better.”

“Is she sick or something?” Applebloom asked.

“Yeah, she’s real sick. She’s been out cold for two days now. I called Nurse Red Heart and she’s helping her recover.” He then shifted his gaze to the red stallion. “Mac, I know you’re the stallion of the house, so I’m asking...no, I’m begging you to let Trixie and I stay.” He said in a pleading tone. “At least until she’s better and if you still want us to go by then, then we will without a fuss.” He said in a defeated tone.

The red stallion looked between the magician and his younger sister. He rolled the stallion’s words in his head for a few minutes before letting out a heavy sigh.

“Granted ah don’t know your sister that well and from what ah’ve seen, ah don’t really want to.” Hex held his head in defeat. “However, as an older sibling ah know that ah’d fight Celestia herself if it means that my kin are okay.”

“You’re letting us stay?”

“Temporarily.” The red farmer said as he hardened his gaze. “Show me that you and your sis are good ponies and ah may be able to extend your stay.” Mac said with a grin. Hex happily shook the stallion’s hoof.

“Thanks Mac.”

“One condition. If she or you causes trouble for either this town or mah family, then ah’ll kick your flanks out of here faster than you can say, ‘buck.’” Mac said as he gave Hex a death stare.

“Noted.” Hex said with a smile.

“Ya say she’s been asleep for two days now?” The elderly mare asked.

“Yeah, why?” Granny Smith got to her hooves and pulled out a large brown jug and motioned for them to follow her. Hex opened the carriage causing the other farmers to freeze in shock. “Yes, it’s bigger on the inside.” Hex said with a smug grin. The blue stallion led the farmers to where the azure mare was sleeping. Applebloom gulped as she saw the mare in such a weak state.

Granny Smith trotted over to her and poured the contents of the jug onto a table spoon. The farmer picked up Trixie’s head and slowly slid the spoon between her lips and let the liquid pour down he throat. “What’s that stuff gonna-” He was cut off as the show mare’s eyes snapped open and sat up.

“What in the name of Celestia’s royal flank?” She yelled as she tried to get the foul taste out of her mouth.

“Apple family moonshine. That stuffs got enough kick to wake the dead.” Mac clarified. Trixie became aware of the ponies in the room and smiled as she saw her brother who gave her a hug. The mare’s eyes shrank as she saw the familiar orange mare looking at her with a blank expression on her face. Trixie gulped and looked back at the mare with fear present in her eyes.

“Um, can you guys give us some time alone?” Hex asked. The farmers nodded and soon left the two magicians and Applejack alone in the carriage. The blue stallion scratched his mane looking for where to begin explaining the situation to his newly awoken sister. “How are you feeling Trix?” He asked.

“Better. All things considering.” The mare then turned her attention to Applejack who was biting her lip. “What’s she doing here?” Trixie asked in a scared tone.

“Right, I should probably explain a few things.” He said with a sigh. “First off, Applejack’s family was kind enough to allow us to stay while you recover.” He said with a small smile.

“How in the name of Luna did you get them to say yes to that?” Trixie asked in surprise. Hex scratched his chin searching for the right words.

“Well....you see-”

“I’m your brother’s mare friend.” Applejack interjected. The azure mare felt her right eye twitch as she processed the information. “Deal with it.”

“Oh....I see.” She said with a gulp.

“Trixie, you need to relax. Granted from what I’ve heard your interactions with Applejack and her friends were......less than pleasant, but AJ is a reasonable mare and is hopefully going to give you a second chance.” Hex said in a hope filled tone. Trixie blinked twice and looked at the farmer who held the same blank expression.

“Is this true?” Trixie asked.

“Ah ain’t gonna lie to ya Trixie. Yer a right thorn in mah side and you’ve given this town as much trouble as Discord.” Trixie held her head in shame. “But, you’re Hex’s sister, so I guess ya can’t be all bad.” AJ said with a sigh. “I am willing to forgive you if you show that you’re an okay gal.”

“Trixie is most grateful.” The azure mare said in a low tone. Hex breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the bead of sweat that was forming on his forehead.

“I’m glad.” He said with a smile. “I’m gonna go to Twilight and see what it’ll get to make sure that Dash and the town folk don’t form a mob.” He said as he walked towards the door. “In the mean time, you two play nice and if theres a problem.” He said as he summoned his hat that was now in it’s usual top hat form. “I’ll know.” He said before closing the door, leaving the two mares alone. Trixie looked at Applejack who started to whistle a tune.

Hex made his way into town only catching a few glances from the market ponies. He was fortunate enough to run into Pinkie Pie who helped with running interference. The two managed to round up the remaining members of their group including a disgruntled Rainbow Dash and her rational coltfriend. The group sat in the library and prepare themselves. “Okay look guys, I know that Trixie isn’t the most liked pony around here.”

“Damn right!” Dash yelled.

“Easy there Skittles.” Storm said calming his fiance down.

“Thank you Storm.” He said with a nod. “I know my sister and I know that she feels guilty about what she’s done.” He said as he adverted his eyes from the mares. “I talked it over with Big Mac and he’s letting us stay there until she’s fully healed. Provided we don’t cause any trouble.”

“Sounds easy enough.” Pinkie chimed.

“Yeah, but that’s only half the battle. I want the ponies here to be able to at least tolerate Trixie.” He said with a sigh. “That’s where you guys come in. I need you guys to try to calm the ponies here down so that they don’t start a riot whenever they hear my sister’s name.”

“It won’t be easy.” Rarity said as she scratched her chin. “By the way, where’s Applejack?” The white mare asked as she looked at the group of friends.

“She’s talking with Trixie.” He said in a flat tone. “I figured if I can at least win her over then it might help our case.”

“Good idea, AJ can be a bit hard headed sometimes.” Twilight added.

“Believe me. I know.” Hex said with a small chuckle. Dash gripped her seat and finally flew up in one fluid, anger filled motion.

“Are you guys crazy? This is Trixie we’re talking about here! She enslaved the town, banished Twilight and dragged the over grown bear into town!” The cyan mare yelled. “I say she doesn’t get in until she pays for it!”

“Oh please. You’re just sore cause your ego got a little fractured.” The blue stallion fired back. The cyan mare pressed her head up against his and glared at him.

“My ego is just fine!” Rainbow argued.

“This coming from the mare who was in the fetal position at the best young fliers competition two years back.” The other ponies looked at him in confusion. “I was there Dash. I saw you curled up on the ground like a scared little filly.” He said in a challenging tone. “Despite some minor differences, you and Trixie are a lot alike.” The cyan mare then slapped the stallion across the face with the back of her hoof.

“I am NOTHING like Trixie!” She bellowed as her colt friend tried to get her under control.

“Really? Let’s go down the list; Quick tempered: Check. Likes to show off: Check. Massive ego to cover up insecurities: Check. Stop me if this is sounding a bit too familiar.” Hex said in an icy tone. Dash rolled the words around in her head for a few minutes and tried to answer back, but found no argument.

“Anyway.” Twilight said trying to get things back on track. “I think that one thing that could work is if she apologizes to the whole town.”

“Yeah! We could have a ‘Trixie Apology party!’” The pink party animal said with a smile.

“That could work.” Hex said with a shrug. “Still, Trixie is in no condition to do anything like that anytime soon and given the town’s feelings towards her, I doubt anypony would even show up other than to ridicule her more.”

“Sad, but true.” Rarity said with a sigh. The group thought for a moment before Twilight perked up and smiled.

“Okay here’s what we’ll do.” She said as the ponies huddled around her.

Back on Sweet Apple acres Trixie and Applejack sat in silence as they waited for Hex’s return. It had only been a half hour but it felt like a century had passed between the two. The tension in the room was thick enough for one of them to cut with a knife.

“So...how did you meet Hex anyway?” Trixie asked trying to make conversation.

“He crashed into my barn in the middle of the night after escaping timber wolves.” Trixie let out a gasp at the words. “He was out for three days and ah nursed him back to health.” Applejack said in a flat tone.

“I see.” Trixie let out a sigh and looked at the mare with tears in her eyes. “Thank you for looking after Trixie’s older brother.” The azure mare said with a smile. The farmer’s mind stopped working as she heard the words.

Trixie? Saying thanks? Never thought I’d see the day.

“No problem.” The farmer said with a shrug. “So, you and Hex traveled a lot?”

“Yes, Trixie went off on her own when she turned eighteen. Hex practically raised me.” She said with a small smile.

“Ah can imagine. He told us about your mom.” Trixie held her head in shame. “Ah know how losing a parent feels. Ah know it ain’t easy.” AJ said with a sigh. “To be honest ah’m a bit jealous of you.”

“How so?” Trixie said in a mocking laugh.

“How ya carry yourself after all you’ve gone through.” The orange mare said in a serious tone. “Life must have been mighty rough on ya and you can still hold yer head high.” The farmer said with a smile. Trixie hung her head in shame.

“It’s just a facade.” The blue mare said in a blank tone. “Trixie just calls herself great and powerful so she can think that she’s worth something each morning.”

“Hey, don’t talk like that now. Granted yer annoying, but yer not worthless.” Applejack said in a comforting tone.

“Your name is Applejack correct?” The farmer gave her a nod. “Please, refresh Trixie’s memory, what occurred between us specifically.”

“Well, you hog tied me on stage when ya first came to town.” The farmer said in a flat tone. “When ya went nuts with that fancy amulet, ya forced me to make you an apple sauce bath.” The blue mare motioned for the orange farmer to come closer. Applejack cocked an eyebrow and trotted over to Trixie’s bedside. The azure mare wrapped her hooves around the farmer’s neck and brought her into a hug.

“Trixie know’s she can never make up for what she’s done. I am truly sorry for mistreating you Applejack.” The magician said as tears formed in her eyes. Applejack stood frozen as her brain processes what was happening. She saw no deceit or lies in the mare’s action and returned the hug.

“It’s okay Trixie. Ah can tell when somepony is lying and you ain’t.” The orange mare said in a warm tone. “Ah guess ah can forgive you.”

“Awe!” The mare’s eyes shrank and looked behind them to see Hex standing with the rest of the group, including the small purple dragon. “That is so cute!” Pinkie chimed. The two mares broke apart and gulped as Hex walked up to them.

“Glad to see that you two are getting along.” The blue stallion said with a smile.

“Ah figured that she can be tolerable.” Applejack said with a small grin. Trixie smiled and turned her attention to the group of mares. Rarity stepped forward and cleared her throat.

“Trixie.” She said in a flat tone.

“Ms.....I’m sorry who are you again?”

“I am Rarity, you turned my mane swamp green the first time you came here.” She said in a flat tone. Hex stifled a laugh imagining the incident. Rarity casted him a death stare and the blue stallion started to innocently whistle to himself. “Anyway, you’re by far a pony I’d consider a friend.” The azure mare held her head in shame. “However, I have been known to change my mind from time to time.”

“Especially when it comes to dresses.” AJ said with a small smile. The group of ponies then heard an odd noise echoing through the cart. “What in the hay was that?”

“The doorbell. I’ll get it.” Hex said as he walked towards the door. The blue stallion opened it and saw a familiar white Pegasus stallion with a disgruntled cyan mare by his side. The mare had a hardcover book tucked under her wing. “Hey guys.”

“Mind if we come in?” Storm asked. Hex held the door open for them and smiled.

“Look, I’m sorry I snapped at you like that earlier Dash. It’s just that...” The stallion let out a sigh and locked eyes with the cyan mare. “Trixie is the only family I have left and I’ll do anything and everything to protect her.” He said in a flat tone.

“Let’s just get this over with.” She spat out. The white stallion face hoofed and led his mare friend inside the carriage.

“If there’s one thing I can say it’s that you have excellent taste in fashion.” Rarity said with a small grin.

“Really?” Trixie asked.

“Oh yes. That hat and cape you wear accents your coat fabulously.” Rarity said with a smile. Trixie hung her head in shame.

“They...belonged to my mother.” She said as her horn flared and the hat and cape appeared in front of her. Both garments were torn and were covered in mud. “She’d weep if she saw them in such a state.”

“Now, now dear, I can fix them up as good as new for you.” Rarity said as she put a hoof around the azure mare’s shoulder.

“Why would you do something like that for Trixie?”

“I can’t let a mare walk around without something nice to wear now can I?” Rarity said as she looked at the garments. Trixie gulped and casted a nervous glare at her brother.

“It’s okay Trix. Rarity here is a master with a needle and thread.” He said as the white mare blushed. “If she can’t fix it than no pony can.”

“Oh you flatter me dear.” She said with a giggle. Rarity then levitated the clothes onto her back and trotted out of the carriage with a smile on her face. Pinkie was next and had her signature smile on her face.

“Hi I’m Pinkie Pie.”

“Right, the pony who’s mouth I removed right?”

“Yeah, but don’t worry I got it back.” She said with a smile.

“Y-you’re not mad?”

“No silly!” She said with a smile. “You seemed sorry for it and you’re trying to apologize so you’re A okay in my book.” Pinkie said as she wrapped her in a bone crushing hug.

“Pinkie, she needs air!” Twilight yelled.

“Sorry!” The party animal said as she let go of the blue mare. “Plus I really liked those fireworks you used for your act. Where’d you get them?”

“Trixie made them.” The Pink mare gasped.


“Yes, I was taught by a friend of mine.”

“You ran into Flash?” Hex asked.

“Yes, he says hi by the way.” Pinkie was giggling to herself in glee as she exited the room. Trixie then saw an unfamiliar butter yellow Pegasus mare with a long flowing pink mane and tail.

“Um...hello.” She said with a gulp.

“Hi.” Trixie said with a gulp. A long silence fell between the two. “So...You are one of Twilight Sparkle’s friends yes?”

“Yes, my name is Fluttershy.” She said in a timid tone.

“Does Trixie frighten you?”

“A little.” The yellow Pegasus said in a soft tone.

“Oh.....I’m sorry.” Trixie said as she hung her head.

“No, I’m the one who’s sorry for making you feel uncomfortable.” Fluttershy said.

“But I’m the one who caused you all so much trouble.”

“It’s not-”

“Please don’t try to sugar coat things.” Trixie said in a flat tone. “I know what I did was wrong and I don’t deserve any kindness from you or your friends.”

“Now wait just one minute.” Fluttershy said. Her tone shifted from her usual timid tone to a strong and almost aggressive one. “Everypony has made mistakes. I know that what you did was bad, but I know that amulet had a lot to do with it.” Trixie gulped in surprise at the mare’s sudden change. “Everypony deserves kindness.” The yellow mare immediately slumped back to her original tone. “I mean, that’s just my opinion.”

“I see.” Trixie said carefully, hoping not to invoke the wrath of the shy. “Well,...Thank you. I suppose.” Trixie said in a semi frightened tone. The next pony to enter Trixie knew all to well. Her lavender coat complimented her dark purple eyes.

“Hey Trixie.” Twilight said with a smile.

“Trixie is-” The azure mare was cut off as Twilight wrapped the performer in a warm embrace. Trixie gulped and hesitantly returned the notion.

“You don’t have to apologize.” The student said with a smile. “I know that it couldn’t have been easy for you to survive out there on your own like that.” Trixie gulped and returned the hug.

“Thank you for being so understanding.” She said with a weak smile. Twilight gave her a friendly nod and exited the room. Trixie then heard sounds of protest and some struggling. The door burst open to show a white Pegasus stallion pushing a very angry Rainbow Dash through the door.

“Let me go!”

“Not until you give her chance.” Hex said with a groan. Rainbow continued to resist. The blue stallion’s horn flared and a folder appeared in his hoof. “Dash, remember I still have those photos.” The two Pegasi stopped dead in their tracks. “Do this, and I’ll destroy them.”

“Pinkie promise?” Dash asked in a stagnant tone. Hex rolled his eyes and went through the motions.

“Do we have a deal?” He said with an eyebrow raised. Dash looked at her fiance and back to the blue stallion.

“Fine. Just don’t expect me to trust her.”

“Fair enough.” Hex said as he and Storm left the room. The two blue mares looked at one another. Trixie’s eyes shrank as she remembered that this was the most hostile of the group of mares. Rainbow took a seat and bore holes through the performer with her gaze. Trixie then noticed the book the Pegasus had under her wing.

“You like Daring Do?” Rainbow looked from the mare, down to her book.

“Yeah. Why?” She asked in a challenging tone.

“Nothing, Trixie is a fan of it as well.” Dash cocked an eyebrow at the performer. “Hex used to read them to Trixie back when we were young.”

“Really?” The flyer asked as she walked over to the bed side. “So....Which one is your favorite?”

“The Griffin Goblet.” Dash’s eyes went wide.

“Same here! That last trap was crazy!” Trixie nodded her head in agreement.

“Trixie actually met the author in her travels and got an autographed copy.” Rainbow’s jaw hit the floor.

“No way!” Back outside the door, the group of ponies looked at one another in shock. Hex tapped the librarian on the shoulder and a sly grin was plastered on his face.

“Congratulations Twi. You have just witnessed a friendship being formed through the power of books.” He said with a chuckle. Twilight gave him a light hearty chuckle and hid her blush from the stallion. The door creaked open and Dash had a blank expression on her face.

“I guess she’s cooler than I thought she was.” She said in a long drawn out tone. Storm gave her a hug and smiled.

“Thank you.” Hex said with a sigh.

“Hey, Hex you got any munchies?” Spike asked.

“Yeah top shelf, next to the flour.” He said as he pointed with his hoof. Spike nodded and grabbed a nearby step ladder. Hex turned back to the Pegasus and held up the folder. “You fulfilled your end of the bargain. Now I will do the sa-”

“AHHHHCHOOOO!” The ponies looked behind them to see a green fireball rocketing towards them. They all ducked and avoided the green flames. Hex felt the fireball strike the folder and the photos immediately vanished. The group of ponies then looked to see Spike sitting in a pile of flower with a bowl over his head. “Sorry about that.” He said with a weak grin.

“No problem. You just did my job for me.” Hex said.

“What are you talking about?”

“You just burned the folder didn’t you?” Hex asked as he looked at the dragon.

“Um...” Rainbow and Storm immediately flew up to him.

“Spike what color was that fire ball?” Dash asked.


“What color does it make when you send Celestia letter?” Storm asked in a panic filled tone.

“Green.” The color from both Pegasi’s face melted away. The two took off like a mad ponies and raced towards Canterlot. Spike and the others shrugged as Hex’s horn glowed and he started to sweep up the pile of flour.

Celestia and Luna were sitting at a small coffee table in the solar Princess’s room when a green flame spat out a folder. The two Princess’s cocked an eyebrow and opened the folder. The two royal sisters both bust out in laughter at the pictures.

Author's Note:

So Sorry for the delay. Other fics and what not.