• Published 3rd Jun 2013
  • 5,740 Views, 298 Comments

Spellbound Apples - Silentpegasus

Hex Swirl, a traveling magician has an unfortunte accident in the Everfree forest. He wakes up in care of Applejack who takes a liking to the stallion. What secret is he keeping from the ponies and what will happen when a pony from his past returns?

  • ...

Chapter 4: Second Foalhood

Chapter 4

Second Foal hood

The sudden feeling of the hat being moved stirred the filly. Applejack let out a yawn and realized where she was and who she was looking at. Her face instantly turned crimson at the sight of the stallion.

“Oh howdy there Hex. Ah was just-” She stopped as she heard her own voice. “What in tarnation is wrong with my voice?” She yelled.

“It’s not just your voice AJ.” Hex said with a gulp.

“What?” The stallion summoned a mirror and hesitantly showed the orange filly. Applejack’s eye twitched and screamed in shock.

“What in the name of Celestia did you do to me?” She yelled.

“Nothing! I swear! I just walked in and found you like this.” He said as the filly hopped off the bed and glared at the stallion. “How did you even get in here?”

“The door was open and I came inside.”

“But, I could have sworn that I locked......Oh no.” He said as he face hoofed. “Is this your idea of a prank?” He said as he looked towards the ceiling.

“Who are you talking to?” Applejack asked. The shining blue crystal popped up in front of the two ponies.

“You think this is funny?” He asked as he glared at the gem. The bright blue gem turned pink. “Okay it’s a little funny.” The orange filly frowned at the stallion. “Regardless, change her back!”

“What the hay is going on?” The filly asked in a confused tone.

“My carriage decided to have a little fun with you while you were taking a nap.”

“A little fun? Oh real funny.” She said in a rough, sarcastic tone.

“It’s only temporary. It should wear off by tomorrow afternoon.” He said as the gem vanished. The filly tried to put her hat on her head, but found it to be too big and slid over her eyes.


“So what do we do?” Applejack asked.

“We wait until the spell wears off.” Hex said as he levitated a pots and pans onto the stove. “Hungry?”

“NO!” She yelled. He body betrayed her as a loud growl came from her stomach. The filly let out a sigh and followed the stallion into the kitchen. The filly tried to lift herself up. The filly blushed in embarrassment. Hex chuckled as his horn glowed and levitated the filly onto the chair with a pile of books underneath her so she sat at the table level. The blue stallion couldn’t keep a straight face as the filly pouted. “Wipe that grin off yer face before ah do it for you.” She said trying to sound threatening.

“Oh, but you look so adorable.” He said in a baby sounding voice.

“Ah mean it!” She yelled.

“Okay, okay. Sorry. Soups on.” He said as he set a bowl of soup in front of her. The filly picked up the spoon and ate in silence.

“So where did you get this thing anyway?” The filly asked as Hex washed the dishes.

“I found it.” He said in a flat tone.


“Well, more of found, borrowed and never returned it.” He said with a sigh. “The filly’s eyes shrank.

“You stole it!”

“I had to. Something bad was going to happen to it if I didn’t.” He countered.

“Like what?”

“It would have been sold or collecting dust in museum.” He said with a groan. “I couldn’t let that happen it was too.....unique.” He said with a sigh.

“You still broke the law!”

“Wouldn’t be the first time.” He said under his breath. “Still, have you ever had one of those moments that you did something and you don’t know why?” The filly’s cheeks blushed as she remembered the kiss from yesterday.


“Kinda like that. Something was just screaming at me to take her.”


“Yes, the carriage is a her.” He said with a grin. “She’s always been there for me and I her.”

“Not sure if that’s either sweet or sad.” AJ said in a low tone.

“Hey when you’re on the road most of the time you don’t have a lot of time to make friends.”

“Don’t you get lonely?” She asked.

“Sometimes.” He said in a flat tone. “But enough about that, time for bed.”

“Say what now?” She said with a confused look on her face.

“You may have the mind of a mare but you certainly have a body of a filly and you need your rest.” He teased. The filly was about to run but found that she was wrapped in a light blue aura. The filly struggled as she was levitated up and placed on the stallion’s back. The filly was annoyed at her small and helplessness body. As they passed a mirror The filly saw her small body.

The orange filly felt tears form in her eyes. Applejack started to sniffle as the tears started to flow. Hex felt some wetness form on the back of his neck. He looked back and saw the farmer crying.

“Hey, I’m sorry for the teasing. I won’t do it anymore, I promise.”

“It ain’t that.” She said with a sigh.

“Come on, what’s wrong?” He asked in a concerned tone.

“The last time ah was this small. My Ma and Pa were still around.” She said as she wiped the tears away. The stallion stopped walking and let out a sigh.

“Want to talk about it?” He asked.

“Not much to talk about.” She said with a sniffle.

“Applejack. You can tell me. I may not look it but, I’m an understanding guy. Plus, I think I know what you’re going through.”

“Oh yeah? Were your parent’s killed by a pack of Timber Wolves?” She spat out as the tears flowed.

“No, but my mother died in my hooves.” He said in a flat tone. The orange filly looked at him in astonishment. “Let me show you something.” He said as he changed direction and walked into the library. The two stopped in front of a golden edged portrait with a dark blue unicorn stallion with deep red eyes and a long grey beard.

“He looks just like the guy Twilight dressed up for Nightmare Night. Star something.” She said as she tried to think.

“Star Swirl the Bearded.” He finished.

“Yeah, he was some famous Unicorn.”

“Not just famous, the greatest Unicorn that ever lived.” He said with a sigh. “He’s also my ancestor.” The filly looked at him in shock.

“Twi never mentioned that he had kids.”

“On official record he didn’t. You see, Star Swirl knew that if his enemies found out that he had a family then they’d stop at nothing to get to him through them. So he raised them in secret. Then they had kids, then they did, and so on and so on until you get to me.” He said with a grin.

“Why don’t you tell ponies this?”

“How do you think Twilight would react if she finds out that I’m the descendant of her idol?” The orange filly thought for a moment.

“Good point.” She said in a flat tone. The stallion started to make his way back towards the main room when he heard the filly yawn.

“I’m sorry about this.” Hex said as he hung his head.

“About what?”

“Turning you into a filly.” He said in a flat tone.

“Oh, it’s not so bad. On the bright side. I get a second foal hood.” She said with a small smile.

“What I’d give to have just one.” He said in a joking manner. The filly then tugged on his mane. “Ow!”

“Why did you just say that?” She yelled.

“I was ten when my mom died and my dad wasn’t much of one.” He said in a cold tone. The filly gasped. “I left and I’ve on my own ever since.” He said in a low tone. The orange filly tightened her grip on his mane.

“Sorry to hear that sugar cube.” She said in a low voice.

“It’s alright.” He said as he put the filly on a bed. “Hopefully by tomorrow you’ll be back to your adult self.” He said with a smile. As the stallion trotted away the filly gave him a hopeful smile. The blue stallion returned the gesture and switched the light off. “Goodnight.”

“Night.” She said with a smile. Hex closed the door and made his way back to his own room. The stallion laid down on his bed and stared up at the ceiling. He felt his energy slipping and he let sleep take him.

Twilight was sitting in her room in Canterlot castle trying to focus on her studies, but the thought of the blue stallion kept creeping back into her mind. The mare let out a groan and stared up at the ceiling.

Do I really like Hex like that?

Why not? He’s smart, funny, not to mention cute.

True and he did say he liked smart mares. She thought to herself.

Maybe Cadence has some advise. The lavender mare walked out of her room and down the hallway towards her brother’s room. She knocked on it three times and waited. The door opened to reveal the light pink Alicorn.

“Hey Twilight. What’s up?”

“Is my brother here?” She asked.

“No, I think he’s doing his rounds. I can call him if you-”

“I need to talk to you about something and I’d prefer if Shining didn’t know about it.” She said with a smile. The Alicorn looked at her sister in law in confusion as she levitated a hot pot of tea and poured them each a cup.

“So what’s this about Twilight.”

“It’a about...” The mare started as she blushed. “A stallion.” The pink mare giggled in delight.

“Oh my gosh! My little Twiley finally has a crush on somepony!” She squealed. “Now I see why you didn’t want your brother in here.” She said with a laugh.

“Yeah, I haven’t known him for very long. He’s really nice and very talented in magic.”

“He must be impressive if he’s impressed you with magic.” Cadence said as she sipped her tea.

“Yeah, his mom was Smokey Mirrors.” The pink Alicorn spat her tea out in surprise.

“As in the famous illusionist?” Twilight nodded in excitement. “I didn’t know she had a son!”

“Neither did I. I’m assuming that she didn’t want him to be swarmed by the paparazzi.” She said with a shrug. “By the way, do you remember how she died?”

“Can’t say I do. It was almost ten years ago. I can check later.” Cadence said as she scratched her chin. “Enough of that now, tell me why you like him!”

“Well, when he was training me how to make my magic last longer by doing levitation spells.” The pink mare nodded. “When I used him to practice with I lost my concentration.” She said as the lavender mare started to blush. “When that happened, he landed on top of me.”

“Oh that is so cute!” Cadence said with a smile.

“Yeah, I think I like him but I’m not sure how he feels.”

“Trust me Twilight. When it comes to love, it’s all a big gamble.” She said with a smile. “It’s also a battle. Alls fair when love is war.” She said with a smile.

“So....what do I do?” Twilight asked as she sipped her cup.

“Sit back sis, and I’ll teach you my ways.” The Alicorn said with a warm smile.

When the blue stallion opened his eyes he was met with a wall of orange fur. The stallion sat up and saw the small orange filly curled up in a ball. The stallion gulped and quickly got to his hooves. He smiled as he saw the sleeping filly.

Daww. So cute! He thought as he left the room and started to cook breakfast. His ear twitched and he noticed that the orange filly yawning in the doorway.


“Howdy, what are ya cooking?” She asked.

“Just some eggs. Want some?” The filly nodded her head and smiled. The stallion resumed cooking the food. As he served them on a plate he heard a knock on his door. The stallion looked outside to see Rainbow Dash and Storm Chaser with smiles on their faces.

“Sup dude?” Dash asked.

“J-just having breakfast.” He said as he motioned for the filly to hide.

“Have you seen Applejack?” Storm asked.

“Nope.” He lied.

“Mind if we come in?” The stallion asked.

“Um-” He was cut off as the cyan mare forced her way inside. The stallion gulped as he saw the small filly hide in the other room. The white stallion then noticed the second plate on the table.

“Hey Hex, who else is here?”

“N-no one.”

“Then why do you have two plates set?” Storm said as he looked at the stallion.

“I-I always do that incase of an unexpected guest comes.” He said with a gulp. “Did you two need something?”

“We were wondering where Applejack is.” Dash answered.

“Why would she be here?” He asked in a nervous tone.

“Oh maybe because you have the hots for her.” Hex immediately blushed and prayed the filly didn’t hear that. Applejack felt her heart skip a beat at the words.

He likes me?

“Um....I...” He said as he tried to hide his blush.

“Dude relax. AJ is a cool mare.” Storm said with a smile. The ponies then heard a crash come from the other room. “What was that?”

“Nothing! Just-” Before the words left his lips the cyan mare zoomed into the back room and let out a cry of pure laughter. “Oh crap.” Storm cocked an eyebrow as he heard a familiar southern accent.

“Put me down this instant Dash! Ah mean it!” Rainbow came out holding an orange filly by her tail. Storm’s jaw dropped as he saw the small filly.

“Oh man this is too rich!” Dash said as she barreled over clutching her sides. Storm looked at Hex who had a guilty grin on his face.

“What did you do?”

“Nothing. My carriage pulled a prank on her.”

“And it turned her into a filly?” Storm asked.

“Yeah.” Dash perked up.

“Wait, how can your carriage use age spells?” Dash asked.

“Right, one thing I forgot to mention. This carriage has a mind of her own and is able to use high level magic.” He said with a small smile.

“How?” Storm asked.

“It’s magic. It’s.....hard to explain even I don’t know how it works.” He said as the blue crystal floated in front of him. “The spell will wear off soon and she’ll be back to normal.”

“This is still so hilarious! Can’t wait to tell Twilight when she-”

“No. You’re not going to tell anypony about this. Are we clear?” He said in a rough tone.

“Or what?” Dash asked. The blue crystal then shot out a beam at the two Pegasi. Once the smoke cleared Hex and Applejack were fighting to hold back their laughter.

“Good girl.” Hex said to the crystal.

“What happened?” A masculine voice said. The orange filly couldn’t contain it any longer and keeled over laughing as she saw a cyan stallion with a rainbow mane and a white Pegasus mare with a fire like mane. “Ah! What did you do to me?” The stallion yelled.

“Gender swap spell.” Hex clarified. “Simple, but effective.” The snow white mare looked at himself in the mirror. “May I introduce, Rainbow Blitz and Storm Dancer.” He said with a laugh.

“Fix this now!” Storm yelled.

“That depends on your cooperation and if you agree keep this little incident between us.” Hex said as he summoned a camera and took a few snapshots.

“What was that for?” Dash asked in a deep voice.

“Insurance. Should you ever talk about this I’ll have something to keep both your mouths shut.”

“THIS IS BLACKMAIL!” Storm yelled in a high pitched voice.

“Yes, yes it is. Do we have a deal?” He asked as he made the camera vanish.

“Yes, fine just get us back to-” The white mare was cut off at the cyan stallion raised a hoof.

“Not just yet. I just got an idea.” Dash said as she waggled her eyebrows at the white mare.

“What are you.....NO! No way in hell Dash.” Storm said with a blush.

“What? You look cute as a mare.” Rainbow said as the white mare blushed. “Please?”

“NO!” He yelled.

“Now you know how I feel Stormy.” The cyan stallion said in an annoyed tone. Hex face hoofed. “What about the time I let you-” The white mare covered the stallion’s mouth with her hoof.

“Whoa! We swore that we’d never talk about that again!” The white Pegasus said with a bright blush.

“Yeah and you owe me BIG TIME! Now it’s time to pay up.” The light blue stallion said in a stern tone. Storm gulped and looked at Hex who had a look of pure confusion on his face.

“How long does this spell last?”

“An hour, two at the most.” Hex said. Storm looked at the cyan stallion who had an eyebrow cocked.

“F-fine. Just please don’t tell anyone.”

“Of course not dear.” Dash said with an evil grin on his face. “C’mon pretty boy, let’s see how well you work those moves on a pole.” Dash said with a smile.

“Luna give me strength.” He said as the cyan stallion scooped him up and flew towards their home. Hex and Applejack stood there motionless and exchanged looks of confusion.

“What did Dash mean by-”

“I don’t even want to know.” Hex said as a shiver ran through his body.

“Ah wasn’t talking about whatever they had planned.” The blue stallion looked at the filly in surprise. He saw a shade of red cross over her cheeks. “What did she mean by you liking me?” Now it was Hex’s turn to blush.

“Um....I prefer not to have this conversation while you’re a filly. It’s kind of creepy and-” He was cut off as the filly’s body started to shake and shift. The farmer’s body started to revert back to her original form. Once Applejack was her normal size the blue stallion blushed heavily.

“You were saying?” The farmer asked as she looked at the stallion. Hex couldn’t avoid it any longer and let out a sigh.

“I....I like you AJ. I really do. You’re smart, funny, not to mention beautiful.” The farmer blushed heavily at the stallion’s words. “It’s just that.....The last mare I got close too hurt me in a big way and I’m having trouble accepting those feelings again.” He said in a guilty tone. “I’m not saying that you’d do that to me it’s just-” He was cut off as the mare wrapped her hooves around him and pressed her lips against his. The stallion closed his eyes and took in her intoxicating scent of apples and cinnamon. The mare broke the embrace and smiled at the stallion.

“Ah understand completely sugar cube. This is the first time ah’ve cared about a stallion like this and ah want to take it slow.” She said with a smile.

“I-I’d like that.” Hex said with a smile. The farmer kissed him again and smiled.

“C’mon lover boy. We gotta get to work.” She said with a smile. Hex levitated his and her hat over to them and the two trotted out the door into the town.

Twilight Sparkle got off the train accompanied by her dragon assistant. The two made their way off the platform and back into the town of Ponyville. As the lavender mare made her way into town her thoughts were filled with possible ways to confess her feelings for the blue stallion. She walked inside Sugar Cube Corner to see Rarity and Pinkie crowding around Applejack and the magician. Twilight felt her face flare up as she looked at the smiling Hex. Pinkie than ran up toe Twilight with a massive smile on her face.

“Twilight did you hear the news?” Pinkie asked as she hopped in place.

“What news?”

“Hex and Applejack are going out!” The pink mare said in excitement. The lavender mare felt crushed at the words. Her face was that of sorrow and regret. “You okay Twilight?” Pinkie asked.

“Y-yeah, I’m fine. I’ve just got a lot on my mind right now.” She said as she held back the tears. As the mare trotted away Rarity walked over and let out a sigh.

“How are you feeling dear?” She asked.

“I’m...fine.” She said as she hung her head low.

“Twilight.” Rarity said in a flat tone.

“What am I supposed to say Rarity?” Twilight said in a condescending tone.

“I’m sorry Twilight.”

“Don’t be. It’s not your fault, I was just too slow.” She said in a guilty tone. The white mare gave he friend a reassuring pat on the back before leaving to rejoin the group.

“Ah Twilight. How was Canterlot?” Hex said with a smile.

“It was.....good.” She said with a forced smile. The group of ponies then turned their attention to two unicorn colts. One was tall and mustard yellow while the other one was stockier and was swamp green.

“Help!” They both yelled.

“What’s going on?” Twilight asked. “Don’t tell me you two dragged another Ursa into town.” She said in a flat tone.

“No, we were just exploring by the bog when-” The tall colt was cut off as the town heard a deafening roar come from the outskirts of town. The group of ponies all hurried out of the bakery to see a massive four headed lizard approaching the town.

“HYDRA!” Pinkie yelled.