• Published 12th Aug 2013
  • 4,170 Views, 77 Comments

Montrose - TLC

Rumble confesses his true feelings to the filly of his dreams, and then the consequences and awkwardness that follows.

  • ...

Austere *edited

Dreams are all abstract and share numerous meanings, though we almost always forget them within the first thirty seconds of consciousness. Whether or not we found the contents of the dream important or not, it's in your eyes one second, and gone in a flash.

Feathers hovered around Rumble, almost as if time stopped around him as he stood amongst his fellow students at school. The background was a unsettling gray, all colors sucked out of the world minus the feathers in his space. Their orange presence brought the colt an odd sense of calm, though his hooves stayed still along with ponies around him, as if like the statues he and his classmates once saw on a field trip to Princess Celestia's garden.

Just as he began to question just how long he stood in the play yard of his school, he heard a giggle just from behind him. He jumped within himself yet stayed perfectly still, just as his muse walked around to stand before him. Her gleaming orange fur bright under the nonexistent sunlight, her purple short cut mane sheen and spiked.

Her violet eyes stared back into his, those whirlpools pulling him in and sending him into a trance. Memories of the two of them flooded his vision, everyone of them sending his mind off with sparks. Where he stood, he felt himself now as a vase on the edge of a table, wobbling from side to side with every second under the gaze of his friend.


The Pegasus colt tipped over to the side, hitting the ground and smashing into a dozen pieces of glass.


The sun rose against the wishes of a young colt in his cloud home, the night mostly spent continuously waking up from an odd dream or two, ones of orange feathers or the fears for the future, or of what could possibly happen. His sleepy eyes rested on the clock besides his bed, next to the picture of his friends. He sighed.

"Alright, you win." Rumble grumbled. *giggle*

He flew to the bathroom and started brushing his teeth, his gaze meeting his reflection in a mutual agreement and equal opinion on not exactly prepared for the day ahead of him. Of course, he was nervous. That was expected, anyone would be in his position. But there was still a lingering doubt sitting in his chest the more he pondered, spitting tooth paste into the sink and rinsing out his mouth.

After cleaning himself, Rumble flew into his home's living room and then was out on the front porch of his cloud home. Below him, he could see Ponyville in the distance. And even further, not that he could physically see it, but he knew on the other side of the small town and higher in the sky was Rainbow Dash's home. Where Scootaloo stayed.

He swallowed a lump in his throat, closing his eyes for a moment before nodding. He lept from the front door and extended his young wings, picking up speed before leaning back and evening out in his flight. He flew above the town, seeing all the ponies preparing for the day.

As he neared the school, he flew over the bus stop and neared to a stop above the scene, spotting Sweetie Belle and Applebloom. Scootaloo didn't appear to be with them.

"...and so she said, We weren't doing anything! But I knew exactly-Hey, it's Rumble!" Sweetie Belle interrupted herself, her and Applebloom spotting the approaching pegasus as he landed a few feet from them.

"Heya, Rumble!" Sweetie Belle greeted him, but looked closer to see that he was very much unrested judging by the dark rings under his eyes. "Are you okay?"

Applebloom nodded. "Yeah, ya'll look like ya haven't slept all night!"

Rumble yawned, rubbing his neck. "Yeah...well, about yesterday-"

"Hey, Scootaloo!"

A sound of breaking glass echoed in the colt's mind, turning to see Applebloom waving to the approaching filly, on the back of Rainbow Dash. Scootaloo stepped off of her caretaker, not breaking her view of the colt attempting to avoid eye contact with her.

"Have a great day, Squirt!" Rainbow said, winking at the filly and laughing as she quickly dashed from the scene. Scootaloo stood on the side of the road as her friends greeted her, then ignored their confused looks as their words sounding like distant calls when she walked by them to see Rumble.

Alright...It's cool, Scootaloo...just be cool. Cool as Dash

"H-Hey." She stammered.

"Hey." He said back.

Ice breaking 101.

"So...yesterday." Scootaloo began, kicking at the dirt road.

"Oh?" He forced his nerves to steel themselves, mentally shaking his head to get his thoughts straight. "Oh...yeah."

Did he actually forget...or is he as nervous as I am? Scootaloo shrunk under the gaze of her friend, her own heart beating like a wood pecker to a tree, taking a steady breath. This wasn't Discord, or a Cockatrice. It was Rumble, good ole' Rumble...who so happened to like her.

But did she dare have the nerve to say the same?

Pfft! Relax, Scoot! She told herself mentally. Just...I dunno, play it cool. Maybe he'll make a move or somethin'

But on Rumble side of the field...

Spontaneously combust, spontaneously combust-Wait, what am I saying? Rumble fought his fearing self. "Look, I'm sorry for yesterday...and how sudden I was and-"

"No!" Scootaloo interrupted, surprising herself and Rumble by her outburst. "I mean, you don't have to apologize, Rumble."

Rumble stood there. "I don't? But...I kinda like, dropped the ball and bailed."

Scootaloo laughed. "And?"

"You're not mad?" Rumble asked. "Confused? Baffled? Disgruntled?"

"Have you been hanging out with Applebloom?" She grinned. "It's fine, dude. Just...well..."

Rumble leaned in. "Yeah?" Just then, Scootaloo bopped on the muzzle. "Ow! What was that for?"

She laughed. "About what you said..." She bit her lip. "...I like you too."

A string in Rumble's mind snapped, his muzzle in his hooves as he stared at the filly before him. "You-you...do?"

Scootaloo's own friendly confidence from moments before diminished slightly as her answer was questioned. Her hooves tingled, her heart like a piston.

"Yes." She finally said, smiling, but slightly avoiding eye contact with the colt.

Rumble sighed, relieved. "Oh...Cool." He said, smiling as a new bode of confidence rose within him.

"Yeah..." Scootaloo, a smile returning. "Cool."


"Yeah..." She replied once more. The two of them did nothing but lose themselves in each other's eyes without realizing it. Scootaloo had always adored Rumble's eyes, her's almost the exact same color. She used this time actually look at Rumble, his coal mane in a blasted back fashion, his steel grey fur basked in the morning sunlight. She felt the heat rise in her cheeks at the thoughts coming to her almost too naturally.

The same with Rumble, his muzzle tingled where Scootaloo touched him, his eyes focused on her as she was practically glowing in the sun, her orange fur now as bright as a live flame.

Unbeknownst to them, the other fillies present sat on the edge of the road, speaking out of ear shot.

"What are they waiting for?" Sweetie bell hissed, Applebloom snickering.

"They're so awkward, it's adorable!" Applebloom giggled.

Sweetie Belle turned to Applebloom a look of seriousness in her emerald green eyes. "They're just standing there! It's like they're both too...too..." Sweetie struggled with her words.

"Stubborn?" Applebloom offered. "Shy?"

"They won't show each other how they feel!" Sweetie pouted. "How are they gonna get married at this point?"

Applebloom shook her head. "Sweetie, ya can't expect two young ponies tah understand the whole lovey-dovey-Wait, a minute. Married?" She looked at her friend with a shocked expression.

Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes. "Well, duh. I thought you and I were on the same page with those two!"

"Now listen here, Sweetie Belle," Applebloom began, "Ah ship those two as hard as you and as much as you do, but are ya tellin' me ya planned on them gettin' married before they've even held hooves?"

Sweetie remained silent, staring at the awkward couple across the way. "We're going to be late for school." She turned to Applebloom. "I have an idea."

Applebloom rolled our eyes. "Oh brother..."

"Come on, guys!" Sweetie Belle shouted, snapping the two out of their unintentional staring contest. As they began to walk over, Sweetie whispered to Applebloom. "We're going to help them out."

"Help em' out? Wait." Applebloom snapped to attention. "No. NO. Nope! Nu-uh."

Sweetie Belle pouted. "What! Why?"

"Remember when we got Miss Cheerlie and mah brother together?" The memory brought a chill to the two fillies, vowing they would never tamper with the acts of love...and chemicals, from that day forward. "And you remember how much trouble we got in?"

"But we're not going to need potions or anything, look at them!" She gestured to the two approaching. "And I'm not saying we should try and get our match making cutie marks!"

Applebloom stared.

"Ugh, just work with me alright?" Sweetie giggled, watching as the bus pulled up and her friends getting on along with her. Within a few minutes, the four of them made way for school.

Author's Note:

Dear Celestia,

Forgive me for what I am about to do to these poor defenseless young ponies. I'll be expecting my banishment letter within a week.

Tell Discord I said hi.

Your Lost Cause,