• Published 12th Aug 2013
  • 4,170 Views, 77 Comments

Montrose - TLC

Rumble confesses his true feelings to the filly of his dreams, and then the consequences and awkwardness that follows.

  • ...

Rocky Road Ala Rumble

The final bell rung loud, but was drowned out by the dozens of cheering fillies and colts. All excited for the weekend and the plans they had made with friends and family.

Rumble, Snips, Snails and Featherweight all walked out together, Twist and Pipsqueak following them in one big group. Snips continuing their earlier conversation and pushing Rumble into the unthinkable.

"Come on!" Snips urged Rumble.

Rumble craned his neck, wishing Snips would drop the subject. "I'll do it when the time comes!"

Snips face hoofed. "Don't give me that response, I'm not asking you where foals come from!"

Rumble sighed. "What's that even suppose to mean- Look, I'm nervous alright?" He said, stopping just outside the school's entrance as his friends surrounded him. "It's not that I don't want to, I just don't to mess anything up. I literally just told her I liked her a week ago."

"We understhand, Rumble!" Twist comforted with the colt. "But we all justht want you to be happy."

Featherweight prodded Rumble's shoulder, with a grin. "And don't even try to deny that K-I-S-S-ing Scoots wouldn't put a big goofy grin on your face."

As much as he wanted to, Rumble couldn't shake the growing smile on his lips. He had thought, extensively even, about kissing Scootaloo. But everytime he did, his daydreams would always end in the worst scenarios. Getting slapped, ruining their friendship and potential relationship by rushing to something like that.

But still, even then the butterflies in his stomach wouldn't still themselves at the image of the two together. "Yeah, okay. I get it." He said, chuckling.

"There you go!" Snips said, then turning around towards the school. "Well would you look at that, Rum!"

Rumble turned with the group, his eyes falling on a certain orange pegasus leaving the school with her friends.

"Well what are ya waitin' for?" Snails said to the colt.

Rumble nodded to his friends and he walked over to meet with his crush, but made sure not to be seen.

Scootaloo waved her friends goodbye as she began her journey towards town, her saddlebags filled with her supplies. Books, a pencil and pen or two. A certain notebook, with a very detailed picture of a heart with a certain colt's name in the center-

Suddenly, Scootaloo was lifted into the air by her bags until the strap unhooked and she dropped back down to the ground.

"Ugh! Not again!" Scootaloo groaned, watching as her saddlebags were taken and sped away. "I swear to Celestia, I'm gonna smack you, Rumble!"

"Ha!" The colt taunted through the saddle bags' strap in his teeth. "Where were you off to?" Rumble asked, then laughed as the filly below him jumped and reached for her bags. "You should know by now that you can't catch me Scoots!"

Scootaloo pouted, stomping her hooves. "Rumble, I-" That's when the filly came up with an idea, a cheshire smile growing on her lips.

"Rummy~!" She spoke in a sing-song voice, reminiscent of a certain rotten tiara wearing filly.

The colt pegasus froze, looking around in search of the source of the sound. "Oh no, not again!" While doing this, Rumble had dropped Scootaloo's saddle bags.

"Aha!" She said, scooping them up onto her back. "Thanks, Rummy!"

Rumble deadpanned, crossing his hooves. "You're walking on thin ice, filly." He said, hovering down in front of Scootaloo.

Scootaloo stuck out her tongue, reaching over to bump the colt on the shoulder. "I'm just teasing. Anyways, I'm heading to town. Rainbow's waiting for me at Sugarcube Corner."

"Oh..." Rumble said, hovering down besides Scootaloo. "Well, okay." They both stood there in silence.

Scootaloo's ears dropped. Well...I don't want him to leave now... "...Do you want to come?"

Rumble snapped to attention. "Wait what?"

"Do you-" Scootaloo began, pointing at the colt. "Want to come with me-" She pointed to herself. "To get sugary treats and hang out together?" And possibly get asked a bunch of questions by Rainbow Dash?

"Oh!" Rumble said, laughing. "Oh yeah, sure!"

Scootaloo smiled. "Awesome, let's go."


Thunderlane landed onto the front porch of his home with a huff, his expression tired and agitated after the day's challenges at work. From the morning's failing of meeting Rainbow Dash face to face to the annoying amount of weather planing for the upcoming summer. He stepped towards the door, lifting a hoof to push it opening and retreating inside.

"Hey bro!" He called out. "I'm home!"

He waited for a response, only to be greeted with silence. "Rumble?" Again, he waited. And again silence.

"What the hay?" He made his way down the hall to his brother's room and opened the door. To his surprise, the room had remain untouched for several hours. Rumble wasn't home yet. "I guess, but where could he be? Whatever, I'm starving."

He closed the door to his younger brother's room and made hast to the kitchen, his stomach making its presence known with each step.

Stupid work, stupid stomach, stupid Rumble... His grumpy thoughts in the control of his hunger. Stupid thoughts...

He reached the fridge and opened it with hope in his heart, only for the hope to be swiped away by the sight of a mostly fridge. The only items catching his eye were a half drank carton of milk and a note.

"What the..?" He picked up the note and deadpanned.

Dear Thunder or Rumble,

We kinda accidentally used some all the food in the fridge in an attempt to prepare for dinner. We promise we will be back later with something from Canterlot! <3

XOXO Your favorite roommates,

Flitter and Cloudchaser!

P.S. Flitter Loves Th

A distant explosion could be heard within Thunderlane's head, along with steam spew from his ears. He crumpled the note and tossed it behind him, then face hoofed with a heavy impact.

"Well crap." He groaned. "Looks like I'm going out to eat." He closed the fridge and walked over to the door. After he stepped out onto the porch, and picked out a spot in town, and took off.


"...So she's going to interrogate me?" Rumble asked, waves of nervousness crashing in his stomach. He and Scootaloo were on their way to Sugarcube Corner, where one Rainbow Dash would greet them. Scootaloo eventually told Rumble about Rainbow being, nerving the colt and was then trying to get him to relax. She couldn't blame him, knowing Rainbow Dash for as long as she has and her...less than appropriate ways.

"She's not going to interrogate you." Scootaloo sighed. "She's not my mom, or at least DNA wise. She'll most likely have fun at your expense and possibly ask the predictable questions a parent or guardian might ask a colt."

Rumble raised an eyebrow. "Like what?"

Scootaloo shrugged. "I dunno, maybe if we done it."

Rumble's jaw might have broken by how quickly it fell. "What?"

Scootaloo snickered. "I'm kidding, Rumble." She walked further ahead, swishing her tail. "Not till we're married."

As she walked away, Rumble fought against his wings as his face was as red as a rose and twice as flourished. "W-What's that supposed to mean?"

"You're too easy." Scootaloo teased, poking him in the side. "But um...just don't worry about her."

After Rumble caught up, his blush had gone away. "I'm not."

Scootaloo stared.

"I'm not." Rumble repeated. "I mean, it's not like we've done anything...eventful."

Eventful...Hmm... Scootaloo thought to herself, as they approached the doors of Sugarcube Corner. Rumble rushed ahead of her and opened the door, allowing her inside first. "Aw, you're such a dork."

When he walked in behind her, she turned and nuzzled his cheek. "I'm glad you came along, Rumble."

Rumble couldn't fight the smile on his face. The two entered the bakery and just as quick as they walked in, was how quick the lingering scent of sugary freshly baked goods attacked their noses with a sweet force. Rumble's senses were too weak to oppose such an attractive scent, from chocolate to strawberry the air smelled as if it was baked itself.

Scootaloo and Rumble together made their way towards the booths where they spotted Rainbow Dash enjoying a root beer float, nearly unaware of the approaching two.

"Hey, Rainbow!" Scootaloo greeted the pegasus, grabbing her attention.

"Hey, Squirt!" Rainbow said, hovering out of the booth and picking the filly up into a hug. "How was school?"

Scootaloo rolled her eyes, grinning. "You've been to a school once, right?"

Rainbow shook her head, chuckling. "That good, huh?" She looked past the filly and saw Rumble staring off at the front counter where dozens of deserts beckoned him, his eyes showed as if he were locked in a trance. "Heh, is he okay?"

Scootaloo turned and face hoofed. "Colts..." She hopped away from Rainbow and poked Rumble in the side.

"Ah!" Rumble yelped, turning to Scootaloo. "What happened?"

With Rainbow Dash snickering in the background, Scootaloo grinned at the colt. "Have I ever told you you make great first impressions?"

"Well, so this is Rumble huh?" Rainbow inquired, hovering around the two and eyeing the colt in question. She then turned to Scoot and gave her the look of approve, followed by a wink.

Scootaloo returned it with a expression reading 'knock it off' which was well received as Rainbow giggled and sat back in the booth. Scootaloo and Rumble sat in the booth opposite of the cyan pegasus, both eyeing the pegasus and then exchanging glances.

"So you two want anything?" Rainbow asked, holding up a small jingling bag and shaking it. "I'm paying!"

Scootaloo place a hoof to her chin. "Hmm...Rocky Road ice cream!"

Rainbow chuckled to herself. "Alright." She turned to Rumble. "How about you, slick?"

Rumble pondered. "Uh...I'll just have an eclair."

"One Rocky Road and an eclair!" Rainbow stood out of the booth, looking over and grimacing. "Ugh, looks like there's ponies actually coming in and now there's a line. I'll be awhile squirts, don't go anywhere."

Scootaloo watched as Rainbow walked away and let out a sigh. "Well so far so good." She then leaned against Rumble, taking him by surprise. "Hey."

Rumble turned to face her. "Hey."

"Ya know, I was thinking about something earlier..." Scootaloo began, looking up into Rumble's eyes.

"Y-Yeah?" Rumble's heart rate was picking up speed just by the sensation of Scootaloo leaning against him. "About what?"

Scootaloo brushed her hoof against Rumble's on the table, laying her's against his. "Just stuff." She giggled. "Two pony stuff."

Rumble furrowed his brow. "I've never seen you act this way before." He laid a hoof on her forehead. "Are you feeling alright?"

Scootaloo laughed, pushing his hoof away. "Yes! As I was saying, I think I want to try something."

"Like what?" He asked, then froze as Scootaloo sat up away from his chest and turned to face him. Again, he found himself lost in her violet eyes. She smiled, as her cheeks turned a slight pink. Rumble's face warmed up as he felt her hoof's grip his own, pulling at him to come closer.

They sat alone in that booth in silence, slowly moving towards each other as if time in reality was in slow motion. They saw nothing but each other, everything else a mere mixture of the blurs of colors and smells. Scootaloo began to close her eyes, leaning in even closer. Rumble felt like his heart would explode, holding Scootaloo's hoof tighter by instinct and was greeted by the filly doing the same.

He remember what Snips had told him earlier that day, and mentally slapped himself for not believing it. To think this was happening, within just a week this was it. Scootaloo had inched even closer to him, her other hoof reaching out and pulling on his shoulder, while Rumble found himself reaching out with his hoof to lay it against Scootaloo's cheek.

It was all or nothing.

Rumble closed his eyes and leaned in, feeling the warmness of being this close to Scootaloo-


The sound of glass breaking echoed in Rumble's mind as his brother's voice erupted from behind the booth.


Author's Note:

Hey, y'all. I just want to say thank you for baring with me. Also, let me know about how you feel on how I'm writing the characters. I haven't had time to brush up on character personalities so it would mean a lot and help me out in the process. Thanks again.