• Published 12th Aug 2013
  • 4,170 Views, 77 Comments

Montrose - TLC

Rumble confesses his true feelings to the filly of his dreams, and then the consequences and awkwardness that follows.

  • ...

I Ate My Gluestick

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Over and over, over and over. For the heart doesn't rest, unlike time it will wait.

For how long, sometimes feels like an eternity for those still waiting.

For love at first sight always starts out as a myth to everyone...

Until it strikes them as a victim.

Words left unsaid are the most meaningful, Thunder.

As the sun inched up to take it's superior thrown in the sky, turning the skies into a pastel blue, one pegasus stood upon a cloud above the town of Ponyville.

Thunderlane sighed, sitting back on the cloud as he stared across town to a cloud home sitting at a much high atmosphere than his own he shared with his younger brother. It was just another shadowy figure in the distance to anybody unaware, but to Thunderlane he knew all too well.

Rainbow Dash's house. Rainbow Dash, Thunderlane rolled his neck, a stubborn mare with a dare devil's life style, athletic tone, super model body, and short temper. Her eyes always piercing, hot with light violet irises highlighting them. Her lips stuck into a cocky grin, all until someone was as foolish enough to insult or show any for of harm to her friends.

Thunderlane pouted. "Monologues aren't as cool in romance."

He lept from the cloud with his strong coal wings snapping open as he took to the skies, the gust left behind causing the cloud he stood upon and others to drift off its course. The air nipped at his face as he flew faster, his vision not faltering and staying determined as he neared his intended destination.

He landed upon the cloud home's porch with a light steps, his wings furling against his sides and his hoof reaching up to tidy his mane. A weight grew heavier and heavier the more he realized what he intended on doing, a mere knock away from coming face to face with what felt like a dream from his youth. A living proof of his happiness.

"Ugh, no more corny crap." He grimaced at his inner thoughts. "Just knock, say hi, and-"

"But Rainbow!!"

The front door opened and Scootaloo walked ahead of Rainbow Dash out onto the porch, the older pegasus rubbing her temples. "Scoot, what makes you think you even need a jet powered scooter?"

Scootaloo pouted. "Cuz it has jets. Duh! And besides, the one I have-"

"Is just fine." Rainbow sighed, reaching down and ruffling Scootaloo's mane. "Look, sooner or later you won't even need a scooter. You'll be flying all over Ponyville in no time." She told the filly, a reassuring smile on her face.

Scootaloo sighed, her ears flattening against her head. "Yeah, that'll happen."

"Hey, not with that attitude it won't!" Rainbow said. "You gotta believe in yourself. You're an awesome filly, Scoot. And with the help of the awesomeness that is me, you'll fly. Trust me." She wrapped a hoof around the filly. "Alright?"

Scootaloo beamed, hugging Rainbow back. "Okay, Dash!"

"Sweet! Now let's get you to...wait a minute." Rainbow Dash stopped, standing on the porch beside Scootaloo with her ears straight up. Her violet eyes scanned the area for a few moments, searching the skies of any signs of...something.

Scootaloo stared quizzically at her guardian. "Dash, you okay?"

Rainbow closed her eyes and shook her head. Must of been just a bird or somethin' "Yeah." She said, suspiciously.

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Can you get me to school?"

Rainbow laughed, lifting Scootaloo onto her back and spreading her wings. With a powerful kick, the two shot off into the sky, leaving a fading rainbow vapor in their wake.

From underneath the porch, hanging on with his hooves clung onto the cloud padding, Thunderlane breathed heavily. Sweat slid down his muzzle and his eyes were mere pin points, his heart pounding hard within his chest.

"This...is...gonna be..." He panted, looking off towards the disappearing rainbow trail in the distance, "...harder than I thought!"


"And then, I forgot I left the flash on and she totally saw me!"

The desks around Rumble erupted in laughter along with him, shaking his head at his friend' antics.

"Man, Featherweight." He said. "You and that camera's gonna get into serious trouble someday."

Featherweight rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Says you and my ma."

"And me." Snips said.

"Same." Snails added.

"Hay yeah you will!" The rest of the colts groaned, Twist sitting besides them pointing an accusing hoof at Featherweight. "You could get a rethted, or woretht!"

"I sincerely doubt that, Twist." Featherweight rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, I think guards have better things to do than bust on some pipsqueak with a camera..." He turned to the desk behind him. "No offense, Pipsqueak."

Pip smiled, waving a hoof. "Non taken!"

"Alright, my little ponies!" Miss Cheerlie announced, stepping into the classroom. "Everypony get into your seats. We have a lot of work to though before the test tomorrow, so quiet down."

After everypony had gotten into their respective desks, Cheerlie turned to the chalk board and began to write down some problems. Snips turned to Rumble in a whisper.

"Hey, so I hear you Scootaloo started going out." He whispered, a small grin on his face.

Rumble turned to him, a look of surprise on his. "Where did you hear that?"

Snips rolled his eyes. "Don't lie, Rum-"

"Snips!" Cheerlie shot a glare to the colt, who gave an apologetic smile.

After she had turned back to the board, he turned back to Rumble. "Don't lie, Rumble. The whole school's talking about it." He said, in an even lower whisper. "Took you long enough."

Rumble rolled his eyes, laying his head on his desk. "Why is everybody saying that? And how does the whole seem to know?"

Snips shrugged. "It's not like nopony saw it coming." He pointed out, leaning back in his chair. "You two have been practically dating since like preschool."

Rumble sighed. "Guess it was just bound to happen, huh?"

Snips snickered. "So...you kiss her yet?"

"What?!" Rumble exclaimed, getting the attention of the class and an irritated Miss Cheerlie. "Hehe...sorry."

After Cheerlie once more turned her back, Snips buried his face in his hooves to hide his laughter.

Rumble glared at the colt, cheeks rosy from the embarrassment and before mentioned question. "N-No..."

"No?" Snips asked, his brow arched. "What do you mean no?"

Rumble shrugged. "I don't know. Just no."

"Well why not?"

"Why does it matter?" Rumble asked, becoming increasingly irritated.

Snips shook his head. "Listen, Rum. That's like dating 101. Once you start going out with a filly, you gotta take her out on dates. Hold her hoof, kiss her-"

"Tell her sweet stuff-" Snails whispered from behind Snips, startling the two.

"Meet her parents-" Featherweight added, from behind Rumble.

"And buy her floweth!" Twist finished, who sat in front of the two colts.

Ruble face hoofed. "Alright, alright!" He hissed.

Snips shrugged. "Just saying', dude. Who knows?" He turned back to the front of the class. "She could be waiting for you to."

Rumble furrowed his brow, turning to the window of the classroom and staring out into the play yard.

She could be waiting for you to...

"Great." He whispered to himself, scratching his head. "Just when I thought the hard part was over."


"So its been a few days..." Sweetie said, sitting besides Applebloom and Scootaloo in the back of the class. The orange pegasus was leaned back in her chair with her hind legs propped up against the legs of the desk to balance her chair on its back legs, her hooves behind her head and her eyes closed. Applebloom sat with her "...have you two like, done anything yet?"

Scootaloo opened one violet eye to her friend. "What do you mean, Sweetie Belle?"

"Like, I dunno..." Sweetie Belle said, rolling her hooves over each as a way to lure it out of the pegasus. "Stuff?"

Scootaloo simply stared.

Applebloom rolled her eyes. "What she means is, have y'all gone on a date yet? Or ya know," She leaned in wiggling an eyebrow, "kissed?"

Scootaloo's jaw dropped, blood rushing to her face as she nearly lost her balanced in her chair. "W-What?! It's only been a few days, guys!"

"So?" Sweetie said. "I mean, I'm not pressuring you. I was just asking."

"Yeah, Ah would've at least expected it almost as soon as he told ya he fancied ya." Applebloom added,

Scootaloo pondered this. "Well...I mean, I wouldn't mind I guess."

Sweetie Belle giggled softly. "It's okay, Scootaloo. You don't have to be so afraid to show that actual filly side of you!"

"I'm not afraid of nothin'!" Scootaloo glared, Sweetie Belle braking out in more giggle fits.

Even Applebloom couldn't hide the humor in the pegasi's outburst, a grin growing on her lips. "Oh cool your hooves, Scoot! We're only teasin'!'

Scootaloo crossed her hooves, staring off to the front of the class. On the white board were the class instructions while the teacher went out for a bit. She sighed, thinking about Rumble and her sudden rise in curiosity.

"But you have to admit, you've at least thought about it!" Sweetie verbally poked, furrowing her brow.

"We can see how you two look at each other." Applebloom smiled. "It's like y'all get lost in each other's eyes or somethin'."

Scootaloo chewed her lip, avoiding eye contact with her friends. She turned to the clock above the whiteboard, it reading they had only fifteen minutes of class left.

She got up from her desk, walking over to the door. "I'm going to the bathroom."

"But wait!" Sweetie Belle called after her. "What about the buddy system?"

But her words had fallen on deaf ears, as Scootaloo grabbed the bathroo pass off the teacher's desk with her teeth and opened the classroom door, vanishing behind it into the hallway.

Applebloom scratched her head. "Maybe we were pushing it a bit."

"Are you kidding?" Sweetie grinned, rubbing her hooves together. "It's all apart of the plan!"

Applebloom stared, squinting her eyes at the now mischievous looking Sweetie Belle. "Filly, what are you talkin' about?"

Sweetie Belle winked at the farmer filly. "Oh you'll see, Applebloom." She turned back to the classroom door, having now just closed completely with a faint click.

"You'll see..."

Author's Note:

Small update, sorry for disappearing for so long, my lost.