• Published 1st Jul 2013
  • 680 Views, 6 Comments

Thing a Day - Rennoc215

A compilation of one shot stories, each written in one day, with a wide variety of themes and characters.

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Blue Sunny Day

Thing a day: Blue Sunny Day

The sun. Why is it so bright? I wonder, looking out my window at the illuminated forestry. It's only early morning, and I have a few minutes before sunrise, but the light still burns. I look at the slowly brightening sky, and I think about what it was like the last time I saw it. Such a beautiful piece of artwork, with the sun painting the bright blue sky with a yellow gold. I think, imagining the natural beauty.

I sigh, close my curtains, and head to bed. Of course, by the time it rises, I'll be dead asleep, I muse somberly. I lay down on my four-post bed and look at the beams, and shiver. Shut up in this box again, of all things.

I pause for a moment, thinking about the day I got the king sized bed. Of course, there was two of us back then. And, it was in style back then, too, I add. I tuck my legs in close, and close my eyes, willing the sun to disappear, so that I could go back out among the living once more.

Ah, others. They make me feel so alive when I'm out, wandering with them, under princess Luna's beautiful night. At least I'm not dead, unable to feel the soft, gentle moonlight my diarch patron provides.

But I can hear it now, the sounds of life stirring as the sun rises. I can hear the early songs of the morning birds, and outside my window I can hear the faint buzzing of the honeybees that live just under my balcony. I sigh again, imagining the greens and pinks I could see, laced with the yellow of bees and birds, with the warm sunlight highlighting everything from above, and I almost stand up.

But I can't bring myself to get out of bed. I sigh again, musing over my luck. Of course, it is my luck that every single day since you left me feels exactly the same. We never really have a good, cloudy day anymore, and that makes it all the harder for me to mingle with everypony.

Ah, I sigh. It's one more blue, sunny day.


Finally, I think with exasperation, seeing my clock read 10:00 PM. I stand, and dress in my suit. After all, I reason, I don't get seen by enough ponies everyday. I might as well make an impression. And with that, I open the door, and bathe myself in the pale moonlight. The perfect time for a romantic walk, I muse, beginning my stroll into town.

Of course, it's after hours, so it's not like many ponies are out. I see a few lunar regulars, and give them my regards, but for the most part, the streets are empty. Ah well. Might as well find an easy mark, I muse, looking over the different after-hours restaurants. The Denny's seems the most lit up, although I hate going in there, but it seems the most open.

Sure enough, my waitress is a simple, lonely nopony. I smile and chat her up, never actually ordering anything. After a while, I ask if she has anything else planned for tonight. With her simple smile and soft "no," I grin, and offer to keep her company. She agrees, and thankfully, her shift ends in an hour.

I thank her for her time, and leave, wandering the streets, finding anything nice. When the hour comes, I'm back at the Denny's, picking my new date up. We head to my home, just out of town limits, and we share a few drinks. Of course, I can't drink, so she does it for me.

It's only after she finishes her fourth glass do I make my move. "I'm terribly sorry about this," I say, shifting so the table isn't between us.

"About what?" She asks, wobbling slightly.

I lean in, as if to kiss her neck... and I take a bite. Being a Vampony sucks. Literally. She doesn't scream loudly, or for very long, but we're far enough from town that it wouldn't matter. Slowly, she goes limp, and I really do take pity on the mare. She deserved better, but hey, I do need to eat sometimes.

But, halfway through, I realize I'm thinking about her. The one I had before... before she passed away. It takes me a few more minutes to realize it, but I'm fantasizing that this poor mare was her. Disgusted, my blood freezes, and I lay the body on the table. I guess this date is over.


It's only several hours later, and I'm the only one awake. Dawn's on it's way, but I could care less. All that's left of the early nightlife is me and my mistake, with nopony to console me. I look up to the sky, and now I can watch as the stars begin to fade. I guess I had better head home, I think, before turning and continuing my walk home. I know every step, and every obstacle on my way, so I can watch the cloudless sky fade from black to gray.

It looks like it'll be another blue, sunny day, I muse. I reach my garden gate, and then stop, thinking about all of my previous attempts of bravery. Sometimes, I tempt disaster by this very gate, seeing how long I can stand here, watching the sun slowly rise. I keep going, and put a hoof on my door, pausing, trying not to think of what I'm mustering the courage to wait for.

Of course, I give in, like all the other days, and push my way in, escaping the early sun's rays. I sit there, my door shielding me from the sunlight. That's when I do the unexpected. I take a deep breath, as if I'm made of sterner stuff, I push the door open, and I step out.

Dawn breaks, and I can see the sun peeking over the treetops. For just a moment, I can see the blue sky, in all it's glory full daytime depth. "Like a diamond in the sky." I whisper to myself, before I close my eyes. I would be looking around for the pitiful few moments I have left, but I can't, because the world is just too bright and beautiful. Just like the perfect dreamscape, the world is getting ready for another perfect day.

In fact, it's unlike anything I ever remembered. It's so beautiful, that, even to my surprise, I begin to cry. I fall apart, weeping tears of sorrow, pity for a wretched creature like myself, and then I'm literally falling apart, the sunlight turning me to ashes, and the breeze blows me away.

And just as I expected, it's another blue, sunny day.

Author's Note:

Another short sweet one, but this is one I've been wanting to do for a long time, as it's based on one of my favorite songs, again by JoCo.

Hope you all enjoy.