• Published 1st Jul 2013
  • 680 Views, 6 Comments

Thing a Day - Rennoc215

A compilation of one shot stories, each written in one day, with a wide variety of themes and characters.

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Thing a day: Balance

My name is Mirror. Currently, I'm inprisoned in the canterlot dungeon, so I guess it can't hurt to spend a little time telling you about myself. I grew up like anypony else, a simple small town colt, friends, family, and life was good. However, it was only when I went to a prison as a young colt did I learn of what evil was.

It was complete culture shock, but the end result was far from what they wanted it to be. I watched as all the evil ponies were locked up, put within their own pathetic refuge of cinderblock and steel. I was curious, as most "Evils" they had done were simple things: thievery, harassment, tax evasion.

They were ordinary ponies, just with a different desire to live their lives. They liked dancing with danger, their minds couldn't accept the "perfection" of society. So, they broke the rules, to see how far they could go. While the original intent was to scare us into not wanting to be within those walls, all it told me was of how imbalanced things are.

Of course, it didn't hurt that my inmate for the day was a changeling. He didn't even put up a disguise, he walked around with all those holes in him. I asked him what he was in for, and this is what he told me: "Impersonation, Theft, and for being a changeling." He didn't try to build it up, because those were the facts, and nothing was going to change that.

I spent most of the time seated with him in the prisoner's public area. He was like a living threat repellant, because nopony wanted to mess with the scarred changeling. After a while of the silence, a single stallion, the largest in the area, walked up to us. He ignored my fellow, and directly adressed me. "You've got some mighty balls to be sitting with a changeling." He said. And his challenge didn't go unheard. Slowly, a number of other inmates gathered about, interested to see what exactly was going on.

But I smiled, knowing this game of prison life, trying to one up each other. I wasn't going to play. "What about him makes me have such bravery?" I asked, smiling. "Is it because he is evil? Look around. Everypony not dressed as a cop has a tiny taint of evil. Otherwise, they wouldn't be here, would they?"

I asked, standing up. I barely stood half the height of the massive inmate, and I could feel my insectoid companion's eyes on the back of my neck. "And even if he is evil, that doesn't mean he can't be good." I stated, defiantly. The air was changing, and the crowd was growing steadily larger.

"But he's a changeling!" The stallion accused, pointing a hoof over my shoulder. "A filthy theif! He probably stole some young couple's love, and then he left them, cold and unfeeling."

My new friend stood beside me, and I can still remember his hissing voice. "And you, Mason, killed your own daughter." That's all he had to say, and the huge stallion seemed that much smaller.

"But-but-but..." He stammered.

I turned my head away, disgusted. "A killer? Calling a theif evil?" That's when I made the riskiest move yet. In full view of the now large crowd, I threw my hoof over the shoulder of my new fellow, which drew far more than my fair share of gasps, and caused the changeling's eyes to grow wide in suprise. "Besides, one who steals to live has more honor than a foal killer."

The stallion, completely broken, tried to pull on the crowd for support. "Who does this foal think he is?" He asked, turning to some of his fellows for support. "He must think he's freaking Faust, pulling moves like that. A changeling has more honor than any pony? Hah!" he called, still trying to rally the crowd to his side.

But they just shook their heads. They saw my logic, and sighed. "Just crawl back to your hole, Mason." My changeling companion stated, voice flat.

"Shut up, Buzz breath!" He shouted, lunging for the two of us. That's when he was grabbed by the crowd. "Let me at them, the arrogant fetchers! I'll tear them apart!" I looked up at the second floor walkway, which ringed the room, and I saw the other prison day partner groups, watching me warily. I continued scanning that area, and I saw the officers watching me with cold eyes.

When he couldn't get to us, Mason finally cracked, and broke down in tears, his mind completely shattered. His crying form was slowly led away, and when he was safely away from the area, the room erupted in cheers. That's when my partner patted my back. "Kid, that was something." He whispered in my ear. "Mason's been pushing everypony around for some time now, but I don't think he'll be a problem anymore."

That's when I smiled up at him, and saw a look of respect in his cold green eyes. "I'm not done yet. We I never even got to learn your name, or your story, but I already know you're one of the good guys." He looked shocked by this, and he nodded.

"I am Shimmering Reflection. And you, are Mirror Sheen, correct?" He asked, and I nodded. "The guards told me I was going to be looking after a colt today, gave me your name, and a stern warning. But what's so important about knowing my name?" he asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"It's a suprise, my friend." I said, offering my hoof for him to shake, which he took hesitantly.

"Friend?" he asked. "I've never had a... friend who knew me for me before." He slowly said, slightly stunned. "He was right. You really do have guts, kid."

But that was the end of my day, as the sun was setting, and I had to leave with the setting sun. However, when I was leaving, I stopped into the warden's office. "Officer?" I asked, slowly pushing the door open. "I have a question for you." I said, as he put down his paper and scrutinized me.

"Ah, you're the colt who made such a commotion in the courtyard today, aren't you? Very well, what is it you wanted to know?" He asked, lightly interested.

"How much is Shimmering Reflection's bail?" I asked, and he spit the small amount of coffee he had sipped out.

"The changeling?" he asked, incredulously. I nodded, slowly, so he knew I was serious. "He doesn't have one." The officer said, eyeing me suspiciously.

At this, I was interested. "So, he could just leave?" I asked, and the officer chuckled.

"Of course not. He's a changeling, so he doesn't get a bail. We just let them rot away in there, and then we get rid of them when they die." He replied coldly.

I paused, and then nodded. "I understand." I said, recognizing the unfairness. I left with a steel heart, but a resolution in mind. I will free him, I decided that day. And then I will work to restore balance.

For some time, I studied lockmaking. While the locksmith thought I was interested in home defense, I had a much more sinister plan in play. I was going to learn locks, so I could pick them. I also took up tailoring, helping out in the school play and other local things, to increase my outfit making skill. It took a long time, but before I realized it, I had all my tools ready.

It was time to free a dead stallion.

I went in during visiting hours, during the winter, so I could bring a cape. I was just a kid, what was I going to do? They thought. So, I was allowed in, and a number of the inmates vaguely recognized me. One of them was so kind as to point me to Shimmering's cell, and when I got there, my heart almost imploded. Behind the steel door was a spindly, flaking changeling, who's holes had grown so large, some of his limbs looked desperately close to falling off. Taped to the door was a note which read "Solitary for life, a new policy change."

I sighed, and studied the lock. It was a simple lock, and took no time to unlock. I quickly darted inside, and the changeling weakly cracked one eye open. The once vibrant green was now a dull moss color, and he coughed. "Hey kid, how are you?" He asked weakly, and then his eyes shot open, and he quickly looked at me. "Kid!" he nearly shouted, almost falling off his cot. "What are you doing here?" He asked, and I laughed.

"Getting your sorry hide out of here." I said, with a smile.

"But I'm too weak to flee..." he said, looking to the barred window.

I smiled, and leaned up to his ear. "It's a good thing a banquet is here to help you recover, but you've got to do it quick." I said, flashing him a smile.

He smiled back, and leaned in. I didn't feel him bite my neck, but I became vaguely aware of this as I felt some blood slide down my neck. "Dang, kid. You really do love me, don't you?" he asked, as he wiped his mouth. "You just let a potentially evil stranger use you."

I smiled at him. "You're no stranger. You're my friend." I said as I watched his body quickly heal itself. Then fortune smiled at us. A guard came into the room, and almost shouted, when I knocked him over the head, quite comically, with a frying pan that I had hidden under my jacket. "Just the right oportunity." I said, producing the guard uniform I had brought with me. "Get dressed and become the guard." I said, taking the guards key and unbinding the magical inhibitor on Shimmering.

He nodded, and quickly disguised himself. I ran him through my plan, and then we left the room. He went out first, and pulled me out, locking the door. We rushed to the door, and he told them that the crazy changeling bit me, and he was rushing me to the hospital. They acknowledged, and stepped aside, allowing us to walk out the front door.

When we were out of sight of the prison, he took the uniform off, and smiled at me. "Kid, you're a miracle worker." He said, giving me a hug. "And I owe you one." He said with a smile.

"Now, you might be wondering why this is important, inquisitor," I said to the pale, red eyed stallion before me. "It's because I'm not afraid to die for treason. I spoke my mind, it was against the crown, but it had to be said. And, i've already freed one good villain, so if I die for my beliefs, so be it."

The inquisitor gave me his weak smile, and nodded. "I see." he said, with a light air of superiority. "Well, it's a good thing. See, I was sent here to 'fix' your mind, and now I know exactly what I need to do." he finished, charging his horn. But just as his spell was almost ready, the door to the room flew open, and a solar guard came in, distracting the inquisitor. "What?" he asked, angrily. "I was told we would be uninterrupted."

"Sorry to interrupt then, but Princess Celestia would like to speak with Mirror here before the mind wiping. She, and I quote, wants to meet such a peaceful radical." He said, and the inquisitor stood abruptly.

"I was not informed of this." He said, eyeing the guard suspiciously.

"It's a recent development. We can step outside and discuss it if you like." the guard said, motioning to the open door.

The inquisitor turned to me and smirked. "I'll be back." he said, stepping out the door. But just as he was stepping through the frame, the guard produced a frying pan, and knocked the inquisitor out cold. And all I could do was laugh.

"Here," the guard said, taking off his armor. "Put this on." he said, turning back to his chitinous form once disrobed. Then, he turned into the white coated inquisitor, and robed up. The two of us left quickly, and were uninterrupted. After all, if an inquisitor is going somewhere, it's usually important.

When we were out of canterlot proper, we turned to each other and I bowed. "A debt for a debt." He said, with a smile. "Besides, I couldn't let a friend wither away like some kind of caged insect, could I?" he asked, and we laughed.

The air outside was sweet, but sweeter in the company of friends.

Author's Note:

Got this one while looking at a piece of pottery, where half of it was black, and half was white, and I thought about the idea of balance, and how it seems so out of whack in equestria.

Hope you all enjoy.