• Published 1st Jul 2013
  • 680 Views, 6 Comments

Thing a Day - Rennoc215

A compilation of one shot stories, each written in one day, with a wide variety of themes and characters.

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Secure, Contain, Protect

Thing a day: Secure, Contain, Protect

SCP file: SCP-215

Aliases: "The Visitor", "The Foreigner", "The Human", and "Conner".

Classification: Safe

Containment Procedure: SCP-215 is to be provided comfortable living quarters, scaled to his dimensions, and three meals a day, designed for an omnivore of his size. A single unarmed guard is to be posted outside his cell door, to prevent possible containment breach, and continuous monitoring is required, to be sure he makes no escape.

Current assigned staff: Doctor Twilight Sparkle, PHD Magical phenomena.

Doctor Applejack, Nutrition

Psychologist Pinkamena Diane Pie

Psychologist Fluttershy

Psychologist Rarity

Guard Rainbow Dash

Description: SCP-215 is a male bipedal mammal, bald across nearly the entire body, save for a bushel of curling brown hair at the top of head. He stands at approximately 2 meters, and is jut at 125lbs. Obviously Sapient, but remains silent, either by volition or physical problems. He has been cooperative enough to be deemed safe, and has been given comfortable living quarters as per his request. Willing to participate in tests and evaluations, but actively avoids and/or escapes from situations that could cause physical harm. SCP-215 has made no attempts at verbal communication, but obviously understands Equine language. Doctors are allowed to attempt conversation, yet are discouraged. Although omnivorous, SCP-215 seems peaceful, compliant, and non-aggressive to staff, thus classified as safe.

Incident 215-1: Discovery that SCP-215 is in fact an omnivore and not a vegetarian made. Nutritionist Applejack assigned to balance SCP-215's diet.

Incident 215-2: SCP went through a stage of grief [DATA EXPUNGED] weeks into captivity. Immense emotional shifts overtook SCP-215, and testing was paused to allow for emotional and mental recovery. Three psychologists have been assigned to the project in order to study SCP-215's emotional, mental, and psychological capabilities.


"Good afternoon, SCP-215." Doctor Sparkle said, looking into my eyes, hoping for a reaction. I wasn't in the mood, so I simply sat there, and waited for her to continue. "I've just been cleared to begin interviewing you, so I can finally sit down and just ask you questions. I want this to go as smoothly as possible, so I'm asking for your cooperation. Can we have that?" She asked, and I nodded my head. I can cooperate, but only if I feel like it, I thought with a smirk.

She smiled, and clapped her hooves together. "Good. Then, first question: Are you an extraterrestrial?" I paused for a moment, and then nodded. She spent a few moments writing something down, and I peered over to see she had written "Extraterrestrial. Understands higher concepts." She laughed, and gently pushed me away from the notes. "Oh, those won't interest you," She said, as if she were talking to a kid. "They're just for the higher-ups who want this kind of information."

"Second question," She said, clicking her pen. I was still fascinated with her ability to move objects telekinetically, but she wasn't a prisoner, like me, so it must be commonplace enough here. "How did you get to Equus?" I shrugged, to show I was as clueless as her, and she sighed. Another few moments writing, and then she put the pad down again. "Third question: We know you can understand speech, but can you actually speak?" She asked.

I sat rigid, unmoving for a few moments. She waited patiently, before I motioned for her to move on to the next question. She let out an aggravated sigh. "Answer the question." She demanded. I replied with a firm shake of the head no, and waited. It became a waiting game, and we sat there in silence. We both looked into the others deep eyes, and waited for the other to break first. That's when I faintly heard it. She was wearing an earpiece, and another pony was speaking in her ear.

By the sounds of it, I speculated it was Psychologist Fluttershy, because she always kept her voice low and calming. "Just move on, Twilight." She was told. "If he won't reply now, trying to force him to will only make him uncooperative." At that I smirked, but only slightly. After another five minutes of staring in silence, Doctor Sparkle relented, and sighed, looking away.

"Very well," She said, turning back to me and writing some more in her pad. "Last question: Why did you lie at the beginning?" I almost broke out laughing at that one, but instead only nodded. I motioned for her to give me a piece of paper, which she did, and I wrote my reply. "It wasn't a lie at the time." she read as I handed the sheet back to her. She sighed. "Figures. Well, 215, that concludes today's testing. I hear that the others are going to be coming in at some point or another today. Can you tell me you'll be cooperative for them today?" She asked, and I nodded.


Doctor Applejack's visit was boring as usual, but at least she brings me coffee. No changes in my diet, but I did ask her if I could have more coffee from time to time. She told me she'd try and I thanked her. Psychologist Pinkamena was absolutely insane, as always. She likes defying the laws of physics, and disregards limits. Today, her shenanigans were a little more tame than usual, but she still only tried to get me to laugh. Hah, like that would happen, I thought, pondering her visit as Pinkamena walked out the door.

Usually, they give me a break between psychologists, but not today, apparently. As soon as Pinkamena's pink flank was out the door, Psychologist Fluttershy was striding in. I sighed, and sat down in the reclining chair they had provided me. "Good afternoon, 215," She said softly, and I waved hello from my reclined position. "I hope the others haven't been too hard on you today." I shook my head no, and she sat down opposite me.

"Anything you'd like to tell me?" She asked, and I again shook my head no. She sighed, and nodded. "I figured as much." She stood to go, and I grabbed her hoof. I didn't grab too hard, be she still squeaked in fear. She looked me in the eye for a few seconds, but that was all I needed to get her to understand what I sent with my eyes. We stood there, locked gazes, for a second, and then the door hissed open, and the guard came in. I let go of Fluttershy, and smiled softly. The guard lept my way, but Fluttershy spoke up. "It's alright, Rainbow Dash. I'm fine. He just wanted to tell me something." Rainbow pulled back, but watched me suspiciously.

After Fluttershy left, once again, I was given no rest before the next psychologist came in. "Hellooo darling." She said, stressing the o far too much. I waved greeting again, and turned to look at her. She was as she always was, dressed in her lab coat. However, there was a slight bulge in the back. Curious, I stood up, and pointed to the growth. "I brought you a gift." She said, and I grinned. She pulled it out, with her own telekinetic aura, and it was a wrapped parcel.

Of course, Psychologist Rarity had given me gifts before. She said it was indecent to leave me naked all the time, and was the one responsible for my nice set of clothes. They were blue, not really my color, but they were gifts all the same. And like she had said, it was better than being naked. She was quite the seamstress, and often brought by things for me to observe and complement. She passed me the parcel, and with eager eyes, said "Open it." So I tore through the wrapping, Which was odd, I thought. She doesn't usually wrap her gifts for me.

I finished peeling the paper away, and I looked into the soft parcel. And what I saw broke my heart. It was my jacket. As in, mine, from before I was here. The corduroy was just right, the measurements were perfect, even the faded patches were there. There were the enormous pockets, and my personal mark, to identify it as mine. I pulled it out of the container, my face stone cold and expressionless as I turned it about, before putting it on.

She was about to say something about it, but before she could, I broke down. This was my most precious possession. Everywhere I went, so did it. But when I was brought here, my jacket was left behind. I cried then, feeling the reassurance that the coat used to bring me, and I fell to my hands and knees, weeping tears of joy and grief, loss and gain.

She took a step closer to me, as if she were going to try and break me from this sudden emotional explosion, but I pulled her into a hug, and I wept into her shoulder. "Thank you," I whispered, and her eyes grew enormously large. "Thank you thank you thank you," I cried, whispering it into her mane, holding her close, but not restraining her. The door opened again, but I didn't care. This was the mare who gave me my identity back. I watched from my periphery and saw Rainbow approaching, when Psychologist Rarity motioned her to back up.

"Your very welcome, Dear," She said, flashing me a soft smile.


That night, I slept with the jacket on. I hadn't done that in a long time, and it felt good. But as I was drifting off to sleep, I heard the door open, and I watched through a cracked eye as two large stallions approached me. "There it is," one said. "You restrain him, I'll confiscate the item." He continued, and I frowned into my pillow. Fat chance, I thought.

The second approached me, and slowly positioned himself so that he was 'pinning me down.' Then the other came up and began to take the jacket off. That's when I kneed the stallion above me in the gut, causing him to groan in pain and collapse. The second one gasped, and turned to run, but I grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and threw him against the wall beside my bed. I readjusted the jacket, and waited for either of them to come to their wits. Conveniently, they both did at the same time, and regarded me with surprise with a tinge of fear. I pointed to the door, and pushed them towards it. Without hesitation, they both left quickly, and I sat upright on my bed.

Nobody messes with the jacket.


Doctor Applejack was the first to come in, which was unusual, since the order usually placed Sparkle before her. I waited, and noticed she didn't have a cup of coffee with her either. I waited, and refused to eat the food. It even looked like it was drugged. I waited until Doctor Sparkle came in and that's when I finally said something. "Good morning, SCP-215."

I smirked, and replied "Good morning, Doctor Sparkle." I replied, and she froze, stunned that I could speak at all. "I wanted to ask you a few questions today, doctor. I hope things can go smoothly, so this can be as painless as possible."

"Now wait just a minute," she said sternly. "I'm the one doing the interview here, not you!"

"Good, now then, onto our first question: Why did those two stallions enter my room last night and try to take this" I said, flaring my jacket, "last night."

"No, the first question is for you to answer," she said, but I cut her off.

"Answer the question, Twilight." I told her. That shut her up. "Yes, Twilight, I know your name. Now, answer my questions, and I might be willing to answer yours."

She sat stunned for a few minutes, before answering on autopilot. "You aren't cleared to have the item." She replied, eyes almost glassed over.

"Then clear it. I won't cooperate any further if the jacket is removed. Second question: By bringing me an uncleared item, what will happen to Psychologist Rarity?"

"Reassignment or termination, depending on the item. In this case, reassignment."

"Make sure she stays, or I will become uncooperative. Do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal," she replied, her eyes gaining some focus to them again.

"Good." I finished, leaning back into my seat. Maybe I can enjoy living here now, I thought. Who knows? It's a brand new day.

Author's Note:

I thought of what a human would be to an equestrian SCP foundation, which has a great fandom.

Hope you all enjoy.

Comments ( 4 )

Turns out, I'm going camping for a week with my grandparents. Who knew?

Ah well. If I can't post during the week, I guess I'll finish up the last three stories when I get back.

Sorry about the delay.

I've only read the SCP chapter so far, but this is somewhat excellent writing, I might read some of the rest of this story later on.


Thanks! I'm always glad to hear another person compliment my writing, and I encourage you to read the rest. Of course, each story travels on a separate storyline, so they might seem disjointed. The sad thing was that I had expected to tie them all together in a final chapter, but I never got around to writing it. Maybe I should do that someday...

Dude's a tough bastard. I like him.

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