• Published 15th Jun 2013
  • 1,838 Views, 9 Comments

How My Best Friend Forever's Parents Became My Parents Too! - trahzo

It's the B-days of Twilight Sparkle's parents but sadly she can't make it, so instead spending both days with their purple kid, they spend it with another purple kid, only this one was a dragon!

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Ch.1: The Family Arrives! Except Twilight Sparkle.

It was boring in the home of Twilight's Parent's home, since both of their children mod out of Canterlot. Twilight Sparkle being the Princess of friendship's magical bond & Shining Armor being the Crystal Prince of the Crystal Empire, yeah, these 2 were bored, but the boredom left them after they remembered that their birthdays were coming soon! Nacht Licht's on Friday & Twilight Velvet's on Saturday! Yep, the 2 best days of the week to throw a party! Then a knocking came to the front door! Twilight Velvet opened the door revealing a Pegasus mare with a gray coat & blonde mane, no wait, did I mention she had wall eyes? I didn't? Oh, well she had wall eyes as well & she had a letter for the both of them. After Velvet took the letter then the Pegasus flew off but then crashed onto their next door neighbor's window! So Nacht & Velvet read the letter & it read:

Dear Mom & Dad:

Sorry, but I can't make it to either of your birthdays this week. Princess Celestia requests that me & my friends go to Japony & talk about a truce between our lands. We also have to fight the evil demon lord that's terrorizing them. That ought to make those Japonese ponies know we like them, so they should like us! Don't worry, I arranged to let Spike stay with you two until I get back. he did say he wanted to visit you guys more often & the both of you have been sending many letters about having another kid, so I decided to solve both your problems & Spike's. Hope Spike's presence at your home will be an excellent present from me to you two. I really miss you guys.


Your loving daughter:

Princess Twilight Sparkle
P.S. Love you!

Then they heard a knock at the door.

"I'll get it honey!" Said Nacht

They thought it was Spike, but instead...

"Mom, dad! happy birthdays!" Said Shining Armor excitedly!

"Happy Birthdays Mother & Father-in-laws!" Said Princess Cadence

"Oh, hello you two." Nacht replied

So the 4 of them talked for a few hours until another knocking came to the door.

"I'll get it, must be Spike." Said Velvet.

"Spike's coming to visit? Such a sweet boy." Cadence said with a smile, remembering how much of a sweetheart Spike was when she was babysitting him.

"AW yeah Spike's a true bro! Actually, he's the only closest thing I had to a brother." Shining Armor remembered the things his teenage self told Spike about girls & all the things he taught on how to be a bro! Yeah, Spike was more social than Twilight Sparkle, so Spike knew about half the celebrities who lived in Canterlot!

Meanwhile on the other side of the door Spike was nervously looking at the front door, he's never spent any time with Twilight Sparkle's family since him & Twilight moved to Ponyville which was 2 years ago. The boy never even hanged out with Shining Armor during the episode: "A Canterlot Wedding Part 1". He was breathing heavily, scared of what to do, his head was sweating, wondering if there was time to catch the next train, but his plans failed as the door opened.

"Hello Spike." said Velvet lovingly.

Spike stared at her, he couldn't say anything, there was an awkward silence, but was broken when Velvet said...

"Welcome Home!"

Spike nearly squeaked like SpongeBob, he was happy to actually hear somepony say "welcome home!" No matter how much love Twilight had for Spike she always forgets to say that simple 2 word sentence whenever Spike returns from assisting others in Ponyville. Spike entered the house carrying 2 suitcases packed with party supplies from Pinkie Pie.


"Remember Spike, the blue suitcase with black zigzags is for Velvet & the yellow suitcase with gray polka-dots is for Nacht! Don't open them till it's party time or I'll rip your eyes out when your sleeping!" Pinkie Pie threatened, then hopped away laughing!

Spike stood there for 5 minutes, he would've stayed longer but the clock indicated that if he didn't leave now, then he'd miss his train.

*Flash Gordon, whoops I mean flashback end*

"I'm...home!" Spike felt a tear roll down his cheek! He threw his arms open, not knowing who to hug 1st! Nacht? Cadence? Velvet? Shining? Oh, he didn't know, he just couldn't choose, so he just hugged the nearest pony, which was none other than Shining Armor.

"I missed all of you!' Spike said.

"Aww, us too little one!" Cadence said.

All of them then hugged Spike. Luna's moon was very peaceful outside, shining down on the big happy family's home!

End of Ch.1