• Published 17th Jun 2013
  • 3,082 Views, 127 Comments

With Great Power - SuperPinkBrony12

Shining Armor, Twilight, and Trixie are all related to each other through Star Swirl the Bearded. Let the headaches begin.

  • ...

Urgent Memo

Wasting no time letters were sent out to each of the three descendants. A few more guards decided to do more database searchs to check and make sure that there weren't any more descendants that they had missed.

Meanwhile in the town of Ponyville Princess Twilight and her friends were enjoying the fine spring weather. In fact they liked it so much they decided to host another picnic. This time they were hoping that something wouldn't come along to ruin it.

"Seriously girls I can't thank you enough for sticking by me." Twilight said "I never thought being a Princess could be so challenging."

"Well if anyone's cut out for the job it's certainly you." Applejack said.

"Not to mention our reputations are improving big time now that everyone knows we're friends with Equestria's newest Princess." Rainbow Dash said "It wouldn't surprise me if The Wonderbolts started asking for my autograph."

"Speak for yourself Rainbow Dash." Rarity said "Ever since the coronation I've been swamped with order after order."

"I thought you wanted more attention Rarity." Twilight said.

"I do but it's come with a price." Rarity said "I am glad that the orders are slowing down a little bit though."

"Business at Sugarcube Corner has been booming lately" Pinkie Pie said "The Cakes and I can barely keep up with all the orders. We might have to open another Sugarcube Corner soon."

"Another Sugarcube Corner?" Fluttershy asked "But who would run it?"

"Me of course." Pinkie Pie said "Though I'd probably need at least two other ponies to go into business with me."

"I've been thinking the same thing Pinkie." Applejack said "Big Macintosh and I have been getting a lot of customers at our apple stand and it's getting harder for the two of us to run it."

"What about you Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash asked "Has Twilight's coronation helped you out at all?"

"Well not really." Fluttershy said "Not that I really mind. For right now though I've got bigger things to worry about. It's mating season and a lot of my animals have been very busy, if you know what I mean."

"I see." Twilight said "Well I'm just glad that our friendship hasn't changed now that I'm a Princess and all."

"That's because on the inside you're still the same old loveable egghead that we all know." Rainbow Dash said.

"Indeed I am." Twilight said "By the way I was thinking of making you all my royal advisors, but I wanted to get your approvel first."

"Are you kidding? We'd all love to help you out!" Applejack said "You didn't even need to ask."

"Glad to hear that." Twilight said "I'll bring it up the next time I'm in Canterlot for royal business."

Just then Spike came racing towards the blanket, panting fiercely.

"Talk about Deja Vu." Twilight thought to herself.

"I just got this important scroll from the Princesses." Spike said "You should probably read it right away."

Twilight did so and what she read shocked her. "We're related to her?" she said outloud.

"What is it?" Applejack asked.

"Is something wrong?" Rarity asked.

"Well no but" Twilight said.

"But what?" her friends asked.

"You're not gonna believe this but apparently Shining Armor and I are related to Star Swirl the Bearded." Twilight said "As is turns out he had two daughters named Spectrum and Star Song and according to a database search my mother happens to be connected to them."

"Well I suppose that explains why you have such a knack for learning new spells." Rarity said "But I don't see why this is so shocking."

"This scroll also says that Trixie is a descendant of Star Swirl as well. She's connected through her father who was the greatest magician of his time." Twilight explained.

All of her friends and Spike traded shocked looks.

"Yeah I know." Twilight said "And apparently her grandfather and my grandfather are related, so that means my biggest rival just happens to also be one of my cousins that I've only now found out about."

"You're joking right?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I wish I was but I'm not." Twilight said "Don't believe me? Take a look for yourself."

Rainbow Dash did so, the message was legit. "So then what are you going to do now?" she asked.

"Well first I'm going to send a reply confirming that I got the message." Twilight said "Then I'm going to write to Princess Celestia and ask her what she wants me to do. I can only assume that Shining Armor and Trixie have already gotten their messages as well."

"You're so lucky Twilight." Rarity said "First you became Celestia's student, then you became the sister in law of one of the Princesses of Equestria, then you became a Princess yourself, and now you're a descendant of Star Swirl the Bearded. I wish I was related to him."

"Why would you wish for that Rarity?" Applejack asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" Rarity said "A title like that would drum up business for my boutique in no time."

"Careful what you wish for Rarity cause you might just get it." Pinkie Pie said.

"Okay the letter is ready." Twilight said "Spike send it and the reply to Princess Celestia."

"Right." Spike said, he tried to torch the scroll with his flame breath but all he got for his effort was a cloud of smoke. "Sorry." he apologized "Just need a second to catch my breath." After waiting for a little bit he tried again and this time he managed to produce his signature green flame.

A few seconds later he belched out a reply. "That was fast." Twilight said. She wasted no time in unfolding the scroll and reading it.

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

For the time being I simply want you to come to Canterlot. Shining Armor and Trixie have already replied saying that they'll be here. Once you all meet you can decide what your next course of action will be.

Your former teacher,

Princess Celestia

P.S. The database search is still ongoing but we've learned there's at least one more relative present. It's Rarity and as it turns out Trixie's father was her mother's uncle, both of which are the side of the family related to Star Swirl the Bearded

As soon as Rarity heard the news she became light headed and began to spin around, she barely managed to bring her fainting couch (which she'd just gotten back from the cleaners) over to her and collapse on before she fainted.

"Well this is just great." Rainbow Dash said sarcastically.