• Published 17th Jun 2013
  • 3,082 Views, 127 Comments

With Great Power - SuperPinkBrony12

Shining Armor, Twilight, and Trixie are all related to each other through Star Swirl the Bearded. Let the headaches begin.

  • ...

Meanwhile, back in Ponyville

Applejack woke up the next morning to find that nothing had changed. Much to her relief. She headed downstairs and joined her family for breakfast. Apple Bloom did mention how shocked Sweetie Belle had been to hear the news. She also mentioned that Sweetie Belle had told her about how Rarity's parents were proud of her, even if Rarity was a little cross with them for not telling her she was related to Trixie. But other then that breakfast passed uneventfully.

Before heading out to the fields to start working Applejack checked the mailbox and was surprised to find a letter inside. Usually the only thing that came through it were bills but Applejack knew it wasn't that time of the month yet.

She opened the envelope. It it was a casual letter from Twilight.

Hey Applejack

Through a series of intresting events Shining Armor has convinced Spike and I to stay in Canterlot with him and Trixie for the next week and a half. Yeah, I'm not really looking forward to it but who knows maybe Trixie will surprise me?

Anyway I just though I'd check in and see how things are going in Ponyville.

Please pass this letter on to the rest of our friends and tell them I'm thinking about them. Also make sure that anyone who wishes to contact me does so at 1600 Star Swirl Avenue in Canterlot.



Applejack simply shook her head. She knew Trixie wasn't a bad pony but after everything Trixie had done to her she sure as heck didn't just forgive and forget. But she couldn't focus on that, Twilight had asked her for a favor and Applejack never let a friend down.

After finishing her chores for the day Applejack called Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity over to Sweet Apple Acres where she promptly showed them the letter.

"Figures that Trixie would cause trouble." Rainbow Dash said.

"Let's not talk about her okay?" Rarity asked "It's bad enough that I'm related to her, I don't want to be reminded of the fact."

"Okay." Rainbow Dash, slightly disturbed by the hint of annoyance in Rarity's voice.

"So um what's it like being related to Star Swirl the Bearded Rarity?" Fluttershy asked.

"It's simply, The, Best, Possible, Thing." Rarity said "You would not believe how many ponies have come flocking to Carousel Boutique now that they know who I am. In fact Filthy Rich himself showed up and offered to promote my business."

"Sounds intresting I guess." Rainbow Dash said.

"So can we go and visit Twilight while she's in Canterlot? Can we, can we, huh huh, can we, can we?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"If she's in staying in Canterlot then she must have a good reason." Rarity said "And whatever it is we should respect it. I'm sure if it wasn't important she would've come back to Ponyville."

"Ah, but we are at least going to send her a reply right?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Yep." Applejack said "But before I do I thought I'd ask if there's anything exciting going on around here. So is there?"

"Nope." Rainbow Dash said.

"No signs of trouble from The Everfree Forest." Fluttershy said.

"Haven't seen anything." Pinkie Pie said.

"Well I'm starting to get more customers then I know what to do with." Rarity said "But other then that I haven't seen or heard anything of intrest."

"Good." Applejack said "Looks like for once we're actually going to get some peace and quiet."

"I wouldn't bet on it." Pinkie Pie said, but she said it so softly that no one overheard her. She had done so on purpose, she really wanted everyone else to believe things were going well. But she'd just now started getting a strange feeling that told her things were about to take a turn for the worse, and that somehow Rarity would be at the center of it. She just didn't know when.

"Well then I'll send her a reply first thing in the morning." Applejack said "Oh and by the way make sure if you have anything you want to tell Twilight you send a letter yourselves.

"I'll keep that in mind." Rarity said.

"As will I." Pinkie Pie said.

"Me too." Rainbow Dash said.

"And me as well." Fluttershy said.

"Alright then seeing as there's nothing else let's go our seperate ways." Applejack said "At least until something comes up or until Twilight comes back."

And they did. Life soon went back to being normal for Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack but not for Rarity. Rarity was swamped with all the customers that came flocking to her and although she was trying her best to be humble she was letting some of the attention go straight to her head. Needless to say she was bummed when she served her last customer for the day.

"If this keeps up I'm gonna have to increase my business hours. I just hope I don't have to put up a 'Help Wanted' sign. Hm perhaps Fluttershy would be willing to help if it worse comes to worse" she thought to herself.

The next morning Applejack was preparing to write her reply to Twilight and tell her all was quiet on the Ponyville front. Just as she was about to do so however Rainbow Dash crash landed right in front of her. "Are you alright Rainbow Dash?!" Applejack asked "You almost gave me a heart attack."

"Sorry, about, that, Applejack." Rainbow Dash said in between pants. It was obvious she was out of breath, probably from flying all the way to Sweet Apple Acres for reasons Applejack did not yet know.

"What's wrong RD?" Applejack asked "Why are you so out of breath?"

"No time to explain!" Rainbow Dash said "Something's going on in the center of town and it doesn't look good! Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy are already there!"

"What about Rarity?!" Applejack asked.

"I didn't see her!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Then there's no time to lose!" Applejack said, making sure her trademark stentson rested firmly on her head "Lead the way Rainbow Dash!"

"With pleasure!" Rainbow Dash and she and Applejack sped off.

Author's Note:

Yes I know, a Cliff Hanger. Go ahead and tell me how evil I am.

Tune in next time to find what's going on but until then see if you can guess who's stirring up trouble.